1,871 research outputs found

    The Clock(s) of A Drawing and the Hermetic Time-Reader/Teller: Dreaming of Drawingdials and the Enigmatic Hour(s) of A Drawing

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    How do we read the time? Who tell(s) the time? Whose voice(s) do we hear? The historical trajectories of the act of ‘reading the time’ passes beyond looking at a ticking mechanical clock, thus also beyond a purely mathematical calculation and construct. It is also not a mere co-ordinational matter set between the earth and the universe, but it also includes ‘us’ as ‘the hermetic reader/teller/writer’ as an integral part of it. Sundials and astrolabes manifest the existence of this ‘hermetic time-reader’ primarily as a ‘drawing’. These time-telling drawings/instruments are in fact the result of an embodied reading of the universe, which in turn become ‘projective’ reading/divination machines that compel interpretive narratives from the ‘reader’. In order to explore the curious spatio-temporal, embodied practice of divination of a drawing through the act of drawing, and also in order to unfold ‘us’ - ‘the drawer’ as the integral ‘hermetic reader’ in the drawing, we decided to ask ourselves the possibility of ‘the clock(s) of a drawing’ and work on this question speculatively in our elective course in the fall semester 2021-2022. Our project, “The Clock(s) of a Drawing and Drawingdials” started firstly as an embodied reading of a selected drawing through variegated projective methods. In due course, the projective cast of drawing demonstrated itself not as a static construct, but as a ritualistic, ephemeral and poetic act – as drawingdials. These projective drawingdials, with the ‘hermetic drawers’ as a part of them, are constantly re-read and re-written, almost transforming themselves into enigmatic drawing-instruments. The enigmatic hours of a drawing are then crystallized within the projective and embodied languages and constructions of drawing itself

    Cost Optimization of Ime Based Transportation System

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    Of multi steps needed to maintain the quality of chrysanthemum flowers , transportation is of concern as it is related to shipping time and storage temperature during shipping. Those two factors has implications for loss of quality when performed incorrectly and further will reduces the commercial value of these products.In general, the selection of transportation vehicles is important in order to maintain chrysanthemums quality up to destination without causing significant damage. The purpose of the study is thus optimizing the cost of transporting chrysanthemum flowers. Optimization is done using the concept of time-based transportation simulation model. The results showed that changes of transport vehicles capacity and shift of the end point has very significant in influencing total cost of chrysanthemum flower delivery. Shift of the end point can be done through investment in technology, such as through the provision and maintenance of storage media during the shipping processtaking place. The model shows that the total cost of chrysanthemum flowers delivery can be minimized through increasing in capacity of transport vehicles and technology investments.Key words: delivery time, quality, chrysanthemum flower, total minimum cost Salah satu tahap yang perlu diperhatikan dalam mempertahankan mutu bunga krisan adalah saat pengangkutan, karena berkaitan dengan waktu pengiriman dan suhu ruang penyimpanan selama pengangkutan. Kedua faktor berimplikasi ke pengiriman bunga krisan. Pergeseran titik akhir dapat dilakukan melalui investasi teknologi, yaitu melalui pengadaan dan perawatan media penyimpan selama prosespengiriman berlangsung. Model menunjukkan bahwa biaya total pengiriman bunga krisan dapat diminimumkan melalui kenaikan kapasitas kendaraan angkut dan investasiteknologi

    Pengaruh Pemberian Limbah Air Cucian Beras Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kangkung Darat(ipomoea Reptanspoir)

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    Kale land (Ipomea reptans Poir) is one of the horticultural crops are highly favored by the people of Indonesia because it is tasteful. Kale land are containing 31 cal, 1.0 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 7.3 g carbohydrates, 29 mg calcium, 470 mg of vitamin A, vitamin B1 0:05 mg, 90.9% water. Rice water has many benefits to plants, easily obtained by farmers and environmentally friendly has a low price that can be afforded by farmers, sewage washing rice water is a waste product that comes from a production process both industrial and domestic (household) that has no value more economical. This study is based on a randomized block design by treatment with waste rice water which consists of four levels ie: P0 = without giving rice water, P1 = 0.5 liters of water washing rice, P2 = 1 liter of water washing rice, P3 = 1.5 liter rice water. The experiments were performed on three groups so that there are 12 experimental unit. Variable of this experiment are plant height, leaf number, leaf length, plant fresh weight, weight / plot plants and plant dry weight. Giving the best rice water can improve plant growth kale is a concentration of 1.5 liter rice water which is evident from the high weight of fresh plants, 1:00 g, and fresh weight / plot is 7.83 cm and plant dry weight was 0.83 g

    A Dinner Story: A feast on tableness and visceral hands

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    This story has emerged as an outcome of a hybrid workshop entitled “A Feast on Tableness and Visceral Hands”, conducted both online and face-to-face in a physical environment as a response to the Covid-19 precautions, between August 16th-27th, 2021 with fourteen participants. Rather than splitting the group into two distinct groups, we aimed to create a hybrid collaboration between the two seemingly separate realms through several projective montage techniques, with the hope to set a critical drawing practice in architecture. The workshop invited the participants to venture into a dream of consecutive feasts and its tables, exploring ‘a spatial viscerality’ through variegated experiments on obscure relations between eating, speaking and drawing. Commencing with challenging the dilemma between eating and speaking, which reflects the traditional opposition between the bodily realm of food and the intellectual realm of the ‘word’, the workshop critically suggested exploring the liberating modes of macaronic speaking: speaking while eating, misreading texts and transcribing the visceral sound of the mouth. As Manuela Antoniu (2017) draws our attention, that although macaronic languages - or more specifically macaronic Latin is closely related with kitchen Latin, ars macaronica could be interpreted as another quest for a “non-Latin Latin” (p.38). She (2017) writes, “exploiting the etymological proximity between Latin and Italian, macaronic Latin poured the former into the mold of the latter while also using words common to both languages, yet perverting them semantically, to comic effect.” (p.39) Thus, this “macaronic inventiveness”, plays with the fixed-form of a language and transforms it into a playful, unconfined narrative that encourages several delays in understanding the text. This ‘delayful’ act dissolves simultaneously authorial boundaries and opens a variety of interpretive acts of mis-reading and mis-writing. The feasts as gatherings became the spatiotemporal set for these inventive acts. As Jeanneret (1991) points out, “The symposiac ideal reconciles the angel and the beast in the human, and it renews the interdependence between the mouth that eats and the mouth that speaks.” (p.2) Extending the macaronic actions into the realm of architectural drawing, we open a playful exchange between the material and the immaterial through hands-on speculations on the viscerality of drawings, hands, tables and table talks. With these intentions, foods, mouths, texts, drawings, tablecloths, fridges, hands and bellies are blended together. Thus, as we proceed with each feast, all these aforementioned ingredients appear in the hybrid workshop-studio sometimes as sites, sometimes as tools and sometimes as materials to bear visceral explorations of the macaronic speaking with regard to architectural drawing. The question of visceral hands is posed in an allegorical skillset in ambition to challenge our modes of making and drawing in architectural design practice. Acquiring a simultaneity of multiple meanings (Haralambidou, 2007) and playing with the construction of text (Bloomer, 1993), allegory calls for an indecisive multiplication, a re-narration and mis-construction in its critical nature. Following personal explorations in macaronic experience, the participants looked for a multiplication of possible authors, readers and texts of a drawing by re-narrating their macaronic personas embodying the mis-constructed double of their hands through a macaronically-skilled tool. Exploring the possibilities of macaronic inventiveness also through the projective audio-visual, haptic juxtapositions of online and face-to-face participation, the set transforms into a spatiotemporal act that welcomes polyphony with no systematic order: moving cameras, moving projectors, delayed network connections critically challenge the boundaries of drawing, hand, body and table. Thereby the feasts become a venture for a ‘non-Table Table’ that breaks the fixed-form of architectural drawing set into a playful, delayful dinner story. Entailing a dinner story as a magical mis-construction that “escapes the possibility of narration” (Cixous, 2013), the feasts open space for possibilities of a non-Table and call for a critical drawing practice

    Wit[h]nesses of Time, a Note-Book of Hours on an Astrolabe. A partial story halfway through

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    How do we navigate in time? Astrolabes, described in general terms, are astronomical instruments that guide us to ‘read’, ‘extract’, ‘interpret’ and ‘reflect’ on the hidden spatio-temporal cosmological and celestial knowledge. Though they have been known to be adorned with celestial knowledge with manifold uses from practical applications to intellectual, poetic, theoretical reflections, today, there is a wider historical interest in their precision in navigation and in calculating time. Relatedly, these instruments have often been associated with mathematical certainty and with “a uniform, measurable, geometrically structured space” (Aiken, 1994, p.341). Yet, our embodied engagement with astrolabes as drawings seems to have been repressed in time; and the entangled spatio-temporal relations that are set between the universe, the observer, and the astrolabe seem to fly under the radar, as well as the spatio-temporal inconsistencies that come along with it. In this article, rather than taking drawing as a set of “reported” spatial databanks but as an embodied act that is bodily internalized, I would like to focus on our (repressed) embodied engagement with the astrolabe as a drawing. Akin to Aby Warburg’s ‘not-historical’ reading of images in his Bilderatlas Mnemosyne (1924-1929), I intend to track this historically repressed survival of embodiment of astrolabes in the form of an analogical and anachronic reading mainly between two time-pieces: astrolabes (8th - 16th century) and John Hejduk’s The Collapse of Time (1984). Instead of panels of images, I will use my note-books as a denklage for such a historical imagination with the hope to set a historical imagination in motion, “located somewhere between fact and fiction.” (Rendell, 2007, p.187).Zamanda nasıl seyreder, nasıl dümen tutarız? Usturlaplar, genel tanımıyla, gizli kozmolojik bilgiyi mekansal ve zamansal açılımlarıyla ‘okumak’ ve yorumlamak konusunda bize rehberlik eden, gök bilimle ilgili araçların en eski ve etkin örneklerinden biri olarak dikkat çekerler. Usturlapların yorumlamaya dayalı, şiirsel ve felsefi düşünsemelere doğru açılan oldukça çeşitli kullanımları olsa da, günümüzde navigasyon ve zaman hesaplamasına dair, nispeten nesnel uygulamalarına karşı daha popüler bir tarihsel ilgi duyulduğu söylenebilir. Bu durumla bağlantılı olarak, usturlapların sıklıkla matematiksel kesinlik ile ilişkilendirildiğini ve “geometrik esaslara dayalı, tutarlı ve geometrik bir alan” (Aiken, 1994, s.341) kurduğu şeklinde genel bir kanı olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Ancak usturlapları öncelikle birer ‘çizim’ olarak ele almak, usturlaplarla kurduğumuz (ve tarih içerisinde bastırıldığını öne sürebileceğimiz) bedensel ilişkimize dikkat çekebilir; ve böylelikle dünya, gözlemci ve usturlap arasında kurulan çetrefilli mekansal ve zamansal ilişkileri ve bununla birlikte ortaya çıkan mekansal ve zamansal tutarsızlıkları gözler önüne serebilir diye düşünüyoruz. Bu düşüncelerle, bu makalede, çizimi bir dizi “kayıt altına alınmış” mekansal veri bankası olarak ele almak yerine, bedensel olarak içselleştirilmiş bir eylem olarak irdelemek ve bir çizim olarak usturlapla kurduğumuz (bastırılmış) bedensel ilişkimizi açmak istiyoruz. Usturlaplarla kurduğumuz bedensel ilişkimizi, Aby Warburg'a ait Bilderatlas Mnemosyne'deki (1924-1929) ‘tarihsel olmayan’ imge okumasına benzer şekilde, esas olarak iki saat yapısı arasında, analojik ve anakronik bir okuma kurgusu içerisinde tartışmaya açmayı planlıyorum: usturlaplar (8. - 16. yüzyıl) ve John Hejduk'un Zamanın Çöküşü (1984). Böylesine bir tarihsel tahayyülün denklage’si olarak Warburg’un kullandığı imge panoları yerine, defterlerimi kullanmayı ve “gerçekle kurgu arasında bir yerde devinen” (Rendell, 2007, s.187) tarihsel bir tahayyülü harekete geçirmeyi umuyorum

    Analisis Kinerja Guru yang Merangkap sebagai Pengelola Perpustakaan ( Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 1, 5, 7, dan 8 di Lingkungan Surakarta )

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    Pengelola Perpustakaan di SMA Negeri 1, 5, 7, dan 8 Surakarta yang mendapat tugas tambahan untuk mengelola perpustakaan sekolah masing-masing. Penelitian dilakukan di Perpustakaan Sekolah SMA Negeri 1, 5, 7, dan 8 di lingkungan Surakarta dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara. Jumlah informannya sebanyak 5 orang, yang terpilih dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel Purposive Sampling. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini bahwa para guru pustakawan di SMA Negeri 1, 5, 7, dan 8 Surakarta merasa terganggu ketika menjalani profesinya sebagai guru dan pengelola perpustakaan. Namun begitu pelaksanaan tugas sebagai guru yang merangkap sebagai pengelola perpustakaan perlu adanya manajemen sumber daya manusia, sehingga dalam menjalankan tugas tidak saling mengganggu satu sama lain, antara lain: pembagian jadwal mengajar dan mengelola perpustakaan

    Anharmonicity and self-similarity of the free energy landscape of protein G

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    The near-native free energy landscape of protein G is investigated through 0.4 microseconds-long atomistic molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent. A theoretical and computational framework is used to assess the time-dependence of salient thermodynamical features. While the quasi-harmonic character of the free energy is found to degrade in a few ns, the slow modes display a very mild dependence on the trajectory duration. This property originates from a striking self-similarity of the free energy landscape embodied by the consistency of the principal directions of the local minima, where the system dwells for several ns, and of the virtual jumps connecting them.Comment: revtex, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak Biji Nyamplung dengan Sintesis Katalis Basa Na2SiO3/Fe3O4

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    Biodiesel is an alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. It can be synthesized by transesterification process of palm oils. Commonly the process of producing biodiesel was used NaOH or KOH as homogeneous catalyst which has the disadvantage because the formation of side products such as soaps and complexity of the separation of catalyst. This research aims to derive biodiesel from seed calophyllum inophyllum oil (CIO) through transesterification using heterogeneous base catalyst Na2SiO3/Fe3O4. Catalyst Na2SiO3/Fe3O4 was synthesized from fly ash palm oil, sodium hydroxide, and iron powder. Condition operation the transesterification are molar ratio of oil:methanol 1:9 and loading catalyst 3%-w with under stirring 300 rpm. The highest yield of biodiesel is 89,48% under the transesterification reaction temperature 60 oC, reaction time 2 hours. Density (40°C) of biodiesel is 862,56 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity (40°C) is 3,54 mm2/s, flash point is 140°C and acid value is 0,50 mg-KOH/g-biodiesel

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Menggunakan Metode Permainan Edukatif Ular Naga Pencegah Diare (Unaped) terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Tindakan untuk Pencegahan Kejadian Diare pada Murid Kelas IV dan V Sdn 19 Mandonga di Kecamatan Puuwatu Kota Kendari Tahun 2017

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    Penyakit diare masih menjadi masalah global dengan tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian anak di dunia .Berdasarkan data dari WHO, diare menempati urutan kelima dalam 10 penyakit penyebab kematian di dunia(World Health Organization, 2013). Kejadian luar Biasa (KLB) Diare sering terjadi dengan Case Fatality Rate1,74% pada tahun 2010 di 33 kecamatan dengan jumlah penderita 4.204 dengan kematian 73 orang (KemenkesRI, 2011). Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2014prevalensi penyakit diare adalah 3,7% (Dinkes Prov. Sultra, 2014). Pada tahun 2011 hingga 2016 penyakit diaremasuk dalam 10 besar penyakit di Puskesmas Puuwatu (Puskesmas Puuwatu, 2016). Anak sekolah dasar adalahkelompok umur yang rentan terkena kejadian Diare. Namun, dapat menjadi sasaran yang baik dalammemberikan pendidikan kesehatan terkait pencegahan kejadian Diare. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan stimulus yangdapat menumbuhkan perilaku sehat dengan cara menarik dan atraktif tanpa mengurangi isi dari informasi yangakan disampaikan. Metode yang dapat digunakan dalam penyuluhan kesehatan salah satunya adalahpermainan edukatif. Permainan edukatif Ular Naga Pencegah Diare (UNAPED) adalah permainan yangmenginformasikan tentang penyakit Diare berupa pengertian, penyebab, tanda dan gejala sertapencegahannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan kesehatan menggunakanmetode Permainan Eduktif Ular Naga Pencegah Diare (UNAPED) terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dantindakan untuk pencegahan kejadian diare pada murid kelas IV dan V SDN 19 Mandonga di KecamatanPuuwatu Kota Kendari tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik Pra-Eksperimental dengan rancanganOne-Group Pre Test-Post Test Design dengan sampel sebanyak orang 22 orang yang ditentukan berdasarkanTotal Sampling. Analisis yang digunakan yakni analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan uji Mc Nemar. Hasilpenelitian terdapat peningkatan pengetahun (ρ value = 0.031), peningkatan sikap (ρ value = 0.031) danpeningkatan tindakan (ρvalue = 0.039) sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan permainan edukatif Ular NagaPencegah Diare (UNAPED)