30 research outputs found

    Effect of interlamellar spacing on the elastoplastic behavior of C70 pearlitic steel: Experimental results and self-consistent modeling

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    The effect of pearlite microstructure characteristics on strength and deformation of C70 pearlitic steel was investigated. Tensile tests under X-ray diffraction coupled with self-consistent model have been used to identify the role of interlamellar spacing on the ferrite plasticity parameters and residual stress induced by plasticity. Tests have been carried out on two pearlitic microstructures with interlamellar spacing Sp = 170 and 230 nm respectively. Ferrite critical shear stresses ðs0c ðaÞÞ are equal to 75–86 MPa for interlamellar spacing Sp = 230 nm and 105–120 MPa for interlamellar spacing Sp = 170 nm. Moreover, the compressive residual stress measured in ferrite phase is higher in elasto-plastically deformed sample (total strain of E11 = 1.2%) having larger interlamellar spacing (rR Fea ¼ 161 MPa for Sp = 230 nm and rR Fea ¼ 77 MPa for Sp = 170 nm)

    Application of multireflection grazing incidence method for stress measurements in polished Al–Mg alloy and CrN coating

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    Multi-reflection grazing incidence geometry, referred to as MGIXD, characterized by a small and constant incidence angle, was applied to measure low surface stresses in very thin layers of Al–Mg alloy and CrN coating. These two materials were selected in order to deal with the low and high levels of residual stress, respectively. The influence of different mechanical treatments on residual stresses was studied for Al–Mg samples. It was found that both rolling and mechanical polishing influence the distribution and amplitude of residual stress in surface layers. In the case of CrN coating, a very high compressive stress was generated during the deposition process. The stress distributions determined by the MGIXD method is in good agreement with the classic sin2 technique results for all studied samples. In performing stress measurements for a powder sample, it was found that the application of the Göbel mirror in the incident beam strongly reduces statistical and misalignment errors. Additionally, the root mean square values of the third order lattice strain within diffracting grains were determined

    Mesure des microdéformations dans les tôles minces en cuivre par DRX

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    L‘objectif de ce travail est de proposer une démarche, mettant en oeuvre la technique de diffraction des rayons X ainsi qu’une approche auto-cohérente, afin d’analyser et mieux comprendre le comportement mécanique du cuivre. L'étude expérimentale vise la caractérisation du comportement mécanique local de ce matériau sous un chargement uniaxial. Pour rendre compte du comportement mécanique du matériau étudié, un modèle polycristallin autocohérent a été adapté et confronté aux expériences menées. La texture cristallographique, les contraintes résiduelles macroscopique et du second ordre ont été prises en compte dans cette analyse

    Evolution of microstructure and residual stress during annealing of austenitic and ferritic steels

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    International audienceIn this work the recovery and recrystallization processes occurring in ferritic and austenitic steels were studied. To determine the evolution of residual stresses during material annealing the nonlinear sin 2 ψ diffraction method was used and an important relaxation of the macrostresses as well as the microstresses was found in the cold rolled samples subjected to heat treatment. Such relaxation occurs at the beginning of recovery, when any changes of microstructure cannot be detected using other experimental techniques. Stress evolution in the annealed steel samples was correlated with the progress of recovery process, which significantly depends on the value of stacking fault energy

    Evolution of microstructure and residual stress during annealing of austenitic and ferritic steels

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    In this work the recovery and recrystallization processes occurring in ferritic and austenitic steels were studied. To determine the evolution of residual stresses during material annealing the nonlinear sin 2 ψ diffraction method was used and an important relaxation of the macrostresses as well as the microstresses was found in the cold rolled samples subjected to heat treatment. Such relaxation occurs at the beginning of recovery, when any changes of microstructure cannot be detected using other experimental techniques. Stress evolution in the annealed steel samples was correlated with the progress of recovery process, which significantly depends on the value of stacking fault energy

    Stress measurements by multi-reflection grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction method (MGIXD) using different radiation wavelengths and different incident angles

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    The presented study introduces the development of the multi-reflection grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction method (MGIXD) for residual stress determination. The proposed new methodology is aimed at obtaining more reliable experimental data and increasing the depth of non-destructive stress determination below the sample surface. To verify proposed method measurements were performed on a classical X-ray diffractometer (Cu Kα radiation) and using synchrotron radiation (three different wavelengths: λ = 1.2527 Å, λ = 1.5419 Å and λ = 1.7512 Å). The Al2017 alloy subjected to three different surface treatments was investigated in this study. The obtained results showed that the proposed development of MGIXD method, in which not only different incident angles but also different wavelengths of X-ray are used, can be successfully applied for residual stress determination, especially when stress gradients are present in the sample

    Stress evolution in plastically deformed austenitic and ferritic steels determined using angle- and energy-dispersive diffraction

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    In the presented research, the intergranular elastic interaction and the second-order plastic incompatibility stress in textured ferritic and austenitic steels were investigated by means of diffraction. The lattice strains were measured inside the samples by the multiple reflection method using high energy X-rays diffraction during uniaxial in situ tensile tests. Comparing experiment with various models of intergranular interaction, it was found that the Eshelby-Kr¨oner model correctly approximates the X-ray stress factors (XSFs) for different reflections hkl and scattering vector orientations. The verified XSFs were used to investigate the evolution of the first and second-order stresses in both austenitic and ferritic steels. It was shown that considering only the elastic anisotropy, the non-linearity of sin2ψ plots cannot be explained by crystallographic texture. Therefore, a more advanced method based on elastic-plastic self-consistent modeling (EPSC) is required for the analysis. Using such methodology the non-linearities of cos2φ plots were explained, and the evolutions of the first and second-order stresses were determined. It was found that plastic deformation of about 1–2% can completely exchange the state of second-order plastic incompatibility stresses

    Application of multireflection grazing incidence method for stress measurements in polished Al–Mg alloy and CrN coating

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    Multi-reflection grazing incidence geometry, referred to as MGIXD, characterized by a small and constant incidence angle, was applied to measure low surface stresses in very thin layers of Al–Mg alloy and CrN coating. These two materials were selected in order to deal with the low and high levels of residual stress, respectively. The influence of different mechanical treatments on residual stresses was studied for Al–Mg samples. It was found that both rolling and mechanical polishing influence the distribution and amplitude of residual stress in surface layers. In the case of CrN coating, a very high compressive stress was generated during the deposition process. The stress distributions determined by the MGIXD method is in good agreement with the classic sin2 technique results for all studied samples. In performing stress measurements for a powder sample, it was found that the application of the Göbel mirror in the incident beam strongly reduces statistical and misalignment errors. Additionally, the root mean square values of the third order lattice strain within diffracting grains were determined

    Multireflection grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction: A new approach to experimental data analysis

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    The multireflection grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction method is used to test surface stresses at depths of several micrometres in the case of metal samples. This work presents new ways of analysing experimental data obtained by this method for Ni samples exhibiting significant elastic anisotropy of crystals. Three different methods of determining biaxial stresses and lattice parameter were compared. In the first approach, the calculations were performed using the linear least-squares method, and then two simplified procedures based on simple linear regression (weighted and non-weighted) were applied. It was found that all the tested methods give similar results, i.e. almost equal values of the determined stresses and lattice parameters and the uncertainties of their determination. The advantage of analyses based on simple linear regression is their simplicity and straightforward interpretation, enabling easy verification of the influence of the crystallographic texture and the presence of shear stresses, as well as graphical determination of the stress-free lattice parameter

    Damage in duplex steels studied at mesoscopic and macroscopic scales

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    Different experimental approaches have been performed in order to extract damage at several scales. In this paper two experimental methods are treated. Neutron diffraction coupled with tensile test has been performed to study damage at mesoscopic scale. At macroscopic scale, classical tensile test has been used to extract damage effects, from material hardening evolution. Optical measurements and particular data treatment have been used in order to correct data for the necking phenomenon at large deformation, for each experimental method. Damage process in duplex steels has then been analysed at both macroscopic and mesoscopic scales using scale transition models. Eventually, investigations at those scales have been compared to understand correlation between mesoscopic and macroscopic behaviour of our material