2,486 research outputs found

    Choosing the right strategy for Western companies to enter Singapore

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    Durch die Globalisierung wachsen die Regionalen Märkte zu einem Weltmarkt und internationale Unternehmen wagen Schritte in neue Gebiete, um ihre Produkte weltweit abzusetzen. Die Frage, mit welcher Strategie man dieses Neuland betritt und welche Vor- und Nachteile die jeweilige Strategie mit sich bringt, soll in dieser Arbeit erörtert werden. Das Zielland ist Singapur, ein kleiner Stadtstaat im Südost asiatischem Raum, welches trotz weltweiter Wirtschaftskrise viele Möglichkeiten verspricht. Für westliche Unternehmungen ist Asien nicht vergleichbar mit Europa. Es existieren andere Arbeitsweisen und große kulturelle Unterschiede. Vor allem gibt es den Guanxi Faktor in Ländern, wo Chinesen eine Mehrheit in der Bevölkerung darstellen, wie es in Singapur der Fall ist. Guanxi stellt eine Lebensphilosophie des „Netzwerkens“ dar, mit der man vieles leichter in Asien erreichen kann, um Ziele zu verwirklichen, wenn man die richtige Ansprechperson kennt. Diese Arbeit hilft, das Guanxi Konzept zu verstehen und zeigt an dem Praxisbeispiel der Firma TRUMPF (einem deutschen Maschinenhersteller), wie diese sich in einer Guanxi Umwelt zurechtfindet und mit welcher Eintrittsstrategie sie nach Markt in Singapur erobert haben.Due to globalization multinational corporations do not only intend to conduct business in their domestic markets but also in the world market. In order to do so, the company has to choose the right entry strategy for moving to new markets. The thesis is comparing the different entry modes and analyzing the pro and cons in the Singaporean context. Singapore as a small city state located in South-east Asia, offers an open free market for foreign investors and therefore a lot of business opportunities even during the global economical crisis. Western companies have to consider cultural differences and the existence of the Guanxi factor in Singapore, since Chinese people represent the majority of Singapore. With the help of Guanxi, it is possible to overcome obstacles by knowing the right person. This thesis elaborates the concept of Guanxi and shows how the Germany machine tool company Trumpf makes use of Guanxi and explains entry strategy for Singapore chosen by the German management

    Reproductive biology of sagor catfish (Hexanematichthys sagor Hamilton, 1822) in Can Gio water, Vietnam

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    835-840Sagor catfish (Hexanematichthys sagor Hamilton, 1822) is one of the most popular fish caught in Can Gio reserve biosphere. A study on reproductive biology was conducted to evaluate the reproductive parameters, including male–female distinction, gonadal development stages, sex ratio, spawning season, fecundity, and size at first sexual maturity. The results showed that the number of males and females in the nature was not significantly different. Male and female fish can be distinguished when they reach the mature size. Gonadal of the fish pass through five stages of maturation. The histological screening of gonad, percentage of maturation stage and gonadal somatic index value of the fish showed all year round spawning with a peak of spawning female from March to August. The length at first sexual maturity of the fish is 25.39 cm. Fecundity ranged from 60 to 145 ovaries/individuals strongly related to weight and length. The current findings provide the scientific foundation for the purpose of fishery resource management and artificial breeding of the blue sagor catfish

    Optimal intervention strategies of staged progression HIV infections through an age-structured model with probabilities of ART drop out

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    In this paper, we construct a model to describe the transmission of HIV in a homogeneous host population. By considering the specific mechanism of HIV, we derive a model structured in three successive stages: (i) primary infection, (ii) long phase of latency without symptoms and (iii) AIDS. Each HIV stage is stratified by the duration for which individuals have been in the stage, leading to a continuous age-structure model. In the first part of the paper, we provide a global analysis of the model depending upon the basic reproduction number R 0. When R 0 ≤ 1, then the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable and the infection is cleared in the host population. On the contrary, if R 0 > 1, we prove the epidemic's persistence with the asymptotic stability of the endemic equilibrium. By performing the sensitivity analysis, we then determine the impact 1 of control-related parameters of the outbreak severity. For the second part, the initial model is extended with intervention methods. By taking into account ART interventions and the probability of treatment drop out, we discuss optimal interventions methods which minimize the number of AIDS cases

    Efficient Methods for Mining Subgraphs in a Single Large Graph

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    Large and complex graphs are often used for simulation of the complex relationships among objects in many applications in various fields, such as social networks, maps, computer networks, chemical structures, bioinformatics, computer vision and web analysis. Frequent subgraph mining (FSM) is a vital issue and has attracted numerous researchers in recent years, among them, MNI-based approaches are considered as state-of-the-art, such as the GraMi algorithm. FSM plays an important role in various tasks, such as data mining, model analysis, and decision support systems. It is defined as finding all subgraphs whose occurrences in the dataset are greater than or equal to a given frequency threshold. In recent applications, such as social networks, the underlying graphs are very large, therefore algorithms for mining frequent subgraphs from a single large graph have been developing rapidly lately but all of them have huge search spaces, and therefore still needs a lot of time and memory to process. For frequent subgraph mining field, in this thesis, we have proposed a method to record the support of mined subgraphs; a sorting strategy to reduce the number of generated subgraphs; a parallel processing approach to reduce the mining time; early pruning of invalid values in the domain to balance the search space. Our experiments on four real datasets (both of the directed and undirected graphs) showed that the four proposed algorithms had better results with respect to the search space, the running time and the memory requirements and enhance the performance. Besides that, closed frequent subgraph mining was also developed. This has many practical applications and is a fundamental premise for many studies. We propose a closed frequent subgraph mining algorithm based on GraMi to find all closed frequent subgraphs in a single large graph; two strategies are also developed: namely early determining for closed frequent subgraphs and early pruning non-closed subgraphs; and these are used to improve the performance of the proposed algorithm. All our experiments for closed frequent subgraph mining are performed on five real directed/undirected graph datasets and the results show that the running time as well as the memory requirements of our algorithm are better than those of the GraMi-based algorithm.Velké a složité grafy se často používají pro simulaci komplexních vztahů mezi objekty v mnoha aplikacích v různých oblastech, jako jsou sociální sítě, mapy, počítačové sítě, chemické struktury, bioinformatika, počítačové vidění a webové analýzy. Časté dolování podgrafů (FSM) je zásadní problém a v posledních letech přitahuje řadu výzkumníků, mezi nimi jsou přístupy založené na MNI považovány za nejmodernější, jako je algoritmus GraMi. FSM hraje důležitou roli v různých úkolech, jako je dolování dat, analýza modelů a systémy na podporu rozhodování. Je definována jako nalezení všech podgrafů, jejichž výskyty v datové sadě jsou větší nebo rovné danému frekvenčnímu prahu. V nedávných aplikacích, jako jsou sociální sítě, jsou podkladové grafy velmi velké, a proto se algoritmy pro dolování častých podgrafů z jednoho velkého grafu v poslední době rychle vyvíjejí, ale všechny mají obrovské vyhledávací prostory, a proto stale potřebují spoustu času a paměti ke zpracování. Pro frekventované podgrafní těžební pole jsme v této práci navrhli metodu pro záznam podpory vytěžených podgrafů; strategii třídění pro snížení počtu generovaných podgrafů; přístup paralelního zpracování pro zkrácení doby těžby; včasné ořezávání neplatných hodnot v doméně, aby se vyrovnal prostor pro vyhledávání. Naše experiment na čtyřech reálných souborech dat (jak orientovaných, tak neorientovaných grafů) ukázaly, že naše čtyři navržené algoritmy měly lepší výsledky s ohledem na prohledávací prostor, dobu běhu a požadavky na paměť a zvýšily výkon výpočtu. Mimo to byla rovněž rozvinuta metoda hkedání uzavřených (closed) grafů. To má mnoho praktických aplikací a je základním předpokladem pro mnoho studií. Navrhujeme uzavřený algoritmus dolování častých podgrafů založený na GraMi k nalezení všech uzavřených častých podgrafů v jediném velkém grafu; jsou také vyvinuty dvě strategie: jmenovitě včasné určování pro uzavřené časté podgrafy a včasné ořezávání neuzavřených podgrafů; a ty se používají ke zlepšení výkonu navrhovaného algoritmu. Všechny naše experimenty pro uzavřené časté dolování podgrafů jsou prováděny na pěti skutečných řízených/ neorientovaných grafových datových sadách a výsledky ukazují, že doba běhu a paměťové požadavky našeho algoritmu jsou lepší než u algoritmu založeného na GraMi.460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově

    Hybrid Fourier domain modelocked laser utilizing a fiber optical parametric amplifier and an erbium doped fiber amplifier

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    To our knowledge, we report the first Fourier domain modelocked laser (FDML) constructed using optical parameter amplifier (OPA) in conjunction with an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), centered at ~1556nm. We utilized a onepump OPA and a C-band EDFA in a series configuration with a polygon-grating wavelength filter to generate a hybrid FDML spectrum. Results demonstrate a substantially higher output power, better spectral shape and significantly more stable bandwidth than individual configurations. We believe this technique has the potential to enable several amplifiers to complement individual deficiencies resulting in improved spectral shapes and power generation for imaging applications such as optical coherence tomography (OCT). © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.published_or_final_versionThe Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, San Francisco, CA., 25 January 2010. In Proceedings of SPIE, 2010, v. 7580, p. 1-7, article no. 75802

    On the causality relationship between demographic changes, economic growth and domestic savings in Vietnam

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    The study aims to investigate the short run and long run relationships between demographic factors (population growth and the age dependency ratio), economic growth (GDP per capita growth) and domestic savings in Vietnam for the period of 1986 to 2016 using the cointegration and Wald tests. The findings revealed that there is a cointegration relationship between domestic savings and demographic and economic variables, while Wald test shows a unique causality trend running from population growth to domestic savings in Vietnam. The policy implications from this study suggest that the Vietnam government should focus on boosting economic growth (GDP per capita growth) through mobilizing its resources, managing fertility level between urban and rural areas and population growth in relation with growth rate of the economy. Moreover, the Vietnam government should take advantage of the golden population structure and limit the effects of the dependency ratio through offering attractive beneficial programs for the elderly and provide opportunities to increase their productivity, and thus spur savings in Vietnam

    Delving into Ipsilateral Mammogram Assessment under Multi-View Network

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    In many recent years, multi-view mammogram analysis has been focused widely on AI-based cancer assessment. In this work, we aim to explore diverse fusion strategies (average and concatenate) and examine the model's learning behavior with varying individuals and fusion pathways, involving Coarse Layer and Fine Layer. The Ipsilateral Multi-View Network, comprising five fusion types (Pre, Early, Middle, Last, and Post Fusion) in ResNet-18, is employed. Notably, the Middle Fusion emerges as the most balanced and effective approach, enhancing deep-learning models' generalization performance by +2.06% (concatenate) and +5.29% (average) in VinDr-Mammo dataset and +2.03% (concatenate) and +3% (average) in CMMD dataset on macro F1-Score. The paper emphasizes the crucial role of layer assignment in multi-view network extraction with various strategies

    Ecpoc: an evolutionary computation-based proof of criteria consensus protocol

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    Recently, blockchain technology has been applied in many domains in our life. Blockchain networks typically utilize a consensus protocol to achieve consistency among network nodes in a decentralized environment. Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) is a popular mechanism adopted in many networks such as BitShares, EOS, and Cardano because of its speed and scalability advantages. However, votes that come from nodes on a DPoS network tend to support a set of specific nodes that have a greater chance of becoming block producers after voting rounds. Therefore, only a small group of nodes can be selected to become block producers. To address this issue, we propose a new protocol called Evolutionary Computation-based Proof of Criteria (ECPoC), which uses ten criteria to evaluate and select a new block procedure in each round. Next, a set of optimal weights used for maximizing the network’s decentralization level is identified through the use of evolutionary computation algorithms. The experimental results show that our consensus significantly enhances the degree of decentralization in the selection process of witness nodes compared to DPoS. As a result, ECPoC facilitates fairness between nodes and creates momentum for blockchain network developmen

    An ionizing radiation acoustic imaging (iRAI) technique for real‐time dosimetric measurements for FLASH radiotherapy

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163494/2/mp14358_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163494/1/mp14358.pd