318 research outputs found

    Analyse multicritère pour la priorisation des interventions en matière d’approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural au Sénégal : cas de la région de Diourbel

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    De nombreux programmes et projets visant l’accès aux ressources en eau sont initiés au Sénégal pour satisfaire une demande en eau qui se fait de plus en plus pressante, notamment en milieu rural. L’insuffisance des moyens financiers impose que ces projets soient échelonnés dans le temps. En amont des études de faisabilité technique et économique, il est nécessaire d’établir des priorités d’intervention. Cette étude présente une analyse multicritère d’aide à la décision pour prioriser les besoins d’intervention en matière d’approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural au Sénégal. Le cas de la région de Diourbel est étudié. Après avoir identifié les objectifs relatifs à l’approvisionnement en eau au niveau de la région, six critères quantitatifs et qualitatifs permettant de mesurer les degrés d’atteinte de ces objectifs sont définis. Ces critères permettent d’évaluer la priorité en matière de projets de développement éventuels. Il s’agit de critères portant sur la qualité des eaux disponible, la quantité d’eau disponible pour les besoins domestiques, la distance d’accès aux points d’eau, la disponibilité de l’eau pour l’agriculture, et enfin l’acceptabilité des coûts de l’eau ainsi que le potentiel de développement. La démarche a abouti au rangement des huit arrondissements de la région de Diourbel par ordre de priorité d’intervention. Les critères ont été pondérés par des acteurs de la gestion des ressources en eau au Sénégal. Une analyse permet de juger de l’effet des différentes pondérations sur le classement des priorités obtenu. L’analyse du processus dans son ensemble permet de mettre en exergue les difficultés liées à l’utilisation d’une telle démarche dans le contexte sénégalais tout en montrant les avantages que l’on peut en tirer.Many programs and projects for water resources management have been initiated in Senegal to satisfy an increasing demand for water, especially in rural areas. The lack of sufficient funding requires that these projects be spread over time. Therefore, prior to any technical or economic feasibility study, it is necessary to identify the higher priority areas. This study presents a multicriteria analysis for ranking rural subareas in Senegal, in particular in the region of Diourbel, in terms of the priorities of water supply needs. After having identified the objectives related to water supply on the regional scale, six quantitative and qualitative criteria were defined. These criteria pertain to the available water quality, the available quantity of water for domestic needs, the distance to water distribution points, the availability of water for agriculture, the acceptability of water costs and the development potential of a rural subarea. Indicators are proposed for each criterion based on the data available at the time of the study. Criteria weights were obtained from various water resource management stakeholders in Senegal. Our multicriteria analysis led to the ranking of eight districts of the Diourbel region in terms of intervention priority. An analysis enabled us to evaluate the effect of the criteria weights on the district rankings. Our experience with this project has identified the difficulties associated with conducting a multicriteria analysis in the Senegalese context, while emphasizing promising application possibilities

    Flavor Structure in F-theory Compactifications

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    F-theory is one of frameworks in string theory where supersymmetric grand unification is accommodated, and all the Yukawa couplings and Majorana masses of right-handed neutrinos are generated. Yukawa couplings of charged fermions are generated at codimension-3 singularities, and a contribution from a given singularity point is known to be approximately rank 1. Thus, the approximate rank of Yukawa matrices in low-energy effective theory of generic F-theory compactifications are minimum of either the number of generations N_gen = 3 or the number of singularity points of certain types. If there is a geometry with only one E_6 type point and one D_6 type point over the entire 7-brane for SU(5) gauge fields, F-theory compactified on such a geometry would reproduce approximately rank-1 Yukawa matrices in the real world. We found, however, that there is no such geometry. Thus, it is a problem how to generate hierarchical Yukawa eigenvalues in F-theory compactifications. A solution in the literature so far is to take an appropriate factorization limit. In this article, we propose an alternative solution to the hierarchical structure problem (which requires to tune some parameters) by studying how zero mode wavefunctions depend on complex structure moduli. In this solution, the N_gen x N_gen CKM matrix is predicted to have only N_gen entries of order unity without an extra tuning of parameters, and the lepton flavor anarchy is predicted for the lepton mixing matrix. We also obtained a precise description of zero mode wavefunctions near the E_6 type singularity points, where the up-type Yukawa couplings are generated.Comment: 148 page

    Numerical Hermitian Yang-Mills Connections and Vector Bundle Stability in Heterotic Theories

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    A numerical algorithm is presented for explicitly computing the gauge connection on slope-stable holomorphic vector bundles on Calabi-Yau manifolds. To illustrate this algorithm, we calculate the connections on stable monad bundles defined on the K3 twofold and Quintic threefold. An error measure is introduced to determine how closely our algorithmic connection approximates a solution to the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations. We then extend our results by investigating the behavior of non slope-stable bundles. In a variety of examples, it is shown that the failure of these bundles to satisfy the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations, including field-strength singularities, can be accurately reproduced numerically. These results make it possible to numerically determine whether or not a vector bundle is slope-stable, thus providing an important new tool in the exploration of heterotic vacua.Comment: 52 pages, 15 figures. LaTex formatting of figures corrected in version 2

    Moduli restriction and Chiral Matter in Heterotic String Compactifications

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    Supersymmetric heterotic string models, built from a stable holomorphic vector bundle VV on a Calabi-Yau threefold XX, usually come with many vector bundle moduli whose stabilisation is a difficult and complex task. It is therefore of interest to look for bundle constructions which, from the outset, have as few as possible bundle moduli. One way to reach such a set-up is to start from a generic construction and to make discrete modifications of it which are available only over a subset of the bundle moduli space. Turning on such discrete 'twists' constrains the moduli to the corresponding subset of their moduli space: the twisted bundle has less parametric freedom. We give an example of a set-up where this idea can be considered concretely. Such non-generic twists lead also to new contributions of chiral matter (which greatly enhances the flexibility in model building); their computation constitutes the main issue of this note.Comment: 37 pages; comments and references adde

    Higgs Multiplets in Heterotic GUT Models

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    For supersymmetric GUT models from heterotic string theory, built from a stable holomorphic SU(n) vector bundle VV on a Calabi-Yau threefold XX, the net amount of chiral matter can be computed by a Chern class computation. Corresponding computations for the number NHN_H of Higgses lead for the phenomenologically relevant cases of GUT group SU(5) or SO(10) to consideration of the bundle \La^2 V. In a class of bundles where everything can be computed explicitly (spectral bundles on elliptic XX) we find that the computation for NHN_H gives a result which is in conflict with expectations. We argue that this discrepancy has its origin in the subtle geometry of the spectral data for \La^2 V and that taking this subtlety into account properly should resolve the problem.Comment: 29 pages; comments and references adde

    Structure-Function Analysis of Human TYW2 Enzyme Required for the Biosynthesis of a Highly Modified Wybutosine (yW) Base in Phenylalanine-tRNA

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    Posttranscriptional modifications are critical for structure and function of tRNAs. Wybutosine (yW) and its derivatives are hyper-modified guanosines found at the position 37 of eukaryotic and archaeal tRNAPhe. TYW2 is an enzyme that catalyzes α-amino-α-carboxypropyl transfer activity at the third step of yW biogenesis. Using complementation of a ΔTYW2 strain, we demonstrate here that human TYW2 (hTYW2) is active in yeast and can synthesize the yW of yeast tRNAPhe. Structure-guided analysis identified several conserved residues in hTYW2 that interact with S-adenosyl-methionine (AdoMet), and mutation studies revealed that K225 and E265 are critical residues for the enzymatic activity. We previously reported that the human TYW2 is overexpressed in breast cancer. However, no difference in the tRNAPhe modification status was observed in either normal mouse tissue or a mouse tumor model that overexpresses Tyw2, indicating that hTYW2 may have a role in tumorigenesis unrelated to yW biogenesis

    Association between Changes in Muscle Quality with Exercise Training and Changes in Cardiorespiratory Fitness Measures in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Results from the HART-D Study

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    Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with a reduction in muscle quality. However, there is inadequate empirical evidence to determine whether changes in muscle quality following exercise are associated with improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in individuals with T2DM. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between change in muscle quality following a 9-month intervention of aerobic training (AT), resistance training (RT) or a combination of both (ATRT) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in individuals with T2DM. Material and Methods A total of 196 participants were randomly assigned to a control, AT, RT, or combined ATRT for a 9-months intervention. The exposure variable was change in muscle quality [(Post: leg muscle strength/leg muscle mass)-[(Pre: leg muscle strength/leg muscle mass)]. Dependent variables were change in CRF measures including absolute and relative VO2peak, and treadmill time to exhaustion (TTE) and estimated metabolic equivalent task (METs). Results Continuous change in muscle quality was independently associated with change in absolute (β = 0.015; p = 0.019) and relative (β = 0.200; p = 0.005) VO2peak, and TTE (β = 0.170; p = 0.043), but not with estimated METs (p > 0.05). A significant trend was observed across tertiles of change in muscle quality for changes in absolute (β = 0.050; p = 0.005) and relative (β = 0.624; p = 0.002) VO2peak following 9 months of exercise training. No such association was observed for change in TTE and estimated METs (p > 0.05). Discussion: The results from this ancillary study suggest that change in muscle quality following exercise training is associated with a greater improvement in CRF in individuals with T2DM. Given the effect RT has on increasing muscle quality, especially as part of a recommended training program (ATRT), individuals with T2DM should incorporate RT into their AT regimens to optimize CRF improvement

    Quantification of the energy gap in young overweight children. The PIAMA birth cohort study

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    Background: Overweight develops gradually as a result of a long term surplus on the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Aim of this study was to quantify the positive energy balance responsible for excess body weight gain (energy gap) in young overweight children. Methods. Reported data on weight and height were used of 2190 Dutch children participating in the PIAMA birth cohort study. Accumulated body energy was estimated from the weight gain observed between age 2 and age 5-7. Energy gap was calculated as the difference in positive energy balance between children with and without overweight assuming an energy efficiency of 50%. Results: Ten percent of the children were overweight at the age of 5-7 years. For these children, median weight gain during 4-years follow-up was 13.3 kg, as compared to 8.5 kg in the group of children who had a normal weight at the end of the study. A daily energy gap of 289-320 kJ (69-77 kcal) was responsible for the excess weight gain or weight maintenance in the majority of the children who were overweight at the age of 5-7 years. The increase in daily energy requirement to maintain the 4.8 kilograms excess weight gain among overweight children at the end of the study was approximately 1371 kJ. Conclusions: An energy gap of about 289-320 kJ per day over a number of years can make the difference between normal weight and overweight in young children. Closing the energy gap in overweight children can be achieved by r

    The role of the myosin ATPase activity in adaptive thermogenesis by skeletal muscle

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    Resting skeletal muscle is a major contributor to adaptive thermogenesis, i.e., the thermogenesis that changes in response to exposure to cold or to overfeeding. The identification of the “furnace” that is responsible for increased heat generation in resting muscle has been the subject of a number of investigations. A new state of myosin, the super relaxed state (SRX), with a very slow ATP turnover rate has recently been observed in skeletal muscle (Stewart et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:430–435, 2010). Inhibition of the myosin ATPase activity in the SRX was suggested to be caused by binding of the myosin head to the core of the thick filament in a structural motif identified earlier by electron microscopy. To be compatible with the basal metabolic rate observed in vivo for resting muscle, most myosin heads would have to be in the SRX. Modulation of the population of this state, relative to the normal relaxed state, was proposed to be a major contributor to adaptive thermogenesis in resting muscle. Transfer of only 20% of myosin heads from the SRX into the normal relaxed state would cause muscle thermogenesis to double. Phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain was shown to transfer myosin heads from the SRX into the relaxed state, which would increase thermogenesis. In particular, thermogenesis by myosin has been proposed to play a role in the dissipation of calories during overfeeding. Up-regulation of muscle thermogenesis by pharmaceuticals that target the SRX would provide new approaches to the treatment of obesity or high blood sugar levels

    Platelet Function in Acute Experimental Pancreatitis

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    Acute pancreatitis (AP) is characterized by disturbances of pancreatic microcirculation. It remains unclear whether platelets contribute to these perfusion disturbances. The aim of our study was to investigate platelet activation and function in experimental AP. Acute pancreatitis was induced in rats: (1) control (n = 18; Ringer’s solution), (2) mild AP (n = 18; cerulein), and (3) severe AP (n = 18; glycodeoxycholic acid (GDOC) + cerulein). After 12 h, intravital microscopy was performed. Rhodamine-stained platelets were used to investigate velocity and endothelial adhesion in capillaries and venules. In addition, erythrocyte velocity and leukocyte adhesion were evaluated. Serum amylase, thromboxane A2, and histology were evaluated after 24 h in additional animals of each group. Results showed that 24 h after cerulein application, histology exhibited a mild AP, whereas GDOC induced severe necrotizing AP. Intravital microscopy showed significantly more platelet–endothelium interaction, reduced erythrocyte velocity, and increased leukocyte adherence in animals with AP compared to control animals. Thromboxane levels were significantly elevated in all AP animals and correlated with the extent of platelet activation and severity of AP. In conclusion, platelet activation plays an important role in acute, especially necrotizing, pancreatitis. Mainly temporary platelet–endothelium interaction is observed during mild AP, whereas severe AP is characterized by firm adhesion with consecutive coagulatory activation and perfusion failure