11 research outputs found

    Aplicação de revestimentos à base de carboidratos e armazenamento refrigerado de manga Tommy Atkins.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do uso de revestimentos solúveis sobre a qualidade e vida útil pós-colheita da manga Tommy Atkins armazenada sob refrigeração. Mangas em estádio de maturação 3 foram submetidas aos tratamentos: aplicação de revestimentos solúveis e tempo de armazenamento. Os revestimentos solúveis foram testados quanto às concentrações: A= 0,1% de carboximetilcelulose (CMC), 0,05% de sacarose, 0,3% de ácidos graxos, 0,01% de sorbato de potássio, 0,05% de álcool etílico e 0,01% de surfactante; B= 0,15% de CMC, 0,04% de sacarose, 4,5% de ácidos graxos, 0,0,1% de sorbato de potássio, 0,05% de álcool etílico e 0,01% de surfactante; e controle. Os tempos de armazenamento foram 0, 9 e 19 dias sob refrigeração (10,9 ± 2,0ºC e 79 ± 5% UR), seguidos de 2, 4 e 6 dias em temperatura ambiente (23,9 ± 2,8ºC e 46 ± 6% UR). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial 3 x 6, com quatro repetições. A aplicação de revestimentos solúveis não atrasou a maturação, uma vez que houve equivalência com o controle nos valores de firmeza, cores da casca e da polpa e acidez total titulável. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais foi maior nos frutos que receberam os revestimentos, principalmente o A. O revestimento B permitiu melhor aparência, provavelmente devido à menor perda de água

    Simulation of soil organic carbon changes in Vertisols under conservation tillage using the RothC model

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the measured and simulated rates of soil organic carbon (SOC) change in Vertisols in short-term experiments when the tillage system is changed from traditional tillage (TT) to conservation tillage (CT). The study was conducted in plots in four locations in the state of Michoacán and two locations in the state of Guanajuato. In the SOC change simulation, the RothC-26.3 carbon model was evaluated with different C inputs to the soil (ET1-ET5). ET was the measured shoot biomass (SB) plus estimated rhizodeposition (RI). RI was tested at values of 10, 15, 18, 36 and 50 % total biomass (TB). The SOC changes were simulated with the best trial where ET3 = SB + (0.18*TB). Values for model efficiency and the coefficient of correlation were in the ranges of 0.56 to 0.75 and 0.79 to 0.92, respectively. The average rate of SOC change, measured and simulated, in the study period was 3.0 and 1.9 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively; later, in a simulation period of 45 years, SOC change was 1.2 ± 0.8. In particular, without making adjustments in the RothC parameters and with information on measured plant residue C inputs to the soil, it was possible to simulate changes in SOC with RothC and estimate trends over a period of more than 45 years

    Abogados de ficción. Libros que hablan de derecho y el derecho en la literatura

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    Abogados de Ficción es un libro en el que el derecho y la literatura se encuentran. Diversos autores se han reunido en esta oportunidad para analizar las diversas formas en que el derecho es parte de la literatura o en que la literatura sirve para comprender el derecho. Con un interés académico y pedagógico en mente, este libro recoge diálogos posibles entre el derecho internacional, el derecho privado, el derecho constitucional, la teoría del derecho, entre otros, con diferentes textos literarios. Los autores de este libro reflexionan sobre textos nacionales e internacionales y recorren distintos contextos y momentos históricos. Algunas veces las historias de estos libros sirven para ejemplificar conceptos o términos jurídicos, otras veces para indagar y problematizar cómo se relaciona lo jurídico con lo literario. Abogados de ficción recorre un amplio panorama de conceptos y textos, ofreciendo al lector una mirada panorámica sobre este tema

    Seasonal Diet of the Grey Heron Ardea cinerea

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    11 pages, 1 figure, 5 tables.A total of 7460 prey items were counted in the 199 pellets analysed, of which 96.2% corresponded to arthropods. Aeshnidae larvae (Odonata) made up 66.1% of total prey items and were the main invertebrate group. Vertebrates constituted 3.8%, while reptiles and mammals were the main prey (1.8%, respectively). Despite the small size of the invertebrates, this group reached > 60% in terms of biomass. All main prey items varied significantly among seasons. Odonata was the most important group for all seasons, reaching its maximum value in summer. In the case of vertebrates, reptiles were mainly captured in spring and mammals in winter. With regards to indirect interaction with seeds, a total of 901 seeds associated with lizard remains were found in 77 pellets; indicating that they were previously consumed by these reptiles. External visual damage of seeds was low and only 1.1% was destroyed. No seeds germinated after the four month germination experiment and practically all of them were unviable. In conclusion, these results indicate that Grey Heron diet on islands varies in comparison with continental zones, including an important number of invertebrates and reptiles. Furthermore, this bird acts as an opportunistic secondary seed disperser, although its ecological effect does not seem to be very significant for the dynamics of the Canarian ecosystems.A. Rodríguez and B. Rumeu were partially supported by a postgraduate and a student grant (respectively) from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)