1,166 research outputs found

    Stochastic Theory of Accelerated Detectors in a Quantum Field

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    We analyze the statistical mechanical properties of n-detectors in arbitrary states of motion interacting with each other via a quantum field. We use the open system concept and the influence functional method to calculate the influence of quantum fields on detectors in motion, and the mutual influence of detectors via fields. We discuss the difference between self and mutual impedance and advanced and retarded noise. The mutual effects of detectors on each other can be studied from the Langevin equations derived from the influence functional, as it contains the backreaction of the field on the system self-consistently. We show the existence of general fluctuation- dissipation relations, and for trajectories without event horizons, correlation-propagation relations, which succinctly encapsulate these quantum statistical phenomena. These findings serve to clarify some existing confusions in the accelerated detector problem. The general methodology presented here could also serve as a platform to explore the quantum statistical properties of particles and fields, with practical applications in atomic and optical physics problems.Comment: 32 pages, Late

    Uniformly Accelerated Charge in a Quantum Field: From Radiation Reaction to Unruh Effect

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    We present a stochastic theory for the nonequilibrium dynamics of charges moving in a quantum scalar field based on the worldline influence functional and the close-time-path (CTP or in-in) coarse-grained effective action method. We summarize (1) the steps leading to a derivation of a modified Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac equation whose solutions describe a causal semiclassical theory free of runaway solutions and without pre-acceleration patholigies, and (2) the transformation to a stochastic effective action which generates Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac-Langevin equations depicting the fluctuations of a particle's worldline around its semiclassical trajectory. We point out the misconceptions in trying to directly relate radiation reaction to vacuum fluctuations, and discuss how, in the framework that we have developed, an array of phenomena, from classical radiation and radiation reaction to the Unruh effect, are interrelated to each other as manifestations at the classical, stochastic and quantum levels. Using this method we give a derivation of the Unruh effect for the spacetime worldline coordinates of an accelerating charge. Our stochastic particle-field model, which was inspired by earlier work in cosmological backreaction, can be used as an analog to the black hole backreaction problem describing the stochastic dynamics of a black hole event horizon.Comment: Invited talk given by BLH at the International Assembly on Relativistic Dynamics (IARD), June 2004, Saas Fee, Switzerland. 19 pages, 1 figur

    Coarse-Graining and Renormalization Group in the Einstein Universe

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    The Kadanoff-Wilson renormalization group approach for a scalar self-interacting field theor generally coupled with gravity is presented. An average potential that monitors the fluctuations of the blocked field in different scaling regimes is constructed in a nonflat background and explicitly computed within the loop-expansion approximation for an Einstein universe. The curvature turns out to be dominant in setting the crossover scale from a double-peak and a symmetric distribution of the block variables. The evolution of all the coupling constants generated by the blocking procedure is examined: the renormalized trajectories agree with the standard perturbative results for the relevant vertices near the ultraviolet fixed point, but new effective interactions between gravity and matter are present. The flow of the conformal coupling constant is therefore analyzed in the improved scheme and the infrared fixed point is reached for arbitrary values of the renormalized parameters.Comment: 18 pages, REVTex, two uuencoded figures. (to appear in Phys. Rev. D15, July) Transmission errors have been correcte

    Impacts of environmental factors and human disturbance on composition of roadside vegetation in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve of Southwest China

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    AbstractVegetation-disturbance-environment relationships in Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve (XNR) was examined using multivariate analysis to understand the impacts of environmental factors and human disturbance on vegetation along the highway corridor. The results show that native forests were the best habitat for protected/endangered species and native species. The exotic plants Eupatorium odoratum and Eupatorium adenophora were found primarily in secondary forests and their presence was positively associated with altitude and soil potassium concentrations. The distribution of two protected plants, Phoebe nanmu and Pometia tomentosa, was negatively associated with road disturbance. Understanding the complex effects of environmental factors and human disturbance is key for developing conservation and restoration strategies for roadside plant ecosystems

    Noise Kernel and Stress Energy Bi-Tensor of Quantum Fields in Hot Flat Space and Gaussian Approximation in the Optical Schwarzschild Metric

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    Continuing our investigation of the regularization of the noise kernel in curved spacetimes [N. G. Phillips and B. L. Hu, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 63}, 104001 (2001)] we adopt the modified point separation scheme for the class of optical spacetimes using the Gaussian approximation for the Green functions a la Bekenstein-Parker-Page. In the first example we derive the regularized noise kernel for a thermal field in flat space. It is useful for black hole nucleation considerations. In the second example of an optical Schwarzschild spacetime we obtain a finite expression for the noise kernel at the horizon and recover the hot flat space result at infinity. Knowledge of the noise kernel is essential for studying issues related to black hole horizon fluctuations and Hawking radiation backreaction. We show that the Gaussian approximated Green function which works surprisingly well for the stress tensor at the Schwarzschild horizon produces significant error in the noise kernel there. We identify the failure as occurring at the fourth covariant derivative order.Comment: 21 pages, RevTeX

    Spin-Charge Separation and Kinetic Energy in the t-J Model

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    I show that spin-charge separation in 2-D t-J model leads to an increase of kinetic energy. Using a sum rule, I derive an exact expression for the lowest possible KE (E_{bound}) for any state without doubly occupied sites. KE of relevant slave-boson and Schwinger-boson mean-field states -- which exhibit complete spin-charge separation -- are found to be much larger than E_{bound}. Examination of n(k) shows that the large increse in KE is due to excessive depletion of electrons from the bottom of the band (Schwinger boson) and of holes from the top (slave boson). To see whether the excess KE is simply due to poor treatment of the constraints, I solve the constraint problem analytically for the Schwinger boson case in the J = 0 limit. This restores gauge invariance, incorrectly violated in MF theories. The result is a generalized Hartree-Fock state of the Hubbard model, but one that includes spin waves. Even after constraints are imposed correctly, the KE remains much larger than E_{bound}. These results support the notion, advanced earlier [PRB 61, 8663 (2000)] that spin-charge separation in the MF state costs excessive KE, and makes the state unstable toward recombination processes which lead to superconductivity in d = 2 and a Fermi liquid state in higher dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, LateX plus three figures. To appear in Phys Rev B Typos correcte

    Modal nudging in nonlinear elasticity: tailoring the elastic post-buckling behaviour of engineering structures

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    The buckling and post-buckling behaviour of slender structures is increasingly being harnessed for smart functionalities. Equally, the post-buckling regime of many traditional engineering structures is not being used for design and may therefore harbour latent load-bearing capacity for further structural efficiency. Both applications can benefit from a robust means of modifying and controlling the post-buckling behaviour for a specific purpose. To this end, we introduce a structural design paradigm termed modal nudging, which can be used to tailor the post-buckling response of slender engineering structures without any significant increase in mass. Modal nudging uses deformation modes of stable post-buckled equilibria to perturb the undeformed baseline geometry of the structure imperceptibly, thereby favouring the seeded post-buckling response over potential alternatives. The benefits of this technique are enhanced control over the post-buckling behaviour, such as modal differentiation for smart structures that use snap-buckling for shape adaptation, or alternatively, increased load-carrying capacity, increased compliance or a shift from imperfection sensitivity to imperfection insensitivity. Although these concepts are, in theory, of general applicability, we concentrate here on planar frame structures analysed using the nonlinear finite element method and numerical continuation procedures. Using these computational techniques, we show that planar frame structures may exhibit isolated regions of stable equilibria in otherwise unstable post-buckling regimes, or indeed stable equilibria entirely disconnected from the natural structural response. In both cases, the load-carrying capacity of these isolated stable equilibria is greater than the natural structural response of the frames. Using the concept of modal nudging it is possible to “nudge” the frames onto these equilibrium paths of greater load-carrying capacity. Due to the scale invariance of modal nudging, these findings may impact the design of structures from the micro- to the macro-scale

    Alignment of galaxy spins in the vicinity of voids

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    We provide limits on the alignment of galaxy orientations with the direction to the void center for galaxies lying near the edges of voids. We locate spherical voids in volume limited samples of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using the HB inspired void finder and investigate the orientation of (color selected) spiral galaxies that are nearly edge-on or face-on. In contrast with previous literature, we find no statistical evidence for departure from random orientations. Expressed in terms of the parameter c, introduced by Lee & Pen to describe the strength of such an alignment, we find that c<0.11(0.13) at 95% (99.7%) confidence limit within a context of a toy model that assumes a perfectly spherical voids with sharp boundaries.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; v2 discussion expanded, references fixed, matches version accepted by JCA

    Energy-Momentum Tensor of Particles Created in an Expanding Universe

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    We present a general formulation of the time-dependent initial value problem for a quantum scalar field of arbitrary mass and curvature coupling in a FRW cosmological model. We introduce an adiabatic number basis which has the virtue that the divergent parts of the quantum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor are isolated in the vacuum piece of , and may be removed using adiabatic subtraction. The resulting renormalized is conserved, independent of the cutoff, and has a physically transparent, quasiclassical form in terms of the average number of created adiabatic `particles'. By analyzing the evolution of the adiabatic particle number in de Sitter spacetime we exhibit the time structure of the particle creation process, which can be understood in terms of the time at which different momentum scales enter the horizon. A numerical scheme to compute as a function of time with arbitrary adiabatic initial states (not necessarily de Sitter invariant) is described. For minimally coupled, massless fields, at late times the renormalized goes asymptotically to the de Sitter invariant state previously found by Allen and Folacci, and not to the zero mass limit of the Bunch-Davies vacuum. If the mass m and the curvature coupling xi differ from zero, but satisfy m^2+xi R=0, the energy density and pressure of the scalar field grow linearly in cosmic time demonstrating that, at least in this case, backreaction effects become significant and cannot be neglected in de Sitter spacetime.Comment: 28 pages, Revtex, 11 embedded .ps figure
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