7 research outputs found


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    Male infertility is a condition in which male inability to result pregnancy in fertile female partner. It accounts to 40-50% infertility. It is due to low sperm concentration, poor sperm motility and abnormal morphology of sperm etc. Ayurveda classical texts explained male fertility defects under eight types of Shukra dusti. Ksheenashukra is one among Shukradusti affecting lowered state of sperm concentration and it can be correlated to Oligospermia. There are number of single and combination of drugs mentioned to this condition. In present case study, a subject of 32 year old male attended the free male infertility medical camp with complaints of unable to conceive her partner even after unprotected intercourse since 4 years of married life. Semen analysis report reveals that low sperm count and low motility. This case was treated with Madhyama panchamoola churna along with Ksheera for 3 months. After the course of the treatment semen volume, sperm count, sperm motility, sperm morphology, total testosterone and sexual activity were enhanced. His partner conceived during the course of the treatment. The findings in study revealed that Madhyama panchamoola churna in Oligospermia with no adverse effects highlight the scope of Ayurveda medicine in male infertility disorders

    Shami (Prosopis cineraria (L) Druce) - A Medicinal Benison

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    Shami (Prosopis cineraria (L) Druce) belongs to family Fabaceae known for its spiritual uses in India mentioned in almost all the Nighantu’s of Ayurveda. It is endemic to Hot, Dry and Arid regions of India. Even though almost all the parts of Shami are having pharmacological actions specially the Bark and Fruit but these remain unexplored. It mainly contains tannins (gallic acid), alkaloids (spicigerine, prosophylline), Flavone derivatives (prosogerin A, B, C, D and E) and quercetin are widely used as anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-convulsant, nootropic and antidepressant activity. Thus, the current article reviews on Ayurveda literature, botanical description, varieties and powder microscopy of Shami

    A Comprehensive Understanding of Shukrala Karma in Male Infertility

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    Male reproductive health depends upon the normal structures and functions of Shukrava srotas. Shukra is composed of both sperm and semen and considered one of the important factors for fertilization. It is stated as Phalavat shukra. Preceptors of Ayurveda have described eight types of Shukra dosha and their treatments. Low sperm count, decrease sperm motility, abnormal sperm morphology, ejaculatory problems, sexual dysfunctions, environmental exposures (radiation, pollution, and stress etc), lifestyle habits (smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs etc), varicocele, hormonal imbalances, DNA damage, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) etc are causative factors for Male infertility. Thousands of years back, ancient system of medicine has mentioned the word Purusha vandya (male infertility) and different pharmacological activities, medicinal formulas, therapies to treat sperm disorders, semen impairments, and sexual dysfunctions. Vajeekarana is one of the special branches of Astanga Ayurveda which maintains the fertility and management of male infertility. Shukrala, Shukra janana, Shukra shodhana, Shukra rechaka, Shukra pravataka and Shukra sthambhaka etc., are the pharmacological activities mentioned to treat Shukradoshas. Shukrala karma mainly composed of Shukra vrudhikara and Shukra srutikara means which enhances the Shukra (semen and sperm) quantitatively and qualitatively and facilitates its ejaculation. Therefore, an attempt has been made to establish the concept of Shukrala karma and its therapeutic applicability in the management of male infertility

    Phytochemical Investigation and in Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Panchavalkala Bark Extracts

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    Natural antioxidants have an important role in the prevention of many age-related diseases and promotion of health. Among natural antioxidants from plants, flavonoids and other phenolic compounds are potent antioxidants and chelating agents. Panchavalkala the barks of five trees i.e. Nyagrodha (Ficus benghalensis L.), Udumbara (Ficus racemosa L.), Ashwatha (Ficus religiosa L.), Plaksha (Ficus virens Aiton) and Parisha (Thespesia populnea (L.)Sol.ex Correa) are also known as Pancha Ksheeri Vrikshas in use since Vedic period. Barks of these trees are dried in shade and are used for different formulations (Pancha Kashaya Kalpanas), in different pathological conditions, especially as wound healing, gynecological disorders and etc. The plant samples were extracted using ethanol and water, and subjected for the phytochemical analysis. It was confirmed that samples contain many biologically active compounds like flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, alkaloids, glycosides and terpinoids etc. The marker compound of each trial drug and the quantitative analysis has been carried out by high performance liquid chromatography. The antioxidant study was done by using in vitro method 1, 1­-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay. The marker compounds caffeic acid and gallic acid were quantified in each extract for their quality and efficacy. PVK barks showed high free radical scavenging activity as evidenced by the low IC50 values in DPPH (EE PVK- 20.46µg/ml, AE PVK-37.79µg/ml, EE T.poulenea-22µg/ml, AE T. poulenia- 23.31µg/ml AE F. benghalensis- 25.53µg/ml, EE F. benghalensis- 26.23µg/ml, EE F. religiosa - 34µg/ml). Quercetin- IC50 value 4.026µg/ml is used as standard. The results of the study demonstrated that PVK barks possess phyto-constituent’s viz. tannins, flavonoids, polyphenols etc. and has potential antioxidant activity. Thus these barks have good therapeutic potential as natural antioxidant and might be used in life style related conditions like hyperlipidemia, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disorders and etc


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    Propagation of human race get affected by both male and female factors. Male infertility contributes 50% of total infertility. Ksheenashukra (Oligospermia) is one of the commonest conditions for male infertility caused by Vata pitta dosha. Ayurvedic approach to rectify pathology of Ksheenashukra is through Vrushya (Aphrodisiac), Shukrajanaka, (Spermatogenic) Shukravardhaka (enhancing Semen and Sperm) Shukrapravataka (improve the ejaculatory process) and Shukrala etc pharmacological activities. The drug which enhances Shukra (Semen and Sperm) is named as Shukrala (Spermatogenic) activity. Madhyama panchamoola a group of drugs comprising of Bala (Sida cordifolia) Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Eranda (Ricinus communis), Mudgaparni (Teramnus labialis) and Mashaparni (Vigna trilobata). Review of literature reveals that each of these drugs has Balya (Strength promoter), Vrushya, Rasayana (Rejuvenation), Jeevaniya (Life promoting) and Shukrajanana (Spermatogenic) properties. Madhyama panchamoola as a group not had been evaluated for its potentiality as Shukrala but each of them individually proven for antioxidant, spermatogenic, antidiabetic and hepatoprotective activities. Phytoconstituents present in this viz., Ecdysterone, Boeravinone, Rotenoids, Octacosanol, Vitexin, Quercetin and Bergenin have been confirmed for spermatogenic activity. Reactive oxygen species identified as cause for male infertility. Hence antioxidant is used as a source of treatment. Components of Madhyama panchamoola in addition to antioxidant activity have other required pharmacological activities in the management of Ksheenashukra. This review upholds the compatibility ingredients of Madhyama pancha moola to be potential Shukrala combination

    A Comparative Analytical and Invivo Evaluation of Musta (Cyperus Rotundus Linn.) and Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus Wild.) for Anti Atherosclerotic Activity

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    Obesity and hyperlipidemia are predisposing factors for major number of cardiovascular diseases, especially Atherosclerosis which has become the major cause for death. Sthoulya is a Medo pradoshaja vikara. Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis can be correlated to Rasa pradoshaja vikara and Dhamani Prathichaya respectively. The treatment advocated for all the three conditions is Kaphahara and Medohara. Out of the big list of Kaphamedohara dravyas, Musta and Shatavari are two Dravyas with dissimilar Rasapanchakas that needs to be evaluated for the specific activity and indication. Analytical studies of the drugs were carried out as per the standard protocol. Invivo evaluation of Churna, Aqueous and Methanolic extracts of both the drugs in High fat diet induced Atherosclerosis were carried out on New Zealand White rabbits in both preventive and curative aspects. Though both the drugs were effective, Shatavari showed significant result in reducing Blood glucose, Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL and VLDL in comparison with Musta. Churna and Aqueous extract of Shatavari were effective than methanolic extract. Musta was found better in reducing the body weight in post treatment group than Shatavari. Churna and Methanolic extract of Musta were effective than aqueous extract in the reduction of body weight, Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL and VLDL. Except body weight in pretreatment, the drugs were effective in both preventive and curative aspects. Musta is drug of choice in obesity associated with hyperlipidemia where as Shatavari would be effective in hyperlipidemia associated with Rasa kshaya lakshanas. Both Musta and Shatavari have potential Antiatherosclerotic activity