575 research outputs found

    A general weak nonlinearity model for LNAs

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    This paper presents a general weak nonlinearity model that can be used to model, analyze and describe the distortion behavior of various low noise amplifier topologies in both narrowband and wideband applications. Represented by compact closed-form expressions our model can be easily utilized by both circuit designers and LNA design automation algorithms.\ud Simulations for three LNA topologies at different operating conditions show that the model describes IM components with an error lower than 0.1% and a one order of magnitude faster response time. The model also indicates that for narrowband IM2@w1-w2 all the nonlinear capacitances can be neglected while for narrowband IM3 the nonlinear capacitances at the drainterminal can be neglected

    The effects of macroscopic inhomogeneities on the magneto transport properties of the electron gas in two dimensions

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    In experiments on electron transport the macroscopic inhomogeneities in the sample play a fundamental role. In this paper and a subsequent one we introduce and develop a general formalism that captures the principal features of sample inhomogeneities (density gradients, contact misalignments) in the magneto resistance data taken from low mobility heterostructures. We present detailed assessments and experimental investigations of the different regimes of physical interest, notably the regime of semiclassical transport at weak magnetic fields, the plateau-plateau transitions as well as the plateau-insulator transition that generally occurs at much stronger values of the external field only. It is shown that the semiclassical regime at weak fields plays an integral role in the general understanding of the experiments on the quantum Hall regime. The results of this paper clearly indicate that the plateau-plateau transitions, unlike the the plateau-insulator transition, are fundamentally affected by the presence of sample inhomogeneities. We propose a universal scaling result for the magneto resistance parameters. This result facilitates, amongst many other things, a detailed understanding of the difficulties associated with the experimental methodology of H.P. Wei et.al in extracting the quantum critical behavior of the electron gas from the transport measurements conducted on the plateau-plateau transitions.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Geometric measure of entanglement and applications to bipartite and multipartite quantum states

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    The degree to which a pure quantum state is entangled can be characterized by the distance or angle to the nearest unentangled state. This geometric measure of entanglement, already present in a number of settings (see Shimony 1995 and Barnum and Linden 2001), is explored for bipartite and multipartite pure and mixed states. The measure is determined analytically for arbitrary two-qubit mixed states and for generalized Werner and isotropic states, and is also applied to certain multipartite mixed states. In particular, a detailed analysis is given for arbitrary mixtures of three-qubit GHZ, W and inverted-W states. Along the way, we point out connections of the geometric measure of entanglement with entanglement witnesses and with the Hartree approximation method.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, this is a combination of three previous manuscripts (quant-ph/0212030, quant-ph/0303079, and quant-ph/0303158) made more extensive and coherent. To appear in PR

    Short-Range Interactions and Scaling Near Integer Quantum Hall Transitions

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    We study the influence of short-range electron-electron interactions on scaling behavior near the integer quantum Hall plateau transitions. Short-range interactions are known to be irrelevant at the renormalization group fixed point which represents the transition in the non-interacting system. We find, nevertheless, that transport properties change discontinuously when interactions are introduced. Most importantly, in the thermodynamic limit the conductivity at finite temperature is zero without interactions, but non-zero in the presence of arbitrarily weak interactions. In addition, scaling as a function of frequency, ω\omega, and temperature, TT, is determined by the scaling variable ω/Tp\omega/T^p (where pp is the exponent for the temperature dependence of the inelastic scattering rate) and not by ω/T\omega/T, as it would be at a conventional quantum phase transition described by an interacting fixed point. We express the inelastic exponent, pp, and the thermal exponent, zTz_T, in terms of the scaling dimension, α<0-\alpha < 0, of the interaction strength and the dynamical exponent zz (which has the value z=2z=2), obtaining p=1+2α/zp=1+2\alpha/z and zT=2/pz_T=2/p.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    A Lorentz Invariance Violating Cosmology on the DGP Brane

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    We study cosmological implications of a Lorentz invariance violating DGP-inspired braneworld scenario. A minimally coupled scalar field and a single, fixed-norm, Lorentz-violating timelike vector field within an interactive picture provide a wide parameter space which accounts for late-time acceleration and transition to phantom phase of the scalar field.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in JCA

    A Model of Fermion Masses and Flavor Mixings with Family Symmetry SU(3)U(1)SU(3)\otimes U(1)

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    The family symmetry SU(3)U(1)SU(3)\otimes U(1) is proposed to solve flavor problems about fermion masses and flavor mixings. It's breaking is implemented by some flavon fields at the high-energy scale. In addition a discrete group Z2Z_{2} is introduced to generate tiny neutrino masses, which is broken by a real singlet scalar field at the middle-energy scale. The low-energy effective theory is elegantly obtained after all of super-heavy fermions are integrated out and decoupling. All the fermion mass matrices are regularly characterized by four fundamental matrices and thirteen parameters. The model can perfectly fit and account for all the current experimental data about the fermion masses and flavor mixings, in particular, it finely predicts the first generation quark masses and the values of θ13l\theta^{\,l}_{13} and JCPlJ_{CP}^{\,l} in neutrino physics. All of the results are promising to be tested in the future experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, to make a few of corrections to the old version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1011.457

    Generalized measurements by linear elements

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    I give a first characterization of the class of generalized measurements that can be exactly realized on a pair of qudits encoded in indistinguishable particles, by using only linear elements and particle detectors. Two immediate results follow from this characterization. (i) The Schmidt number of each POVM element cannot exceed the number of initial particles. This rules out any possibility of performing perfect Bell-measurements for qudits. (ii) The maximum probability of performing a generalized incomplete Bell-measurement is 1/2.Comment: 4 pages. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Scalar field exact solutions for non-flat FLRW cosmology: A technique from non-linear Schr\"odinger-type formulation

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    We report a method of solving for canonical scalar field exact solution in a non-flat FLRW universe with barotropic fluid using non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger (NLS)-type formulation in comparison to the method in the standard Friedmann framework. We consider phantom and non-phantom scalar field cases with exponential and power-law accelerating expansion. Analysis on effective equation of state to both cases of expansion is also performed. We speculate and comment on some advantage and disadvantage of using the NLS formulation in solving for the exact solution.Comment: 12 pages, GERG format, Reference added. accepted by Gen. Relativ. and Gra