11 research outputs found

    Effects of single dose and cbronic administration of nitrendipine on arterial pressure. plazma renin activity (PRA). glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in essential hypertension

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    Bu çalışmada esansiyel hipertansiyonlu olgularda kalsiyum kanal blokerleri Nitrendipin 'in tek doz ve kronik (5 gün) kullanımının sistemik arter basıncı, plazma renin aktivitesi (PRA), aldosteron düzeyi, serum elektrolitleri ve glomerüler filtrasyon hızına (GFR) etkileri araştırıldı. 31 hafif ve orta esansiyel hipertansiyonlu olguda 20 mg tek doz oral Nitrendipin alımından 1 saat sonra sistolik ve diastolik kan basıncında anlamlı düşme gözlendi. Nitrendipin 'in sistolik ve diastolik basınçtaki antihipertansif etkisi takip süresi olan 24 saat boyunca devam etti. Tek doz ve kronik kullanımda PRA, Aldosteron serum elektrolitleri ve GFR de herhangi bir değişiklik saptanmadı. % 88 olguda tedavi periyodu sonunda arteriyel kan basıncı ideal düzeylere düştü. Nitrendipin tedavisi alan 31 olgunun 4'ünde baş ağrısı, 3'ünde klinik taşikardi, l'inde de flushing gözlendi. Sonuç olarak esansiyel hipertansiyonlu olgularda kalsiyum kanal blokeri Nitrendipin 'in 20 mg tek doz kullanımı ile oral alımdan I saat sonra antihipertansif etkinin başladığı, bu etkinin 24 saat devam ettiği, tedavi periyodunda ilacın iyi tolere edebildiği, akut ve kronik kullanım döneminde serum elektrolitleri, PRA. Aldosteron düzeylerinin ve GFR değerinin etkilenmediği kanısına varılmıştır.Effects of single dose and chronic (five days) administration of Nitrendipine (20 mg) on systemic arterial pressure, Plasma Renin Activity, Serum Na+, K+, Cr, üric acid, ürea, creatinine, glukoz, Aldosterone levels and Glomerular Filtration Rate have been investigated. A significant decrease was observed in systolic and diastolic blood pressure I hour after the oral administration of Nitrendipine in 31 patients with mild or moderate essential hypertension. Furtlter more, in on observation period of 24 hours. It was also established that the effects of Nitrendipine on systolic and diastolic blood pressure sustained. In 27 of 31 patients (% 88), a diastolic pressure 90 mmHg was achieved in the long-tenn treatment. No change was observed in plasma renin activity, serum Na+, K+, cı+, üric acid, Aldosteron, ürea, creatinin, glucose levels and GFR after single dose and chronic administration of Nitrendipine

    Assessing Voters' Attitudes towards Electronic Voting in Latin America: Evidence from Colombia's 2007 E-Voting Pilot

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    Electronic voting could increase citizens' electoral participation and trust in countries characterized by fragile democratic institutions and public discredit of the political system such as those in Latin America. This paper examines attitudes towards e-voting among participants in a large scale pilot project conducted in Colombia in 2007, focusing on the perceived reliability and usability of different, automated voting technologies. Using a multivariate probit model, we determine the effect of socio-demographic, geographic and technical factors on users' evaluations of electronic voting vis a vis the traditional paper ballot system. Our results show that users find e-voting not only easier than the current voting system, but also substantially more reliable. While voters' opinions on usability are driven by technical issues, their trust in the new technologies is strongly affected by individual characteristics. We conclude that e-voting entails a promising opportunity to empower voters and increase confidence in elections in Colombia

    The Role of Schwann Cell in Nerve Regeneration

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    Neuroprotective and neurorestorative strategies for neuronal injury

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