16 research outputs found

    A dynamic power-aware partitioner with task migration for multicore embedded systems

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    Nowadays, a key design issue in embedded systems is how to reduce the power consumption, since batteries have a limited energy budget. For this purpose, several techniques such as Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) or task migration can be used. DVS allows reducing power by selecting the optimal voltage supply, while task migration achieves this effect by balancing the workload among cores. This paper first analyzes the impact on energy due to task migration in multicore embedded systems with DVS capability and using the well-known Worst Fit (WF) partitioning heuristic. To reduce overhead, migrations are only performed at the time that a task arrives to and/or leaves the system and, in such a case, only one migration is allowed. The huge potential on energy saving due to task migration, leads us to propose a new dynamic partitioner, namely DP, that migrates tasks in a more efficient way than typical partitioners. Unlike WF, the proposed algorithm examines which is the optimal target core before allowing a migration. Experimental results show that DP can improve energy consumption in a factor up to 2.74 over the typical WF algorithm. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.This work was supported by Spanish CICYT under Grant TIN2009-14475-C04-01, and by Consolider-Ingenio under Grant CSD2006-00046.March Cabrelles, JL.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Hassan Mohamed, H.; Duato Marín, JF. (2011). A dynamic power-aware partitioner with task migration for multicore embedded systems. En Euro-Par 2011 Parallel Processing. Springer Verlag (Germany). 2011(6852):218-229. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23400-2_21S21822920116852AlEnawy, T.A., Aydin, H.: Energy-Aware Task Allocation for Rate Monotonic Scheduling. In: Proceedings of the 11th Real Time on Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, March 7-10, pp. 213–223. IEEE Computer Society, San Francisco (2005)Aydin, H., Yang, Q.: Energy-Aware Partitioning for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, April 22-26, p. 113. IEEE Computer Society, Nice (2003)Baker, T.P.: An Analysis of EDF schedulability on a multiprocessor. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 16(8), 760–768 (2005)Brandenburg, B.B., Calandrino, J.M., Anderson, J.H.: On the Scalability of Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms on Multicore Platforms: A Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 29th Real-Time Systems Symposium, November 30-December 3, pp. 157–169. IEEE Computer Society, Barcelona (2008)Brião, E., Barcelos, D., Wronski, F., Wagner, F.R.: Impact of Task Migration in NoC-based MPSoCs for Soft Real-time Applications. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on VLSI, October 15-17, pp. 296–299. IEEE Computer Society, Atlanta (2007)Cazorla, F., Knijnenburg, P., Sakellariou, R., Fernández, E., Ramirez, A., Valero, M.: Predictable Performance in SMT Processors: Synergy between the OS and SMTs. IEEE Transactions on Computers 55(7), 785–799 (2006)Donald, J., Martonosi, M.: Techniques for Multicore Thermal Management: Classification and New Exploration. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, June 17-21, pp. 78–88. IEEE Computer Society, Boston (2006)El-Haj-Mahmoud, A., AL-Zawawi, A., Anantaraman, A., Rotenberg, E.: Virtual Multiprocessor: An Analyzable, High-Performance Architecture for Real-Time Computing. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, September 24-27, pp. 213–224. ACM Press, San Francisco (2005)Hung, C., Chen, J., Kuo, T.: Energy-Efficient Real-Time Task Scheduling for a DVS System with a Non-DVS Processing Element. In: Proceedings of the 27th Real-Time Systems Symposium, December 5-8, pp. 303–312. IEEE Computer Society, Rio de Janeiro (2006)Kalla, R., Sinharoy, B., Tendler, J.M.: IBM Power5 Chip: A Dual-Core Multithreaded Processor. IEEE Micro 24(2), 40–47 (2004)Kato, S., Yamasaki, N.: Global EDF-based Scheduling with Efficient Priority Promotion. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, August 25-27, pp. 197–206. IEEE Computer Society, Kaohisung (2008)Malardalen Real-Time Research Center, Vasteras, Sweden: WCET Analysis Project. WCET Benchmark Programs (2006), [Online], http://www.mrtc.mdh.se/projects/wcet/March, J., Sahuquillo, J., Hassan, H., Petit, S., Duato, J.: A New Energy-Aware Dynamic Task Set Partitioning Algorithm for Soft and Hard Embedded Real-Time Systems. To be published on The Computer Journal (2011)McNairy, C., Bhatia, R.: Montecito: A Dual-Core, Dual-Thread Itanium Processor. IEEE Micro 25(2), 10–20 (2005)Seo, E., Jeong, J., Park, S., Lee, J.: Energy Efficient Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks on Multicore Processors. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 19(11), 1540–1552 (2008)Shah, A.: Arm plans to add multithreading to chip design. ITworld (2010), [Online], http://www.itworld.com/hardware/122383/arm-plans-add-multithreading-chip-designUbal, R., Sahuquillo, J., Petit, S., López, P.: Multi2Sim: A Simulation Framework to Evaluate Multicore-Multithreaded Processors. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, October 24-27, pp. 62–68. IEEE Computer Society, Gramado (2007)Watanabe, R., Kondo, M., Imai, M., Nakamura, H., Nanya, T.: Task Scheduling under Performance Constraints for Reducing the Energy Consumption of the GALS Multi-Processor SoC. In: Proceedings of the Design Automation and Test in Europe, April 16-20, pp. 797–802. ACM, Nice (2007)Wei, Y., Yang, C., Kuo, T., Hung, S.: Energy-Efficient Real-Time Scheduling of Multimedia Tasks on Multi-Core Processors. In: Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Applied Computing, March 22-26, pp. 258–262. ACM, Sierre (2010)Wu, Q., Martonosi, M., Clark, D.W., Reddi, V.J., Connors, D., Wu, Y., Lee, J., Brooks, D.: A Dynamic Compilation Framework for Controlling Microprocessor Energy and Performance. In: Proceedings of the 38th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, November 12-16, pp. 271–282. IEEE Computer Society, Barcelona (2005)Zheng, L.: A Task Migration Constrained Energy-Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessor Real-time Systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, September 21-25, pp. 3055–3058. IEEE Computer Society, Shanghai (2007

    A Comparison of Solar Cycle Variations in the Equatorial Rotation Rates of the Sun's Subsurface, Surface, Corona, and Sunspot Groups

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    Using the Solar Optical Observing Network (SOON) sunspot-group data for the period 1985-2010, the variations in the annual mean equatorial-rotation rates of the sunspot groups are determined and compared with the known variations in the solar equatorial-rotation rates determined from the following data: i) the plasma rotation rates at 0.94Rsun, 0.95Rsun,...,1.0Rsun measured by Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) during the period 1995-2010, ii) the data on the soft X-ray corona determined from Yohkoh/SXT full disk images for the years 1992-2001, iii) the data on small bright coronal structures (SBCS) which were traced in Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/EIT images during the period 1998-2006, and iv) the Mount Wilson Doppler-velocity measurements during the period 1986-2007. A large portion (up to approximate 30 deg latitude) of the mean differential-rotation profile of the sunspot groups lies between those of the internal differential-rotation rates at 0.94Rsun and 0.98Rsun.The variation in the yearly mean equatorial-rotation rate of the sunspot groups seems to be lagging that of the equatorial-rotation rate determined from the GONG measurements by one to two years.The amplitude of the latter is very small.The solar-cycle variation in the equatorial-rotation rate of the solar corona closely matches that determined from the sunspot-group data.The variation in the equatorial-rotation rate determined from the Mount Wilson Doppler-velocity data closely resembles the corresponding variation in the equatorial-rotation rate determined from the sunspot-group data that included the values of the abnormal angular motions (> 3 deg per day) of the sunspot groups. Implications of these results are pointed out.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Solar Physic

    Large-Eddy Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in Heliophysics and Astrophysics

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    We live in an age in which high-performance computing is transforming the way we do science. Previously intractable problems are now becoming accessible by means of increasingly realistic numerical simulations. One of the most enduring and most challenging of these problems is turbulence. Yet, despite these advances, the extreme parameter regimes encountered in space physics and astrophysics (as in atmospheric and oceanic physics) still preclude direct numerical simulation. Numerical models must take a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach, explicitly computing only a fraction of the active dynamical scales. The success of such an approach hinges on how well the model can represent the subgrid-scales (SGS) that are not explicitly resolved. In addition to the parameter regime, heliophysical and astrophysical applications must also face an equally daunting challenge: magnetism. The presence of magnetic fields in a turbulent, electrically conducting fluid flow can dramatically alter the coupling between large and small scales, with potentially profound implications for LES/SGS modeling. In this review article, we summarize the state of the art in LES modeling of turbulent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) ows. After discussing the nature of MHD turbulence and the small-scale processes that give rise to energy dissipation, plasma heating, and magnetic reconnection, we consider how these processes may best be captured within an LES/SGS framework. We then consider several special applications in heliophysics and astrophysics, assessing triumphs, challenges,and future directions

    Are Solar Active Regions with Major Flares More Fractal, Multifractal, or Turbulent than Others?

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    Multiple recent investigations of solar magnetic field measurements have raised claims that the scale-free (fractal) or multiscale (multifractal) parameters inferred from the studied magnetograms may help assess the eruptive potential of solar active regions, or may even help predict major flaring activity stemming from these regions. We investigate these claims here, by testing three widely used scale-free and multiscale parameters, namely, the fractal dimension, the multifractal structure function and its inertial-range exponent, and the turbulent power spectrum and its power-law index, on a comprehensive data set of 370 timeseries of active-region magnetograms (17,733 magnetograms in total) observed by SOHO's Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) over the entire Solar Cycle 23. We find that both flaring and non-flaring active regions exhibit significant fractality, multifractality, and non-Kolmogorov turbulence but none of the three tested parameters manages to distinguish active regions with major flares from flare-quiet ones. We also find that the multiscale parameters, but not the scale-free fractal dimension, depend sensitively on the spatial resolution and perhaps the observational characteristics of the studied magnetograms. Extending previous works, we attribute the flare-forecasting inability of fractal and multifractal parameters to i) a widespread multiscale complexity caused by a possible underlying self-organization in turbulent solar magnetic structures, flaring and non-flaring alike, and ii) a lack of correlation between the fractal properties of the photosphere and overlying layers, where solar eruptions occur. However useful for understanding solar magnetism, therefore, scale-free and multiscale measures may not be optimal tools for active-region characterization in terms of eruptive ability or, ultimately,for major solar-flare prediction.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, Solar Phys., in pres

    An experience report on the integration of ECU software using an HSF-enabled real-time kernel

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    This paper gives an overview of the challenges we faced when integrating automotive software components on an embedded electronic control unit (ECU). The results include the design of a communication abstraction layer, management of scarce ECU resources and a demonstration of temporal isolation between components in an industrial case study

    Catalogue des outils d'aide a la decision dans le domaine de l'energie pour les collectivites locales

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    Available from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : RP 400 (2202) / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEAgence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie (ADEME), 75 - Paris (France)FRFranc