365 research outputs found

    Pendugaan Infiltrasi Menggunakan Data Neraca Air Di Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai Watujali, Gombong (Estimation of Infiltration Based on Water Balance Method at Watujali Sub Watershed, Gombong)

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    Infiltration rate in a watershed is very important for water management. There are many methods for estimating the rate of infiltration in a watershed. Among of them are direct measurements, hydrograph analysis and water balance calculation. The purpose of this study was to estimate infiltration in the sub watershed under pine forest. The method was based on a relationship between water balance and regression of monthly rainfall and discharge. The results showed that the infiltration rate of pine forest in Watujali Sub Watershed range from 125 mm/year up to 1,193 mm/year. The infiltration rate was highly depended on rainfall as the input. In 2010 with 5,826 mm rainfall, the infiltration rate reached 1,193 mm/year. Estimation of infiltration using water balance data was easy to implement because it only used data of streamflow, rainfall and evapotranspiration

    The Effect of Person–Job Fit to Job Involvement With Intrinsic Motivation as Intervening Variable

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    Background: Indonesia is incorporated in the ASEAN Economy Community (AEC). AEC’s impacts encourage companies to compete competitively to maintain their existence among competitors. Therefore, the company requires employees who have high levels of job involvement to be able to work effectively and efficiently. Job involvement is a positive attitude that encourages employees to contribute positively to the work. Purpose: To analyze the effect of person–job fit toward job involvement with intrinsic motivation as an intervening variable. Method: Data were collected with simple random sampling method, through observation and questionnaires that involved 131 employees from the central office at PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk’s Surabaya. Technical data testing used is SEM-PLS and Sobel test to study the effects of mediation. Result: Person–job fit influence is positively significant toward job involvement and intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation proved to be a mediator in the relation between person–job fit and job involvement.     Keywords: person–job fit, intrinsic motivation, job involvemen


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hasil belajar siswa dan respon siswa terhadap metode ice breaker pada proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, subyek penelitianadalah siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah1 Gresik dan obyek penelitian adalah penerapan metode ice breaker dalam proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital, instrumen penelitian berupa angket respon siswa dan soal tes (post test), metode tes digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa dan metode angket digunakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode ice breaker. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:1) hasil belajar siswa, dimana pada kelas eksperimen adalah 94,11% dan pada kelas kontrol adalah 50%, dengan demikian KK dari dari kelas ekperimen lebih baik dari kelas kontrol sebesar 44,11%. Hasil KK dari post test apabila di sesuaikan dengan pedoman ketuntasan klasikal (KK) di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, yaitu dengan ketentuan ≥ 75% dengan demikian hasil belajar siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik dengan penerapan ice breaker dapat dinyatakan tuntas dengan persentase KK sebesar 94,11%. 2) nilai rata rata  jawaban respon siswa kelas X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, jumlah siswa yang memilih jawaban sangat setuju (SS) yaitu 54,11%, setuju (S) 37,35% dan netral (N) 8,52% siswa dengan demikian metode ice breaker dalam proses pembelajaran menerapkan dasar-dasar teknik digital mendapatkan respon positif dari siswa. Kata kunci: ice breaker, eksperimen, respon Abstract This study aims to identify study result of the students and response students against a method of ice breaker on the learning process apply the rudiments of engineering digital This type of research is a research experiment, the subjects of the research are students of class X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik and the object of research is the application of methods of ice breaker in the learning process applying digital engineering basics, research instrument in the form of the now student response and questions (post test) test, the test method used to determine student learning outcomes and methods used now to find out how the students responses follow the learning process by using the method of the ice breaker. The result showed that: 1) study result of the students, where on class experiment is 94,11 % and to that class of control is 50 %, thus families of of a class of ekperimen better of a class of control of 44,11 %.The result of families of post test if have adaptable with guidelines classical completeness (KK) in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, namely by provisions > 75 % thus study result of the student grade X TAV SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik by the application of ice breaker can be expressed been solved by the percentage of families of 94,11 %. 2) the value of intermediate answer response graders X TAV SMK  Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik, the number of students who chose answer couldn't agree (SS) is 54,11 %, agree (S) is 37,35 % and neutral (N) is 8,52 percent of students thus a method of ice breaking in the process of learning the rudiments of the technique of applying digital responded positively by the students. Key words: ice breaker, the experiment, the respons

    Alternatif Pencegahan Korosi Platform's Steel-pipe Pier Di Selat Madura

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    Steel platform for geotechnical investigation in Madura-strait was affected by corrosive surrounding marine environment. Corrosion attack on platform structure could generate technical and economical loss. To reduce negative impact, several effort on corrosive prevention are needed. Several alternatives on steel pipe corrosive prevention are being stu-died. In this research the purpose of this study is to find the most suitable and economic prevention alternative. Comparison between several alternatives on corrosive prevention is used as research method. Several alternatives being compared are inorganic coating using Portland Cement, cathodic protection by zinc and aluminums, coating by zinc, nickel, and chrome, spraying by zinc, nickel, and chrome, and painting. Working method, field availability, and cost are considered on this study. For Madura-strait steel pipe platform case, the best corrosive protection alternative is spraying by zinc, due to economic consideration during 60-days protection. For longer protection purpose, coating and cathodic protection are more suitable alternatives due to less maintenance cost

    Model Pembelajaran Artikulasi dengan Media Animasi Powtoon untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Keuangan

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    The objective of the research is to investigate whether the application of the articulation learning model with Powtoon animation media can improve the learning achievement in the Financial Accounting. This research used the class room action research (CAR). The data of research were collected through test, observation, and documentation/archives. They were analyzed by using the quantitative and qualitative analysis. The result of the research shows that in prior to the treatment in Pre-cycle, the students\u27 learning achievement on the affective aspect was 43.75% in the students\u27 learning achievement on the cognitive aspect was 25%, and the students\u27 learning achievement on the psychomotor aspect was 50%. Following the treatment in Cycle I, the students\u27 learning achievement on the affective aspect became 56.25%, the students\u27 learning achievement on the cognitive aspect became 56.25%, and the students\u27 learning achievement on the psychomotor aspect was 62.5%. In addition, in Cycle II, the students\u27 learning achievement on the affective aspect became 84.38%, the students\u27 learning achievement on the cognitive aspect became 87.5%, and the students\u27 learning achievement on the psychomotor aspect became 100%. Thus, the application of the articulation learning model with Powtoon animation media can improve the learning achievement on the Financial Accounting

    Prospek Pembibitan Ate Sebagai Unit Ipteks Bagi Inovasi Kreativitas Kampus Di Universitas Udayana

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    Kerajinan ate merupakan salah satu etnik Bali yang sangat unik dan diminati oleh wisatawan.  Keunikan dan keindahan hasil kerajinan ini telah menjadikan kerajinan ate sebagai komoditi ekspor unggulan Provinsi Bali. Sentra produksi kerajinan Ate di Bali adalah Kabupaten Karangasem. Jumlah USAha kerajinan Ate di Kabupaten Karangasem mencapai 4.022 unit USAha dan menyerap 6.171 orang tenaga kerja dengan total investasi Rp 1 milyar dan nilai produksi sekitar Rp 9,397 milyar. Diperkirakan dalam sehari kebutuhan Ate kering untuk keperluan bahan baku USAha kerajinan tersebut rata-rata mencapai Rp 30 juta . atau mencapai 180 ton per tahun (Karangasem Dalam Angka, 2010). Namun demikian, produktivitas kerajinan tersebut kian menurun karena kesulitan memperoleh bahan baku yang memicu harga produk menjadi mahal sehingga menurunkan daya saing produk tersebut. Tujuan dari kegiatan ipteks bagi inovasi kreativitas kampus bibit ate ini adalah untuk menyediakan bibit ate dalam jumlah besar, dalam waktu singkat dan harga yang relatif murah. Perbanyakan tanaman ate dilakukan dengan penumbuhan spora. Proses produksi diawali dengan mengumpulkan spora yang terletak pada bagian bawah daun. Hal yang penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam perbanyakan tanaman dengan spora adalah memilih spora yang telah masak ditandai dengan warna coklat atau kehitam-hitaman. Spora ditumbuhkan pada media, setelah tumbuh selanjutnya disapih dan ditanam dalam polybag. Bibit yang sduah berukuran tinggi 30 cm selanjutnya siap untuk ditanam. Selain proses produksi yang diuraian di atas juga dilakukan serangkaian kegiatan lain untuk menunjang USAha IbIKK. Termasuk dalam kegiatan tersebut diantaranya: pengembangan Ipteks, promosi, pemasaran, dan evaluasi kinerja USAha. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Unit IbIKK Bibit Ate sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan target capaian yang teah ditetapkan di bawah PS Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana; (2) Unit IbIKK telah memiliki sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, berupa laboratorium, ruang kantor 24 m2, balai nursery 200 m2, balai seedling 34 m2, dengan investasi sebesar Rp. 58.365.000; (3) Kapasitas produksi telah mencapai target sebesar 6000 pohon; (4) Omset penjualan telah mencapai 3000 pohon; (5) Arus kas bersih pada tahun 2014 sebesar Rp. 18.324.000,-; (6) IbIKK bibit Ate memiliki prospek USAha yang bagus dengan terjalinnya pemasaran dengan Pemda Karangasem, Gianyar dan Industri Kerajinan Ate dari Lombok Barat

    Factorization of Tropical Matrices

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    In contrast to the situation in classical linear algebra, not every tropically non-singular matrix can be factored into a product of tropical elementary matrices. We do prove the factorizability of any tropically non-singular 2x2 matrix and, relating to the existing Bruhat decomposition, determine which 3x3 matrices are factorizable. Nevertheless, there is a closure operation, obtained by means of the tropical adjoint, which is always factorizable, generalizing the decomposition of the closure operation * of a matrix.Comment: This paper is part of the author's PhD thesis, which was written at Bar-Ilan University under the supervision of Prof. L. H. Rowe

    Pengaruh Bantuan Dana Bergulir, Modal Kerja, Lokasi Pemasaran dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Pendapatan Pelaku UMKM Sektor Industri di Kota Denpasar

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    In the development of the Indonesian economy, the activities of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which are categorized as informal sector undertaking, is the potential and role in providing employment to the self-absorption of the workforce. Efforts informal sector, generally have features not depend on the cooperation of many people and the system of division of labor is not tight and relatively small-scale business. In general, the business does not have permission informal sector efforts and to work in the informal sector is easier than working in formal enterprises. This study to determine the effect of aid destined for the revolving fund, working capital, location marketing, and product quality on earnings performer MSME industries in city Denpasar. This study entirely using primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 85 respondents who made ??the study sample. Study population of 556 MSME units in Kota Denpasar. Determination of the sample is determined by accidental sampling technique. Technical analysis is used path analysis. The results showed that: 1) the revolving fund, working capital, location, marketing, and product quality directly influence positive and significant impact on earnings performer MSMEs in Denpasar. While production volume no significant effect on earnings performer MSMEs in Denpasar. 2) a revolving fund and working capital indirectly no significant effect on earnings performer MSMEs in Denpasar through volume production. 3) Working capital's most dominant influence on earnings performer MSMEs in Denpasar

    Hubungan Minat Berwirausaha Dengan Prestasi Praktik Kerja Industri Siswa Kelas XII Teknik Otomotif Smk Negeri 1 Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar minat berwirausaha siswa SMKNegeri 1 Adiwerna, sebarapa besar prestasi praktik kerja industri siswa SMK Negeri 1Adiwerna, dan seberapa besar hubungan minat berwirausaha dengan prestasi praktikkerja industri siswa SMK Negeri 1 Adiwerna. Hasil penelitian diperoleh gambaranbahwa minat berwirausaha siswa kelas XII SMK Negeri 1 Adiwerna tergolong tinggi.Sebanyak 34 siswa (50%) memiliki minat yang tinggi, bahkan 30 siswa (44,12%) dalamkategori sangat tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi psikis sebagian besar siswamemiliki keinginan yang tinggi untuk berwirausaha dan didukung dengan USAha yangtinggi untuk menjaga kondisi fisik serta mendapat dorongan dari kondisi lingkungan baikkeluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Prestasi praktik kerja industri pada siswa kelas XIISMK Negeri 1 Adiwerna tergolong baik dengan rata-rata 82,8. Hasil analisis korelasiproduct moment diperoleh rxy = 0,662 dengan uji t = 7,183
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