
Model Pembelajaran Artikulasi dengan Media Animasi Powtoon untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Keuangan


The objective of the research is to investigate whether the application of the articulation learning model with Powtoon animation media can improve the learning achievement in the Financial Accounting. This research used the class room action research (CAR). The data of research were collected through test, observation, and documentation/archives. They were analyzed by using the quantitative and qualitative analysis. The result of the research shows that in prior to the treatment in Pre-cycle, the students\u27 learning achievement on the affective aspect was 43.75% in the students\u27 learning achievement on the cognitive aspect was 25%, and the students\u27 learning achievement on the psychomotor aspect was 50%. Following the treatment in Cycle I, the students\u27 learning achievement on the affective aspect became 56.25%, the students\u27 learning achievement on the cognitive aspect became 56.25%, and the students\u27 learning achievement on the psychomotor aspect was 62.5%. In addition, in Cycle II, the students\u27 learning achievement on the affective aspect became 84.38%, the students\u27 learning achievement on the cognitive aspect became 87.5%, and the students\u27 learning achievement on the psychomotor aspect became 100%. Thus, the application of the articulation learning model with Powtoon animation media can improve the learning achievement on the Financial Accounting

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