28 research outputs found

    Prevention of Mist Formation in Amine Based Carbon Capture: Field Testing Using a Wet ElectroStatic Precipitator (WESP) and a Gas-Gas Heater (GGH)

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    This study presents the results of two field tests that aimed at evaluating two countermeasures (WESP and GGH) to avoid acid mist formation. A WESP is shown to be very efficient for the removal of nuclei from the flue gas (100 % efficient) and thus can prevent aerosol formation inside an amine based absorber. This is however only valid in the absence of SO2 in the flue gas entering the WESP. A decreasing WESP efficiency is noted in the presence of SO2 with increasing voltages as a result of newly formed aerosols inside the WESP. This implies that no or very low levels of SO2 should be present in the flue gas entering the WESP. Since most of the amine carbon capture installations have a pre-scrubber (usually using NaOH to remove residual SO2 in the flue gas leaving the power plant's Flue Gas Desulphurisation) in front of their amine absorber, the WESP must be installed behind this pre-scrubber and not in front of it. Having a Gas-Gas Heater (or any type of flue gas cooling such as a Low Temperature Heat Exchanger) installed upstream of the wet scrubbing may prevent homogenous nucleation and thus prevent the conversion of H2SO4 into sulfuric acid aerosols and consequently mist formation issues in the amine based carbon capture installation. Which option to choose amongst the two countermeasures presented in this study will depend on whether a new built installation is being considered or whether a carbon capture is planned as a retrofit into an existing installation. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    The Use of T‑tube Cholangiocatheter Stents in the Treatment of Pediatric Tracheomalacia

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    Tracheomalacia is a common disorder in neonate and infants, which can lead to life‑threatening airway occlusion, because of external pressure or intrinsic defect of tracheobroncial cartilage. Aortopexy and Stents are effective in relieving tracheomalacia in the latter patients. In this case we are to show how t‑tube cholangiocatheter is effective and easy available in sever tracheomalacia neonates with intrinsic defect. It can be easily replaced and causes no infection, erosion, or sever complication in 9 months period.Key words: Stent, tracheomalacia, t‑tube cholangiocathete

    Our experience with caustic oesophageal burn in South of Iran

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    Context: The alkaline oesophageal burn (EB) is a very debilitating injury  and common in the southern rural area of Iran, where the air conditioning systems are cleaned with an alkaline liquid, which is accidentally ingested by children.Aims: The aim is to share our experiences with caustic injury in children. Settings and Design: A ‘before’ and ‘after’ clinical trial.Materials and Methods: From November 2006-2009, 35 cases of alkaline burns were referred to our center. All underwent flexible endoscopy and thereafter received steroid, antibiotic and H2 blocker. They subsequentlyunderwent rigid oesophagoscopy, with grade IIb or higher burns, for  inserting the two different kinds of stents.Results: Four out of 10 (GIIa <) underwent dilatation occasionally. Fifteen (GIIb) with early large stent (eight weeks) developed complications (three antral contractures, one oesophagotracheal fistula, one tracheobronchial fistula, three perforations, three deaths, and the remaining cases had not undergone dilatation yet. Four out of 10 with (GIIb), who had small stents (Six months) and early gastrostomy needed dilatation every four to six weeks and all recovered, with no significant complications. Conclusions:Early use of gastrostomy prevents malnutrition in patients. Small size stents are much more tolerable for a prolonged time are not obstructed by saliva that washes the wall of the damaged oesophagus continuously and promotes healing

    Abdominal wall closure in bladder exstrophy complex repair by rectus flap

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    Background and Objectives: The Exstrophy Complex (EC) is a serious malformation of midline abdominal wall. Wide pubis prevents approximating the lateralized rectus muscle and leads to dehiscence and fistula formation. Our aim was to recommend an easier method for abdominal wall closure in the Bladder Exstrophy (BE) complex repair. Materials and Methods: From November 2007 to April 2010, we had three case of Cloacal Exstrophy (CE) and 10 BE, in which early bladder closure and coverage were performed by wide mobilization of bladder and rectus muscle flap closure in the midline without pubic closure. Results: Two cases of CE had only minor wound dehiscence and bladder prolapsed later. One of the 10 BE cases developed vesicocutaneous fistula and the other two had minor wound dehiscence. Conclusions: Our Technique reconstructed the abdominal wall with less morbidity and hospitalization because of tensionless closure

    Role of bulking agents in bladder exstrophyepispadias complexes

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    Background: Role of pelvic osteotomy in surgical management of bladder exstrophy is controversial But pelvic rim closure importantly. Bulking  agents have been used for perineal and pelvic dysfunction in adults. In this study, bladder extrophy repair was performed without pubic closure And bulking agent injections were used as the strut of anterior pelvis for prevention of Organ prolapse and other functions in this series.Patients and Methods: During the period 2008-2012, twenty-five exstrophy-epispadias complex patients with a mean age of 14 months underwent surgical reconstruction. Rectus abdominis Muscle was detached from the superior pubis and sutured to each other in the midline and Re-anchored at the pubis and 8-9 month later urethra was constructed and placed between prineal muscles. Bladder neck repair and intersyphyseal  reconstruction was done With bulking agents one year after primary bladder closure when in our series bladder Prolapse mainly occurred. One to 4 mL of bulking agents polyacrylate (vantris/promedon) was injected at the level of the intersymphyseal area and opening on either sides of the urethra. Results: Mean urinary continence score, before, 3 and 6months after injection Were (2.65 ± 074),(1.95 ± 082),(1.75 ± 0.78), respectively.(p < 0.001). The correlation factor Between before injection, 3 and 6 months were % 82, % 74 spectively. Mean capacity of bladder before, 3, 6 months after injection were (31 ± 14.01), (41 ± 12.81), (56 ± 11.98) mml,respectively. The correlation factor before and after injection were 59%. Comparing the CS and CB between male and female before and after Injection were signifi cant. (p < 0.001) but correlation factor in male 99%and Female 74%. Three out of five girls had improved bladder prolapse. There was no Complication, infection or migration of bulking agents. Patients had increased in soft tissue according to MRI. Conclusion: Using bulking agents is a good alternative to sling pelvic floor not only cosmetically but also for ease of patients and operation.Key words: Bulking agent, continence, exstrophy, pubic closur