1,012 research outputs found

    Characterizing Clustering Models of High-dimensional Remotely Sensed Data Using Subsampled Field-subfield Spatial Cross-validated Random Forests

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    Clustering models are regularly used to construct meaningful groups of observations within complex datasets, and they are an exceptional tool for spatial exploratory analysis. The clusters detected in a recent spatio-temporal cluster analysis of leaf area index (LAI) in the Columbia River Basin (CRB) require further investigation since they are only derived using a single greenness metric. It is of great interest to further understand how greening indices can be used to determine separation of sites across an array of remotely sensed environmental attributes. In this prior work, there are highly localized minority clusters that were detected to be most dissimilar from the remaining clusters as determined by annual variation in remotely sensed LAI. The objective of this study is to discern what other environmental factors are important predictors of cluster allocation from the mentioned cluster analysis, and secondarily, to construct a predictive model that prioritizes minority clusters. A random forest classification is considered to examine the importance of various site attributes in predicting cluster allocation. To satisfy these objectives, I propose an application-specific process that integrates spatial sub-sampling and cross-validation to improve the interpretability and utility of random forests for spatially autocorrelated, highly-localized, and unbalanced class-size response variables. The final random forest model identifies that the cluster allocation, using only LAI, separates sites significantly across many other environmental attributes, and further that elevation, slope, and water storage potential are the most important predictors of cluster allocation. Most importantly, the class errors rates for the clusters that are most dissimilar, as detected by the cluster model, have the best misclassification rates which fulfills the secondary objective of aligning the priorities of a predictive model with a prior cluster model

    Smoothing Splines of Apex Predator Movement: Functional Modeling Strategies for Exploring Animal Behavior and Social Interactions

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    The collection of animal position data via GPS tracking devices has increased in quality and usage in recent years. Animal position and movement, although measured discretely, follows the same principles of kinematic motion, and as such, the process is inherently continuous and differentiable. I demonstrate the functionality and visual elegance of smoothing spline models. I discuss the challenges and benefits of implementing such an approach, and I provide an analysis of movement and social interaction of seven jaguars inhabiting the Taiamã Ecological Station, Pantanal, Brazil, a region with the highest known density of jaguars. In the analysis, I derive measures for pairwise distance, cooccurrence, and spatiotemporal association between jaguars, borrowing ideas from density estimation and information theory. These measures are feasible as a result of spline model estimation, and they provide a critical tool for a deeper investigation of cooccurrence duration, frequency, and localized spatio-temporal relationships between animals. In this work, I characterize a variety of interactive relationships between pairs of jaguars, and I particularly emphasize the relationships in movement of two male–female and two male–male jaguar pairs exhibiting highly associative relationships

    Trauma history and depression predict incomplete adherence to antiretroviral therapies in a low income country.

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    As antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV becomes increasingly available in low and middle income countries (LMICs), understanding reasons for lack of adherence is critical to stemming the tide of infections and improving health. Understanding the effect of psychosocial experiences and mental health symptomatology on ART adherence can help maximize the benefit of expanded ART programs by indicating types of services, which could be offered in combination with HIV care. The Coping with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania (CHAT) study is a longitudinal cohort study in the Kilimanjaro Region that included randomly selected HIV-infected (HIV+) participants from two local hospital-based HIV clinics and four free-standing voluntary HIV counselling and testing sites. Baseline data were collected in 2008 and 2009; this paper used data from 36 month follow-up interviews (N = 468). Regression analyses were used to predict factors associated with incomplete self-reported adherence to ART. INCOMPLETE ART ADHERENCE WAS SIGNIFICANTLY MORE LIKELY TO BE REPORTED AMONGST PARTICIPANTS WHO EXPERIENCED A GREATER NUMBER OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMATIC EVENTS: sexual abuse prior to puberty and the death in childhood of an immediate family member not from suicide or homicide were significantly more likely in the non-adherent group and other negative childhood events trended toward being more likely. Those with incomplete adherence had higher depressive symptom severity and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In multivariable analyses, childhood trauma, depression, and financial sacrifice remained associated with incomplete adherence.\ud This is the first study to examine the effect of childhood trauma, depression and PTSD on HIV medication adherence in a low income country facing a significant burden of HIV. Allocating spending on HIV/AIDS toward integrating mental health services with HIV care is essential to the creation of systems that enhance medication adherence and maximize the potential of expanded antiretroviral access to improve health and reduce new infections

    Chirality in Bare and Passivated Gold Nanoclusters

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    Chiral structures have been found as the lowest-energy isomers of bare (Au28_{28} and Au55)andthiolpassivated(Au_{55}) and thiol-passivated (Au_{28}(SCH3)_{3})_{16}andAu and Au_{38}(SCH_{3})_{24}) gold nanoclusters. The degree of chirality existing in the chiral clusters was calculated using the Hausdorff chirality measure. We found that the index of chirality is higher in the passivated clusters and decreases with the cluster size. These results are consistent with the observed chiroptical activity recently reported for glutahione-passivated gold nanoclusters, and provide theoretical support for the existence of chirality in these novel compounds.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to PR

    Density functional study of Aun_n (n=2-20) clusters: lowest-energy structures and electronic properties

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    We have investigated the lowest-energy structures and electronic properties of the Aun_n(n=2-20) clusters based on density functional theory (DFT) with local density approximation. The small Aun_n clusters adopt planar structures up to n=6. Tabular cage structures are preferred in the range of n=10-14 and a structural transition from tabular cage-like structure to compact near-spherical structure is found around n=15. The most stable configurations obtained for Au13_{13} and Au19_{19} clusters are amorphous instead of icosahedral or fcc-like, while the electronic density of states sensitively depend on the cluster geometry. Dramatic odd-even alternative behaviors are obtained in the relative stability, HOMO-LUMO gaps and ionization potentials of gold clusters. The size evolution of electronic properties is discussed and the theoretical ionization potentials of Aun_n clusters compare well with experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Prevalence and predictors of HIV-related stigma among institutional- and community-based caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children living in five less-wealthy countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the face of the HIV/AIDS epidemic that has contributed to the dramatic increase in orphans and abandoned children (OAC) worldwide, caregiver attitudes about HIV, and HIV-related stigma, are two attributes that may affect caregiving. Little research has considered the relationship between caregiver attributes and caregiver-reported HIV-related stigma. In light of the paucity of this literature, this paper will describe HIV-related stigma among caregivers of OAC in five less wealthy nations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Baseline data were collected between May 2006 through February 2008. The sample included 1,480 community-based and 192 institution-based caregivers. Characteristics of the community-based and institution-based caregivers are described using means and standard deviations for continuous variables or counts and percentages for categorical variables. We fit logistic regression models, both for the full sample and separately for community-based and institution-based caregivers, to explore predictors of acceptance of HIV.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Approximately 80% of both community-based and institution-based caregivers were female; and 84% of institution-based caregivers, compared to 66% of community-based caregivers, said that they would be willing to care for a relative with HIV. Similar proportions were reported when caregivers were asked if they were willing to let their child play with an HIV-infected child. In a multivariable model predicting willingness to care for an HIV-infected relative, adjusted for site fixed effects, being an institution-based caregiver was associated with greater willingness (less stigma) than community-based caregivers. Decreased willingness was reported by older respondents, while willingness increased with greater formal education. In the adjusted models predicting willingness to allow one's child to play with an HIV-infected child, female gender and older age was associated with less willingness. However, willingness was positively associated with years of formal education.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The caregiver-child relationship is central to a child's development. OAC already face stigma as a result of their orphaned or abandoned status; the addition of HIV-related stigma represents a double burden for these children. Further research on the prevalence of HIV-related acceptance and stigma among caregivers and implications of such stigma for child development will be critical as the policy community responds to the global HIV/AIDS orphan crisis.</p

    Beyond belief: Strategic taboos and organizational identity in strategic agenda setting

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    A comprehensive strategic agenda matters for fundamental strategic change. Our study seeks to explore and theorize how organizational identity beliefs influence the judgment of strategic actors when setting an organization’s strategic agenda. We offer the notion of “strategic taboo” as those strategic options initially disqualified and deemed inconsistent with the organizational identity beliefs of strategic actors. Our study is concerned with how strategic actors confront strategic taboos in the process of setting an organization’s strategic agenda. Based on a revelatory inductive case study, we find that strategic actors engage in assessing the concordance of the strategic taboos with organizational identity beliefs and, more specifically, that they focus on key identity elements (philosophy; priorities; practices) when doing so. We develop a typology of three reinterpretation practices that are each concerned with a key identity element. While contextualizing assesses the potential concordance of a strategic taboo with an organization’s overall philosophy and purpose, instrumentalizing assesses such concordance with respect to what actors deem an organization’s priorities to be. Finally, normalizing explores concordance with respect to compatibility and fit with the organization’s practices. We suggest that assessing concordance of a strategic taboo with identity elements consists in reinterpreting collective identity beliefs in ways that make them consistent with what organizational actors deem the right course of action. This article discusses the implications for theory and research on strategic agenda setting, strategic change, a practice-based perspective on strategy, and on organizational identity. © The Author(s) 2014

    Cost of managing an episode of relapse in multiple sclerosis in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the direct medical US cost of managing multiple sclerosis relapses. METHODS: Direct data analysis and cost modeling were employed to derive typical resource use profiles and costs in 2002 US dollars, from the perspective of a third-party payer responsible for comprehensive health-care. The location and scope of health care services provided over a 90-day period were used to define three levels of relapse management. Hospitalization and resulting subsequent care was defined as high intensity management. A medium level of intervention was defined as either use of the emergency room, an observational unit, or administration of acute treatments, such as intravenous methylprednisolone in an outpatient or home setting. The lowest intensity of care comprised physician office visits and symptom-related medications. Data were obtained from many sources including all payer inpatient, ambulatory and emergency room databases from several states, fee schedules, government reports, and literature. All charges were adjusted using cost-to-charge ratios. RESULTS: Average cost per person for high management level was 12,870,basedonanalysisof4,634hospitalcases(meanage48years,7312,870, based on analysis of 4,634 hospital cases (mean age 48 years, 73% female). Hospital care comprised 71% of that cost. At discharge, 36% required inpatient sub-acute care, rehabilitation or home care. The typical cost per moderate episode was 1,847 and mild episode $243. CONCLUSIONS: Management strategies leading to a reduction in the frequency and severity of a relapse, less reliance on inpatient care, or increased access to steroid infusions in the home, would have a substantial impact on the economic consequences of managing relapses