99 research outputs found

    Phonetics, phonology and morphophonology in contemporary Serbian language teaching Фонология с фонетикой и морфофонология в современном преподавании сербского языка

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    Предмет рада јесте свеобухватно сагледавање наставе српског језика из области фонетике (са фонологијом) и морфофонологије, и то на основу опсежне анализе глобалних планова и програма, акредитованих наставних средстава, и евалуације ученичког и студентског теоријског и практичног знања из фокусираних области. Стога је основни циљ рада Фонологија са фонетиком и морфофонологија у савременој настави српског језика да се пружи одређени допринос у побољшању квалитета анализираних наставних докумената и средстава, као и у унапређивању и популаризовању наставе фонетике и морфофонологије српског језика. Како би се добила јасна слика и омогућили прецизни и функционални закључци, издвојеним лингвистичким областима се у овом раду приступило на два начина: 1) кроз испитивање њиховог присуства у актуелним наставним плановима и програмима, академским силабусима, као и акредитованој уџбеничкој, приручничкој и граматичкој литератури; 2) кроз испитивање степена усвојености ученичког и студентског теоријског и практичног знања из фонетике и морфофонологије српског језика. Према подацима добијеним методом теоријске анализе, утврђено је да основношколски и средњошколски наставни планови не предлажу оквиран фонд часова који је неопходан за реализацију наставе фонетике и морфофонологије, а да наставни програми не прокламују прецизно граматичке садржаје које ученици треба да савладају (категорије у којима се одређена гласовна алтернација реализује, односно, категорије у којима се од ње одступа и сл.). Анализом садржаја акредитованих основношколских и средњошколских уџбеника и приручника, који се односе на фонетику (са фонологијом) и морфофонологију, дошло се до закључка да сви они, упркос различитој апаратури презентације и структурализације, представљају фундаменталне особености неопходне за успешно савладавање гласовног система и гласовних алтернација српског језика. Ништа није другачије ни у репрезентативним педагошким и референцијалним граматикама. У складу са групом корисника којима су намењене, све испитиване граматике и приручници омогућавају солидан увид у теоријске поставке фонетике (са фонологијом) и морфофонологије, и на тај начин повољно утичу на њихово продуктивно савладавање. Евалуација ученичког и студентског знања из издвојених области спроведена је уз помоћ истраживачке технике – тестирања. Узорком је обухваћено укупно 693 испитаника различитог узраста (основна школа 223, средња школа 240 и факултет 230). Показани резултати нивоа знања ученика и студената из области фонетике и морфофонологије потврдили су да истраживане популације владају садржајима који се тичу познавања гласовног система српског језика; затим, да виши разреди основних и средњих школа не доносе значајнији напредак у овладавању фонолошки, односно, морфолошки условљеним гласовним алтернацијама, као и да је континуитет у учењу, који подразумева проширивање и утврђивање градива из нижег у виши ниво образовања, изостао и приликом провере разлике у знањима ученика завршног разреда средње школе и студената прве године факултета о морфолошки условљеним гласовним алтернацијама. Такође, потврђено је да факултетски бруцоши поседују већи степен знања о фонолошки условљеним алтернацијама у односу на своје колеге из струковне академије, као и да апсолвенти оба истраживана факултета остварују солидне и процентуално скоро идентичне резултате у задацима са морфолошки условљеним гласовним алтернацијама. Пронађена је и статистички значајна разлика у постигнућима испитиваних популација када су посреди задаци у којима је требало препознати једну или више гласовних алтернација, али и приликом провере ученичке/студентске способности за решавање питања отвореног/затвореног типа. Наиме, сви узорковани ученици и студенти су остварили видно боље резултате на примерима који су илустровали једну гласовну алтернацију, у односу на оне у којима се могло препознати више морфонолошких процеса, и са већом успешношћу решавали једноставније него комплексне задатке. Након евалуације постојећег стања у настави граматике, у закључном делу рада креиране су импликације које имају за циљ да, кроз иновативне моделе учења, сазнавања, увежбавања и систематизовања знања, наставу фонетике (са фонологијом) и морфофонологије осавремене и подигну на виши ниво.This thesis presents the investigation of the status of phonetics (with phonology) and morphophonology in contemporary Serbian language teaching, based on a thorough investigation of the teaching curricula and syllabuses for this school subject and of the accredited teaching materials, as well as on the evaluation of the students’ theoretical and applied knowledge in the investigated areas. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis was to contribute to the improvement of the teaching documents and materials, as well as to the promotion of the status of phonetics and morphophonology in Serbian language teaching. In order to obtain an accurate evaluation of the state of the matter in the investigated linguistic domains, and to arrive at more accurate and functional conclusions, the studied areas were observed from two perspectives: 1) by investigating the degree to which these linguistic areas are represented in the teaching curricula and syllabuses, as well in the accredited materials and literature – textbooks, workbooks and grammars; 2) by investigating the degree of theoretical and applied knowledge acquired by primaryschool, secondary-school and tertiary-level students in the areas of Serbian phonetics and morphophonology. The data obtained by the method of theoretical analysis showed that primary- and secondary-school curricula and subject syllabuses do not define the required number of teaching hours necessary for covering the areas of phonetics and morphophonology, and that the subject syllabuses do not specify in enough detail the grammar areas that the students are expected to master (the categories in which a certain phonological alternation is realised, that is, the categories in which it is not realised, etc.). The analysis of the accredited primary- and secondary-school textbooks and workbooks and their content relevant for phonetics (with phonology) and morphophonology revealed that all of them, apart from their differences in terms of presentation structure and methodology, do present the fundamentals necessary for a successful acquisition of the phonemic system and phonological alternations in the Serbian language. The analysis of the representative pedagogical and reference grammar books revealed the same picture. Taking into consideration the targeted age groups of their users, all the investigated grammar books and workbooks do offer a reasonable insight into the theoretical concepts of phonetics (with phonology) and morphophonology, and thus aid students’ acquisition and productive application. The evaluation of students’ knowledge in the investigated linguistic areas was performed by means of the research technique of testing. The population in this part of the research study comprised 693 participants classified into three age and level groups: 223 primary-school students, 240 secondary-school students, and 230 tertiary-level students. The results of the investigation of students’ knowledge in the areas of phonetics and morphophonlogy showed that the investigated populations exhibited a solid understanding of the Serbian sound system; however, the results also showed that students of higher grades of primary and secondary school did not show significantly higher levels of mastery with respect to the phonologically or morphologically conditioned sound alternations; additionally, there was a certain lack of continuity in terms of knowledge consolidation and broadening between lower and higher levels of education, observed in the comparison of test results between the high-school senior students and university-level freshmen, with respect to the morphologically conditioned sound alternations. Furthermore, the findings indicated that, among tertiary-level students, the university (faculty) freshmen showed a higher level of knowledge about the phonologically conditioned alternations compared to the freshmen of the vocational academy (college), but that senior students (graduates) of both tertiary-level institutions exhibited almost identical results in the tasks involving morphologically conditioned sound alternations. Statistically significant differences were found between the test results in the tasks that required the participants to recognize one or more sound alternations; similarly, statistically significant differences were observed between the students’ results in the closed test tasks and openended questions. Namely, all the students, in all the age- and level- groups, showed much better results in those test items that required them to recognize one sound alternation, compared to the tasks that involved several morphophonological processes; also, all the participants performed much more successfully in simpler than in more complex test tasks. Following the evaluation of the state of affairs in Serbian grammar teaching, the final chapter of this thesis offers pedagogical implications and includes suggestions regarding the ways in which innovative learning models, discovery, practice and knowledge systematization could be used to improve and enhance the teaching of phonetics (with phonology) and morphophonology in contemporary Serbian language teaching

    Torrential floods and town and country planning in Serbia

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    Torrential floods are the most frequent natural catastrophic events in Serbia, causing the loss of human lives and huge material damage, both in urban and rural areas. The analysis of the intra-annual distribution of maximal discharges aided in noticing that torrential floods have a seasonal character. The erosion and torrent control works (ETCWs) in Serbia began at the end of the 19th century. Effective protection from torrential floods encompasses biotechnical works on the slopes in the watershed and technical works on the torrent beds, within a precisely defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximal safety for people and their property. Cooperation to overcome the conflicts between the sectors of the water resources management, forestry, agriculture, energetics, environmental protection and local economic development groups is indispensable at the following levels: policy, spatial planning, practice, investments and education. The lowest and most effective level is through the Plans for Announcement of Erosive Regions (PAERs) and the Plans for Protection from Torrential Floods (PPTFs), with Hazard Zones (HZs) and Threatened Areas (TAs) mapping on the basis of the hydrologic, hydraulic and spatial analysis of the factors that are important for the formation of torrential floods. Solutions defined through PAERs and PPTFs have to be integrated into Spatial Plans at local and regional levels

    The Impact of One Heat Treated Contact Element on the Coefficient of Static Friction

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    The subject of the paper includes theoretical considerations, the conducting of experimental tests, and the analysis of exposed test results related to determination of the coefficient of static friction of previously heat-treated contact pairs. One contact element is previously, before the procedure of determining the coefficient of static friction, heated at temperatures in the range of ambient temperature to 280°C and then cooled down to ambient temperature. The results of experimental tests of five different materials show that depending on the heat treatment of one contact element, there is a significant decrease in the coefficient of static friction. The authors of the paper consider that the reasons for the decreasing coefficient of static friction are related to oxide formation and changes in the surface layer of the contact element which is previously heat-treated

    Hemijske karakteristike visoko-krečnjačkih zemljišta koje određuju raspodelu fosfora

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    Phosphorus fractions from three highly calcareous soils (average, 24.9 +/- 4.8 %CO32-) from sampling sites with a Mediterranean climate were isolated by sequential extraction. In order to provide a more reliable basis for the definition of the obtained P-fractions, principal component analysis was applied and from the chemical characteristics of the 14 investigated soils, those characteristics which define at he content and association features of the P-fractions were assessed. The soils are characterized by a relatively high pH (8.0-8.2) and by significantly differing contents of organic mater, acid-soluble Mg and total P. These differences affected the various association features of the P-fraction with the soil constituents. The NH4F-P fraction (isolated with 0.5 M NH4F, pH 8.2) is defined by the contents of the main metals of the oxide-hydroxide-clay associations (Al, Fe, Mn) or by the the redox potential (Eh) of Mn. The accumulation of NaOH-phosphorus (extractable with 0.1 M NaOH) depended on the constituents of the oxide hydroxide-clay association, the humic substances and Eh-related factors. In those soils in which NaOH-P is defined by the oxide-hydroxide-clay association, the participation of Fe as a bridge-forming metal is proposed. The main part of total P, i.e., Delta P = TP - (NH4F-P + NaOH-P) is defined by the status of Mn- and Fe-humic complexes or by the concentration of hydroxyl-ions.Iz tri visoko-krečnjačka zemljišta (prosečni sadržaj CO 3 2- 24.9 ± 4.8%, pH 8.0 - 8.2), sa lokacija sa sredozemnom klimom, izolovane su frakcije fosfora sekvencijalnom ekstrakcijom. U cilju obezbeđivanja pouzdanije osnove za definisanje dobijenih frakcijafosfora (P-frakcija), primenjena je analiza principalne komponente (PC-analiza). Među 14 hemijskih karakteristika zemljišta, izdvojene su one koje definišu sadržaj pojedinih P-frakcija i prirodu njihove asocijacije sa sastojcima zemljišta. Frakcija NH 4-P (izolovana sa 0,5M NH 4F, pH = 8,2) definisana je sadržajem glavnih metala oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije (Al, Fe, Mn) ili Eh-statusom izraženim sadržajem Mn. Akumulacija NaOH-P (ekstrahovanog sa 0,1 M NaOH) zavisila je od sastojaka oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije, od huminskih supstanci i od faktora koji stoje u vezi sa Eh. U onim zemljištima u kojima je NaOH-P definisana sastojcima oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije, pretpostavljeno je vezivanje fosfora preko Fe-mostova. Glavna količina fosfora ∆P = TP - (NH 4F-P + NaOH-P), u pojedinim zemljištima definisana je ili statusom Mn- i Fe-huminskih kompleksa, ili pH-vrednošću

    The effect of SRIH-14 or octreotide on the morphological characteristics of adrenal medulla using newcast

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    The effects of chronic treatments with either SRIH-14 or octreotide on the adrenal medulla of male Wistar rats were examined. Adult males received subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of 20 μg/100 g body weight of either SRIH-14 or octreotide twice a day for 28 consecutive days. The absolute weights and the absolute volumes of the adrenal glands significantly (p<0.05) decreased after either treatment. The adrenal medulla was analyzed by histological and stereological methods using newCAST. Compared to the control, the relative volumes of the vascular tissues significantly (p < 0.05) decreased - by 40% and 25% in the SRIH-14- and octreotide-treated groups, respectively. In the SRIH-14- and octreotide-treated groups the relative volumes of chromaffin and interstitial tissue increased by 6% and 5% (p < 0.05), respectively. These findings show that both SRIH-14 and octreotide affect the morphological characteristics of the adrenal zona medullaris in a similar manner.Projekat ministarstva br. 143007

    Estradiol and GH cells: Immunohistomorphometric study in an animal model of andropause

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    Andropause, the culminating phase of ageing in males is characterized by the decline of the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis that is responsible for somatic development. Estrogens on the other hand, assume a relevant somatic role, as well as the one in the pituitary. They are particularly interesting because of their therapeutic uses in certain common ageing-associated diseases. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of subcutaneous treatment with estradiol, dipropionate on the immunohistomorphometric features of GH cells, in an animal model of the andropause. Sixteen-month-old Wistar rats were divided into sham-operated (SO), orchidectomized (Orx) and estradiol dipropionate-treated orchidectomized (Orx+Edp) groups. Estradiol dipropionate (0.625 mg/kg/day) was administered subcutaneously for three weeks while the SO and Orx groups received the vehicle alone. GH cells were identified by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical procedure. In the Orx+Edp group, GH cell volumes as well as the relative volume densities were significantly (p<0.05) decreased, by 27.4% and by 61.1%, respectively, in comparison with the same parameters of SO animals. Compared to the Orx animals, the cell volumes and relative volume densities of GH cells in Orx+Edp group were also significantly (p<0.05) decreased, by 23.2% and by 64.1%, respectively. It can be concluded that chronic estradiol dipropionate application in an animal in the andropause results in the suppression of immunohistochemical and morphometric parameters of pituitary GH cells.Projekat ministarstva br.17300

    Grape seed flour of different grape pomaces: Fatty acid profile, soluble sugar profile and nutritional value

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    The aim of this study was to determine fatty acid and soluble sugar profiles of the grape seed flour originated from non-fermented dried pomace of international and autochthonous grape varieties in order to estimate their potential nutritional value. The grape seed flours were obtained from the grapes harvested in technological maturity. It has been shown that grape seed flours contained significant quantities of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), especially linoleic fatty acids, whose content ranged from 61.15 - 83.47 %. Oleic acid mostly contributed to the content of monounsaturated fatty acids, while the stearic acid was the most abundant saturated fatty acid (SFA). Among polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly ω-6 FAs, were the most represented. The tested grape seed flours had the high UFA/SFA ratio (3.63-11.09), low atherogenicity (0.04-0.13) and thrombogenicity (0.16-0.47) indices. Fifteen different sugars were found in analysed samples with the total concentration ranging from 40588 to 91319 mg/kg seed with fructose and glucose as the most abundant. Principal component analysis based on the content of FAs and soluble sugars revealed unique composition of the seed flour of Prokupac variety. These findings indicate that the tested grape seed flours is a good source of nutritionally valuable FAs and sugars that can play an important role in the formulation of a new functional food products

    Novel 1,3,4-thiadiazole-chalcone hybrids containing catechol moiety: synthesis, antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity and DNA interaction studies

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    Hybrid compounds that combine the 1,3,4-thiadiazole-containing catechol moiety with a chalcone motif were synthesized and examined for their antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity, and DNA-binding activity. A series of thirteen compounds showed strong antioxidant and cytotoxic effects on human acute promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. Several compounds exerted good cytotoxic activities on cervical adenocarcinoma HeLa cells. The treatment of HeLa cells with IC50 and double IC50 concentrations of the compounds 5a, 5c, 5f, and 5m induced a statistically significant increase in the percentage of cells within a subG1 cell cycle phase. The examined compounds caused G2/M cell cycle arrest in HeLa cells. Each of these compounds triggered apoptosis in HeLa cells through activation of caspase-3, the main effector caspase, caspase-8, which is involved in the extrinsic apoptotic pathway, and caspase-9, which is involved in the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. All of the examined compounds decreased the expression levels of MMP2 in HeLa cells and levels of protumorigenic miR-133b. Compounds 5a and 5m lowered the expression level of oncogenic miR-21 in HeLa cells. In addition, compounds 5a, 5f, and 5m decreased the expression levels of oncogenic miR-155 while the treatment of HeLa cells with compounds 5a, 5c, and 5f increased expression of tumor-suppressive miR-206. Observed effects of these compounds on expression levels of four examined miRNAs suggest their prominent cancer-suppressive activity. An investigation by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy showed more efficient calf thymus DNA binding activity of the compound 5m in comparison to other tested compounds. Results of a pUC19 plasmid cleavage study and comet assay showed DNA damaging activities of compounds 5a and 5c.Related to published version:[https://imagine.imgge.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1168]This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Jakovljević, K., Joksović, M. D., Matić, I., Petrović, N., Stanojković, T., Sladić, D., Vujčić, M., Janović, B., Joksović, L., Trifunović, S., & Marković, V. (2018). Novel 1,3,4-thiadiazole-chalcone hybrids containing catechol moiety: Synthesis, antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity and DNA interaction studies. Medchemcomm, 9(10), 1679–1697. [https://doi.org/10.1039/c8md00316e

    Protein and fatty acid profiles of Kajmak ripened at two different temperatures

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    Kajmak is a specific dairy product with long term tradition of manufacture in Serbia and few South-East European countries. It is manufactured from the thin layer formed on the surface of hot milk during long cooling process. It may be consumed as a fresh, immediately after manufacture, or after a maturation period, as a ripened Kajmak. Kajmak is ripened usually up to 30 days at 15-180C or stored in refrigerator at 40C. In this work we investigated the effects of ripening of Kajmak in refrigerator at 40C and at 160C up to 28 days on protein profiles, fatty acid profiles and health fatty indices. Ripening temperature significantly affects protein and fatty acid profiles of Kajmak. Ripening at low temperature induces slow proteolysis, the change of fatty acid profile and health fatty acid indices. At low temperature the most susceptible to proteolysis was β-casein. Due to similar fatty acid profiles, these samples were characterized with high health fatty acid indices such as atherogenicity index (3.81-4.03) and the thrombogenicity index (4.62-4.95). Ripening at 160C induces complete hydrolysis of κ-CN, significant decrease of αs-and β-CN content and improvement of health fatty indices. © 2022, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved