599 research outputs found

    On Radiation Pressure in Static, Dusty HII Regions

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    Radiation pressure acting on gas and dust causes HII regions to have central densities that are lower than the density near the ionized boundary. HII regions in static equilibrium comprise a family of similarity solutions, parametrized by 3 parameters: beta, gamma, and the product (Q_0 n_rms); beta characterizes the stellar spectrum, gamma characterizes the dust/gas ratio, Q_0 is the ionizing output from the star (photons/s), and n_rms is the rms density within the ionized region. Adopting standard values for beta and gamma, varying (Q_0 n_rms) generates a one-parameter family of density profiles, ranging from nearly uniform density (small Q_0 n_rms), to hollow-sphere HII regions (large Q_0 n_rms). When (Q_0 n_rms) exceeds 10^{52} cm^{-3} s^{-1}, dusty HII regions have conspicuous central cavities, even if no stellar wind is present. For given beta, gamma and (Q_0 n_rms), a fourth quantity, which can be Q_0, determines the overall size and density of the HII region. Examples of density and emissivity profiles are given. We show how quantities of interest -- such as the peak-to-center emissivity ratio, the rms-to-mean density ratio, the edge-to-rms density ratio, and the fraction of the ionizing photons absorbed by the gas -- depend on the 3 parameters beta, gamma, and (Q_0 n_rms). For dusty HII regions, compression of the gas and dust into an ionized shell results in a substantial increase in the fraction of the >13.6 eV photons that actually ionize H (relative to a uniform density HII region with the same dust/gas ratio and density n=n_rms). We discuss the extent to which radial drift of dust grains in HII regions can alter the dust-to-gas ratio. The applicability of these solutions to real HII regions is discussed.Comment: New material and figures that were not in version 1. To appear in Ap

    A requirement for cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin in intermediate filament network assembly and organization

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    We present evidence that vimentin intermediate filament (IF) motility in vivo is associated with cytoplasmic dynein. Immunofluorescence reveals that subunits of dynein and dynactin are associated with all structural forms of vimentin in baby hamster kidney-21 cells. This relationship is also supported by the presence of numerous components of dynein and dynactin in IF-enriched cytoskeletal preparations. Overexpression of dynamitin biases IF motility toward the cell surface, leading to a perinuclear clearance of IFs and their redistribution to the cell surface. IF-enriched cytoskeletal preparations from dynamitin-overexpressing cells contain decreased amounts of dynein, actin-related protein-1, and p150Glued relative to controls. In contrast, the amount of dynamitin is unaltered in these preparations, indicating that it is involved in linking vimentin cargo to dynactin. The results demonstrate that dynein and dynactin are required for the normal organization of vimentin IF networks in vivo. These results together with those of previous studies also suggest that a balance among the microtubule (MT) minus and plus end–directed motors, cytoplasmic dynein, and kinesin are required for the assembly and maintenance of type III IF networks in interphase cells. Furthermore, these motors are to a large extent responsible for the long recognized relationships between vimentin IFs and MTs

    Single-nucleotide polymorphism-based genetic risk score and patient age at prostate cancer diagnosis

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    Importance: Few studies have evaluated the association between a single-nucleotide polymorphism-based genetic risk score (GRS) and patient age at prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis. Objectives: To test the association between a GRS and patient age at PCa diagnosis and to compare the performance of a GRS with that of family history (FH) in PCa risk stratification. Design, Setting, and Participants: A cohort study of 3225 white men was conducted as a secondary analysis of the Reduction by Dutasteride of Prostate Cancer Events (REDUCE) chemoprevention trial, a 4-year, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study conducted from March 2003 to April 2009 to evaluate the safety and efficacy of dutasteride in reducing PCa events. Participants were confirmed to be cancer free by prostate biopsy (6-12 cores) within 6 months prior to the study and underwent 10 core biopsies every 2 years per protocol. The dates for performing data analysis were from July 2016 to October 2019. Interventions: A well-established, population-standardized GRS was calculated for each participant based on 110 known PCa risk-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms, which is a relative risk compared with the general population. Men were classified into 3 GRS risk groups based on predetermined cutoff values: low (\u3c0.50), average (0.50-1.49), and high (≥1.50). Main Outcomes and Measures: Prostate cancer diagnosis-free survival among men of different risk groups. Results: Among 3225 men (median age, 63 years [interquartile range, 58-67 years]) in the study, 683 (21%) were classified as low risk, 1937 (60%) as average risk, and 605 (19%) as high risk based on GRS alone. In comparison, 2789 (86%) were classified as low or average risk and 436 (14%) as high risk based on FH alone. Men in higher GRS risk groups had a PCa diagnosis-free survival rate that was worse than that of those in the lower GRS risk group (χ2 = 53.3; P \u3c .001 for trend) and in participants with a negative FH of PCa (χ2 = 45.5; P \u3c .001 for trend). Combining GRS and FH further stratified overall genetic risk, indicating that 957 men (30%) were at high genetic risk (either high GRS or positive FH), 1667 men (52%) were at average genetic risk (average GRS and negative FH), and 601 men (19%) were at low genetic risk (low GRS and negative FH). The median PCa diagnosis-free survival was 74 years (95% CI, 73-75 years) for men at high genetic risk, 77 years (95% CI, 75 to \u3e80 years) for men at average genetic risk, and more than 80 years (95% CI, \u3e80 to \u3e80 years) for men at low genetic risk. In contrast, the median PCa diagnosis-free survival was 73 years (95% CI, 71-76 years) for men with a positive FH and 77 years (95% CI, 76-79 years) for men with a negative FH. Conclusions and Relevance: This study suggests that a GRS is significantly associated with patient age at PCa diagnosis. Combining FH and GRS may better stratify inherited risk than FH alone for developing personalized PCa screening strategies

    Radio Scintillation due to Discontinuities in the Interstellar Plasma Density

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    We develop the theory of interstellar scintillation as caused by an irregular plasma having a power-law spatial density spectrum with a spectral exponent of 4 corresponding to a medium with abrupt changes in its density. An ``outer scale'' is included in the model representing the typical scale over which the density of the medium remains uniform. Such a spectrum could be used to model plasma shock fronts in supernova remnants or other plasma discontinuities. We investigate and develop equations for the decorrelation bandwidth of diffractive scintillations and the refractive scintillation index and compare our results with pulsar measurements. We consider both a medium concentrated in a thin layer and an extended irregular medium. We conclude that the discontinuity model gives satisfactory agreement for many diffractive measurements, in particular the VLBI meaurements of the structure function exponent between 5/3 and 2. However, it gives less satisfactory agreement for the refractive scintillation index than does the Kolmogorov turbulence spectrum. The comparison suggests that the medium consists of a pervasive background distribution of turbulence embedded with randomly placed discrete plasma structures such as shocks or HII regions. This can be modeled by a composite spectrum following the Kolmogorov form at high wavenumbers and steepening at lower wavenumbers corresponding to the typical (inverse) size of the discrete structures. Such a model can also explain the extreme scattering events. However, lines of sight through the enhanced scattering prevalent at low galactic latitudes are accurately described by the Kolmogorov spectrum in an extended medium and do not appear to have a similar low-wavenumber steepening.Comment: Accpeted for ApJ vol 531, March 200

    PSR J1856+0245: Arecibo Discovery of a Young, Energetic Pulsar Coincident with the TeV Gamma-ray Source HESS J1857+026

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    We present the discovery of the Vela-like radio pulsar J1856+0245 in the Arecibo PALFA survey. PSR J1856+0245 has a spin period of 81ms, a characteristic age of 21kyr, and a spin-down luminosity Edot = 4.6 x 10^36 ergs/s. It is positionally coincident with the TeV gamma-ray source HESS J1857+026, which has no other known counterparts. Young, energetic pulsars create wind nebulae, and more than a dozen pulsar wind nebulae have been associated with very-high-energy (100GeV-100TeV) gamma-ray sources discovered with the HESS telescope. The gamma-ray emission seen from HESS J1857+026 is potentially produced by a pulsar wind nebula powered by PSR J1856+0245; faint X-ray emission detected by ASCA at the pulsar's position supports this hypothesis. The inferred gamma-ray efficiency is epsilon_gamma = L_gamma/Edot = 3.1% (1-10TeV, for a distance of 9kpc), comparable to that observed in similar associations.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The FIRST Bright Quasar Survey. II. 60 Nights and 1200 Spectra Later

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    We have used the VLA FIRST survey and the APM catalog of the POSS-I plates as the basis for constructing a new radio-selected sample of optically bright quasars. This is the first radio-selected sample that is competitive in size with current optically selected quasar surveys. Using only two basic criteria, radio-optical positional coincidence and optical morphology, quasars and BL Lacs can be identified with 60% selection efficiency; the efficiency increases to 70% for objects fainter than magnitude 17. We show that a more sophisticated selection scheme can predict with better than 85% reliability which candidates will turn out to be quasars. This paper presents the second installment of the FIRST Bright Quasar Survey with a catalog of 636 quasars distributed over 2682 square degrees. The quasar sample is characterized and all spectra are displayed. The FBQS detects both radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars out to a redshift z>3. We find a large population of objects of intermediate radio-loudness; there is no evidence in our sample for a bimodal distribution of radio characteristics. The sample includes ~29 broad absorption line quasars, both high and low ionization, and a number of new objects with remarkable optical spectra.Comment: 41 pages plus 39 gifs which contain all quasar spectra. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Bulk and Interfacial Shear Thinning of Immiscible Polymers

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    Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the shear thinning behavior of immiscible symmetric polymer blends. The phase separated polymers are subjected to a simple shear flow imposed by moving a wall parallel to the fluid-fluid interface. The viscosity begins to shear thin at much lower rates in the bulk than at the interface. The entire shear rate dependence of the interfacial viscosity is consistent with a shorter effective chain length ss^* that also describes the width of the interface. This ss^* is independent of chain length NN and is a function only of the degree of immiscibility of the two polymers. Changes in polymer conformation are studied as a function of position and shear rate.Shear thinning correlates more closely with a decrease in the component of the radius of gyration along the velocity gradient than with elongation along the flow. At the interface, this contraction of chains is independent of NN and consistent with the bulk behavior for chains of length ss^*. The distribution of conformational changes along chains is also studied. Central regions begin to stretch at a shear rate that decreases with increasing NN, while shear induced changes at the ends of chains are independent of NN.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Upward curvature of the upper critical field in the Boson--Fermion model

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    We report on a non-conventional temperature behavior of the upper critical field (Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T)) which is found for the Boson-Fermion (BF) model. We show that the BF model properly reproduces two crucial features of the experimental data obtained for high-TcT_c superconductors: Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) does not saturate at low temperatures and has an upward curvature. Moreover, the calculated upper critical field fits very well the experimental results. This agreement holds also for overdoped compounds, where a purely bosonic approach is not applicable.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revte

    Dynamic Critical Phenomena of Polymer Solutions

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    Recently, a systematic experiment measuring critical anomaly of viscosity of polymer solutions has been reported by H. Tanaka and his co-workers (Phys.Rev.E, 65, 021802, (2002)). According to their experiments, the dynamic critical exponent of viscosity y_c drastically decreases with increasing the molecular weight. In this article the kinetic coefficients renormalized by the non-linear hydrodynamic interaction are calculated by the mode coupling theory. We predict that the critical divergence of viscosity should be suppressed with increasing the molecular weight. The diffusion constant and the dynamic structure factor are also calculated. The present results explicitly show that the critical dynamics of polymer solutions should be affected by an extra spatio-temporal scale intrinsic to polymer solutions, and are consistent with the experiment of Tanaka, et al.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, to be published in J.Phys.Soc.Jp

    Interfaces of Modulated Phases

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    Numerically minimizing a continuous free-energy functional which yields several modulated phases, we obtain the order-parameter profiles and interfacial free energies of symmetric and non-symmetric tilt boundaries within the lamellar phase, and of interfaces between coexisting lamellar, hexagonal, and disordered phases. Our findings agree well with chevron, omega, and T-junction tilt-boundary morphologies observed in diblock copolymers and magnetic garnet films.Comment: 4 page