799 research outputs found

    Torque magnetometry study of the spin reorientation transition and temperature-dependent magnetocrystalline anisotropy in NdCo5

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    We present the results of torque magnetometry and magnetic susceptibility measurements to study in detail the spin reorientation transition (SRT) and magnetic anisotropy in the permanent magnet NdCo5. We further show simulations of the measurements using first-principles calculations based on density-functional theory and the disordered local moment picture of magnetism at finite temperatures. The good agreement between theory and experimental data leads to a detailed description of the physics underpinning the SRT. In particular we are able to resolve the magnetization of, and to reveal a canting between, the Nd and Co sublattices. The torque measurements carried out in the ac and ab planes near the easy direction allow us to estimate the anisotropy constants, K 1, K 2 and K 4 and their temperature dependences. Torque curves, τ(γ) recorded by varying the direction of a constant magnetic field in the crystallographic ac plane show a reversal in the polarity as the temperature is changed across the SRT (240 < T < 285 K). Within this domain, τ(γ) exhibits unusual features different to those observed above and below the transition. The single crystals of NdCo5 were grown using the optical floating zone technique

    Tunability of the spin reorientation transitions with pressure in NdCo5

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    We present pressure-dependent magnetization measurements carried out in the domain of the spin reorientation transitions (SRTs) of a NdCo5 single crystal. The application of a hydrostatic pressure leads to a shift in the SRTs to higher temperatures. This shift is found to be very sensitive to pressure, with the SRT temperatures increasing at a rate of ≈17 K/GPa. To explain the experimental results, we have also performed first-principles calculations of the SRT temperatures for different applied strains, which corroborate the experimental findings. The calculations attribute the pressure dependence of the SRTs to a faster weakening of the Co contribution to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy with pressure compared to the Nd contribution

    Clinical and operative study of otogenic intracranial complications

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    Background: Chronic otitis media is chronic inflammation of the mucoperiostial lining of the middle ear cleft. The prevalence of chronic otitis media and its intracranial complications poses a major public health problem in developing countries like India. By this study; we authors have attempted to highlight the significance of various etiological factors in the occurrence of intracranial complications due to chronic otitis media.Methods: The study was done prospectively in the department of otorhinolaryngology, J.A. group of hospitals, G. R. medical college, Gwalior during the period October 2007-2008. Thirty patients presenting to ear, nose and throat unit, diagnosed as having intracranial complications due to chronic otitis media were included in this study.Results: Most intracranial complications cases were that of meningitis. One third of the cases had past surgical history like mastoid exploration and incision & drainage of post aural abscess, and one fourth of the cases had associated extracranial complications like post aural abscess, lower motor neuron palsy, labrynthitis.Conclusion: The present study and the reference studies, both reveal that the intracranial complications of chronic otitis media are still common till date, and their signs and symptoms are often subtle until late in the course of the disease. Hence, clinicians need to maintain high index of suspicion to avoid delay in diagnosis as morbidity and mortality rates are still high, even with the advent of modern antimicrobials and aggressive surgical intervention.

    An Investigation towards Challenges in medical image processing

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    Imaging is important in today's healthcare since it is used at every stage of the clinical process, from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgery and follow-up investigations. Large data volumes provide issues for medical image processing because most imaging modalities have gone completely digital with ever- increasing resolution. This work, address difficulties in the range of Kilo- to Terabytes related to bioimaging, virtual reality in medical visualisations, bioimage management, and neuroimaging. Algorithms for image processing and visualisation must be modified due to the growing volume of data. With the aid of graphical processing units, scalable algorithms and sophisticated parallelization strategies have been created. This publication provides a summary of them. Although these methods are managing the difficulty from Kilo to Terabyte, the Petabyte level is quickly approaching. Medical image processing is still an important area of study because of this

    Economic performance of motorised and non-mechanised fishing methods during and after-ban period in Ramanathapuram District of Tamil Nadu

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    Ramanathapuram is an important coastal district significantly contributing to the marine fish production of Tamil Nadu State. The coastal length, number of fishing villages and fishing activities is more in Ramanathapuram District in comparison to other coastal districts in Tamil Nadu. The present study analysed the economic performance of motorised and non-mechanised craft-gear combinations during and after-ban period in Ramanathapuram District. In motorised single day craft-gear combinations, the capital productivity was higher during ban period in comparison with after-ban period, with a lower operating ratio ranging from 0.55 for gillnetter to 0.58 for bottom-set gillnetter. In motorised multi-day craft-gear combinations, the capital productivity during ban, was more in comparison with after-ban period with a lower operating ratio of 0.64 for trawler and gillnetter. In non-mechanised craft-gear combinations, during ban, the capital productivity was higher in comparison with after-ban period with a lower operating ratio ranging from 0.49 for gillnetter to 0.52 for bottom-set gillnetter. It was found that during ban period, capital productivity was high in non-mechanised gillnetter and bottom set gillnetter, while the catch, labour productivity and income were high in multi-day (2-4 days) trawler and gillnetter

    Impact of soil fertility characteristics on artificial fertility gradient approach developed using sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in Alfisols

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    In the advent of precision agriculture, applying fertilizer based on soil testing is a crucial tool to prescribe nutrient levels for crops, to increase nutrient use efficiency and production. A field experiment was conducted in a farmer's field in the Dindigul district, Southern agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu to ascertain the effect of artificial soil fertility gradient method on soil fertility, green fodder production of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) (var. CO 30) and nutrient absorption. A fertility gradient technique has been investigated to produce fertilizer recommendations for location-specific in red soils (Alfisols, Typic Rhodustalf).  The experimental field was separated into three equal strips: strip I, II, and III, which received applications of the three graded levels of ertilizer N0P0K0, N1P1K1, and N2P2K2, respectively. Urea, single super phosphate, and muriate of potash fertilizers, respectively, were used to apply NPK. As a gradient crop, S. bicolor  was raised. The N1 level was set based on the general fertilizer recommendation of feed sorghum, while the P1 and K1 values were set based on the soil’s ability to fix 100 kg ha-1 of phosphorus and 100 kg ha-1 of potassium, respectively. Plant samples were taken at harvest time, and their NPK content and nutrient uptake were determined. With addition of graded doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in Strip I, II &amp; III increased the soil's available N, P &amp; K status substantially in the order of Strip I&lt;II&lt;III and minimize the heterogeneity in the soil population , management strategies employed, and prevailing climate conditions to induce fertility variations in the same field. The outcomes showed that sorghum crop yields for fodder (Strip III – 25.01 t ha-1) and NPK uptake were significantly impacted by the application of graded amounts of NPK fertilizers

    Comprehensive surface magnetotransport study of SmB6

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    After the theoretical prediction that SmB6 is a topological Kondo insulator, there has been an explosion of studies on the SmB6 surface. However, there is not yet an agreement on even the most basic quantities such as the surface carrier density and mobility. In this paper, we carefully revisit Corbino disk magnetotransport studies to find those surface transport parameters. We first show that subsurface cracks exist in the SmB6 crystals, arising both from surface preparation and during the crystal growth. We provide evidence that these hidden subsurface cracks are additional conduction channels, and the large disagreement between earlier surface SmB6 studies may originate from previous interpretations not taking this extra conduction path into account. We provide an update of more reliable magnetotransport data than the previous one (S. Wolgast et al., Phys. Rev. B 92, 115110) and find that the orders-of-magnitude large disagreements in carrier density and mobility come from the surface preparation and the transport geometry rather than the intrinsic sample quality. From this magnetotransport study, we find an updated estimate of the carrier density and mobility of 2.71×1013 (1/cm2) and 104.5 (cm2/Vsec), respectively. We compare our results with other studies of the SmB6 surface. By this comparison, we provide insight into the disagreements and agreements of the previously reported angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and magnetotorque quantum oscillations measurements

    Field-induced magnetic states in holmium tetraboride

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    A study of the zero field and field induced magnetic states of the frustrated rare earth tetraboride HoB4 has been carried out using single crystal neutron diffraction complemented by magnetization measurements. In zero field, HoB4 shows magnetic phase transitions at TN1 = 7.1 K to an incommensurate state with a propagation vector (delta, delta, delta'), where delta = 0.02 and delta' = 0.43 and at TN2 = 5.7 K to a noncollinear commensurate antiferromagnetic structure. Polarized neutron diffraction measurements in zero field have revealed that the incommensurate reflections, albeit much reduced in intensity, persist down to 1.5 K despite antiferromagnetic ordering at 5.7 K. At lower temperatures, application of a magnetic field along the c axis initially re-establishes the incommensurate phase as the dominant magnetic state in a narrow field range, just prior to HoB4 ordering with an up-up-down ferrimagnetic structure characterized by the (h k 1/3)-type reflections between 18 and 24 kOe. This field range is marked by the previously reported M/M-sat = 1 3 magnetization plateau, which we also see in our magnetization measurements. The region between 21 and 33 kOe is characterized by the increase in the intensity of the antiferromagnetic reflections, such as (100), the maximum of which coincides with the appearance of the narrow magnetization plateau with M/M-sat approximate to 3/5. Further increase of the magnetic field results in the stabilization of a polarized state above 33 kOe, while the incommensurate reflections are clearly present in all fields up to 59 kOe. We propose the H-T phase diagram of HoB4 for the H parallel to c containing both stationary and transitionary magnetic phases which overlap and show significant history dependence

    HPLC Method for Determination of p-coumaric acid from the Medicinal Herb Leptadinia reticulata

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    The aim of present study was to develop and validate a simple, precise and rapid HPLC method for the quantification of p-coumaric acid in Leptadinia reticulata extractst. The analysis was performed by reverse-phase chromatography on an phenomenex C18 columns with isocratic elution of Methanol and 0.8%-Formic acid in water (6:4) at a flow rate of 1.0mL/min, a column temperature of 35°C, photodiode array detector detection at 326 nm. The method validated in terms of linearity accuracy precision LOD, LOQ and stability. The herb Leptidinia reticulata contains 0.17% p-coumaric acid. The linear range of method was 0.25-50µg/ml with correlation coefficient of 0.9993, the recovery was 98-99.4% and the relative standard deviation is 0.98 % (n=6). The developed method was found to be a relatively simple, precise and reproducible for the quantification of p-coumaric acid. The method does not employ any derivatization procedure and can be used as a quality control tool for the routine analysis of    p-coumaric acid from an herb Leptadinia reticulata

    Effect of Fe Doping on Photocatalytic Dye-Degradation and Antibacterial Activity of SnO2 Nanoparticles

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    A simple hydrothermal method is utilized to synthesize iron-doped tin oxide nanoparticles (Fe-SnO2 NPs) at various doping concentrations. The structural characterization using XRD, Raman, and FTIR measurements confirmed the incorporation of Fe ions into the SnO2 lattice without any deviation in the tetragonal crystal system of SnO2 nanoparticles. SEM and HRTEM images show the spherical-shaped nanoparticles with agglomeration. The values of interplanar spacing ( d -value) calculated from the HRTEM lattice are consistent with the XRD results. Further, optical analysis revealed a red shift in the optical absorption band and a decrease in the band gap energy with an increase in Fe-dopant concentration. The decrease of PL emission peak intensity with Fe doping revealed the generation of singly charged oxygen vacancies. The H2O2-assisted photocatalytic degradation efficiency of Fe-SnO2 NPs investigated against crystal violet dye indicated an efficiency of 98% for 0.05 M Fe-SnO2 NPs within 30 minutes under visible light illumination. In addition, the effects of pH, scavengers, and reusability of the catalyst are tested. The antibacterial behavior of Fe-SnO2 NPs against Escherichia coli is examined by using the colony count method, and the inhibition rate was found to be 49, 65, 70, and 78% for pure, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05 M Fe-SnO2 NPs, respectively