9,025 research outputs found

    The Mg/Ca–temperature relationship in brachiopod shells: calibrating a potential palaeoseasonality proxy

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    Brachiopods are long-lived, long-ranging, extant organisms, of which some groups precipitate a relatively diagenetically stable low magnesium calcite shell. Previous work has suggested that the incorporation of Mg into brachiopod calcite may be controlled by temperature (Brand et al., 2013). Here we build upon this work by using laser ablation sampling to define the intra-shell variations in two modern brachiopod species,Terebratulina retusa (Linnaeus, 1758) and Liothyrella neozelanica (Thomson, 1918). We studied three T. retusa shells collected live from the Firth of Lorne, Scotland, which witnessed annual temperature variations on the order of 7 °C, in addition to four L. neozelanica shells, which were dredged from a water depth transect (168–1488 m) off the north coast of New Zealand. The comparison of intra-shell Mg/Ca profiles with shell δ<sup>18</sup>O confirms a temperature control on brachiopod Mg/Ca and supports the use of brachiopod Mg/Ca as a palaeoseasonality indicator. Our preliminary temperature calibrations are Mg/Ca = 1.76 ± 0.27 e<sup>(0.16 ± 0.03)T</sup>, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.75, for T. retusa and Mg/Ca = 0.49 ± 1.27 e<sup>(0.2 ± 0.11)T</sup>, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.32, for L. neozelanica (errors are 95% confidence intervals)

    Perancangan Sistem Pemantauan Pengendali Suhu Pada Stirred Tank Heater Menggunakan Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

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    This paper discusses design of a suhue control monitoring system in stirred tank heater system that has an important function in industrial processes. Monitoring of suhue control system in stirred tank heater is designed using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) that control function of industrial processes. While the actuator to be controlled is the position of burner openings, so that the heat can be adjusted to meet a predetermined set-point. The suhue controller that is also used as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) is Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The testing result showed on SCADA system was quite good, where the average percentage of deviation for testing of set-point data was 0.76687%, and the percentage of deviation for testing of suhue data was 0.082%


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    This study aims to analyze the strategy of tourism development of Lembeh Strait Region in Bitung City. The study was conducted in the Lembeh Strait Area of Bitung City, which covers the Lembeh Island region and the mainland of Bitung City. The study took place in March 2018. This research used kuantitatif descriptive method. The data source consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly from the field through the respondents who have been determined, while secondary data obtained from agencies or institutions - related institutions such as the Tourism Office, BPS Bitung, libraries and other relevant SKPD ie Tourism Office, Bappeda, Investment and One Stop Service Office. Sample collection used technique of Accidental and Purposive Sampling. Data collection technique used in this research is Field Survey. Researchers prepare and retrieve data through surveys, questionnaires, document studies, interviews, documentation. This study uses SWOT data processing analysis through process analysis of Internal factors and External factors. The result of this research shows that the strategy of tourism development of Lembeh Strait area in Bitung City based on SWOT analysis is in the first quadrant between external opportunity and internal strength where the result of analysis obtained by total score of Internal Factor Analysis (IFAS) is 3.076 and External Factor Strategic Analysis Summary (EFAS) is 3.396. The main strategy in developing Lembeh Strait area tourism that must be implemented is to develop and improve the factors of Attraction, Accessibility and Amenities as follows: (1) Maintaining the beauty and uniqueness of nature Lembeh Strait as the main Attraction and adding new artificial attraction object; (2) Completing and improving public facilities and tourism facilities and facilities and infrastructure; (3) Make intelligent use of social media communication information technology as a cheap and efficient means of promotion.*eprm*

    Uji Aktivitas Analgesik Asam 2-(3-(klorometil)benzoiloksi)benzoat dan Asam 2-(4-(klorometil)benzoiloksi)benzoat pada Tikus Wistar Jantan dengan Metode Plantar Test

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    The new compounds of salicylic acid derivatives, 2- (3- (chloromethyl) benzoyloxy) benzoic acid and 2- (4- (chloromethyl) benzoyloxy) benzoic acid were synthesized to generate better analgesic activity and lesser stomach irritation of salicylic acid. The 2- (4- (chloromethyl) benzoyloxy) benzoic acid and 2- (3- (chloromethyl) benzoiloksi) benzoic acid were synthesized by Schotten-Baumann acylation process. In this study, analgesic activity was tested by plantar test method. The compounds were administered to the tested animals at 12.5; 25; 50; 100; and 200 mg / kg BW of doses. Analgesic activity was determined by the response time of rat to pain induced by infra red. The percentage of pain hindrance was calculated from the mean of response time to pain. Pain hindrance percentage were shown as: 74.28%; 105.58%; 110.58%; 115.29%; and 175.87% after administration of 2- (4- (chloromethyl) benzoyloxy) benzoic acid at doses of 12.5; 25; 50; 100; and 200 mg / kg. The pain hindrance percentage after administration of 2- (3- (chloromethyl) benzoyloxy) benzoaic acid, were 85.30%; 92.48%; 124.96%; 180.36%; and 208.01% respective to the doses of 12.5; 25; 50; 100; and 200 mg / kg. Five doses of acetyl salicylic acid ranged from 12.5 mg / kg to 200 mg / kg showed pain hindrance percentage as: 26%; 34.34%; 45.68%; 60.38%; and 114.12%. This study indicated that 2- (3- (chloromethyl) benzoyloxy) benzoic acid and 2- (4- (chloromethyl) benzoyloxy) benzoic acid generated higher analgesic activity than acetyl salicylic acid


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    The objective of the research is to analyze the target and realization of tax revenue in North Minahasa Regency. The study was conducted from September to November of 2017. The data used were secondary data. Data collection techniques used are to go directly to the local revenue department and conduct interviews and make the necessary data recording. Method of data processing using trend analysis method. The results of the research showed that the Local Tax has a great influence on development in North Minahasa Regency and Development in North Minahasa Regency. It is increasingly seen clearly, in the construction of housing, warehouses and tourist places. It can also be seen from tax return projection for the next five years that is alwasy growing every year.*jnkd*


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    This study aims to analyze the cost of harvest and post-harvest cloves. This research was conducted in Kaweng Village Kakas Subdistrict of Minahasa Regency and lasted from July until September 2016. The research method used in this research is survey method. Data collection method in this research is by using primary data and secondary data. Sampling method is by using simple random sampling method. The data analysis used is the data collected tabulated by using cost analysis. The results of this study was that each harvest activity costs vary, it is issued in accordance with the needs of farmers to support harvest and post-harvest activities for 2-3 months during the 1st harvest and post harvest period. The largest average is at the cost of picking of Rp.222.352.500. Each production was influenced by variable costs and fixed costs at one time of production at the price of the cloves present at harvest, where the variable cost amounts to Rp.360.243.500 and fixed costs Rp.1.866.000 in production amount of 8.677 kg with an average price of Rp.106.050 per kg.*jnkd*

    Auditory frequency discrimination in developmental dyslexia: a meta-analysis

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    Auditory frequency discrimination has been used as an index of sensory processing in developmental language disorders such as dyslexia, where group differences have often been interpreted as evidence for a basic deficit in auditory processing that underpins and constrains individual variability in the development of phonological skills. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the cumulative evidence for group differences in frequency discrimination and to explore the impact of some potential moderator variables that could contribute to variability in effect-size estimations across studies. Our analyses revealed mean effect sizes for group differences on frequency discrimination tasks on the order of three-quarters of a standard deviation, but in the presence of substantial inter-study variability in their magnitude. Moderator variable analyses indicated that factors related both to participant variability on behavioural and cognitive variables associated with the dyslexia phenotype, and to variability in the task design, contributed to differences in the magnitude of effect size across studies. The apparently complex pattern of results was compounded by the lack of concurrent, standardised metrics of cognitive and reading component skills across the constituent studies. Differences on sensory processing tasks are often reported in studies of developmental disorders, but these need to be more carefully interpreted in the context of non-sensory factors, which may explain significant inter- and intra-group variance in the dependent measure of interest

    Bauran Pemasaran Buah Durian di Kawasan Boulevard Mall, Kota Manado

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    The purpose of this study was to identify elements in "Marketing Mix 4P" which applies to the marketing of durian at Boulevard Mall, Manado. This research was carried out for 2 months from April to May 2016. Data was retrieved through a survey consisting of primary and secondary data. Data was collected using a "purposive sampling" method, intentionally interviewing six respondents from fifteen respondents in the area of Boulevard Mall, Manado. There are four types of durians sold in Boulevard Mall: durian gajah, durian susu, durian mentega, and durian madu. Prices are relatively affordable and vary based on the type, with the highest price being durian gajah. The sale location in Boulevard Mall was selected by the sellers because it is within easy reach of the southern part of Manado and has a lively atmosphere. It is close to the beach, which is an ideal setting for relaxing while enjoying durian. Sellers promote their goods to consumers by offering an opportunity to bid prices, giving bonuses when consumers buy a certain amount, offering delivery services, and giving consumers the opportunity to taste test it for free
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