931 research outputs found

    Validation of gyrokinetic modelling of light impurity transport including rotation in ASDEX Upgrade

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    Upgraded spectroscopic hardware and an improved impurity concentration calculation allow accurate determination of boron density in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. A database of boron measurements is compared to quasilinear and nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations including Coriolis and centrifugal rotational effects over a range of H-mode plasma regimes. The peaking of the measured boron profiles shows a strong anti-correlation with the plasma rotation gradient, via a relationship explained and reproduced by the theory. It is demonstrated that the rotodiffusive impurity flux driven by the rotation gradient is required for the modelling to reproduce the hollow boron profiles at higher rotation gradients. The nonlinear simulations validate the quasilinear approach, and, with the addition of perpendicular flow shear, demonstrate that each symmetry breaking mechanism that causes momentum transport also couples to rotodiffusion. At lower rotation gradients, the parallel compressive convection is required to match the most peaked boron profiles. The sensitivities of both datasets to possible errors is investigated, and quantitative agreement is found within the estimated uncertainties. The approach used can be considered a template for mitigating uncertainty in quantitative comparisons between simulation and experiment.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted in Nuclear Fusio

    Priming the Semantic Neighbourhood during the Attentional Blink

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    Background: When two targets are presented in close temporal proximity amongst a rapid serial visual stream of distractors, a period of disrupted attention and attenuated awareness lasting 200–500 ms follows identification of the first target (T1). This phenomenon is known as the ‘‘attentional blink’ ’ (AB) and is generally attributed to a failure to consolidate information in visual short-term memory due to depleted or disrupted attentional resources. Previous research has shown that items presented during the AB that fail to reach conscious awareness are still processed to relatively high levels, including the level of meaning. For example, missed word stimuli have been shown to prime later targets that are closely associated words. Although these findings have been interpreted as evidence for semantic processing during the AB, closely associated words (e.g., day-night) may also rely on specific, well-worn, lexical associative links which enhance attention to the relevant target. Methodology/Principal Findings: We used a measure of semantic distance to create prime-target pairs that are conceptually close, but have low word associations (e.g., wagon and van) and investigated priming from a distractor stimulus presented during the AB to a subsequent target (T2). The stimuli were words (concrete nouns) in Experiment 1 and the corresponding pictures of objects in Experiment 2. In both experiments, report of T2 was facilitated when this item was preceded by a semantically-related distractor

    Admixed pellets for fast and efficient delivery of plasma enhancement gases: Investigations at AUG exploring the option for EU-DEMO

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    Gas and pellet injection are envisaged for particle fuelling in EU-DEMO. The gas system will provide edge and divertor fuelling and any further gas species required for operation. Pellets, mm-sized bodies formed from solid hydrogen fuel, are designed for efficient and fast core fuelling. However, they can also be employed for a more efficient delivery of plasma enhancement gases, by admixing them with the fuelling pellets. To check this option for EU-DEMO, explorative investigations have been performed at ASDEX Upgrade (AUG). The AUG system produces ice in a batch process sufficient for about 100 pellets, initially designed for operation with pure H2_2 or D2_2. On a trial basis, pellet formation was tested using an H2_2/D2_2 mixture and admixtures containing small amounts (up to 2 mol%) of N2_2, Ar, Kr or Xe in the D2_2 host. A homogeneous and reproducible ice composition was found for the H2_2/D2_2 = 1:1 case. For all the admixed gases, a depletion of the admixture in the ice with increasing atomic number is observed. Nevertheless, the fast and efficient delivery of admixed pellets was clearly demonstrated in dedicated plasma experiments at AUG. Detailed investigations showed that the Ar supplied via admixed pellets has a higher radiation efficiency and a faster radiation rise than an Ar/D2_2 gas puff. Furthermore, Ar density measurements in a discharge with admixed pellet injection show reasonable agreement with findings of a fading admixed species’ concentration along the ice rod and assumptions on the pellet ablation location in the plasma. Investigations performed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory with a large batch extruder using up to 2 mol% Ne in D2_2 confirmed that production of much larger ice quantities can be achieved. These initial explorative investigations clearly reveal the great potential of admixed pellets, although they also demonstrate that further technology efforts are required before their benefits can be utilized

    Transport analysis of high radiation and high density plasmas in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

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    Future fusion reactors, foreseen in the “European road map” such as DEMO, will operate under more demanding conditions compared to present devices. They will require high divertor and core radiation by impurity seeding to reduce heat loads on divertor target plates. In addition, DEMO will have to work at high core densities to reach adequate fusion performance. The performance of fusion reactors depends on three essential parameters: temperature, density and energy confinement time. The latter characterizes the loss rate due to both radiation and transport processes. The DEMO foreseen scenarios described above were not investigated so far, but are now addressed at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. In this work we present the transport analysis of such scenarios. Plasma with high radiation by impurity seeding

    Emotion based attentional priority for storage in visual short-term memory

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    A plethora of research demonstrates that the processing of emotional faces is prioritised over non-emotive stimuli when cognitive resources are limited (this is known as ‘emotional superiority’). However, there is debate as to whether competition for processing resources results in emotional superiority per se, or more specifically, threat superiority. Therefore, to investigate prioritisation of emotional stimuli for storage in visual short-term memory (VSTM), we devised an original VSTM report procedure using schematic (angry, happy, neutral) faces in which processing competition was manipulated. In Experiment 1, display exposure time was manipulated to create competition between stimuli. Participants (n = 20) had to recall a probed stimulus from a set size of four under high (150 ms array exposure duration) and low (400 ms array exposure duration) perceptual processing competition. For the high competition condition (i.e. 150 ms exposure), results revealed an emotional superiority effect per se. In Experiment 2 (n = 20), we increased competition by manipulating set size (three versus five stimuli), whilst maintaining a constrained array exposure duration of 150 ms. Here, for the five-stimulus set size (i.e. maximal competition) only threat superiority emerged. These findings demonstrate attentional prioritisation for storage in VSTM for emotional faces. We argue that task demands modulated the availability of processing resources and consequently the relative magnitude of the emotional/threat superiority effect, with only threatening stimuli prioritised for storage in VSTM under more demanding processing conditions. Our results are discussed in light of models and theories of visual selection, and not only combine the two strands of research (i.e. visual selection and emotion), but highlight a critical factor in the processing of emotional stimuli is availability of processing resources, which is further constrained by task demands

    Quick Minds Slowed Down: Effects of Rotation and Stimulus Category on the Attentional Blink

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    BACKGROUND: Most people show a remarkable deficit to report the second of two targets when presented in close temporal succession, reflecting an attentional restriction known as the 'attentional blink' (AB). However, there are large individual differences in the magnitude of the effect, with some people showing no such attentional restrictions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we present behavioral and electrophysiological evidence suggesting that these 'non-blinkers' can use alphanumeric category information to select targets at an early processing stage. When such information was unavailable and target selection could only be based on information that is processed relatively late (rotation), even non-blinkers show a substantial AB. Electrophysiologically, in non-blinkers this resulted in enhanced distractor-related prefrontal brain activity, as well as delayed target-related occipito-parietal activity (P3). CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings shed new light on possible strategic mechanisms that may underlie individual differences in AB magnitude and provide intriguing clues as to how temporal restrictions as reflected in the AB can be overcome

    Intermittent control models of human standing: similarities and differences

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    Two architectures of intermittent control are compared and contrasted in the context of the single inverted pendulum model often used for describing standing in humans. The architectures are similar insofar as they use periods of open-loop control punctuated by switching events when crossing a switching surface to keep the system state trajectories close to trajectories leading to equilibrium. The architectures differ in two significant ways. Firstly, in one case, the open-loop control trajectory is generated by a system-matched hold, and in the other case, the open-loop control signal is zero. Secondly, prediction is used in one case but not the other. The former difference is examined in this paper. The zero control alternative leads to periodic oscillations associated with limit cycles; whereas the system-matched control alternative gives trajectories (including homoclinic orbits) which contain the equilibrium point and do not have oscillatory behaviour. Despite this difference in behaviour, it is further shown that behaviour can appear similar when either the system is perturbed by additive noise or the system-matched trajectory generation is perturbed. The purpose of the research is to come to a common approach for understanding the theoretical properties of the two alternatives with the twin aims of choosing which provides the best explanation of current experimental data (which may not, by itself, distinguish beween the two alternatives) and suggesting future experiments to distinguish between the two alternatives