158 research outputs found

    Local study of lithiation and degradation paths in LiMn2O4 battery cathodes via scanning probe microscopy and confocal raman microscopy

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    The work was financially supported by Russian Science Foundation (Grant 17-72-10144). The equipment of Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern Nanotechnology” Ural Federal University was used

    Quantitative characterization of the ionic mobility and concentration in Li-battery cathodes via low frequency electrochemical strain microscopy

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    The work was financially supported by Russian Science Foundation (Grant 17-72-10144). The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnol-ogy” UrFU was used

    Local electronic transport across probe/ionic conductor interface in scanning probe microscopy

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    Charge carrier transport through the probe-sample junction can have substantial consequences for outcomes of electrical and electromechanical atomic-force-microscopy (AFM) measurements. For understanding physical processes under the probe, we carried out conductive-AFM (C-AFM) measurements of local current-voltage (I-V) curves as well as their derivatives on samples of a mixed ionic-electronic conductor Li1-xMn2O4 and developed an analytical framework for the data analysis. The implemented approach discriminates between contributions the highly resistive sample surface layer and the bulk with the account of ion redistribution in the field of the probe. It was found that, with increasing probe voltage, the conductance mechanism in the surface layer transforms from Pool-Frenkel to space-charge-limited current. The surface layer significantly alters the ion dynamics in the sample bulk under the probe, which leads, in particular, to a decrease of the effective electromechanical AFM signal associated with the ionic motion in the sample. The framework can be applied for the analysis of electronic transport mechanisms across the probe/sample interface as well as to uncover the role of the charge transport in the electric field distribution, mechanical, and other responses in AFM measurements of a broad spectrum of conducting materials. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.This work was developed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 and UIDP/50011/2020, financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/MCTES. The work was financially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the project PTDC/CTM-ENE/6341/2014. It is also funded by national funds (OE), through FCT ? Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e a Tecnologia, I.P. in the scope of the framework contract foreseen in the numbers 4, 5 and 6 of the article 23, of the Decree-Law 57/2016, of August 29, changed by Law 57/2017, of July 19. The authors thank Daniele Rosato (Robert Bosch, GmbH) for providing samples of Li-battery cathodes and useful discussions. Equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use ?Modern nanotechnology? of the Ural Federal University was used in the experiments. The work has been supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under the project #FEUZ-2020-0054


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    In the structure of infectious morbidity intestinal infections occupy the second place after respiratory diseases. For several reasons, shigellosis (dysentery) occupies a leading position among them. According to various sources, among etiologically verified diarrhea, it ranges from 28 to 75 %. One of the effective and reliable indicators of confirmation of diagnosis in dysentery is an immunological examination to detect changes in the cellular level of immunity and specific antibodies. The aim of our research was to study and analyze the changes in cellular and humoral immunity that occur in patients with dysentery. Material and Methods. Thirty patients with acute shigellosis who were in the infectious ward of City Public Hospital No. 1 were examined. The total number of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes by the reaction of spontaneous rosette formation (EAS-RUL, TE-RUL) was determined. The functional activity of T-lymphocytes was evaluated by the reaction of blast transformation of T-lymphocytes with phytohemagglutinin. The IgM, IgA and IgG levels were determined by the Mancini method. Results and Discussion. In terms of age, the surveyed contingent consisted of patients aged 23–59 years – 21 people (70.0 %), 60 years and older – 9 (30.0 %). Among the examined 30 patients with acute shigellosis, 10 had a mild course, 13 had a moderate severity, and 7 had a severe one. The immunoregulatory index for mild disease caused by S. sonnei varied from 2.12 to 3.18, with moderate – 2.45–4.82, and severe – 1.80–5.25. Indicators of immunoregulatory index in patients with isolated S. fexneri was at a slight degree – 2.03–2.81; at an average of 3.32–3.96; in severe – 2.02–4.07. Conclusions. Studies of immunological parameters in the acute period of the disease found changes only with moderate and severe dysentery. There were no significant differences in humoral immunity in patients with dysentery depending on age.В структуре инфекционной заболеваемости кишечные инфекции занимают второе место после респираторных болезней. По нескольким причинам шигеллез (дизентерия) занимает среди них ведущее место. По данным различных источников, среди этиологически верифицированных диарей она составляет от 28 до 75 %. Одним из эффективных и достоверных показателей подтверждения диагноза при дизентерии является иммунологическое исследование для выявления изменений клеточного звена иммунитета и специфических антител. Цель – изучить и проанализировать изменения клеточного и гуморального звеньев иммунитета, возникающие у больных дизентерией. Материал и методы. Было обследовано 30 пациентов с острым шигеллезом, находившихся на лечении в инфекционном отделении Городской коммунальной больницы №1. Общее количество Т-лимфоцитов, В-лимфоцитов определяли с помощью реакции спонтанного розеткообразования (ТО-рул, ЕАС-рул). Функциональную активность Т-лимфоцитов оценивали с помощью реакции бластной трансформации Т-лимфоцитов с фитогемаглютинином. Уровень IgM, IgА и IgG определяли за методом Манчини. Результаты. В возрастном аспекте обследованный контингент состоял из больных в возрасте 23–59 лет – 21 (70,0%) больной, 60 лет и старше – 9 (30,0%) пациентов. Среди обследованных 30 пациентов с острым шигеллезом 10 имели легкое течение, 13 – средней степени тяжести, 7 – тяжелое течение. Иммунорегуляторный индекс при легкой степени болезни, вызванной S. sonnei, варьировал от 2,12 до 3,18, при среднетяжелом – 2,45–4,82, при тяжелом – 1,80–5,25. Показатели иммунорегуляторного индекса у пациентов с выделенной S. fexneri при легкой степени составляли 2,03–2,81; при средней – 3,32–3,96; при тяжелой – 2,02–4,07. Выводы. Исследования иммунологических показателей в остром периоде болезни обнаружили изменения только при средней и тяжелой степени дизентерии. Со стороны гуморального иммунитета существенных различий в реакции больных дизентерией в зависимости от возраста не было.У структурі інфекційної захворюваності кишкові інфекції займають друге місце після респіраторних хвороб. З декількох причин шигельоз (дизентерія) займає серед них провідне місце. За даними різних джерел, серед етіологічно верифікованих діарей вона складає від 28 до 75 %. Одним із ефективних та достовірних показників підтвердження діагнозу при дизентерії є імунологічне дослідження для виявлення змін клітинної ланки імунітету та специфічних антитіл. Мета – вивчити та проаналізувати зміни клітинної та гуморальної ланок імунітету, що виникають у хворих на дизентерію. Матеріал і методи. Було обстежено 30 пацієнтів із гострим шигельозом, які перебували на лікуванні в інфекційному відділені Міської комунальної лікарні № 1. Загальну кількість Т-лімфоцитів, В-лімфоцитів визначали за допомогою реакції спонтанного розеткоутворення (ЕАС-РУЛ, ТЕ-РУЛ). Функціональну активність Т-лімфоцитів оцінювали за реакцією бластної трансформації Т-лімфоцитів з фітогемаглютиніном. Рівні IgM, IgА та IgG визначали за методом Манчіні. Результати. У віковому аспекті обстежений контингент складався із хворих у віці 23–59 років – 21 (70,0 %) особа, 60 років і старше – 9 (30,0 %) осіб. Серед обстежених 30 пацієнтів з гострим шигельозом 10 мали легкий перебіг, 13 – середнього ступеня тяжкості, 7 – тяжкий перебіг. Імунорегуляторний індекс при легкому ступені хвороби, викликаної S. Sonnei, варіював від 2,12 до 3,18, при середньотяжкому – 2,45–4,82, при тяжкому – 1,80–5,25. Показники імунорегуляторного індексу у пацієнтів з виділеною S. fexneri при легкому ступені складали 2,03–2,81; при середньому – 3,32–3,96; при тяжкому – 2,02–4,07. Висновки. Дослідження імунологічних показників у гострому періоді хвороби виявили зміни лише при середньому та тяжкому ступенях дизентерії. З боку гуморального імунітету суттєвих відмінностей у реакції хворих на дизентерію залежно від віку не було

    Electrochemical Strain Microscopy of Li-ion battery cathodes

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    The work was financially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the project PTDC/CTM-ENE/6341/2014. The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” UrFU was used

    A spectroscopic analysis of the chemically peculiar star HD207561

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    In this paper we present a high-resolution spectroscopic analysis of the chemically peculiar star HD207561. During a survey programme to search for new roAp stars in the Northern hemisphere, Joshi et al. (2006) observed significant photometric variability on two consecutive nights in the year 2000. The amplitude spectra of the light curves obtained on these two nights showed oscillations with a frequency of 2.79 mHz [P~6-min]. However, subsequent follow-up observations could not confirm any rapid variability. In order to determine the spectroscopic nature of HD207561, high-resolution spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric observations were carried out. A reasonable fit of the calculated Hbeta line profile to the observed one yields the effective temperature (Teff) and surface gravity (log g) as 7300 K and 3.7 dex, respectively. The derived projected rotational velocity (vsin i) for HD207561 is 74 km/sec indicative of a relatively fast rotator. The position of HD207561 in the H-R diagram implies that this is slightly evolved from the main-sequence and located well within the delta-Scuti instability strip. The abundance analysis indicates the star has slight under-abundances of Ca and Sc and mild over-abundances of iron-peak elements. The spectro-polarimetric study of HD207561 shows that the effective magnetic field is within the observational error of 100 gauss (G). The spectroscopic analysis revealed that the star has most of the characteristics similar to an Am star, rather than an Ap star, and that it lies in the delta-Scuti instability strip; hence roAp pulsations are not expected in HD207561, but low-overtone modes might be excited.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for pubblication in MNRA

    Statistics of Magnetic Fields for OB Stars

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    Based on an analysis of the catalog of magnetic fields, we have investigated the statistical properties of the mean magnetic fields for OB stars. We show that the mean effective magnetic field B{\cal B} of a star can be used as a statistically significant characteristic of its magnetic field. No correlation has been found between the mean magnetic field strength B{\cal B} and projected rotational velocity of OB stars, which is consistent with the hypothesis about a fossil origin of the magnetic field. We have constructed the magnetic field distribution function for B stars, F(B)F({\cal B}), that has a power-law dependence on B{\cal B} with an exponent of 1.82\approx -1.82. We have found a sharp decrease in the function F(B)F({\cal B})F for {\cal B}\lem 400 G that may be related to rapid dissipation of weak stellar surface magnetic fields.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted Astronomy Letters, 2010, vol.36, No.5, pp.370-379, contact E-mail: [email protected]