86 research outputs found

    Optimización del tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes con disfunción sistólica severa del ventrículo izquierdo en una unidad de insuficiencia cardiaca: implicaciones en la indicación de un desfibrilador automático implantable en prevención primaria y factores predictores de ausencia de remodelado reverso del ventrículo izquierdo

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    Distance education is going through a paradigm shift from the second to the third generation. In the first generation (correspondence education) teachers were craftsmen who coupled traditional learning materials to self-made personalised lessons that they mailed to their students at a distance. In the second generation new, pedagogically enhanced materials were designed and developed via an industrial model specifically for distance education, but the accent remained on a traditional learning paradigm. In the third generation personal, competence based, interactive materials for learning communities are being designed and developed. This chapter first outlines the haracteristics of the first two generations. It then presents a framework for the design, development and delivery of distance education study materials according to the industrial approach. It concludes with a look at how this will change as we go to the third generation. In another chapter (Valcke, Kirschner & Bos) an environment for this new paradigm is worked out

    Mapping the internal recognition surface of an octanuclear coordination cage using guest libraries

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    Size and shape criteria for guest binding inside the cavity of an octanuclear cubic coordination cage in water have been established using a new fluorescence displacement assay to quantify guest binding. For aliphatic cyclic ketones of increasing size (from C5 to C11), there is a linear relationship between ΔG for guest binding and the guest’s surface area: the change in ΔG for binding is 0.3 kJ mol–1 Å–2, corresponding to 5 kJ mol–1 for each additional CH2 group in the guest, in good agreement with expectations based on hydrophobic desolvation. The highest association constant is K = 1.2 × 106 M–1 for cycloundecanone, whose volume is approximately 50% of the cavity volume; for larger C12 and C13 cyclic ketones, the association constant progressively decreases as the guests become too large. For a series of C10 aliphatic ketones differing in shape but not size, ΔG for guest binding showed no correlation with surface area. These guests are close to the volume limit of the cavity (cf. Rebek’s 55% rule), so the association constant is sensitive to shape complementarity, with small changes in guest structure resulting in large changes in binding affinity. The most flexible members of this series (linear aliphatic ketones) did not bind, whereas the more preorganized cyclic ketones all have association constants of 104–105 M–1. A crystal structure of the cage·cycloundecanone complex shows that the guest carbonyl oxygen is directed into a binding pocket defined by a convergent set of CH groups, which act as weak hydrogen-bond donors, and also shows close contacts between the exterior surface of the disc-shaped guest and the interior surface of the pseudospherical cage cavity despite the slight mismatch in shape

    Non-ionic Thermoresponsive Polymers in Water

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    Recente inzichten in de neurofysiologische werking van oxytocine therapie bij kinderen met autisme.

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    Hoewel de interesse in de klinische effectiviteit van oxytocine therapie bij mensen met autisme spectrum stoornis groot is en een groeiend aantal studies deze effecten in kaart probeerden te brengen, is er tot op heden nog maar weinig inzicht in welke effecten het toedienen van meervoudige dosissen oxytocine neusspray teweeg kan brengen op de op de fysiologische werking van de hersenen en het stress systeem. Eerdere studies die neurofysiologische effecten in de menselijke hersenen in kaart hebben gebracht, bestudeerden voornamelijk ‘acute’ effecten, teweeggebracht door toediening van een enkelvoudige dosis oxytocine neusspray. Onze recent afgeronde oxytocine studie bij kinderen met autisme omvatte niet alleen een klinische deel, maar eveneens neurofysiologische karakteriseringen die ons precies in staat stellen om beter zicht te krijgen op de centrale, neurofysiologische effecten na toediening van meervoudige dosissen oxytocine neusspray over een periode van 4 weken. Recent verworven inzichten op basis van medische beeldvorming van de hersenen (fMRI scans), elektro-encefalografie, alsook elektrocardiografie worden gepresenteerd