1,466 research outputs found

    A Woman\u27s Touch in F. Scott Fitzgerald\u27s Tender is the Night: Pulling the Women Out of the Background

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    This is a critical study of F. Scott Fitzgerald‟s Tender Is the Night focusing primarily on the lack of examination and criticism surrounding the women characters. Included are reviews of Fitzgerald‟s personal and professional life from the publication of his critically acclaimed The Great Gatsby until the publication of his last complete novel, Tender Is the Night, discussion of the contemporary and current criticism of the novel, and a feminist reading of the novel in order to focus more significant critical attention upon the women characters in order to create a fuller understanding of Fitzgerald‟s novel


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    On January 2, 1933, 420 state and 68 national banks were operating in Michigan. On February 13, the Governor of Michigan proclaimed a banking holiday for eight days which was extended in effect on February 22. On March 4, the President proclaimed a national banking holiday until March 9. Under the provisions of the President\u27s proclamation lifting the national banking holiday, 198 state and approximately 30 national banks were reopened by the appropriate authorities as sound banks. State bank conservators assumed the management and custody of 215 state banks which did not open, on appointment by the Commissioner of the State Banking Department, with the approval of the Governor, under Act 32, Public Acts of 1933. National bank conservators were appointed by the Comptroller of the Currency, under the provisions of the Emergency Banking Act, signed March 9, 1933, to take charge of the national banks remaining closed. The deposits in the banks for which conservators were appointed approximated $665,000,000. Some of the assets representing such deposits were sound and liquid, others were sound but slow, some were possibly doubtful, others possibly loss. The available cash balances in such banks, moreover, generally amounted to but a small percentage of the total deposits, and the aggregate value of their assets apparently did not, in the opinion of the authorities, justify their resumption of business

    Medical Practice in the Harvard Shaker Church Family 1834-1843

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    The Church Family medical shop was in the center of the Shaker community in Harvard, Massachusetts. Located behind the brethren’s workshop, this small, two-story frame building stood conveniently close to the institutional kitchen for the Church Family as well as to the herb shop where medicinal herbs were processed. Though the building itself no longer stands, the history of the shop remains an important reflection of the core Shaker values of cooperation, charity, spirituality, and respect for the elderly

    When The Flag Goes By

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    Kajian Kecukupan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik untuk Menyerap CO2 Udara Ambien dari Transportasi Darat di Jalan Perak Barat dan Jalan Perak Timur, Surabaya

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    Jalan Perak Barat dan Jalan Perak Timur adalah akses utama menuju Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak yang merupakan pelabuhan tersibuk kedua di Indonesia. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kota Surabaya mencatat bahwa pada tahun 2014 terdapat 32.155.740 kegiatan arus barang dan penumpang angkutan laut luar negeri serta dalam negeri di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak. Angka tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa banyak kendaraan umum maupun kendaraan berat yang mengakses Jalan Perak Barat dan Jalan Perak Timur. Selain itu, Jalan Perak Barat dan Perak Timur juga merupakan jalan penting bagi pengendara transportasi darat yang berasal atau hendak menuju Jalan Tol Gempol – Surabaya. Banyaknya jumlah kendaraan di jalan ini mengakibatkan tingginya beban emisi CO2­­­ yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan kajian Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Publik pada median jalan dan pinggir jalan untuk mengetahui kecukupan RTH Publik dalam menyerap CO2 pada udara ambien yang berasal dari transportasi darat. Kajian dilakukan dengan melakukan traffic counting pada saat jam puncak untuk mengetahui beban emisi CO2 maksimum yang dihasilkan selama enam hari, lima hari weekday dan satu hari weekend. Selanjutnya dengan Metode Model Box diketahui CO2 yang terdapat pada udara ambien. Untuk mengetahui daya serap RTH Publik eksisting maka perlu didata jenis pohon dan semak pada median dan pinggir jalan. Jumlah kendaraan yang sejenis di setiap titik traffic counting saat weekday pada jam puncak tidak menunjukkan jumlah yang berbeda. Namun saat weekend jumlah kendaraan yang sejenis lebih sedikit terutama kendaraan berat. Dari hasil analisis data didapatkan bahwa dengan kondisi eksisting, RTH Publik sudah menyerap CO2 pada udara ambien dari transportasi darat secara optimal. Sampai tahun 2021, apabila kondisi RTH Publik tetap sama maka CO2 masih dapat terserap optimal

    Towards safer, better healthcare: harnessing the natural properties of complex sociotechnical systems

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    Objectives: To sustain an argument that harnessing the natural properties of sociotechnical systems is necessary to promote safer, better healthcare. Methods: Triangulated analyses of discrete literature sources, particularly drawing on those from mathematics, sociology, marketing science and psychology. Results: Progress involves the use of natural networks and exploiting features such as their scale-free and small world nature, as well as characteristics of group dynamics like natural appeal (stickiness) and propagation (tipping points). The agenda for change should be set by prioritising problems in natural categories, addressed by groups who self select on the basis of their natural interest in the areas in question, and who set clinical standards and develop tools, the use of which should be monitored by peers. This approach will facilitate the evidence-based practice that most agree is now overdue, but which has not yet been realised by the application of conventional methods. Conclusion: A key to health system transformation may lie under-recognised under our noses, and involves exploiting the naturally-occurring characteristics of complex systems. Current strategies to address healthcare problems are insufficient. Clinicians work best when their expertise is mobilised, and they flourish in groupings of their own interests and preference. Being invited, empowered and nurtured rather than directed, micromanaged and controlled through a hierarchy is preferable.5 page(s

    The Effectiveness of Liquid Organic Fertilizer Made From Mixed Tofu Liquid Waste, Human Excreta Liquid Waste, Cow's Urine and EM4 as a Media for Phytoplankton Culture

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    Liquid wastes originated from tofu industries (T), human excreta (HE) liquid waste and cow's urine (CU) are rich in organic materials and they are potential as basic ingredient for liquid fertilizer.To understand the N, P and K content in the liquid fertilizer made from mixed waste and its effectiveness in improving the growth of phytoplankton, a study has been conductedfrom September to October 2015.There were 7 treatments applied, namely P1 (100% T); P2 (90 % T and 10% CU) ; P3(90% T and 10% EM4); P4 (90% T and 10% HE); P5 (80% T, 10% CU and 10% EM4); P6 (80% T, 10% CU and 10% HE) and P7 (70% T, 10% CU, 10% HE and 10% EM4). Results shown that P6 is the best, with 22.590 mg/L Ncontent and 153 mg/L Pcontent. The K content in all treatments was almost the same. Addition of the liquid fertilizer into phytoplankton media significantly increases the abundance of phytoplankton. The highest abundance was obtained in P6. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the liquid fertilizer made from mixed tofu liquid wastes, human excreta, cow's urine and EM4 is effective for increasing the phytoplankton abundance

    Arterial pathology in canine mucopolysaccharidosis-I and response to therapy.

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis-I (MPS-I) is an inherited deficiency of α-L-iduronidase (IdU) that causes lysosomal accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in a variety of parenchymal cell types and connective tissues. The fundamental link between genetic mutation and tissue GAG accumulation is clear, but relatively little attention has been given to the morphology or pathogenesis of associated lesions, particularly those affecting the vascular system. The terminal parietal branches of the abdominal aorta were examined from a colony of dogs homozygous (MPS-I affected) or heterozygous (unaffected carrier) for an IdU mutation that eliminated all enzyme activity, and in affected animals treated with human recombinant IdU. High-resolution computed tomography showed that vascular wall thickenings occurred in affected animals near branch points, and associated with low endothelial shear stress. Histologically these asymmetric 'plaques' entailed extensive intimal thickening with disruption of the internal elastic lamina, occluding more than 50% of the vascular lumen in some cases. Immunohistochemistry was used to show that areas of sclerosis contained foamy (GAG laden) macrophages, fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, with loss of overlying endothelial basement membrane and claudin-5 expression. Lesions contained scattered cells expressing nuclear factor-κβ (p65), increased fibronectin and transforming growth factor β-1 signaling (with nuclear Smad3 accumulation) in comparison to unaffected vessels. Intimal lesion development and morphology was improved by intravenous recombinant enzyme treatment, particularly with immune tolerance to this exogenous protein. The progressive sclerotic vasculopathy of MPS-I shares some morphological and molecular similarities to atherosclerosis, including formation in areas of low shear stress near branch points, and can be reduced or inhibited by intravenous administration of recombinant IdU
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