10,248 research outputs found

    Application of the EXtrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM) to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region

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    The study of transfer-induced gamma-decay probabilities is very useful for understanding the surrogate-reaction method and, more generally, for constraining statistical-model calculations. One of the main difficulties in the measurement of gamma-decay probabilities is the determination of the gamma-cascade detection efficiency. In [Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 700, 59 (2013)] we developed the Extrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM), a new method to measure this quantity. In this work, we have applied, for the first time, the EXEM to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region. In particular, we have considered the 238U(d,p)239U and 238U(3He,d)239Np reactions. We have performed Hauser-Feshbach calculations to interpret our results and to verify the hypothesis on which the EXEM is based. The determination of fission and gamma-decay probabilities of 239Np below the neutron separation energy allowed us to validate the EXEM


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara regulasi diri dengan komitmen organisasi pada mahasiswa. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif korelasional yaitu untuk mengetahui sejauhmana variabel bebas berhubungan dengan variabel terikat. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang aktif dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan di Surabaya. Sampel penelitian sejumlah 104 mahasiswa yang didapat melalui teknik incidental sampling. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan skala regulasi diri  dan skala komitmen organisasi. Untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian digunakan teknik product moment pearson correlation. Hasil analisis data didapatkan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.000 (p<0.05), artinya terdapat hubungan antara regulasi diri dengan komitmen organisasi  pada mahasiswa aktivis organisasi. Nilai korelasi product moment sebesar 0,539 menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara regulasi diri dengan komitmen organisasi sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi regulasi diri maka semakin tinggi pula komitmen mahasiswa terhadap organisasi. Demikian pula sebaliknya, semakin rendah regulasi diri mahasiswa maka semakin rendah komitmennya terhadap organisasi.Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara regulasi diri dengan komitmen organisasi pada mahasiswa. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan  positif antara regulasi diri  dengan komitmen organisasi pada mahasiswa yang ada di seluruh indonesia. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 104 orang mahasiswa yang masih aktif berkuliah dan aktif berorganisasi. Penentuan subjek penelitian menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan alat ukur berupa adaptasi Skala regulasi diri  dan Skala komitmen organisasi . Metode analisis data yang digunakana dalah Product Moment Pearson Correlation. Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai korelasi sebesar r=0.539 dan p=0.000 (p<0.01) diperoleh  nilai signifikasi sebesar 0,392 dari hasil uji linear yang merupakan hasil tersebut lebih besar dari 0,05. Artinya terdapat hubungan linear antara komitmen organisasi  dengan Regulasi diri Pada Mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang positif antara regulasi diri dengan komitmen organisasi pada mahasisw

    Geochemical modeling of magmatic gas scrubbing

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    The EQ3/6 software package, version 7.2 was successfully used to model scrubbing of magmatic gas by pure water at 0.1 MPa, in the liquid and liquid-plus-gas regions. Some post-calculations were necessary to account for gas separation effects. In these post-calculations, redox potential was considered to be fixed by precipitation of crystalline a-sulfur, a ubiquitous and precocious process. As geochemical modeling is constrained by conservation of enthalpy upon water-gas mixing, the enthalpies of the gas species of interest were reviewed, adopting as reference state the liquid phase at the triple point. Our results confirm that significant emissions of highly acidic gas species (SO2(g), HCl(g), and HF(g)) are prevented by scrubbing, until dry conditions are established, at least locally. Nevertheless important outgassing of HCl(g) can take place from acid, HCl-rich brines. Moreover, these findings support the rule of thumb which is generally used to distinguish SO2-, HCl-, and HF-bearing magmatic gases from SO2-, HCl-, and HF-free hydrothermal gases

    Critical properties of Ising model on Sierpinski fractals. A finite size scaling analysis approach

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    The present paper focuses on the order-disorder transition of an Ising model on a self-similar lattice. We present a detailed numerical study, based on the Monte Carlo method in conjunction with the finite size scaling method, of the critical properties of the Ising model on some two dimensional deterministic fractal lattices with different Hausdorff dimensions. Those with finite ramification order do not display ordered phases at any finite temperature, whereas the lattices with infinite connectivity show genuine critical behavior. In particular we considered two Sierpinski carpets constructed using different generators and characterized by Hausdorff dimensions d_H=log 8/log 3 = 1.8927.. and d_H=log 12/log 4 = 1.7924.., respectively. The data show in a clear way the existence of an order-disorder transition at finite temperature in both Sierpinski carpets. By performing several Monte Carlo simulations at different temperatures and on lattices of increasing size in conjunction with a finite size scaling analysis, we were able to determine numerically the critical exponents in each case and to provide an estimate of their errors. Finally we considered the hyperscaling relation and found indications that it holds, if one assumes that the relevant dimension in this case is the Hausdorff dimension of the lattice.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures; a new section has been added with results for a second fractal; there are other minor change

    Models of granular ratchets

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    We study a general model of granular Brownian ratchet consisting of an asymmetric object moving on a line and surrounded by a two-dimensional granular gas, which in turn is coupled to an external random driving force. We discuss the two resulting Boltzmann equations describing the gas and the object in the dilute limit and obtain a closed system for the first few moments of the system velocity distributions. Predictions for the net ratchet drift, the variance of its velocity fluctuations and the transition rates in the Markovian limit, are compared to numerical simulations and a fair agreement is observed.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, to be published on Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

    Fluctuation-Induced Casimir Forces in Granular Fluids

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    We have numerically investigated the behavior of driven non-cohesive granular media and found that two fixed large intruder particles, immersed in a sea of small particles, experience, in addition to a short range depletion force, a long range repulsive force. The observed long range interaction is fluctuation-induced and we propose a mechanism similar to the Casimir effect that generates it: the hydrodynamic fluctuations are geometrically confined between the intruders, producing an unbalanced renormalized pressure. An estimation based on computing the possible Fourier modes explains the repulsive force and is in qualitative agreement with the simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Interface pinning and slow ordering kinetics on infinitely ramified fractal structures

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    We investigate the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation for a non conserved order parameter on an infinitely ramified (deterministic) fractal lattice employing two alternative methods: the auxiliary field approach and a numerical method of integration of the equations of evolution. In the first case the domain size evolves with time as L(t)t1/dwL(t)\sim t^{1/d_w}, where dwd_w is the anomalous random walk exponent associated with the fractal and differs from the normal value 2, which characterizes all Euclidean lattices. Such a power law growth is identical to the one observed in the study of the spherical model on the same lattice, but fails to describe the asymptotic behavior of the numerical solutions of the TDGL equation for a scalar order parameter. In fact, the simulations performed on a two dimensional Sierpinski Carpet indicate that, after an initial stage dominated by a curvature reduction mechanism \`a la Allen-Cahn, the system enters in a regime where the domain walls between competing phases are pinned by lattice defects. The lack of translational invariance determines a rough free energy landscape, the existence of many metastable minima and the suppression of the marginally stable modes, which in translationally invariant systems lead to power law growth and self similar patterns. On fractal structures as the temperature vanishes the evolution is frozen, since only thermally activated processes can sustain the growth of pinned domains.Comment: 16 pages+14 figure


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    The objective of the research is to analyze the target and realization of tax revenue in North Minahasa Regency. The study was conducted from September to November of 2017. The data used were secondary data. Data collection techniques used are to go directly to the local revenue department and conduct interviews and make the necessary data recording. Method of data processing using trend analysis method. The results of the research showed that the Local Tax has a great influence on development in North Minahasa Regency and Development in North Minahasa Regency. It is increasingly seen clearly, in the construction of housing, warehouses and tourist places. It can also be seen from tax return projection for the next five years that is alwasy growing every year.*jnkd*

    BCS-Bose Crossover in Color Superconductivity

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    It is shown that the onset of the color superconducting phase occurs in the BCS-BE crossover region.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, references adde