452 research outputs found

    Electronic depth profiles with atomic layer resolution from resonant soft x-ray reflectivity

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    The analysis of x-ray reflectivity data from artificial heterostructures usually relies on the homogeneity of optical properties of the constituent materials. However, when the x-ray energy is tuned to an absorption edge, this homogeneity no longer exists. Within the same material, spatial regions containing elements at resonance will have optical properties very different from regions without resonating sites. In this situation, models assuming homogeneous optical properties throughout the material can fail to describe the reflectivity adequately. As we show here, resonant soft x-ray reflectivity is sensitive to these variations, even though the wavelength is typically large as compared to the atomic distances over which the optical properties vary. We have therefore developed a scheme for analyzing resonant soft x-ray reflectivity data, which takes the atomic structure of a material into account by "slicing" it into atomic planes with characteristic optical properties. Using LaSrMnO4 as an example, we discuss both the theoretical and experimental implications of this approach. Our analysis not only allows to determine important structural information such as interface terminations and stacking of atomic layers, but also enables to extract depth-resolved spectroscopic information with atomic resolution, thus enhancing the capability of the technique to study emergent phenomena at surfaces and interfaces.Comment: Completely overhauled with respect to the previous version due to peer revie

    Group equivariant neural posterior estimation

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    Simulation-based inference with conditional neural density estimators is a powerful approach to solving inverse problems in science. However, these methods typically treat the underlying forward model as a black box, with no way to exploit geometric properties such as equivariances. Equivariances are common in scientific models, however integrating them directly into expressive inference networks (such as normalizing flows) is not straightforward. We here describe an alternative method to incorporate equivariances under joint transformations of parameters and data. Our method -- called group equivariant neural posterior estimation (GNPE) -- is based on self-consistently standardizing the "pose" of the data while estimating the posterior over parameters. It is architecture-independent, and applies both to exact and approximate equivariances. As a real-world application, we use GNPE for amortized inference of astrophysical binary black hole systems from gravitational-wave observations. We show that GNPE achieves state-of-the-art accuracy while reducing inference times by three orders of magnitude

    Quantitative determination of bond order and lattice distortions in nickel oxide heterostructures by resonant x-ray scattering

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    We present a combined study of Ni KK-edge resonant x-ray scattering and density functional calculations to probe and distinguish electronically driven ordering and lattice distortions in nickelate heterostructures. We demonstrate that due to the low crystal symmetry, contributions from structural distortions can contribute significantly to the energy-dependent Bragg peak intensities of a bond-ordered NdNiO3_3 reference film. For a LaNiO3_3-LaAlO3_3 superlattice that exhibits magnetic order, we establish a rigorous upper bound on the bond-order parameter. We thus conclusively confirm predictions of a dominant spin density wave order parameter in metallic nickelates with a quasi-two-dimensional electronic structure

    former title: A theory for the emergence of neocortical network architecture

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    Developmental programs that guide neurons and their neurites into specific subvolumes of the mammalian neocortex give rise to lifelong constraints for the formation of synaptic connections. To what degree do these constraints affect cortical wiring diagrams? Here we introduce an inverse modeling approach to show how cortical networks would appear if they were solely due to the spatial distributions of neurons and neurites. We find that neurite packing density and morphological diversity will inevitably translate into non-random pairwise and higher-order connectivity statistics. More importantly, we show that these non-random wiring properties are not arbitrary, but instead reflect the specific structural organization of the underlying neuropil. Our predictions are consistent with the empirically observed wiring specificity from subcellular to network scales. Thus, independent from learning and genetically encoded wiring rules, many of the properties that define the neocortex’ characteristic network architecture may emerge as a result of neuron and neurite development

    The impact of neuron morphology on cortical network architecture

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    The neurons in the cerebral cortex are not randomly interconnected. This specificity in wiring can result from synapse formation mechanisms that connect neurons, depending on their electrical activity and genetically defined identity. Here, we report that the morphological properties of the neurons provide an additional prominent source by which wiring specificity emerges in cortical networks. This morphologically determined wiring specificity reflects similarities between the neurons’ axo-dendritic projections patterns, the packing density, and the cellular diversity of the neuropil. The higher these three factors are, the more recurrent is the topology of the network. Conversely, the lower these factors are, the more feedforward is the network’s topology. These principles predict the empirically observed occurrences of clusters of synapses, cell type-specific connectivity patterns, and nonrandom network motifs. Thus, we demonstrate that wiring specificity emerges in the cerebral cortex at subcellular, cellular, and network scales from the specific morphological properties of its neuronal constituents

    A new Saharan dust source activation frequency map derived from MSG-SEVIRI IR-channels

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    We present a new dust source area map for the Sahara and Sahel region, derived from the spatiotemporal variability of composite images of Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) using the 8.7, 10.8 and 12.0 μm wavelength channels for March 2006–February 2007. Detected dust events have been compared to measured aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and horizontal visibility observations. Furthermore the monthly source area map has been compared with the Ozone Monitoring Instrument aerosol index (AI). A spatial shift of the derived frequency patterns and the local maxima of AI-values can be explained by wind-transport of airborne dust implicitly included in the AI signal. To illustrate the sensitivity of a regional model using the new dust source mask, we present a case study analysis that shows an improvement in reproducing aerosol optical thickness in comparison to the original dust source parameterization

    Strain and composition dependence of the orbital polarization in nickelate superlattices

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    A combined analysis of x-ray absorption and resonant reflectivity data was used to obtain the orbital polarization profiles of superlattices composed of four-unit-cell-thick layers of metallic LaNiO3 and layers of insulating RXO3 (R=La, Gd, Dy and X=Al, Ga, Sc), grown on substrates that impose either compressive or tensile strain. This superlattice geometry allowed us to partly separate the influence of epitaxial strain from interfacial effects controlled by the chemical composition of the insulating blocking layers. Our quantitative analysis reveal orbital polarizations up to 25%. We further show that strain is the most effective control parameter, whereas the influence of the chemical composition of the blocking layers is comparatively small.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Neural Importance Sampling for Rapid and Reliable Gravitational-Wave Inference

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    We combine amortized neural posterior estimation with importance sampling for fast and accurate gravitational-wave inference. We first generate a rapid proposal for the Bayesian posterior using neural networks, and then attach importance weights based on the underlying likelihood and prior. This provides (1) a corrected posterior free from network inaccuracies, (2) a performance diagnostic (the sample efficiency) for assessing the proposal and identifying failure cases, and (3) an unbiased estimate of the Bayesian evidence. By establishing this independent verification and correction mechanism we address some of the most frequent criticisms against deep learning for scientific inference. We carry out a large study analyzing 42 binary black hole mergers observed by LIGO and Virgo with the SEOBNRv4PHM and IMRPhenomXPHM waveform models. This shows a median sample efficiency of 10%\approx 10\% (two orders-of-magnitude better than standard samplers) as well as a ten-fold reduction in the statistical uncertainty in the log evidence. Given these advantages, we expect a significant impact on gravitational-wave inference, and for this approach to serve as a paradigm for harnessing deep learning methods in scientific applications

    Adapting to noise distribution shifts in flow-based gravitational-wave inference

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    Deep learning techniques for gravitational-wave parameter estimation haveemerged as a fast alternative to standard samplers \unicode{x2013} producingresults of comparable accuracy. These approaches (e.g., DINGO) enable amortizedinference by training a normalizing flow to represent the Bayesian posteriorconditional on observed data. By conditioning also on the noise power spectraldensity (PSD) they can even account for changing detector characteristics.However, training such networks requires knowing in advance the distribution ofPSDs expected to be observed, and therefore can only take place once all datato be analyzed have been gathered. Here, we develop a probabilistic model toforecast future PSDs, greatly increasing the temporal scope of DINGO networks.Using PSDs from the second LIGO-Virgo observing run (O2) \unicode{x2013} plusjust a single PSD from the beginning of the third (O3) \unicode{x2013} weshow that we can train a DINGO network to perform accurate inference throughoutO3 (on 37 real events). We therefore expect this approach to be a key componentto enable the use of deep learning techniques for low-latency analyses ofgravitational waves.<br