1,567 research outputs found
Preface: CCWI 2013
Since 1991 "Computing and Control for the Water Industry – CCWI" is a well-established series of bi-annual meetings. On 2–4 September 2013, the 12th edition (CCWI2013) was held in Perugia (Italy) and was focused on Information for Water Systems and Smart Cities. CCWI2013 emphasized the integration between the more conventional themes of the analysis and planning of water systems and information technology. Such an integration offers opportunities for design solutions and innovative models for the challenging problems of water system management in an urban perspective, a key concept for smart cities (Brunone and Giustolisi, 2014). The large number of presentations – more than 200 with many young researchers from Europe and overseas – confirmed the interest for CCWI2013 themes and the increasing success of CCWI Conferences (Fig. 1). This CCWI2013 special issue contains a selection of extended CCWI2013 papers which give a taste of the Proceedings of the Conference published on Procedia Engineering Elsevier (www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/ 18777058/70). In fact their topics range from sustainabilitybased indicators of the urban water systems (Behzadian et al., 2014), design and control parameters in water treatment (Ramphal and Sibiya, 2014), numerical simulation of the transition between surface and pressurized flow (Fernandez-Pato and Garcia-Navarro, 2014) to optimisation of pump and valve schedules in complex large-scale water distribution networks (Skworcow et al., 2014), and a real data-based model to simulate the behavior of a pumping station equipped with variable speed pumps (Capponi et al., 2014). Figure 1. Last nine editions of CCWI conferences: number of papers published in the proceedings (from Brunone and Giustolisi, 2014)
Models of collaboration between general practice and mental health services in Italy.
Background and objectives: Anxiety and Depressive disorders represent an important public health problem, which involves not only the mental health services, but the General Practice as well. This paper examines models of Collaboration between General Practice and Community Mental Health Services developed in Italy. Methods: Different Consultation -Liaison activities are presented. For every Collaboration model advantages and disadvantage are discussed. Results: The structured Consultation Liaison Service is based on supplying diagnostic consultation and therapeutic interventions in support of General Practitioners (GPs). The service could be based in either a Community Mental Health Centre (CMHC) or externally. Diagnostic evaluation can be followed by brief and focal therapeutic interventions, in support of the GP's therapeutic plan. The spontaneous collaboration in small centres are frequent in rural areas where the contained dimensions of the services and the direct acquaintance between psychiatrists and GPs encourage the personalization of the collaboration. The model of Liaison and Group-Training focuses on direct contact between consultant and GPs. In the course of regular meetings, the consultant gives the GPs supervision and education, and they can discuss the therapeutic plans for patients requiring specialist intervention. Conclusion: The empiric classification presented should be considered an attempt to represent a complex reality. Every service, in fact, carries out activities that are necessarily wider than abstract typologies and that overlap with other models' activities
Architects of time: Labouring on digital futures
Drawing on critical analyses of the internet inspired by Gilles Deleuze and the Marxist autonomia movement, this paper suggests a way of understanding the impact of the internet and digital culture on identity and social forms through a consideration of the relationship between controls exercised through the internet, new subjectivities constituted through its use and new labour practices enabled by it. Following Castells, we can see that the distinction between user, consumer and producer is becoming blurred and free labour is being provided by users to corporations. The relationship between digital technologies and sense of community, through their relationship to the future, is considered for its dangers and potentials. It is proposed that the internet may be a useful tool for highlighting and enabling social connections if certain dangers can be traversed. Notably, current remedies for the lack of trust on the internet are questioned with an alternative, drawing on Zygmunt Bauman and Georg Simmel, proposed which is built on community through a vision of a ‘shared network’
Comparative efficacy and safety of targeted therapies for BRAF-mutant unresectable or metastatic melanoma: Results from a systematic literature review and a network meta-analysis
Background: The objective of this study was to estimate the relative efficacy and safety of targeted therapies for the treatment of metastatic melanoma using a network meta-analysis (NMA).
Methods: A systematic literature review (SLR) identified studies in Medline, Embase and Cochrane published until November 2020. Screening used prespecified eligibility criteria. Following a transitivity assessment across included studies, Bayesian NMA was conducted.
Results: A total of 43 publications reporting 15 targeted therapy trials and 42 reporting 18 immunotherapy trials were retained from the SLR and considered for the NMA. Due to substantial between-study heterogeneity with immunotherapy trials, the analysis considered a network restricted to targeted therapies. Among combination therapies, encorafenib + binimetinib was superior to dabrafenib + trametinib for overall response rate (OR = 1.86; 95 % credible interval [CrI] 1.10, 3.17), superior to vemurafenib + cobimetinib with fewer serious adverse events (SAEs) (OR = 0.51; 95 % CrI 0.29, 0.91) and fewer discontinuations due to AEs (OR = 0.45; 95 % CrI 0.21, 0.96), and superior to atezolizumab + vemurafenib + cobimetinib with fewer SAEs (OR = 0.41; 95 % CrI 0.21, 0.82). Atezolizumab + vemurafenib + cobimetinib and encorafenib + binimetinib were generally comparable for efficacy endpoints. Among double combination therapies, encorafenib + binimetinib showed high probabilities of being better for all efficacy and safety endpoints.
Conclusions: This NMA confirms that combination therapies are more efficacious than monotherapies. Encorafenib + binimetinib has a favourable efficacy profile compared to other double combination therapies and a favourable safety profile compared to both double and triple combination therapies
An Introduction to Simulation-Based Techniques for Automated Service Composition
This work is an introduction to the author's contributions to the SOC area,
resulting from his PhD research activity. It focuses on the problem of
automatically composing a desired service, given a set of available ones and a
target specification. As for description, services are represented as
finite-state transition systems, so to provide an abstract account of their
behavior, seen as the set of possible conversations with external clients. In
addition, the presence of a finite shared memory is considered, that services
can interact with and which provides a basic form of communication. Rather than
describing technical details, we offer an informal overview of the whole work,
and refer the reader to the original papers, referenced throughout this work,
for all details
Anger and depressive ruminations as predictors of dysregulated behaviours in borderline personality disorder.
BACKGROUND: Anger and depressive ruminations have recently received empirical attention as processes related to borderline personality disorder (BPD). The Emotional Cascade Model (Selby, Anestis, & Joiner, 2008) suggests that negative affect (such as anger and sadness) may trigger rumination, which in turn may increase the duration and extent of negative affect, leading to dysregulated behaviours aimed at reducing such intense and unpleasant emotions. AIM: The aim of this study is to explore the relationships between emotional dysregulation, anger and depressive ruminations, and their role in predicting dysregulated behaviours (such as aggression and self-harm) in a clinical sample of patients with BPD. METHODS: Ninety-one patients with a diagnosis of BPD were recruited from three outpatient community mental health centres and asked to complete a comprehensive assessment for personality disorder symptoms, emotion dysregulation, anger and depressive ruminations, aggression, and self-harm. RESULTS: Anger and depressive ruminations were found to be significantly associated to, respectively, self-harm and aggression, beyond the variance accounted by emotional dysregulation. CONCLUSIONS: Rumination may act as a mediator between emotional dysregulation and dysregulated behaviours in BPD. Future research should examine whether clinical techniques aimed at reducing rumination may be helpful in reducing dysregulated behaviours in patients with BPD.
"This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Martino, F., Caselli, G., Di Tommaso, J., Sassaroli, S., Spada, M.M ., Valenti, B., Berardi, D., Sasdelli, A and Menchetti, M (2017) Anger and depressive ruminations as predictors of dysregulated behaviours in borderline personality disorder. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy., which has been published in final form at 10.1002/cpp.2152 . This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Service composition in stochastic settings
With the growth of the Internet-of-Things and online Web services, more services with more capabilities are available to us. The ability to generate new, more useful services from existing ones has been the focus of much research for over a decade. The goal is, given a specification of the behavior of the target service, to build a controller, known as an orchestrator, that uses existing services to satisfy the requirements of the target service. The model of services and requirements used in most work is that of a finite state machine. This implies that the specification can either be satisfied or not, with no middle ground. This is a major drawback, since often an exact solution cannot be obtained. In this paper we study a simple stochastic model for service composition: we annotate the tar- get service with probabilities describing the likelihood of requesting each action in a state, and rewards for being able to execute actions. We show how to solve the resulting problem by solving a certain Markov Decision Process (MDP) derived from the service and requirement specifications. The solution to this MDP induces an orchestrator that coincides with the exact solution if a composition exists. Otherwise it provides an approximate solution that maximizes the expected sum of values of user requests that can be serviced. The model studied although simple shades light on composition in stochastic settings and indeed we discuss several possible extensions
Tailoring temporal description logics for reasoning over temporal conceptual models
Temporal data models have been used to describe how data can evolve in the context of temporal databases. Both the Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) model and the Unified Modelling Language (UML) have been temporally extended to design temporal databases. To automatically check quality properties of conceptual schemas various encoding to Description Logics (DLs) have been proposed in the literature. On the other hand, reasoning on temporally extended DLs turn out to be too complex for effective reasoning ranging from 2ExpTime up to undecidable languages. We propose here to temporalize the ‘light-weight’ DL-Lite logics obtaining nice computational results while still being able to represent various constraints of temporal conceptual models. In particular, we consider temporal extensions of DL-Lite^N_bool, which was shown to be adequate for capturing non-temporal conceptual models without relationship inclusion, and its fragment DL-Lite^N_core with most primitive concept inclusions, which are nevertheless enough to represent almost all types of atemporal constraints (apart from
Comfort radicalism and NEETs: a conservative praxis
Young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) are construed by policy makers as a pressing problem about which something should be done. Such young people's lack of employment is thought to pose difficulties for wider society in relation to social cohesion and inclusion and it is feared that they will become a 'lost generation'. This paper(1) draws upon English research, seeking to historicise the debate whilst acknowledging that these issues have a much wider purchase. The notion of NEETs rests alongside longstanding concerns of the English state and middle classes, addressing unruly male working class youth as well as the moral turpitude of working class girls. Waged labour and domesticity are seen as a means to integrate such groups into society thereby generating social cohesion. The paper places the debate within it socio-economic context and draws on theorisations of cognitive capitalism, Italian workerism, as well as emerging theories of antiwork to analyse these. It concludes by arguing that ‘radical’ approaches to NEETs that point towards inequities embedded in the social structure and call for social democratic solutions veer towards a form of comfort radicalism. Such approaches leave in place the dominance of capitalist relations as well as productivist orientations that celebrate waged labour
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