496 research outputs found

    Test Results of the RS-44 Integrated Component Evaluator Liquid Oxygen/Hydrogen Rocket Engine

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    An advanced LOX/LH2 expander cycle rocket engine, producing 15,000 lbf thrust for Orbital Transfer Vehicle missions, was tested to determine ignition, transition, and main stage characteristics. Detail design and fabrication of the pump fed RS44 integrated component evaluator (ICE) was accomplished using company discretionary resources and was tested under this contracted effort. Successful demonstrations were completed to about the 50 percent fuel turbopump power level (87,000 RPM), but during this last test, a high pressure fuel turbopump (HPFTP) bearing failed curtailing the test program. No other hardware were affected by the HPFTP premature shutdown. The ICE operations matched well with the predicted start transient simulations. The tests demonstrated the feasibility of a high performance advanced expander cycle engine. All engine components operated nominally, except for the HPFTP, during the engine hot-fire tests. A failure investigation was completed using company discretionary resources

    Evolution of Salmonella excretion by sows during gestation in link with the faecal microbiome

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    Pork meat is estimated to be responsible of 10 to 20% of human salmonellosis cases. Control strategies at the farm could reduce contamination at the slaughterhouse. One of the targeted sector of the production is the maternity, where sows could be Salmonella reservoirs. The aim of this study was to characterize the faecal microbiome of sows excreting or not Salmonella during gestation phases. A total of 76 sows were selected and fecal matters were analysed at the beginning or the end of gestation period. Salmonella detection was conducted using a method including two selective enrichment media (MSRV and TBG). Nine (9) isolates per positive samples were collected. Among the 76 sows tested, 31 were shedding Salmonella. The sows in the first third of their gestation shed significantly more frequently Salmonella (22/29) than those in the last third (9/47) (χ² P \u3c 0.05). The shedding status of 19 of the sows that were previously sampled in the first third of their gestation was followed, this time in the last third, confirming reduction of the shedding. Association between changes in the intestinal microbiome and this evolution of Salmonella shedding will be explored. MiSeq sequencing is currently being conducted on the feces to identify shifts in the composition or diversity in the microbial community that could be associated to these variations. A large number of Salmonella isolates that were collected were genotyped by a high resolution melt (HRM) technique. These results showed the presence of a major HRM profile (136 isolates / 169) and two minor profiles (24 and 9 /169)

    Understanding Selectivity of Mesoporous Silica-Grafted Diglycolamide-Type Ligands in the Solid-Phase Extraction of Rare Earths

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    Rare earth elements (REEs) and their compounds are essential for rapidly developing modern technologies. These materials are especially critical in the area of green/sustainable energy; however, only very high-purity fractions are appropriate for these applications. Yet, achieving efficient REE separation and purification in an economically and environmentally effective way remains a challenge. Moreover, current extraction technologies often generate large amounts of undesirable wastes. In that perspective, the development of selective, reusable, and extremely efficient sorbents is needed. Among numerous ligands used in the liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) process, the diglycolamide-based (DGA) ligands play a leading role. Although these ligands display notable extraction performance in the liquid phase, their extractive chemistry is not widely studied when such ligands are tethered to a solid support. A detailed understanding of the relationship between chemical structure and function (i.e., extraction selectivity) at the molecular level is still missing although it is a key factor for the development of advanced sorbents with tailored selectivity. Herein, a series of functionalized mesoporous silica (KIT-6) solid phases were investigated as sorbents for the selective extraction of REEs. To better understand the extraction behavior of these sorbents, different spectroscopic techniques (solid-state NMR, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FT-IR) were implemented. The obtained spectroscopic results provide useful insights into the chemical environment and reactivity of the chelating ligand anchored on the KIT-6 support. Furthermore, it can be suggested that depending on the extracted metal and/or structure of the ligand and its attachment to KIT-6, different functional groups (i.e., C= O, N-H, or silanols) act as the main adsorption centers and preferentially capture targeted elements, which in turn may be associated with the different selectivity of the synthesized sorbents. Thus, by determining how metals interact with different supports, we aim to better understand the solid-phase extraction process of hybrid (organo)silica sorbents and design better extraction materials

    Altered organization of the intermediate filament cytoskeleton and relocalization of proteostasis modulators in cells lacking the ataxia protein sacsin

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    This work was supported by BBSRC [BB/L02294X/1]; the CIHR Rare Disease Emerging Team grant, the Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay Foundation; Muscular Dystrophy Canada and Barts and the London Charity [417/1699]. The LSM880 confocal used in these studies was purchased through a Barts and the London Charity grant MGU0293

    Molecular basis for effects of carcinogenic heavy metals on inducible gene expression.

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    Certain forms of the heavy metals arsenic and chromium are considered human carcinogens, although they are believed to act through very different mechanisms. Chromium(VI) is believed to act as a classic and mutagenic agent, and DNA/chromatin appears to be the principal target for its effects. In contrast, arsenic(III) is considered nongenotoxic, but is able to target specific cellular proteins, principally through sulfhydryl interactions. We had previously shown that various genotoxic chemical carcinogens, including chromium (VI), preferentially altered expression of several inducible genes but had little or no effect on constitutive gene expression. We were therefore interested in whether these carcinogenic heavy metals might target specific but distinct sites within cells, leading to alterations in gene expression that might contribute to the carcinogenic process. Arsenic(III) and chromium(VI) each significantly altered both basal and hormone-inducible expression of a model inducible gene, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), at nonovertly toxic doses in the chick embryo in vivo and rat hepatoma H411E cells in culture. We have recently developed two parallel cell culture approaches for examining the molecular basis for these effects. First, we are examining the effects of heavy metals on expression and activation of specific transcription factors known to be involved in regulation of susceptible inducible genes, and have recently observed significant but different effects of arsenic(III) and chromium(VI) on nuclear transcription factor binding. Second, we have developed cell lines with stably integrated PEPCK promoter-luciferase reporter gene constructs to examine effects of heavy metals on promoter function, and have also recently seen profound effects induced by both chromium(VI) and arsenic(III) in this system. These model systems should enable us to be able to identify the critical cis (DNA) and trans (protein) cellular targets of heavy metal exposure leading to alterations in expression of specific susceptible genes. It is anticipated that such information will provide valuable insight into the mechanistic basis for these effects as well as provide sensitive molecular biomarkers for evaluating human exposure

    Gln-tRNAGln synthesis in a dynamic transamidosome from Helicobacter pylori, where GluRS2 hydrolyzes excess Glu-tRNAGln

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    In many bacteria and archaea, an ancestral pathway is used where asparagine and glutamine are formed from their acidic precursors while covalently linked to tRNAAsn and tRNAGln, respectively. Stable complexes formed by the enzymes of these indirect tRNA aminoacylation pathways are found in several thermophilic organisms, and are called transamidosomes. We describe here a transamidosome forming Gln-tRNAGln in Helicobacter pylori, an ε-proteobacterium pathogenic for humans; this transamidosome displays novel properties that may be characteristic of mesophilic organisms. This ternary complex containing the non-canonical GluRS2 specific for Glu-tRNAGln formation, the tRNA-dependent amidotransferase GatCAB and tRNAGln was characterized by dynamic light scattering. Moreover, we observed by interferometry a weak interaction between GluRS2 and GatCAB (KD = 40 ± 5 µM). The kinetics of Glu-tRNAGln and Gln-tRNAGln formation indicate that conformational shifts inside the transamidosome allow the tRNAGln acceptor stem to interact alternately with GluRS2 and GatCAB despite their common identity elements. The integrity of this dynamic transamidosome depends on a critical concentration of tRNAGln, above which it dissociates into separate GatCAB/tRNAGln and GluRS2/tRNAGln complexes. Ester bond protection assays show that both enzymes display a good affinity for tRNAGln regardless of its aminoacylation state, and support a mechanism where GluRS2 can hydrolyze excess Glu-tRNAGln, ensuring faithful decoding of Gln codons

    Seasonality and Prevalence of Leishmania major Infection in Phlebotomus duboscqi Neveu-Lemaire from Two Neighboring Villages in Central Mali

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    Phlebotomus duboscqi is the principle vector of Leishmania major, the causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), in West Africa and is the suspected vector in Mali. Although found throughout the country the seasonality and infection prevalence of P. duboscqi has not been established in Mali. We conducted a three year study in two neighboring villages, Kemena and Sougoula, in Central Mali, an area with a leishmanin skin test positivity of up to 45%. During the first year, we evaluated the overall diversity of sand flies. Of 18,595 flies collected, 12,952 (69%) belonged to 12 species of Sergentomyia and 5,643 (31%) to two species of the genus Phlebotomus, P. duboscqi and P. rodhaini. Of those, P. duboscqi was the most abundant, representing 99% of the collected Phlebotomus species. P. duboscqi was the primary sand fly collected inside dwellings, mostly by resting site collection. The seasonality and infection prevalence of P. duboscqi was monitored over two consecutive years. P. dubsocqi were collected throughout the year. Using a quasi-Poisson model we observed a significant annual (year 1 to year 2), seasonal (monthly) and village effect (Kemena versus Sougoula) on the number of collected P. duboscqi. The significant seasonal effect of the quasi-Poisson model reflects two seasonal collection peaks in May-July and October-November. The infection status of pooled P. duboscqi females was determined by PCR. The infection prevalence of pooled females, estimated using the maximum likelihood estimate of prevalence, was 2.7% in Kemena and Sougoula. Based on the PCR product size, L. major was identified as the only species found in flies from the two villages. This was confirmed by sequence alignment of a subset of PCR products from infected flies to known Leishmania species, incriminating P. duboscqi as the vector of CL in Mali

    South Green Galaxy: a suite of tools for plant genomics

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    Playwright: N/A Director: N/A Academic Year: 2000-2001https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/production_images/2682/thumbnail.jp