749 research outputs found

    Anisotropic finite-size scaling of an elastic string at the depinning threshold in a random-periodic medium

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    We numerically study the geometry of a driven elastic string at its sample-dependent depinning threshold in random-periodic media. We find that the anisotropic finite-size scaling of the average square width w2ˉ\bar{w^2} and of its associated probability distribution are both controlled by the ratio k=M/Lζdepk=M/L^{\zeta_{\mathrm{dep}}}, where ζdep\zeta_{\mathrm{dep}} is the random-manifold depinning roughness exponent, LL is the longitudinal size of the string and MM the transverse periodicity of the random medium. The rescaled average square width w2ˉ/L2ζdep\bar{w^2}/L^{2\zeta_{\mathrm{dep}}} displays a non-trivial single minimum for a finite value of kk. We show that the initial decrease for small kk reflects the crossover at k1k \sim 1 from the random-periodic to the random-manifold roughness. The increase for very large kk implies that the increasingly rare critical configurations, accompanying the crossover to Gumbel critical-force statistics, display anomalous roughness properties: a transverse-periodicity scaling in spite that w2ˉM\bar{w^2} \ll M, and subleading corrections to the standard random-manifold longitudinal-size scaling. Our results are relevant to understanding the dimensional crossover from interface to particle depinning.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Commentary from the reviewer available in Papers in Physic

    Damage spreading and coupling in Markov chains

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    In this paper, we relate the coupling of Markov chains, at the basis of perfect sampling methods, with damage spreading, which captures the chaotic nature of stochastic dynamics. For two-dimensional spin glasses and hard spheres we point out that the obstacle to the application of perfect-sampling schemes is posed by damage spreading rather than by the survey problem of the entire configuration space. We find dynamical damage-spreading transitions deeply inside the paramagnetic and liquid phases, and show that critical values of the transition temperatures and densities depend on the coupling scheme. We discuss our findings in the light of a classic proof that for arbitrary Monte Carlo algorithms damage spreading can be avoided through non-Markovian coupling schemes.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Creep dynamics of elastic manifolds via exact transition pathways

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    We study the steady state of driven elastic strings in disordered media below the depinning threshold. In the low-temperature limit, for a fixed sample, the steady state is dominated by a single configuration, which we determine exactly from the transition pathways between metastable states. We obtain the dynamical phase diagram in this limit. At variance with a thermodynamic phase transition, the depinning transition is not associated with a divergent length scale of the steady state below threshold, but only of the transient dynamics. We discuss the distribution of barrier heights, and check the validity of the dynamic phase diagram at small but finite temperatures using Langevin simulations. The phase diagram continues to hold for broken statistical tilt symmetry. We point out the relevance of our results for experiments of creep motion in elastic interfaces.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figure

    A Rapid Dynamical Monte Carlo Algorithm for Glassy Systems

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    In this paper we present a dynamical Monte Carlo algorithm which is applicable to systems satisfying a clustering condition: during the dynamical evolution the system is mostly trapped in deep local minima (as happens in glasses, pinning problems etc.). We compare the algorithm to the usual Monte Carlo algorithm, using as an example the Bernasconi model. In this model, a straightforward implementation of the algorithm gives an improvement of several orders of magnitude in computational speed with respect to a recent, already very efficient, implementation of the algorithm of Bortz, Kalos and Lebowitz.Comment: RevTex 7 pages + 4 figures (uuencoded) appended; LPS preprin

    Geometry of Reduced Supersymmetric 4D Yang-Mills Integrals

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    We study numerically the geometric properties of reduced supersymmetric non-compact SU(N) Yang-Mills integrals in D=4 dimensions, for N = 2,3, ..., 8. We show that in the range of large eigenvalues of the matrices A^mu, the original D-dimensional rotational symmetry is spontaneously broken and the dominating field configurations become one-dimensional, as anticipated by studies of the underlying surface theory. We also discuss possible implications of our results for the IKKT model.Comment: 14 pages, Latex + 3 eps fig., a comment added to the conclusion

    Genetic and non-genetic determinants of thymic epithelial cell number and function

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    The thymus is the site of T cell development in vertebrates. In general, the output of T cells is determined by the number of thymic epithelial cells (TECs) and their relative thymopoietic activity. Here, we show that the thymopoietic activity of TECs differs dramatically between individual mouse strains. Moreover, in males of some strains, TECs perform better on a per cell basis than their counterparts in females; in other strains, this situation is reversed. Genetic crosses indicate that TEC numbers and thymopoietic capacity are independently controlled. Long-term analysis of functional parameters of TECs after castration provides evidence that the number of Foxn1-expressing TECs directly correlates with thymopoietic activity. Our study highlights potential complications that can arise when comparing parameters of TEC biology across different genetic backgrounds; these could affect the interpretation of the outcomes of interventions aimed at modulating thymic activity in genetically diverse populations, such as humans

    Dynamics below the depinning threshold

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    We study the steady-state low-temperature dynamics of an elastic line in a disordered medium below the depinning threshold. Analogously to the equilibrium dynamics, in the limit T->0, the steady state is dominated by a single configuration which is occupied with probability one. We develop an exact algorithm to target this dominant configuration and to analyze its geometrical properties as a function of the driving force. The roughness exponent of the line at large scales is identical to the one at depinning. No length scale diverges in the steady state regime as the depinning threshold is approached from below. We do find, a divergent length, but it is associated only with the transient relaxation between metastable states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Generic, Incommensurate Transition in the two-dimensional Boson Hubbard Model

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    The generic transition in the boson Hubbard model, occurring at an incommensurate chemical potential, is studied in the link-current representation using the recently developed directed geometrical worm algorithm. We find clear evidence for a multi-peak structure in the energy distribution for finite lattices, usually indicative of a first order phase transition. However, this multi-peak structure is shown to disappear in the thermodynamic limit revealing that the true phase transition is second order. These findings cast doubts over the conclusion drawn in a number of previous works considering the relevance of disorder at this transition.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Vacancy localization in the square dimer model

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    We study the classical dimer model on a square lattice with a single vacancy by developing a graph-theoretic classification of the set of all configurations which extends the spanning tree formulation of close-packed dimers. With this formalism, we can address the question of the possible motion of the vacancy induced by dimer slidings. We find a probability 57/4-10Sqrt[2] for the vacancy to be strictly jammed in an infinite system. More generally, the size distribution of the domain accessible to the vacancy is characterized by a power law decay with exponent 9/8. On a finite system, the probability that a vacancy in the bulk can reach the boundary falls off as a power law of the system size with exponent 1/4. The resultant weak localization of vacancies still allows for unbounded diffusion, characterized by a diffusion exponent that we relate to that of diffusion on spanning trees. We also implement numerical simulations of the model with both free and periodic boundary conditions.Comment: 35 pages, 24 figures. Improved version with one added figure (figure 9), a shift s->s+1 in the definition of the tree size, and minor correction