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    Robotic manipulation for the shoe-packaging process

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    [EN] This paper presents the integration of a robotic system in a human-centered environment, as it can be found in the shoe manufacturing industry. Fashion footwear is nowadays mainly handcrafted due to the big amount of small production tasks. Therefore, the introduction of intelligent robotic systems in this industry may contribute to automate and improve the manual production steps, such us polishing, cleaning, packaging, and visual inspection. Due to the high complexity of the manual tasks in shoe production, cooperative robotic systems (which can work in collaboration with humans) are required. Thus, the focus of the robot lays on grasping, collision detection, and avoidance, as well as on considering the human intervention to supervise the work being performed. For this research, the robot has been equipped with a Kinect camera and a wrist force/ torque sensor so that it is able to detect human interaction and the dynamic environment in order to modify the robot¿s behavior. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach, this work presents the experimental results obtained for two actual platforms, which are located at different research laboratories, that share similarities in their morphology, sensor equipment and actuation system.This work has been partly supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government (Key No.: 0201603139 of Invest in Spain program and Grant No. RTC-2016-5408-6) and by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) of the German Government (Projekt-ID 54368155).Gracia Calandin, LI.; Perez-Vidal, C.; Mronga, D.; Paco, JD.; Azorin, J.; Gea, JD. (2017). Robotic manipulation for the shoe-packaging process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 92(1-4):1053-1067. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-0212-6S10531067921-4Pedrocchi N, Villagrossi E, Cenati C, Tosatti LM (2017) Design of fuzzy logic controller of industrial robot for roughing the uppers of fashion shoes. 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    Chicozapote ( ) is one of the fruit species that at the moment a great potential has, as much commercial as economic, nevertheless, it is a fruit that quickly deteriorates after the harvest taking place diverse biochemical reactions that take to the nondesirable softening, darkening and other aspects, with the consequent loss of the quality of the fruit, thus diminishing its acceptability, and reducing its life utility. A solution to these problems represents the technology of minimum treatments. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of diverse conservatives and the temperature on the life utility of fractions of chicozapote. For the accomplishment of this work fruits of chicozapote with a degree of acceptable maturity were used (good color, firmness, size, etc.). 50 fractions of gr. of chicozapote were put under the following treatments: 1) solution of CaCl2 to 1%; 2) a solution of CaCl2 to 2%; 3) ascórbico acid solution and acid citrus, both to 1%; and 4) with solution of ascórbico acid 1,0% and citric acid to 0,5%. All with chlorine (200 ppm). They were dried and they stored to 4, 8 and 22 °C., as variable of answer were evaluated: pH, % acidity, water activity, firmness, ºBrix, reducing sugars, acetaldehído, ethanol, microbiological and sensorial analysis. The best treatment was the 1% mixture ascórbico acid and 0,5% of citric acid with storage to 4°C; prolonging the life of useful of the product until by 36 days, conserving pleasant flavor and color within the accepted characteristics of quality, being the technology of minimum treatments a strategy for the conservation and commercialization of chicozapote.chicozapote, life utility, minimumly process, low temperatures, chicozapote, vida útil, mínimamente procesados, bajas temperaturas, Crop Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Osteoma of external acoustic meato: report of nine cases and literature review

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    The osteoma of external acoustic meatus corresponds to an abnormal and benign bony growth, that is developed under the skin of the auditory canal and that can cause total or partial obstruction of the external acoustic meatus. STUDY DESIGN: Serie study. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We reported in this study nine cases of osteoma of external acoustic meatus. The patients' ages varied between 23 and 70 years old, being the average age 40,6 years. These patients were 5 of the feminine sex and 4 were of the masculine sex. RESULTS: The more common symptoms were hipoacusia, caused by the partial or total obstruction of the canal, appealing external otitis and also the accumulation of cerumen deep in the external auditory canal with difficult removal. CONCLUSION: We recommended in the presented cases surgical treatment, which had good evolution, with no recidivism.Osteoma de meato acústico externo corresponde a um crescimento ósseo anormal e benigno, que se desenvolve abaixo da pele do conduto e pode causar obstrução total ou parcial do meato acústico externo. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo de série. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Apresentamos neste estudo nove casos de osteoma de meato acústico externo. A idade dos pacientes variou de 23 anos (idade mínima) e 70 anos (idade máxima), sendo a média 40,6 anos. Desses nove pacientes, 5 eram do sexo feminino e 4 eram do sexo masculino. RESULTADO: Os sintomas mais comuns foram: hipoacusia, causada pela obstrução parcial ou total do conduto, otites externas recorrentes e também impactação de cerume de difícil remoção. CONCLUSÃO: A conduta nos casos apresentados foi cirúrgica, com boa evolução, não ocorrendo recidivas.UNIFESP-EPMHospital Paulista de OtorrinolaringologiaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Tympanic paragangliomas: case reports

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    Glomus tumors, also called paragangliomas, originate from nonchromaffin cells. The tumor is typically vascular and grows from capillary and pre-capillary vessels in-between epithelial cells. It is worth mentioning that the most common symptoms are pulsating tinnitus and hearing loss. Imaging studies (CT and MRI) are necessary for diagnosis. This paper shows five patients seen at the Hospital between 1995 and 2001 presenting glomus tympanicum. Women were most commonly affected, and the age ranged from 48 to 60 years (mean age of 50 years). The most common complaints were pulsating tinnitus and hearing loss. All patients were treated surgically.Os tumores glômicos, também chamados de paragangliomas, são formados por células não cromafins. O tumor é tipicamente vascular formado por vasos capilares e pré-capilares, interposto por células epiteliais. Para a sua abordagem inicial, deve-se ressaltar que os sintomas mais comumentes encontrados são o zumbido pulsátil e hipoacusia. A investigação através de imagem (tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética) se faz necessária. Apresentaremos neste trabalho 5 pacientes portadores de paragangliomas timpânicos atendidos no Hospital (de 1995 a 2001). O sexo predominante foi o feminino, a idade variou de 48 a 60 anos, com média de 50 anos. A queixa predominante foi o zumbido pulsátil e a hipoacusia. A conduta foi cirúrgica em todos os casos.Hospital Paulista de OtorrinolaringologiaUNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Association of cortisol serum levels as a prognostic factor in threat of pre-term birth

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    Background: Prematurity is one of the leading causes of death in children. In Mexico there is a frequency of 12% of preterm birth and this leads to significant maternal-fetal complications comprising 31.5% of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The patient who receives obstetric care in the gynecology service at the naval medical center requires prevention, diagnosis and treatment of threat of preterm birth to reduce perinatal and neonatal complications. Serum cortisol levels was determined as a prognostic factor for the threat of preterm birth in patients with obstetric care at the Naval Medical Center, it is a relatively easy parameter to obtain and would support a timely treatment.Methods: We used a quantitative, non-experimental, retrospective descriptive study of 30 patients with risk factors to develop preterm birth threats in gynecology service of the naval medical center from January to December 2018, which were taken 3 milliliters of peripheral blood to measure serum cortisol concentrations for later analysis. For statistical analysis of the present study, it was used Shapiro Wilk test. Likewise, Pearson's test was performed to measure the degree of association between the dependent and independent variable. Student's t-test was implemented to compare cortisol levels of pregnant women.Results: A total of 30 patients of these were analyzed, the mean age was 30.4 years (SD±5.184). The gestation weeks the average value was 30.63 weeks (SD±4.781). A student t test was performed where the cortisol values of pregnant women were compared with an average value of 2,586 (95% CI 0.45-472) and a t value=2,476 and a p=0.019 lower value of the significance value of 0.05 rejecting the null hypothesis. Which indicates that cortisol levels can be used as a predictive marker of the threat of preterm birth, considering it as an independent factor for this situation to occur in pregnant patients. The variables of the cortisol level and the weeks of gestation Pearson=-0.061 and a significance of p=0.747 were correlated (there being no strong enough relationship between the study variables). Regarding the triggers, it is observed that the highest factor was for urinary tract infection 40% n=12, abnormal uterine activity 20% n=6, followed by premature membrane rupture 16.7% n=5.Conclusions: The risk factors associated with the threat of preterm birth can be multiple, encompassing them in three important areas such as socioeconomic, psycho-emotional and clinicopathological, of the latter, nine of which are most frequent in our population are urinary infection, abnormal uterine activity and premature rupture of membranes. Regarding the association of cortisol levels as a prognostic factor for the threat of preterm birth taking it into account as an independent factor, it can be concluded that it is not statistically significant, however, according to what is reported in the literature, It should be considered as one of the multiple risk factors, considering this timely premise to boost the development of new research in the field

    Characterization of endosperm proteins and bread-making quality in wheat breeding lines carrying resistance genes for Mayetiola destructor and/or Heterodera avenae.

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    The experimental material included thirteen bread wheat-breeding lines that carry genes for resistance to M. destruc¬tor and/or H. avenae. The sources of these resistances are the wild species Ae. triuncialis and Ae. ventricosa (lines TR and H-93, respectively) (Delibes et al. 1993, 1997; Romero et al. 1998). We have determined the composition in HMW-glutenin subunits (related with bread-making quality), puroindoline proteins (related with hardness of grain), and waxy proteins (related with starch viscosity). In addition to, of prolamins by electrophoresis SDS-PAGE indicated the homogeneity of the lines
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