302 research outputs found

    Workshop on the evolution of the Martian atmosphere

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    Thirty-three papers based on the state of our knowledge prior to the anticipated new results from Mars Observer were presented at the workshop. Because of the nature of the subject, the scope of the papers covered a broad disciplinary range encompassing astronomy and solar physics, geology and geophysics, climatology, atmospheric science, aeronomy, and space physics. The 42 participants heard about topics from the evolution of solar-type stars to candidate instrumentation for measuring escape to space on yet-unscheduled future missions

    Analysis of Viking infrared thermal mapping data of Mars. The effects of non-ideal surfaces on the derived thermal properties of Mars

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    The thermal interia of the surface of Mars varies spatially by a factor of eight. This is attributable to changes in the average particle size of the fine material, the surface elevation, the atmospheric opacity due to dust, and the fraction of the surface covered by rocks and fine material. The effects of these non-ideal properties on the surface temperatures and derived thermal inertias are modeled, along with the the effects of slopes, CO2 condensed onto the surface, and layering of fine material upon solid rock. The non-ideal models are capable of producing thermal behavior similar to that observed by the Viking Infrared Thermal Mapper, including a morning delay in the post-dawn temperature rise and an enhanced cooling in the afternoon relative to any ideal, homogeneous model. The enhanced afternoon cooling observed at the Viking-1 landing site is reproduced by the non-ideal models while that atop Arsia Mons volcano is not, but may be attributed to the observing geometry

    A diffuse radar scattering model from Martian surface rocks

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    Remote sensing of Mars has been done with a variety of instrumentation at various wavelengths. Many of these data sets can be reconciled with a surface model of bonded fines (or duricrust) which varies widely across the surface and a surface rock distribution which varies less so. A surface rock distribution map from -60 to +60 deg latitude has been generated by Christensen. Our objective is to model the diffuse component of radar reflection based on this surface distribution of rocks. The diffuse, rather than specular, scattering is modeled because the diffuse component arises due to scattering from rocks with sizes on the order of the wavelength of the radar beam. Scattering for radio waves of 12.5 cm is then indicative of the meter scale and smaller structure of the surface. The specular term is indicative of large scale surface undulations and should not be causally related to other surface physical properties. A simplified model of diffuse scattering is described along with two rock distribution models. The results of applying the models to a planet of uniform fractional rock coverage with values ranging from 5 to 20% are discussed

    Workshop on Evolution of Martian Volatiles

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    This volume contains papers that were presented on February 12-14, 1996 at the Evolution for Martian Volatiles Workshop. Topics in this volume include: returned Martian samples; acidic volatiles and the Mars soil; solar EUV Radiation; the ancient Mars Thermosphere; primitive methane atmospheres on Earth and Mars; the evolution of Martian water; the role of SO2 for the climate history of Mars; impact crater morphology; the formation of the Martian drainage system; atmospheric dust-water ice Interactions; volatiles and volcanos; accretion of interplanetary dust particles; Mars' ionosphere; simulations with the NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model; modeling the Martian water cycle; the evolution of Martian atmosphere; isotopic composition; solar occultation; magnetic fields; photochemical weathering; NASA's Mars Surveyor Program; iron formations; measurements of Martian atmospheric water vapor; and the thermal evolution Models of Mars

    Near-surface temperature gradients and their effects on thermal-infrared emission spectra of particulate planetary surfaces

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    The infrared energy emitted from a planetary surface is generated within a finite depth determined by the material's absorption skin depth. This parameter varies significantly with wavelength in the infrared but has an average value of around 50 microns for most geologic materials. In solid rock, heat transfer is efficient enough so that this 50 micron zone of the near surface from which the radiation emanates will be more or less isothermal. In particulate materials, however, heat transfer is more complicated and occurs via a combination of mechanisms, including solid conduction within grains and across grain contacts, conduction through the interstitial gas, and thermal radiation within individual particles and across the void spaces in between grains. On planets with substantial atmospheres, the gas component dominates the heat transfer and tends to mitigate near-surface thermal gradients. However, on airless bodies, the gas component is absent and heat transfer occurs via solid conductions and radiation. If the particles are small relative to the average absorption skin depth, then the top 50-100 microns or so of the surface will be cooled by radiation to space allowing the creation of significant near-surface thermal gradients. In those regions of the spectrum where the absorption coefficient is low, the emission will come from the deeper, warmer parts of the medium, whereas in regions of high absorption, the emission will emanate from shallower, cooler parts of the medium. The resulting emission spectrum will show non-compositional features as a result of the thermal structure in the material. We have modeled the heat transfer in a particulate medium in order to determine the magnitude of near-surface thermal gradients for surfaces on airless bodies and on Mars. We use the calculated thermal structure to determine the effects it has on the infrared emission spectrum of the surface

    Atmospheric effects on the mapping of Martian thermal inertia and thermally derived albedo

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    The most widely used thermal inertia data for Mars assumes the atmospheric contribution is constant and equal to 2 percent of the maximum solar insolation. Haberle and Jakosky investigated the effect of including a dusty CO2 atmosphere and sensible heat exchange with the surface on thermal inertia. We recently utilized Haberle and Jakosky's coupled surface-atmosphere model to investigate the effects of such an atmosphere on the thermally derived albedo. The thermally derived albedo is the albedo which, together with the thermal inertia, provides model surface temperatures which best match the observed temperatures. New maps are presented of thermal inertia and thermally derived albedo which incorporate dust opacities derived from IRTM data

    Mars atmospheric loss and isotopic fractionation by solar-wind-induced sputtering and photochemical escape

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    We examine the effects of loss of Mars atmospheric constituents by solar-wind-induced sputtering and by photochemical escape during the last 3.8 b.y. Sputtering is capable of efficiently removing all species from the upper atmosphere including the light noble gases; N is removed by photochemical processes as well. Due to diffusive separation (by mass) above the homopause, removal from the top of the atmosphere will fractionate the isotopes of each species with the lighter mass being preferentially lost. For C and O, this allows us to determine the size of nonatmospheric reservoirs that mix with the atmosphere; these reservoirs can be CO2 adsorbed in the regolith or H2O in the polar ice caps. We have constructed both simple analytical models and time-dependent models of the loss from and supply of volatiles to the Martian atmosphere

    The 1990 update to strategy for exploration of the inner planets

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    The Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration (COMPLEX) has undertaken to review and revise the 1978 report Strategy for Exploration of the Inner Planets, 1977-1987. The committee has found the 1978 report to be generally still pertinent. COMPLEX therefore issues its new report in the form of an update. The committee reaffirms the basic objectives for exploration of the planets: to determine the present state of the planets and their satellites, to understand the processes active now and at the origin of the solar system, and to understand planetary evolution, including appearance of life and its relation to the chemical history of the solar system

    He bulge revealed: He and CO2 diurnal and seasonal variations in the upper atmosphere of Mars as detected by MAVEN NGIMS

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    Analysis of the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) on the Mars Atmosphere Volatiles and EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft closed source data from all orbits with good pointing revealed an enhanced Helium [He] density on the nightside orbits and a depressed He density on the dayside by about a factor of 10–20. He was also found to be larger in the polar regions than in the equatorial regions. The northern polar winter nightside He bulge was approximately twice that of the northern polar summer nightside bulge. The first 6 weeks of the MAVEN prime mission had periapsis at high latitudes on the nightside during northern winter, followed by the midlatitudes on the dayside moving to low latitudes on the nightside returning to the high latitudes during northern summer. In this study we examined the NGIMS data not only in the different latitudes but sorted by solar longitude (Ls) in order to separate the diurnal or local solar time (LST) effects from the seasonal effects. The Mars Global Ionosphere‐Thermosphere Model (M‐GITM) has predicted the formation of a He bulge in the upper atmosphere of Mars on the nightside early morning hours (Ls = 2–5 h) with more He collecting around the poles. Taking a slice at constant altitude across all orbits indicates corresponding variations in He and CO2 with respect to LST and Ls and a diurnal and seasonal dependence.Key PointsData using MAVEN NGIMS for 1 Martian year reveal diurnal and seasonal variations in He and CO2 indicating a changing He bulge in upper atmosphereObserved He bulge is found to agree preliminarily with M‐GITM modeling effortsHe bulge found at Mars is similar to those found at Earth and VenusPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136361/1/jgra53312_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136361/2/jgra53312.pd