108 research outputs found


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    Factors That Cause Crime Credit Card Breaking Through the Internet Linking Information Law and Electronic Transactions are Internal factors are factors that are found in individuals (credit card criminals), which consist of Education Factors etc. Law Enforcement Against Crime of Credit Cards Through the Internet Linked to Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 Concerning ITE are provisions that can be imposed on people suspected of having broken into customers through regulated credit cards Article 4 letter (e) of the ITE Law is to provide a sense of security, justice and legal certainty for users and providers of information technology. Key Words  : Crime, Credit Card Breaking, Interne

    Pengaruh Activity Daily Livingtraining terhadap Kemandirian Pasien Kanker Payudara di Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital

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    Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker yang sering dialami oleh wanita setelah kanker kulit, dimulai dari saluran atau lobus dan menetap pada payudara dan dapat  menyebar pada bagian tubuh lain. Salah satu terapi yang dapat dilakukana adalah kemoterapi yang dilakukan untuk membunuh sel kanker dengan menggunakan obat anti kanker (sitotastika). Salah satu efek samping kemoterapi adalah Perubahan fisik, kognitif (mental) dan gangguan kesejahteraan emosional, penurunan kekuatan otot, sensai, energi, rasa sakit yang berdampak terhadap kemapuan pasien untuk melakukan Activity Daily Living's (ADL's). Salah satu intervensi untuk mengatasi gangguan pemenuhan kebutuhan Activity Daily Living's responden adalah Activity Daily Living's Training. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh Activity Dailiy Living's Training terhadap kemandirian pasien kanker payudara di Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital. Jenis penelitian ini quasi eksperimen dengan design nonequivalent pre-posttest. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pasien kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi serta mengalami gangguan kemampuan Activity Daily Living's dengan tekhnik accidental sampling sebanyak 35 orang. Kemandirian Activity Daily Living's sebelum dan sesudah Activity Daily Living's Training dianalisa dengan uji wilcoxon test dengan nilai p< 0.05. Penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan responden melakukan Activity Daily Living's di rumah.  Program latihan ini dapat menjadi masukan kepada perawat untuk memberikan program ini melalui home care

    Organic Architecture as an Approach to Resort Hotels Design in the Simalem Park Tourism Area

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    Indonesian tourism is an industrial sector that is being elevated with the aim of increasing the country's foreign exchange income, and society in general, increase opportunities and employment, encouraging other industrial activities, introducing, empowering the use of natural beauty and Indonesian culture. Karo Regency is a tourist area that many visits, Karo District has nature potentials as a tourist attraction. In general, tourism has the potential for natural and historical tourism. Nature tourism includes lakes, parks, wildlife reserves or nature reserves, and cultural captures. Taman Simalem is one of the tourist areas in Karo Regency. Simalem Park tourist area is currently a tourist area that is a mainstay in Karo district with a large number of visitors who always increase each year. See so many tourism objects in Karo regency; it is necessary to build an accommodation service for tourists who want to vacation and enjoy the tourism objects. In buildings resort hotel accommodation services using organic themes then linking aspects of space that can adapt to the natural environment. The organic architectural theme approach is expected to facilitate the application of concepts that take shape from nature

    Determination of Pharmaceutical Industrial Distribution Center Location Using Center of Gravity Method: Case Study at PT Jkt

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    Distribution center has an important role in an industry's supply chain management to facilitate logistics management requirements so that the product distribution process becomes smooth and fast. The purpose of this study is to determine the best location that can be used in determining the location of the distribution cente in pharmaceutical industry. This research uses the center of gravity method to calculate optimal location that will be considered. From the results of this study, the calculation using the Center of Gravity method found that the location of the selected distribution center was at the coordinates (-6.257108; 106.7315), the settlement area of the village of Jurangmangu Timur. The available area according to warehousing rules does not allow the construction of the distribution center in residential area of Jurangmangu Bintaro village, empty area is available around 4 KM west of T8 Pakulonan Alam Tangerang Selatan, this area provides warehousing by offering a combined trading center, office and integrated food and beverage plaza with shelter have advantages as distribution center. The new proposed distribution center location is located 14 KM south and 13 KM from the north of the available warehouse, the new suggested location is closer to and located between current distribution locations

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Kinerja Karyawan Proyek Jasa Konstruksi

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    This research aims at analyzing the influence of the leadership, corporate culture, job satisfaction toward employee job satisfaction, and their impact to the employee performance. The proposed hypotheses of this research: H1, to test the relationship between of the variable leadership with the variable culture organization. H2, to test the relationship between of the variable leadership with the variabel job satisfaction. H3, to test the relationship between of the variable culture organisation with the variabel job satisfaction. H4, to test the relationship between of the variable culture organisation with the variabel employee performance. H5, to test the relationship between of the variable leadership with the variabel employee performance. H6, to test the relationship between of the variable job satisfaction with the variabel employee performance. The result of this research: H3, the variable culture organization have influence positive and significance with the variable job satisfaction. H5, the variable leadership have influence positive and significance with the variable employee performance. H6, job satisfaction have influence positive and significance with the variable employee performance

    Model Laboratorium Pola Aliran pada Krib Impermeable terhadap Variasi Debit dan Posisi Krib di Sungai Berbelok

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    Crib is building cross river that serves as building steering flow to protect riverbanks from attacks the current flows. Model laboratory used to demonstrate the phenomenon of pattern flows that occur around the crib at the maender. Crib models used in this study is crib type impermeable with dimensions of length 0.15 m, width 0.03 m and high 0.15 m. The flow rate used is 0.00134 m3 / sec (Q1), 0.00298 m3 / sec (Q2) and 0.0056 m3 / sec (Q3). Position crib used is 0 ° (S1), 15 ° (S2) and 30 ° (S3) to turn the corner. Distance between crib is 30 cm and the configuration crib angle of 135 ° tothe wall outside of the turn. The pattern flows at each position variation crib with debit Q1, vortex flow occurs in the space between the crib and crib with a radius lengthy of the vortexis relatively short. The pattern flows at each position variation crib with debit Q2, vortex flow occurs around the crib witha radius lengthy of the vortex is relatively modest. The pattern flows at each position variation crib with debit Q3, vortex flow occurs before at the crib, a space between the crib and crib with a radius lengthy of the vortexrelatively long. Overall,phenomenon the pattern flow of the most well occur indebit Q1 position crib S2


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) ULnltulk menldeskripsikanl kemampulanl menlullis laporanl observasi  sebelulm menlggulnlakanl metode pembelajaranl outldoor Learnlinlg siswa kelas X SMA NLegeri 5 Pematanlg Sianltar. (2) ULnltulk menldeskripsikanl kemampulanl menlullis laporanl observasi sesuldah menlggulnlakanl metode pembelajaranl oultdoor Learnlinlg siswa kelas X SMA NLegeri 5 Pematanlg Sianltar. (3) ULnltulk menldeskripsikanl metode oultdoor Learnlinlg memberikanl penlgarulh yanlg signlifikanl terhadap kemampulanl menlullis laporanl observasi siswa kelas X SMA NLegeri 5 Pematanlg Sianltar. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen. Desainl penlelitianl yanlg akanl digulnlakanl dalam penlelitianl inli adalah desainl pra-eksperimenl yaitul desainl 1, desainl pretest-posttest denlganl satul kelompok  (Onle Groulp Pretest-Posttest). Berdasarkan pengolahan data keterampilan menulis laporan observasi tes awal (pra tes) dan akhir (pos tes), bahwa adanya pengaruh metode pembelajaran outdoor learning terhadap keterampilan menulis laporan observasi siswa kelas X dengan sampel 72 siswa. Berikut hasil yang diperoleh thitulnlg = 17, 25 pada taraf signifikan 0,05 (tingkat kepercayaan 95%) Dengan df = 71 diperoleh  ttabel = 1,666. Denlganl demikianl  HO ditolak maka Ha, diterima, artinlya terdapat penlgarulh yanlg signlifikanl pada keterampilanl menlullis laporanl observasi pada siswa kelas X SMA NLegeri 5 Pematanlg Sianltar menlggulnlakanl metode pembelajaranl oultdoor learnlinlg. Hasil dari penelitian Kemampuan menulis laporan observasi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Pematang Siantar seebelum menggunakan metode pembelajaran outdoor learning memperoleh rata-rata = 58,08 dengan KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) = 70. Dari hasil tes menulis laporan observasi sebelum menggunakan metode pembembelajaran outdoor learning, (1) Sebagianl besar siswa menlgalami kesullitanl dalam menlullis, (2) Kemampulanl menlullis siswa renldah karenla siswa jenlulh danl muldah bosanl saat gulrul hanlya menlggulnlakanl metode ceramah, (3) Siswa kurang mampu menulis materi pelajaran laporan observasi. Setelah menggunakan metode pembelajaran outdoor learning siswa dapat memperoleh nilai rata-rata 80,51. Pembelajaran berlangsung dengan baik sesudah menggunakan metode pembelajaran outdoor learning
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