10,335 research outputs found
Performance and Suggested Alternative Strategies in Developing Indonesian Cocoa Export Business
This research focussed on the export development of cocoa bean with respect to its export growth, values and competitiveness. Based on this deve-lopment, the aim of this research is to propose alternative development strategies of export business for cocoa bean in the future. The Analysis Hierarchie Process (AHP) framework of export business of cocoa bean was arranged consecutively from formulation of focuss or goals, identification of affecting factors and actors, deter mination of actor objectives, and recognition of alternative strategies needed. Each component of goals, factors, actors, objectives, and alternative strategies were valued on the basis of their importance using Saaty scales. Results of interviews with experts were analyzed using AHP technique. The development of cocoa bean export from 2000 to 2006 showed the competitiveness position of Indonesia in the world market was fairly good. In order to increase the growth and values of cocoa bean export, the experts consider the role of government as regulators and facilitators is very important. The government became the main actor for the export development through de/regulation related to the cocoa bean commodity. The objectives of actors could be achieved by combining strategies (i) provision of fund in national and regional budget, as well as other sources (ii) implementation of recomended technologies of cocoa, (iii) acceleration of replanting program, (iv) improvement of research productivity in producing high yielding plant materials, (v) development of transportation facilities from farms to harbours, (vi) development of farmers\u27 organization and partnerships as well as strategic alliance, and (viii) pests and diseases control
The Influence of Urea & Melamine Formaldehyde Resins upon Absorbency, Softness, & Dry Strength Characteristics of Paper
The literature is reviewed on urea and melamine formaldehyde resins and their possible effects upon softness, absorbency, and physical characteristics. The standard tests of these sheet properties are also defined and reviewed. Experimental work is described in which resin treated sheets were prepared and evaluated. The resultant data is evaluated from the standpoint of property variations and is graphically illustrated. Conclusions are drawn as to the feasibility of resin treatment for soft absorbent sheets
Analisis Pengaruh Tarif Karantina Tumbuhan, Freight Organda, Tarif Stevedoring, Tarif Cargodoring terhadap Muat Beras Kapal Pelra di Dermaga Kalimas Surabaya
Before the Perak Port was established by East Indies Government that started in 1910, so the ocean and inter-islands ships done their loading/lossing activity in Madura narrow for then would be loaded/unloaded in Jembatan Merah pier in Kalimas river Surabaya. After the Tanjung Perak operated until recent time, in fact the loading/lossing activities in Kalimas river are still active. But this activity moves to the North direction to the estuary of Kalimas river that faces to the Madura narrow, as the center of loading/ lossing activities Pelra ships or motor sailing-ship that sailing the inter-islands waters. This place is also dependable for the sea transportation medium from Surabaya to the East Indonesia regions and dominated the trajectories to the pioneering ports that the status still in effort to achieved in the islands of East Indonesia region.Some facts that influence the volume of loading/lossing activity especially the volume of rice loading/lossing of Pelra ship (Y) in the Kalimas Pier were the Plant Quarantine Tariff (Xl) by -5.41E-02, Organda Freight variable (X2) with regression coefficient by 1.410, Cargodoring variable (X4) with regression coefficient -1.083.Keywords: Plant Quarantine Tariff, Organda Freight, Cargodoring Tariff
Eighth DOD/NASA/FAA Conference on Fibrous Composites in Structural Design, Part 2
Papers presented at the conference are compiled. The conference provided a forum for the scientific community to exchange composite structures design information and an opportunity to observe recent progress in composite structures design and technology. Part 2 contains papers related to the following subject areas: the application in design; methodology in design; and reliability in design
Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Remaja Tentang Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi): Dengan Perhatian Khusus Terhadap Pantauan Berat Badan Dan Mengonsumsi Makanan Beragam
Latar belakang: Kualitas remaja sangat mempengaruhi masa depan suatu bangsa. Pengetahuan sikap dan perilaku remaja tentang keluarga sadar gizi (KADARZI) utamanya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya memantau berat badan dan mengonsumsi beraneka ragam makanan akan mempengaruhi status gizi dan kesehatannya masa kini, maupun di kemudian hari. Tujuan penelitian: Mendapatkan gambaran PSP remaja tentang KADARZI, utamanya tentang pentingnya pemantauan berat badan dan mengonsumsi aneka ragam makanan. Metode: Desain penelitian adalah kros-seksional. Penelitian dilakukan di 226 posyandu yang tersebar di 6 provinsi yaitu provinsi Sumatera Barat, Jawa Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Sulawesi Selatan dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jumlah seluruh sampel adalah 970 remaja dari 4289 rumah tangga. Pemilihan sampel kabupaten sampai posyandu dilakukan secara purposif dan sampel rumah tangga dilakukan secara acak. Remaja dari rumah tangga terpilih dicakup dalam studi ini. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku berbagai aspek gizi remaja. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara deskriptif untuk memperoleh gambaran kesadaran gizi remaja menurut indikator kadarzi. Hasil: Secara umum pengetahuan remaja pada beberapa aspek gizi cukup baik yakni: 90,6% mengetahui manfaat sarapan pagi, 65% tanda–tanda gizi buruk. Tetapi pengetahuan tentang aspek gizi lain masih rendah, <20% remaja mengetahui tentang ASI eksklusif dan pentingnya makanan beraneka ragam. Sementara sikap dan perilaku yang berkait dengan sarapan pagi, hampir 100% bersikap positip dan 60% bersikap positip pada memantau berat badan. Akan tetapi perilaku berkait dengan penimbangan dan mengonsumsi aneka ragam makanan relatif masih rendah yakni 26,5% dan 18,8%. Kesimpulan: Sekitar seperempat (26%) responden yang memantau atau menimbang berat badannya secara teratur, dan kurang dari 20% responden remaja yang mengonsumsi makanan beraneka ragam. Saran: Perlu edukasi gizi yang intensif kepada remaja dan pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder)
To Fulfil Promises is To Die: A Study of Gatotkaca Falls in Javanese Shadow Puppet Canon
Bharatayudha is the main source in wayang (shadow puppet) performances. This is very interesting to study because the events of the war which in Indian stories are very cruel, sadistic, after becoming a puppet show are very different. The hero or importans figures death is not caused by the violence of the weapon, but by someones promise. This study aims to understand the bharatayudha war in Javanese society. Data was collected by observing the performance of the play Gatutkaca Fall staged by a famous puppeteer, Manteb Sudarsono. This study uses qualitative methods to present data descriptively using a critical discourse analysis (CDA) approach. This research shows that the bharatayudha war according to Javanese society is not understood as a physical war, but as a means of fulfilling the promises of heroes or important figures. Gatutkacas death was not due to the effectiveness of Karnas Kuntawijayadanu weapon, but because of a promise made by Kalabendana, ie Gatutkacas uncle. This study suggests further research on other Bharatayudha serial plays and other puppeteers to get a more comprehensive picture of the Baratayudha play in wayang performances
Cold Working Room Temperature Increased Moderate/severe Qualitative Work Stressor Risk in Air Traffic Controllers
Back ground: Air traffic controllers (ATCs) have a high level of responsibility which may lead to qualitative work load stressor (QLWS). This study identified several risk factors related to moderate qualitative work load stressor among the ATCs.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in November 2008 at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Subjects consisted of active ATCs with a minimum of six months total working tenure. The study used standard diagnostic as well as home stressor questionnaire surveys. All questionnaires were filled in by the participants.Results: Subjects were aged 27–55 years, consisted of 112 ATCs who had moderate and 13 (9.6%) ATCs who had slight QLWS. Those who felt than did not feel the working room temperature was not too cold had 11-fold moderate/severe QLWS [adjusted odds ratio (ORa) = 10.63: 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.79-65.59]. Those who had than did not have moderate/severe role ambiguity stressor had 8.2-fold risk of moderate/severe QLWS (ORa = 8.23: 95% CI = 1.13-59.90). Those who had than did not have moderate/severe personal responsibility stressor had 6,6-fold risk for moderate/severe QLWS (ORa = 6.64: 95% CI = 1.13-38.85). In terms of the career development stressor, those who had it than did not have it had a 3.7-fold risk for moderate/severe QLWS (ORa = 3,67: 95% CI = 0.88-15.35; P = 0.075).Conclusion: Those who felt the room temperature was too cold, moderate/severe role ambiguity, personal responsibility, as well as career development stressor were at increased risk for moderate/severe QLWS. (Health Science Indones 2011;2:58-65)
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