8,125 research outputs found

    Monitoraggio delle acque di fondo del Bus de la Genziana (Pian Cansiglio, Nord-Est Italia)

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    In this paper we present the results of groundwater monitoring of the Bus de la Genziana (Cansiglio, North-Eastern Italy). It is a cave 587 m deep and about 7 km long with a siphon hanging in the bottom. For the fi rst time a diver instrument was installed here from March 2013 to December 2014 to discover the underground hydrodynamics. The level has been raised with a pattern of impulsive average of 4-5 meters with a few millimeters of rain: it has reached 27 meters in one event and twice it has exceeded 50 meters with heavy rainfall lasting for several days. A direct relationship is between tiltmeters recording (installed here at 25 m deep) and water level in the siphon. Observing the conductivity and the temperature, before the events of fl ood, the conductivity values (EC, at 25\ub0C) were an average of 215 and 260 \u3bcS/cm, while the parameter fell between 150 \u3bcS/cm and 190 \u3bcS/cm when the karstic system fi lls. On the contrary the temperature changes a little bit: the variations are sometimes near the error measurement of the instrument with 0.04 to 0.3\ub0 C, minimum values 7.48\ub0 C and maximum value 8.34\ub0 C. These parameters show that the place can be affected by mixing of new infi ltration water, which is however very fast as a trigger, as less outfl ow. This type of dynamic helps us to understand that the underground water circuits are highly conductive, as confi rmed by tiltmeters signal, and enrich the knowledge of the Cansiglio complex hydrogeology. Prospects for the future are to continue monitoring by installing a diver instrument also in the Abisso del Col della Rizza, a cave near Genziana, 800 m deep, in order to understand better the underground hydrodynamics, which are much more complex than they look

    Possibilistic compositions and state functions: application to the order promising process for perishables

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    "This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Grillo, H., M.M.E. Alemany, A. Ortiz, and B. De Baets. 2019. Possibilistic Compositions and State Functions: Application to the Order Promising Process for Perishables. International Journal of Production Research 57 (22). Informa UK Limited: 7006 31. doi:10.1080/00207543.2019.1574039, available online at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207543.2019.1574039"[EN] In this paper, we propose the concepts of the composition of possibilistic variables and state functions. While in conventional compositional data analysis, the interdependent components of a deterministic vector must add up to a specific quantity, we consider such components as possibilistic variables. The concept of state function is intended to describe the state of a dynamic variable over time. If a state function is used to model decay in time, it is called the ageing function. We present a practical implementation of our concepts through the development of a model for a supply chain planning problem, specifically the order promising process for perishables. We use the composition of possibilistic variables to model the existence of different non-homogeneous products in a lot (sub-lots with lack of homogeneity in the product), and the ageing function to establish a shelf life-based pricing policy. To maintain a reasonable complexity and computational efficiency, we propose the procedure to obtain an equivalent interval representation based on alpha -cuts, allowing to include both concepts by means of linear mathematical programming. Practical experiments were conducted based on data of a Spanish supply chain dedicated to pack and distribute oranges and tangerines. The results validated the functionality of both, the compositions of possibilistic variables and ageing functions, showing also a very good performance in terms of the interpretation of a real problem with a good computational performance.We would also thank Dr. José De Jesús Arias García for useful discussions during the development of this work. This research has been supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, government of Costa Rica (MICITT), through the Program of Innovation and Human Capital for Competitiveness (PINN) (contract number PED-019-2015-1). We acknowledge the partial support of the project 691249, RUCAPS: Enhancing and implementing knowledge based ICT solutions within high risk and uncertain conditions for agriculture production systems , funded by the European Union s research and innovation programme under the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.Grillo-Espinoza, H.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Ortiz Bas, Á.; De Baets, B. (2019). Possibilistic compositions and state functions: application to the order promising process for perishables. International Journal of Production Research. 57(22):7006-7031. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2019.1574039S700670315722Grillo, H., M. Alemany, and A. Ortiz. 2016b. Modelling Pricing Policy Based on Shelf-Life of Non-Homogeneous Available-To-Promise in Fruit Supply Chains, 608–617. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45390-3_52Steglich, M., and T. Schleiff. 2010. “CMPL: Coliop Mathematical Programming Language.” Technische Hochschule Wildau. doi:10.15771/978-3-00-031701-9

    The study of karstic aquifers by geodetic measurements in Bus de la Genziana station \u2013 Cansiglio Plateau (Northeastern Italy)

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    We propose an interdisciplinary study of karstic aquifers using titlmeters and GPS observations. The study region is located in northeastern Italy, in the seismic area of the Cansiglio Playeau. The Zollner type Marussi tiltmeters are installed in a natural cavity (Bus del la Genziana) that is part of an interesting karstic area of particular hydrogeologic importance. The Livenza river forms from a number of springs at the foothills of the karstic massif and flows through the Friuli-Veneto plain into the Adriatic Sea. Comparing the tiltmeter signal recorded at the Genziana station with the local pluviometrical series and the hydrometric series of the Livenza river, a clear correlation is recognized. Moreover, the data of a permanent GPS station located on the southern slopes of the Cansiglio Massif (CANV) show also a clear correspondence with the water runoff. Here we present the hydrologic induced deformations as observed by tiltmeter and GPS. After heavy rain events we record rapid deformations both by tiltmeters and GPS corresponding to the rainfall duration. In the following days a slow geodetic motion recovers the accumulated deformation with a distinctive pattern both in tilt and GPS data, which correlates with the runoff of the karstic aquifer. The purpose of this research is to open a new multidisciplinary frontier between geodetic and karstic system studies to improve the knowledge of the underground fluid flow circulation in karstic areas. Furthermore a better characterization of the hydrologic effects on GPS and tilt observations will have the benefit that these signals can be corrected when the focus of the study is to recover the tectonic deformation

    Highs and Lows in English Attachment

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    Grillo and Costa (2014) claim that Relative-Clause attachment ambiguity resolution is largely dependent on whether or not a Pseudo-Relative interpretation is available. Data from Italian, and other languages allowing Pseudo-Relatives, support this hypothesis. Pseudo-Relative availability, however, covaries with the semantics of the main predicate (e.g., perceptual vs. stative). Experiment 1 assesses whether this predicate distinction alone can account for prior attachment results by testing it with a language that disallows Pseudo-Relatives (i.e. English). Low Attachment was found independent of Predicate-Type. Predicate-Type did however have a minor modulatory role. Experiment 2 shows that English, traditionally classified as a Low Attachment language, can demonstrate High Attachment with sentences globally ambiguous between a Small-Clause and a reduced Relative-Clause interpretation. These results support a grammatical account of previous effects and provide novel evidence for the parser’s preference of a Small-Clause over a Restrictive interpretation, crosslinguistically

    CLASH-VLT: Strangulation of cluster galaxies in MACSJ0416.1-2403 as seen from their chemical enrichment

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    (abridged) We explore the Frontier Fields cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 at z=0.3972 with VIMOS/VLT spectroscopy from the CLASH-VLT survey covering a region which corresponds to almost three virial radii. We measure fluxes of 5 emission lines of 76 cluster members enabling us to unambiguously derive O/H gas metallicities, and also SFRs from Halpha. For intermediate massses we find a similar distribution of cluster and field galaxies in the MZR and mass vs. sSFR diagrams. Bulge-dominated cluster galaxies have on average lower sSFRs and higher O/Hs compared to their disk-dominated counterparts. We use the location of galaxies in the projected velocity vs. position phase-space to separate our cluster sample into a region of objects accreted longer time ago and a region of recently accreted and infalling galaxies. We find a higher fraction of accreted metal-rich galaxies (63%) compared to the fraction of 28% of metal-rich galaxies in the infalling regions. Intermediate mass galaxies falling into the cluster for the first time are found to be in agreement with predictions of the fundamental metallicity relation. In contrast, for already accreted star-forming galaxies of similar masses, we find on average metallicities higher than predicted by the models. This trend is intensified for accreted cluster galaxies of the lowest mass bin, that display metallicities 2-3 times higher than predicted by models with primordial gas inflow. Environmental effects therefore strongly influence gas regulations and control gas metallicities of log(M/Msun)<10.2 (Salpeter IMF) cluster galaxies. We also investigate chemical evolutionary paths of model galaxies with and without inflow of gas showing that strangulation is needed to explain the higher metallicities of accreted cluster galaxies. Our results favor a strangulation scenario in which gas inflow stops for log(M/Msun)<10.2 galaxies when accreted by the cluster.Comment: Version better matched to the published version, including table with observed and derived quantities for the 76 cluster galaxie

    CLASH-VLT: Testing the Nature of Gravity with Galaxy Cluster Mass Profiles

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    We use high-precision kinematic and lensing measurements of the total mass profile of the dynamically relaxed galaxy cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 at z=0.44z=0.44 to estimate the value of the ratio η=Ψ/Φ\eta=\Psi/\Phi between the two scalar potentials in the linear perturbed Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metric.[...] Complementary kinematic and lensing mass profiles were derived from exhaustive analyses using the data from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) and the spectroscopic follow-up with the Very Large Telescope (CLASH-VLT). Whereas the kinematic mass profile tracks only the time-time part of the perturbed metric (i.e. only Φ\Phi), the lensing mass profile reflects the contribution of both time-time and space-space components (i.e. the sum Φ+Ψ\Phi+\Psi). We thus express η\eta as a function of the mass profiles and perform our analysis over the radial range 0.5Mpcrr200=1.96Mpc0.5\,Mpc\le r\le r_{200}=1.96\,Mpc. Using a spherical Navarro-Frenk-White mass profile, which well fits the data, we obtain \eta(r_{200})=1.01\,_{-0.28}^{+0.31} at the 68\% C.L. We discuss the effect of assuming different functional forms for mass profiles and of the orbit anisotropy in the kinematic reconstruction. Interpreting this result within the well-studied f(R)f(R) modified gravity model, the constraint on η\eta translates into an upper bound to the interaction length (inverse of the scalaron mass) smaller than 2 Mpc. This tight constraint on the f(R)f(R) interaction range is however substantially relaxed when systematic uncertainties in the analysis are considered. Our analysis highlights the potential of this method to detect deviations from general relativity, while calling for the need of further high-quality data on the total mass distribution of clusters and improved control on systematic effects.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JCA

    Discovery of a faint, star-forming, multiply lensed, Lyman-alpha blob

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    We report the discovery of a multiply lensed Lyman-α\alpha blob (LAB) behind the galaxy cluster AS1063 using the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The background source is at z=z= 3.117 and is intrinsically faint compared to almost all previously reported LABs. We used our highly precise strong lensing model to reconstruct the source properties, and we find an intrinsic luminosity of LLyαL_{\rm Ly\alpha}=1.9×10421.9\times10^{42} erg s1^{-1}, extending to 33 kpc. We find that the LAB is associated with a group of galaxies, and possibly a protocluster, in agreement with previous studies that find LABs in overdensities. In addition to Lyman-α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) emission, we find \ion{C}{IV}, \ion{He}{II}, and \ion{O}{III}] ultraviolet (UV) emission lines arising from the centre of the nebula. We used the compactness of these lines in combination with the line ratios to conclude that the \Lya nebula is likely powered by embedded star formation. Resonant scattering of the \Lya photons then produces the extended shape of the emission. Thanks to the combined power of MUSE and strong gravitational lensing, we are now able to probe the circumgalatic medium of sub-LL_{*} galaxies at z3z\approx 3.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; moderate changes to match the accepted A&A versoi

    La stazione geodetico-geofisica ipogea del Bus de la Genziana - Pian Cansiglio

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    Nel novembre del 2005 ha preso via la stazione geofisico-geodetica situata nel Bus de la Genziana sull'altopiano del Cansiglio. La stazione ha lo scopo di monitorare con continuita' l'inclinazione del terreno. Attualmente e' dotata di una coppia di clinometri. Nel presente lavoro viene prima fatto l'inquadramento geologico dell'area nella quale e' situata la stazione, riportando anche le caratteristiche della forta scossa di terremoto del 1936, che e' avvenita ai piedi dell'altopiano del Cansiglio. Successivamente vengono presentate le caratteristiche dei movimenti osservati nel primo anno di vita della stazione: e' stato riscontrato un buon accoppiamento con il terreno, documentato dal buon segnale di marea terrestre osservabile

    Course-based Science Research Promotes Learning in Diverse Students at Diverse Institutions

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    Course-based research experiences (CREs) are powerful strategies for spreading learning and improving persistence for all students, both science majors and nonscience majors. Here we address the crucial components of CREs (context, discovery, ownership, iteration, communication, presentation) found across a broad range of such courses at a variety of academic institutions. We also address how the design of a CRE should vary according to the background of student participants; no single CRE format is perfect. We provide a framework for implementing CREs across multiple institutional types and several disciplines throughout the typical four years of undergraduate work, designed to a variety of student backgrounds. Our experiences implementing CREs also provide guidance on overcoming barriers to their implementation

    Meta-analysis on the Effect of Mild Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Parathyroidectomy upon Arterial Stiffness

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    Context: Current data about the cardiovascular manifestations of mild primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) are often conflicting. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the gold standard for assessing aortic stiffness, and it predicts cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Objective: Primary outcomes were to investigate if mild pHPT was associated with higher PWV and if parathyroidectomy (PTX) reduced PWV in mild pHPT. Secondary outcome was to investigate blood pressure changes after PTX. Methods: Sources were PubMed, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library. Eligible studies included reports of PWV in patients with mild pHPT and controls, or in patients with mild pHPT before and after PTX. Two investigators independently identified eligible studies and extracted data. Pooled mean difference (MD) was the summary effect measure. Data were presented in forest plots with outlier and influential case diagnostics. Nine observational studies and one randomized clinical trial were selected, including 433 patients with mild pHPT, 171 of whom underwent PTX, and 407 controls. PWV was significantly higher in mild pHPT than in controls (MD = 1.18, 0.67 to 1.68, P <. 0001). Seven studies evaluated the effect of PTX on PWV. PTX significantly reduced PWV (MD =-0.48,-0.88 to-0.07, P =. 022). Conclusion: Aortic stiffness is increased in patients with mild pHPT, supporting the notion that mild pHPT is also associated with adverse cardiovascular manifestations. PTX significantly reduced arterial stiffness in mild pHPT, indicating that the benefit of PTX over cardiovascular manifestations should not be dismissed but it deserves further studies