321 research outputs found

    Multiple Object Tracking in Urban Traffic Scenes with a Multiclass Object Detector

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    Multiple object tracking (MOT) in urban traffic aims to produce the trajectories of the different road users that move across the field of view with different directions and speeds and that can have varying appearances and sizes. Occlusions and interactions among the different objects are expected and common due to the nature of urban road traffic. In this work, a tracking framework employing classification label information from a deep learning detection approach is used for associating the different objects, in addition to object position and appearances. We want to investigate the performance of a modern multiclass object detector for the MOT task in traffic scenes. Results show that the object labels improve tracking performance, but that the output of object detectors are not always reliable.Comment: 13th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC

    FPM: Fine Pose Parts-Based Model with 3D CAD Models

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    We introduce a novel approach to the problem of localizing objects in an image and estimating their fine-pose. Given exact CAD models, and a few real training images with aligned models, we propose to leverage the geometric information from CAD models and appearance information from real images to learn a model that can accurately estimate fine pose in real images. Specifically, we propose FPM, a fine pose parts-based model, that combines geometric information in the form of shared 3D parts in deformable part based models, and appearance information in the form of objectness to achieve both fast and accurate fine pose estimation. Our method significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art algorithms in both accuracy and speed

    ClassCut for Unsupervised Class Segmentation

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    Abstract. We propose a novel method for unsupervised class segmentation on a set of images. It alternates between segmenting object instances and learning a class model. The method is based on a segmentation energy defined over all images at the same time, which can be optimized efficiently by techniques used before in interactive segmentation. Over iterations, our method progressively learns a class model by integrating observations over all images. In addition to appearance, this model captures the location and shape of the class with respect to an automatically determined coordinate frame common across images. This frame allows us to build stronger shape and location models, similar to those used in object class detection. Our method is inspired by interactive segmentation methods [1], but it is fully automatic and learns models characteristic for the object class rather than specific to one particular object/image. We experimentally demonstrate on the Caltech4, Caltech101, and Weizmann horses datasets that our method (a) transfers class knowledge across images and this improves results compared to segmenting every image independently; (b) outperforms Grabcut [1] for the task of unsupervised segmentation; (c) offers competitive performance compared to the state-of-the-art in unsupervised segmentation and in particular it outperforms the topic model [2].

    HoughNet: Integrating Near and Long-Range Evidence for Bottom-Up Object Detection

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    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.This paper presents HoughNet, a one-stage, anchor-free, voting-based, bottom-up object detection method. Inspired by the Generalized Hough Transform, HoughNet determines the presence of an object at a certain location by the sum of the votes cast on that location. Votes are collected from both near and long-distance locations based on a log-polar vote field. Thanks to this voting mechanism, HoughNet is able to integrate both near and long-range, class-conditional evidence for visual recognition, thereby generalizing and enhancing current object detection methodology, which typically relies on only local evidence. On the COCO dataset, HoughNet’s best model achieves 46.4 AP (and 65.1 AP50), performing on par with the state-of-the-art in bottom-up object detection and outperforming most major one-stage and two-stage methods. We further validate the effectiveness of our proposal in another task, namely, “labels to photo” image generation by integrating the voting module of HoughNet to two different GAN models and showing that the accuracy is significantly improved in both cases. Code is available at https://github.com/nerminsamet/houghnet

    Китайські джерела щодо центральноазійського виміру політики КНР у галузі регіональній безпеки в постбіполярний період

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    We propose a method for detecting dyadic interactions: fine-grained, coordinated interactions between two people. Our model is capable of recognizing interactions such as a hand shake or a high five, and locating them in time and space. At the core of our method is a pictorial structures model that additionally takes into account the fine-grained movements around the joints of interest during the interaction. Compared to a bag-of-words approach, our method not only allows us to detect the specific type of actions more accurately, but it also provides the specific location of the interaction. The model is trained with both video data and body joint estimates obtained from Kinect. During testing, only video data is required. To demonstrate the efficacy of our approach, we introduce the ShakeFive dataset that consists of videos and Kinect data of hand shake and high five interactions. On this dataset, we obtain a mean average precision of 49.56%, outperforming a bag-of-words approach by 23.32%. We further demonstrate that the model can be learned from just a few interactions

    Tree-based Coarsening and Partitioning of Complex Networks

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    Many applications produce massive complex networks whose analysis would benefit from parallel processing. Parallel algorithms, in turn, often require a suitable network partition. For solving optimization tasks such as graph partitioning on large networks, multilevel methods are preferred in practice. Yet, complex networks pose challenges to established multilevel algorithms, in particular to their coarsening phase. One way to specify a (recursive) coarsening of a graph is to rate its edges and then contract the edges as prioritized by the rating. In this paper we (i) define weights for the edges of a network that express the edges' importance for connectivity, (ii) compute a minimum weight spanning tree TmT^m with respect to these weights, and (iii) rate the network edges based on the conductance values of TmT^m's fundamental cuts. To this end, we also (iv) develop the first optimal linear-time algorithm to compute the conductance values of \emph{all} fundamental cuts of a given spanning tree. We integrate the new edge rating into a leading multilevel graph partitioner and equip the latter with a new greedy postprocessing for optimizing the maximum communication volume (MCV). Experiments on bipartitioning frequently used benchmark networks show that the postprocessing already reduces MCV by 11.3%. Our new edge rating further reduces MCV by 10.3% compared to the previously best rating with the postprocessing in place for both ratings. In total, with a modest increase in running time, our new approach reduces the MCV of complex network partitions by 20.4%

    Superpixel quality in microscopy images: the impact of noise & denoising

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    Microscopy is a valuable imaging tool in various biomedical research areas. Recent developments have made high resolution acquisition possible within a relatively short time. State-of-the-art imaging equipment such as serial block-face electron microscopes acquire gigabytes of data in a matter of hours. In order to make these amounts of data manageable, a more data-efficient representation is required. A popular approach for such data efficiency are superpixels which are designed to cluster homogeneous regions without crossing object boundaries. The use of superpixels as a pre-processing step has shown significant improvements in making computationally intensive computer vision analysis algorithms more tractable on large amounts of data. However, microscopy datasets in particular can be degraded by noise and most superpixel algorithms do not take this artifact into account. In this paper, we give a quantitative and qualitative comparison of superpixels generated on original and denoised images. We show that several advanced superpixel techniques are hampered by noise artifacts and require denoising and parameter tuning as a pre-processing step. The evaluation is performed on the Berkeley segmentation dataset as well as on fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy data

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in the Dissimilarity Space for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (ReID) remains a challenging task in many real-word video analytics and surveillance applications, even though state-of-the-art accuracy has improved considerably with the advent of deep learning (DL) models trained on large image datasets. Given the shift in distributions that typically occurs between video data captured from the source and target domains, and absence of labeled data from the target domain, it is difficult to adapt a DL model for accurate recognition of target data. We argue that for pair-wise matchers that rely on metric learning, e.g., Siamese networks for person ReID, the unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) objective should consist in aligning pair-wise dissimilarity between domains, rather than aligning feature representations. Moreover, dissimilarity representations are more suitable for designing open-set ReID systems, where identities differ in the source and target domains. In this paper, we propose a novel Dissimilarity-based Maximum Mean Discrepancy (D-MMD) loss for aligning pair-wise distances that can be optimized via gradient descent. From a person ReID perspective, the evaluation of D-MMD loss is straightforward since the tracklet information allows to label a distance vector as being either within-class or between-class. This allows approximating the underlying distribution of target pair-wise distances for D-MMD loss optimization, and accordingly align source and target distance distributions. Empirical results with three challenging benchmark datasets show that the proposed D-MMD loss decreases as source and domain distributions become more similar. Extensive experimental evaluation also indicates that UDA methods that rely on the D-MMD loss can significantly outperform baseline and state-of-the-art UDA methods for person ReID without the common requirement for data augmentation and/or complex networks.Comment: 14 pages (16 pages with references), 7 figures, conference ECC

    Distinguishing Posed and Spontaneous Smiles by Facial Dynamics

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    Smile is one of the key elements in identifying emotions and present state of mind of an individual. In this work, we propose a cluster of approaches to classify posed and spontaneous smiles using deep convolutional neural network (CNN) face features, local phase quantization (LPQ), dense optical flow and histogram of gradient (HOG). Eulerian Video Magnification (EVM) is used for micro-expression smile amplification along with three normalization procedures for distinguishing posed and spontaneous smiles. Although the deep CNN face model is trained with large number of face images, HOG features outperforms this model for overall face smile classification task. Using EVM to amplify micro-expressions did not have a significant impact on classification accuracy, while the normalizing facial features improved classification accuracy. Unlike many manual or semi-automatic methodologies, our approach aims to automatically classify all smiles into either `spontaneous' or `posed' categories, by using support vector machines (SVM). Experimental results on large UvA-NEMO smile database show promising results as compared to other relevant methods.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, ACCV 2016, Second Workshop on Spontaneous Facial Behavior Analysi