1,170 research outputs found

    On entanglement evolution across defects in critical chains

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    We consider a local quench where two free-fermion half-chains are coupled via a defect. We show that the logarithmic increase of the entanglement entropy is governed by the same effective central charge which appears in the ground-state properties and which is known exactly. For unequal initial filling of the half-chains, we determine the linear increase of the entanglement entropy.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, reference adde

    Detecting many-body entanglements in noninteracting ultracold atomic fermi gases

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    We explore the possibility of detecting many-body entanglement using time-of-flight (TOF) momentum correlations in ultracold atomic fermi gases. In analogy to the vacuum correlations responsible for Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy, a partitioned atomic gas will exhibit particle-hole correlations responsible for entanglement entropy. The signature of these momentum correlations might be detected by a sensitive TOF type experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, fixed axes labels on figs. 3 and 5, added reference

    Observations Outside the Light-Cone: Algorithms for Non-Equilibrium and Thermal States

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    We apply algorithms based on Lieb-Robinson bounds to simulate time-dependent and thermal quantities in quantum systems. For time-dependent systems, we modify a previous mapping to quantum circuits to significantly reduce the computer resources required. This modification is based on a principle of "observing" the system outside the light-cone. We apply this method to study spin relaxation in systems started out of equilibrium with initial conditions that give rise to very rapid entanglement growth. We also show that it is possible to approximate time evolution under a local Hamiltonian by a quantum circuit whose light-cone naturally matches the Lieb-Robinson velocity. Asymptotically, these modified methods allow a doubling of the system size that one can obtain compared to direct simulation. We then consider a different problem of thermal properties of disordered spin chains and use quantum belief propagation to average over different configurations. We test this algorithm on one dimensional systems with mixed ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic bonds, where we can compare to quantum Monte Carlo, and then we apply it to the study of disordered, frustrated spin systems.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Stochastic exclusion processes versus coherent transport

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    Stochastic exclusion processes play an integral role in the physics of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. These models are Markovian processes, described by a classical master equation. In this paper a quantum mechanical version of a stochastic hopping process in one dimension is formulated in terms of a quantum master equation. This allows the investigation of coherent and stochastic evolution in the same formal framework. The focus lies on the non-equilibrium steady state. Two stochastic model systems are considered, the totally asymmetric exclusion process and the fully symmetric exclusion process. The steady state transport properties of these models is compared to the case with additional coherent evolution, generated by the XXXX-Hamiltonian

    Edwards-Wilkinson surface over a spherical substrate: 1/f1/f noise in the height fluctuations

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    We study the steady state fluctuations of an Edwards-Wilkinson type surface with the substrate taken to be a sphere. We show that the height fluctuations on circles at a given latitude has the effective action of a perfect Gaussian 1/f1/f noise, just as in the case of fixed radius circles on an infinite planar substrate. The effective surface tension, which is the overall coefficient of the action, does not depend on the latitude angle of the circles.Comment: 6 page

    The components of empirical multifractality in financial returns

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    We perform a systematic investigation on the components of the empirical multifractality of financial returns using the daily data of Dow Jones Industrial Average from 26 May 1896 to 27 April 2007 as an example. The temporal structure and fat-tailed distribution of the returns are considered as possible influence factors. The multifractal spectrum of the original return series is compared with those of four kinds of surrogate data: (1) shuffled data that contain no temporal correlation but have the same distribution, (2) surrogate data in which any nonlinear correlation is removed but the distribution and linear correlation are preserved, (3) surrogate data in which large positive and negative returns are replaced with small values, and (4) surrogate data generated from alternative fat-tailed distributions with the temporal correlation preserved. We find that all these factors have influence on the multifractal spectrum. We also find that the temporal structure (linear or nonlinear) has minor impact on the singularity width Δα\Delta\alpha of the multifractal spectrum while the fat tails have major impact on Δα\Delta\alpha, which confirms the earlier results. In addition, the linear correlation is found to have only a horizontal translation effect on the multifractal spectrum in which the distance is approximately equal to the difference between its DFA scaling exponent and 0.5. Our method can also be applied to other financial or physical variables and other multifractal formalisms.Comment: 6 epl page

    The magnetofection method: Using magnetic force to enhance gene delivery

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    In order to enhance and target gene delivery we have previously established a novel method, termed magnetofection, which uses magnetic force acting on gene vectors that are associated with magnetic particles. Here we review the benefits, the mechanism and the potential of the method with regard to overcoming physical limitations to gene delivery. Magnetic particle chemistry and physics are discussed, followed by a detailed presentation of vector formulation and optimization work. While magnetofection does not necessarily improve the overall performance of any given standard gene transfer method in vitro, its major potential lies in the extraordinarily rapid and efficient transfection at low vector doses and the possibility of remotely controlled vector targeting in vivo

    Entanglement entropy and quantum phase transitions in quantum dots coupled to Luttinger liquid wires

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    We study a quantum phase transition which occurs in a system composed of two impurities (or quantum dots) each coupled to a different interacting (Luttinger-liquid) lead. While the impurities are coupled electrostatically, there is no tunneling between them. Using a mapping of this system onto a Kondo model, we show analytically that the system undergoes a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless quantum phase transition as function of the Luttinger liquid parameter in the leads and the dot-lead interaction. The phase with low values of the Luttinger-liquid parameter is characterized by an abrupt switch of the population between the impurities as function of a common applied gate voltage. However, this behavior is hard to verify numerically since one would have to study extremely long systems. Interestingly though, at the transition the entanglement entropy drops from a finite value of ln⁥(2)\ln(2) to zero. The drop becomes sharp for infinite systems. One can employ finite size scaling to extrapolate the transition point and the behavior in its vicinity from the behavior of the entanglement entropy in moderate size samples. We employ the density matrix renormalization group numerical procedure to calculate the entanglement entropy of systems with lead lengths of up to 480 sites. Using finite size scaling we extract the transition value and show it to be in good agreement with the analytical prediction.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Fluctuation scaling in complex systems: Taylor's law and beyond

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    Complex systems consist of many interacting elements which participate in some dynamical process. The activity of various elements is often different and the fluctuation in the activity of an element grows monotonically with the average activity. This relationship is often of the form "fluctuations≈const.×averageαfluctuations \approx const.\times average^\alpha", where the exponent α\alpha is predominantly in the range [1/2,1][1/2, 1]. This power law has been observed in a very wide range of disciplines, ranging from population dynamics through the Internet to the stock market and it is often treated under the names \emph{Taylor's law} or \emph{fluctuation scaling}. This review attempts to show how general the above scaling relationship is by surveying the literature, as well as by reporting some new empirical data and model calculations. We also show some basic principles that can underlie the generality of the phenomenon. This is followed by a mean-field framework based on sums of random variables. In this context the emergence of fluctuation scaling is equivalent to some corresponding limit theorems. In certain physical systems fluctuation scaling can be related to finite size scaling.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Advances in Physic

    Comprehensive Analysis of Market Conditions in the Foreign Exchange Market: Fluctuation Scaling and Variance-Covariance Matrix

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    We investigate quotation and transaction activities in the foreign exchange market for every week during the period of June 2007 to December 2010. A scaling relationship between the mean values of number of quotations (or number of transactions) for various currency pairs and the corresponding standard deviations holds for a majority of the weeks. However, the scaling breaks in some time intervals, which is related to the emergence of market shocks. There is a monotonous relationship between values of scaling indices and global averages of currency pair cross-correlations when both quantities are observed for various window lengths Δt\Delta t.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
