345 research outputs found

    Antiferromagnetic ordering in the Kondo lattice system Yb2_2Fe3_3Si5_5

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    Compounds belonging to the R2_2Fe3_3Si5_5 series exhibit unusual superconducting and magnetic properties. Although a number of studies have been made on the first reentrant antiferromagnet superconductor Tm2_2Fe3_3Si5_5, the physical properties of Yb2_2Fe3_3Si5_5 are largely unexplored. In this work, we attempt to provide a comprehensive study of bulk properties such as, resistivity, susceptibility and heat-capacity of a well characterized polycrystalline Yb2_2Fe3_3Si5_5. Our measurements indicate that Yb3+^{3+} moments order antiferromagnetically below 1.7 K. Moreover, the system behaves as a Kondo lattice with large Sommerfeld coefficient (γ\gamma) of 0.5~J/Yb mol K2^{2} at 0.3 K, which is well below TN_N. The absence of superconductivity in Yb2_2Fe3_3Si5_5 down to 0.3 K at ambient pressure is attributed to the presence of the Kondo effect.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, tex document. A fuller version has appeared in PRB. Here we have omitted the figures showing the crystal structure and the fitting of the X-ray pattern. Also the table with the lattice parameters obtained from fitting has been remove

    Long-Term Consequences of COVID-19: A 1-Year Analysis.

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    Long-lasting symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection have been described many times in the literature and are referred to as Long COVID. In this prospective, longitudinal, monocentric, observational study, we collected the health complaints of 474 patients (252 ambulatory and 222 hospitalized) at Lausanne University Hospital 1 year after COVID-19 diagnosis. Using a self-reported health survey, we explored cardiopulmonary, vascular, neurological, and psychological complaints. Our results show that age, Charlson comorbidity index, and smoking habits were associated with hospital admission. Regarding the vascular system, we found that having had thromboembolism before SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly associated with a higher risk of recurrence of thromboembolism at 1 year. In the neurologic evaluation, the most frequent symptom was fatigue, which was observed in 87.5% of patients, followed by "feeling slowed down", headache, and smell disturbance in 71.5%, 68.5%, and 60.7% of cases, respectively. Finally, our cohort subjects scored higher overall in the STAI, CESD, Maastricht, and PSQI scores (which measure anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleep, respectively) than the healthy population. Using cluster analysis, we identified two phenotypes of patients prone to developing Long COVID. At baseline, CCS score, prior chronic disease, stroke, and atrial fibrillation were associated with Long COVID. During COVID infection, mechanical ventilation and five neurological complaints were also associated with Long COVID. In conclusion, this study confirms the wide range of symptoms developed after COVID with the involvement of all the major systems. Early identification of risk factors associated with the development of Long COVID could improve patient follow-up; nevertheless, the low specificity of these factors remains a challenge to building a systematic approach

    Mass-Enhanced Fermi Liquid Ground State in Na1.5_{1.5}Co2_2O4_4

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    Magnetic, transport, and specific heat measurements have been performed on layered metallic oxide Na1.5_{1.5}Co2_2O4_4 as a function of temperature TT. Below a characteristic temperature TT^*=30-40 K, electrical resistivity shows a metallic conductivity with a T2T^2 behavior and magnetic susceptibility deviates from the Curie-Weiss behavior showing a broad peak at \sim14 K. The electronic specific heat coefficient γ\gamma is \sim60 mJ/molK2^2 at 2 K. No evidence for magnetic ordering is found. These behaviors suggest the formation of mass-enhanced Fermi liquid ground state analogous to that in dd-electron heavy fermion compound LiV2_2O4_4.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B 69 (2004

    Thermodynamics of the dissipative two-state system: a Bethe Ansatz study

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    The thermodynamics of the dissipative two-state system is calculated exactly for all temperatures and level asymmetries for the case of Ohmic dissipation. We exploit the equivalence of the two-state system to the anisotropic Kondo model and extract the thermodynamics of the former by solving the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations of the latter. The universal scaling functions for the specific heat Cα(T)C_{\alpha}(T) and static dielectric susceptibility χα(T)\chi_{\alpha}(T) are extracted for all dissipation strengths 0<α<10<\alpha<1 for both symmetric and asymmetric two-state systems. The logarithmic corrections to these quantities at high temperatures are found in the Kondo limit α1\alpha\to 1^{-}, whereas for α<1\alpha< 1 we find the expected power law temperature dependences with the powers being functions of the dissipative coupling α\alpha. The low temperature behaviour is always that of a Fermi liquid.Comment: 24 pages, 32 PS figures. Typos corrected, final versio


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    Background and aims. Measurement of liver stiffness using real-time elastography appears as a promising tool to evaluate the severity of chronic liver diseases. Previous studies in patients with alcoholic liver disease have suggested that fibrosis was the only histological parameter to influence liver stiffness. To challenge this hypothesis, we have prospectively tested the short-term impact of alcohol withdrawal on liver stiffness value. Methods. All patients hospitalized for alcohol withdrawal in our Liver Unit between September 2008 and December 2010 had a liver stiffness determination (using a FibroScan® device) at entry (D0) and 7 days after alcohol withdrawal (D7). Stiffness values were compared using non-parametric test for paired-values. We compared (i) the 10 measures performed at D0 and at D7 for each patient; (ii) the variation of the median result of all patients (using Wilcoxon test in both cases). Results. A total of 138 patients were included in the study [median alcohol consumption: 150g/day (range: 40-400); hepatitis C: n=22 (15.9%); cirrhosis: n=29 (21.0%)]. From D0 to D7, the liver stiffness decreased significantly in 61 patients (44.2%) and increased significantly in 18 (13.0%). Considering all patients, median liver stiffness value decreased from 7.25 to kPa (P<0.001). The stage of fibrosis indicated by liver stiffness changed in 47 patients between D0 and D7 (decrease in 33 and increase in 14). Conclusion. Liver stiffness decreases significantly in nearly half of alcoholic patients after only 7 days of abstinence. This result strongly suggests that non-fibrotic lesions (such as inflammatory ones) may influence liver stiffness. From a practical point of view, it also shows that variation in alcohol consumption must be taken into account for the interpretation of liver stiffness valu

    Thermodynamic analysis of the Quantum Critical behavior of Ce-lattice compounds

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    A systematic analysis of low temperature magnetic phase diagrams of Ce compounds is performed in order to recognize the thermodynamic conditions to be fulfilled by those systems to reach a quantum critical regime and, alternatively, to identify other kinds of low temperature behaviors. Based on specific heat (CmC_m) and entropy (SmS_m) results, three different types of phase diagrams are recognized: i) with the entropy involved into the ordered phase (SMOS_{MO}) decreasing proportionally to the ordering temperature (TMOT_{MO}), ii) those showing a transference of degrees of freedom from the ordered phase to a non-magnetic component, with their Cm(TMO)C_m(T_{MO}) jump (ΔCm\Delta C_m) vanishing at finite temperature, and iii) those ending in a critical point at finite temperature because their ΔCm\Delta C_m do not decrease with TMOT_{MO} producing an entropy accumulation at low temperature. Only those systems belonging to the first case, i.e. with SMO0S_{MO}\to 0 as TMO0T_{MO}\to 0, can be regarded as candidates for quantum critical behavior. Their magnetic phase boundaries deviate from the classical negative curvature below T2.5T\approx 2.5\,K, denouncing frequent misleading extrapolations down to T=0. Different characteristic concentrations are recognized and analyzed for Ce-ligand alloyed systems. Particularly, a pre-critical region is identified, where the nature of the magnetic transition undergoes significant modifications, with its Cm/T\partial C_m/\partial T discontinuity strongly affected by magnetic field and showing an increasing remnant entropy at T0T\to 0. Physical constraints arising from the third law at T0T\to 0 are discussed and recognized from experimental results

    Expression of the transcription factor, TFII-I, during post-implantation mouse embryonic development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>General transcription factor (TFII-I) is a multi-functional transcription factor encoded by the Gtf2i gene, that has been demonstrated to regulate transcription of genes critical for development. Because of the broad range of genes regulated by TFII-I as well as its potential role in a significant neuro-developmental disorder, developing a comprehensive expression profile is critical to the study of this transcription factor. We sought to define the timing and pattern of expression of TFII-I in post-implantation embryos at a time during which many putative TFII-I target genes are expressed.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Antibodies to the N-terminus of TFII-I were used to probe embryonic mouse sections. TFII-I protein is widely expressed in the developing embryo. TFII-I is expressed throughout the period from E8-E16. However, within this period there are striking shifts in localization from cytoplasmic predominant to nuclear. TFII-I expression varies in both a spatial and temporal fashion. There is extensive expression in neural precursors at E8. This expression persists at later stages. TFII-I is expressed in developing lung, heart and gut structures. There is no evidence of isoform specific expression. Available data regarding expression patterns at both an RNA and protein level throughout development are also comprehensively reviewed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our immunohistochemical studies of the temporal and spatial expression patterns of TFII-I in mouse embryonic sections are consistent with the hypothesis that hemizygous deletion of <it>GTF2I </it>in individuals with Williams-Beuren Syndrome contributes to the distinct cognitive and physiological symptoms associated with the disorder.</p

    Depletion and voids formation in the substrate during high temperature oxidation of Ni-Cr alloys

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    A numerical model to treat the kinetics of vacancy annihilation at the metal/oxide interface but also in the bulk metal has been implemented. This was done using EKINOX, which is a mesoscopic scale 1D-code that simulates oxide growth kinetics with explicit calculation of vacancy fluxes. Calculations were performed for high temperature Ni-Cr alloys oxidation forming a single chromia scale. The kinetic parameters used to describe the diffusion in the alloy were directly derived from an atomistic model. Our results showed that the Cr depletion profile can be strongly affected by the cold work state of the alloy. In fact, the oversaturation of vacancies is directly linked to the efficiency of the sinks which is proportional to the density of dislocations. The resulting vacancy profile highlights a supersaturation of vacancy within the metal. Based on the classical nucleation theory, the possibility and the rate of void formation are discussed