101,540 research outputs found

    An elementary approach to toy models for D. H. Lehmer's conjecture

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    In 1947, Lehmer conjectured that the Ramanujan's tau function τ(m)\tau (m) never vanishes for all positive integers mm, where τ(m)\tau (m) is the mm-th Fourier coefficient of the cusp form Δ24\Delta_{24} of weight 12. The theory of spherical tt-design is closely related to Lehmer's conjecture because it is shown, by Venkov, de la Harpe, and Pache, that τ(m)=0\tau (m)=0 is equivalent to the fact that the shell of norm 2m2m of the E8E_{8}-lattice is a spherical 8-design. So, Lehmer's conjecture is reformulated in terms of spherical tt-design. Lehmer's conjecture is difficult to prove, and still remains open. However, Bannai-Miezaki showed that none of the nonempty shells of the integer lattice \ZZ^2 in \RR^2 is a spherical 4-design, and that none of the nonempty shells of the hexagonal lattice A2A_2 is a spherical 6-design. Moreover, none of the nonempty shells of the integer lattices associated to the algebraic integers of imaginary quadratic fields whose class number is either 1 or 2, except for \QQ(\sqrt{-1}) and \QQ(\sqrt{-3}) is a spherical 2-design. In the proof, the theory of modular forms played an important role. Recently, Yudin found an elementary proof for the case of \ZZ^{2}-lattice which does not use the theory of modular forms but uses the recent results of Calcut. In this paper, we give the elementary (i.e., modular form free) proof and discuss the relation between Calcut's results and the theory of imaginary quadratic fields.Comment: 18 page

    The HH34 outflow as seen in [FeII]1.64um by LBT-LUCI

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    Dense atomic jets from young stars copiously emit in [FeII] IR lines, which can, therefore, be used to trace the immediate environments of embedded protostars. We want to investigate the morphology of the bright [FeII] 1.64um line in the jet of the source HH34 IRS and compare it with the most commonly used optical tracer [SII]. We analyse a 1.64um narrow-band filter image obtained with the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) LUCI instrument, which covers the HH34 jet and counterjet. A Point Spread Function (PSF) deconvolution algorithm was applied to enhance spatial resolution and make the IR image directly comparable to a [SII] HST image of the same source. The [FeII] emission is detected from both the jet, the (weak) counter-jet, and from the HH34-S and HH34-N bow shocks. The deconvolved image allows us to resolve jet knots close to about 1\arcsec from the central source. The morphology of the [FeII] emission is remarkably similar to that of the [SII] emission, and the relative positions of [FeII] and [SII] peaks are shifted according to proper motion measurements, which were previously derived from HST images. An analysis of the [FeII]/[SII] emission ratio shows that Fe gas abundance is much lower than the solar value with up to 90% of Fe depletion in the inner jet knots. This confirms previous findings on dusty jets, where shocks are not efficient enough to remove refractory species from grains.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, note accepted by A&

    Human brain distinctiveness based on EEG spectral coherence connectivity

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    The use of EEG biometrics, for the purpose of automatic people recognition, has received increasing attention in the recent years. Most of current analysis rely on the extraction of features characterizing the activity of single brain regions, like power-spectrum estimates, thus neglecting possible temporal dependencies between the generated EEG signals. However, important physiological information can be extracted from the way different brain regions are functionally coupled. In this study, we propose a novel approach that fuses spectral coherencebased connectivity between different brain regions as a possibly viable biometric feature. The proposed approach is tested on a large dataset of subjects (N=108) during eyes-closed (EC) and eyes-open (EO) resting state conditions. The obtained recognition performances show that using brain connectivity leads to higher distinctiveness with respect to power-spectrum measurements, in both the experimental conditions. Notably, a 100% recognition accuracy is obtained in EC and EO when integrating functional connectivity between regions in the frontal lobe, while a lower 97.41% is obtained in EC (96.26% in EO) when fusing power spectrum information from centro-parietal regions. Taken together, these results suggest that functional connectivity patterns represent effective features for improving EEG-based biometric systems.Comment: Key words: EEG, Resting state, Biometrics, Spectral coherence, Match score fusio

    Comment on `Strong Vortex Liquid Correlation' from Multiterminal Measurements on Untwinned YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} Single Crystals'

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    A.Rydh and \"O.Rapp [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86}, 1873 (2001).] claim that the vortex liquid in untwinned YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} crystals is correlated above the melting transition, in striking contrast to previous work [D.L\'opez {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 76}, 4034 (1996).]. In this Comment we present new measurements using the same experimental technique on twinned and untwinned YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} crystals with similar overall characteristics as those reported by Rydh and Rapp . The comparison of the vortex correlation response in both cases indicates that the central conclusion of their work is not correct. Our results reconfirm the work by L\'opez {\it et al.} and points on the origin of the misinterpretation in the work of Rydh and Rapp.Comment: comment on A.Rydh and \"O.Rapp, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86}, 1873 (2001). accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Molecular collisions. 16: Comparison of GPS with classical trajectory calculations of rotational inelasticity for the Ar-N2 system

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    Comparison of generalized phase shift treatment with classical trajectory calculations of rotational inelasticity cross sections of Ar-N2 scatterin

    Generation of two-photon states with arbitrary degree of entanglement via nonlinear crystal superlattices

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    We demonstrate a general method of engineering the joint quantum state of photon pairs produced in spontaneous parametric downconversion (PDC). The method makes use of a superlattice structure of nonlinear and linear materials, in conjunction with a broadband pump, to manipulate the group delays of the signal and idler photons relative to the pump pulse, and realizes a joint spectral amplitude with arbitrary degree of entanglement for the generated pairs. This method of group delay engineering has the potential of synthesizing a broad range of states including factorizable states crucial for quantum networking and states optimized for Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry. Experimental results for the latter case are presented, illustrating the principles of this approach.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum diffusion on a cyclic one dimensional lattice

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    The quantum diffusion of a particle in an initially localized state on a cyclic lattice with N sites is studied. Diffusion and reconstruction time are calculated. Strong differences are found for even or odd number of sites and the limit N->infinit is studied. The predictions of the model could be tested with micro - and nanotechnology devices.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    The antenna DSA 3 and its potential use for Radio Astronomy

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    The European Space Agency (ESA) will inaugurate its third Deep Space Antenna (DSA 3) by the end of 2012. DSA 3 will be located in Argentina near the city of Malarg"ue in the Mendoza province. While the instrument will be primarily dedicated to communications with interplanetary missions, the characteristics of its antenna and receivers will also enable standalone leading scientific contributions, with a high scientific-technological return. We outline here scientific proposals for a radio astronomical use of DSA 3.Comment: 4 pages, submitted as Proceedings for the BAA

    DC-Prophet: Predicting Catastrophic Machine Failures in DataCenters

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    When will a server fail catastrophically in an industrial datacenter? Is it possible to forecast these failures so preventive actions can be taken to increase the reliability of a datacenter? To answer these questions, we have studied what are probably the largest, publicly available datacenter traces, containing more than 104 million events from 12,500 machines. Among these samples, we observe and categorize three types of machine failures, all of which are catastrophic and may lead to information loss, or even worse, reliability degradation of a datacenter. We further propose a two-stage framework-DC-Prophet-based on One-Class Support Vector Machine and Random Forest. DC-Prophet extracts surprising patterns and accurately predicts the next failure of a machine. Experimental results show that DC-Prophet achieves an AUC of 0.93 in predicting the next machine failure, and a F3-score of 0.88 (out of 1). On average, DC-Prophet outperforms other classical machine learning methods by 39.45% in F3-score.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted by 2017 ECML PKD
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