2,613 research outputs found

    Mechanisms and Observations of Coronal Dimming for the 2010 August 7 Event

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    Coronal dimming of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission has the potential to be a useful forecaster of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). As emitting material leaves the corona, a temporary void is left behind which can be observed in spectral images and irradiance measurements. The velocity and mass of the CMEs should impact the character of those observations. However, other physical processes can confuse the observations. We describe these processes and the expected observational signature, with special emphasis placed on the differences. We then apply this understanding to a coronal dimming event with an associated CME that occurred on 2010 August 7. Data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory's (SDO) Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) are used for observations of the dimming, while the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory's (SOHO) Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory's (STEREO) COR1 and COR2 are used to obtain velocity and mass estimates for the associated CME. We develop a technique for mitigating temperature effects in coronal dimming from full-disk irradiance measurements taken by EVE. We find that for this event, nearly 100% of the dimming is due to mass loss in the corona

    Scaling of Horizontal and Vertical Fixational Eye Movements

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    Eye movements during fixation of a stationary target prevent the adaptation of the photoreceptors to continuous illumination and inhibit fading of the image. These random, involuntary, small, movements are restricted at long time scales so as to keep the target at the center of the field of view. Here we use the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) in order to study the properties of fixational eye movements at different time scales. Results show different scaling behavior between horizontal and vertical movements. When the small ballistics movements, i.e. micro-saccades, are removed, the scaling exponents in both directions become similar. Our findings suggest that micro-saccades enhance the persistence at short time scales mostly in the horizontal component and much less in the vertical component. This difference may be due to the need of continuously moving the eyes in the horizontal plane, in order to match the stereoscopic image for different viewing distance.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantitative analysis of single particle trajectories: mean maximal excursion method

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    An increasing number of experimental studies employ single particle tracking to probe the physical environment in complex systems. We here propose and discuss new methods to analyze the time series of the particle traces, in particular, for subdiffusion phenomena. We discuss the statistical properties of mean maximal excursions, i.e., the maximal distance covered by a test particle up to time t. Compared to traditional methods focusing on the mean squared displacement we show that the mean maximal excursion analysis performs better in the determination of the anomalous diffusion exponent. We also demonstrate that combination of regular moments with moments of the mean maximal excursion method provides additional criteria to determine the exact physical nature of the underlying stochastic subdiffusion processes. We put the methods to test using experimental data as well as simulated time series from different models for normal and anomalous dynamics, such as diffusion on fractals, continuous time random walks, and fractional Brownian motion.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. NB: Supplementary material may be found in the downloadable source file

    Probing microscopic origins of confined subdiffusion by first-passage observables

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    Subdiffusive motion of tracer particles in complex crowded environments, such as biological cells, has been shown to be widepsread. This deviation from brownian motion is usually characterized by a sublinear time dependence of the mean square displacement (MSD). However, subdiffusive behavior can stem from different microscopic scenarios, which can not be identified solely by the MSD data. In this paper we present a theoretical framework which permits to calculate analytically first-passage observables (mean first-passage times, splitting probabilities and occupation times distributions) in disordered media in any dimensions. This analysis is applied to two representative microscopic models of subdiffusion: continuous-time random walks with heavy tailed waiting times, and diffusion on fractals. Our results show that first-passage observables provide tools to unambiguously discriminate between the two possible microscopic scenarios of subdiffusion. Moreover we suggest experiments based on first-passage observables which could help in determining the origin of subdiffusion in complex media such as living cells, and discuss the implications of anomalous transport to reaction kinetics in cells.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. Submitted versio

    The role of microtubule movement in bidirectional organelle transport

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    We study the role of microtubule movement in bidirectional organelle transport in Drosophila S2 cells and show that EGFP-tagged peroxisomes in cells serve as sensitive probes of motor induced, noisy cytoskeletal motions. Multiple peroxisomes move in unison over large time windows and show correlations with microtubule tip positions, indicating rapid microtubule fluctuations in the longitudinal direction. We report the first high-resolution measurement of longitudinal microtubule fluctuations performed by tracing such pairs of co-moving peroxisomes. The resulting picture shows that motor-dependent longitudinal microtubule oscillations contribute significantly to cargo movement along microtubules. Thus, contrary to the conventional view, organelle transport cannot be described solely in terms of cargo movement along stationary microtubule tracks, but instead includes a strong contribution from the movement of the tracks.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Visible and Infrared Image Registration Employing Line-Based Geometric Analysis

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    Abstract. We present a new method to register a pair of visible (ViS) and infrared (IR) images. Unlike most of existing systems that align interest points of two images, we align lines derived from edge pixels, because the interest points extracted from both images are not always identical, but most major edges detected from one image do appear in another image. To solve feature matching problem, we emphasize the geometric structure alignment of features (lines), instead of descriptor-based individual feature matching. This is due to the fact that image properties and patch statistics of corresponding features might be quite different, especially when one compares ViS image with long wave IR images (thermal information). However, the spatial layout of features for both images always preserves consistency. The last step of our algorithm is to compute the image transform matrix, given minimum 4 pairs of line correspondence. The comparative evaluation for algorithms demon-strates higher accuracy attained by our method when compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.

    Pollution-Affected Fish Hepatic Transcriptome and Its Expression Patterns on Exposure to Cadmium

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    Individuals of the fish Lithognathus mormyrus were exposed to a series of pollutants including: benzo[a]pyrene, pp-DDE, Aroclor 1254, perfluorooctanoic acid, tributyl-tin chloride, lindane, estradiol, 4-nonylphenol, methyl mercury chloride, and cadmium chloride. Five mixtures of the pollutants were injected. Each mixture included one to three compounds. A microarray was constructed using 4608 L. mormyrus hepatic cDNAs cloned from the pollutant-exposed fish. Most clones (4456) were sequenced and assembled into 1494 annotated unique clones. The constructed microarray was used to identify changes in hepatic gene expression profile on exposure to cadmium administered to the fish by feeding or injections. Thirty-one unique clones showed altered expression levels on exposure to cadmium. Prominently differentially expressed genes included elastase 4, carboxypeptidase B, trypsinogen, perforin, complement C31, cytochrome P450 2K5, ceruloplasmin, carboxyl ester lipase, and metallothionein. Twelve sequences have no available annotation. Most genes (23) were downregulated and hypothesized to be affected by general toxicity due to the intensive cadmium exposure regime. The concept of an operational multigene cDNA microarray, aimed at routine and fast biomonitoring of multiple environmental threats, is outlined and the cadmium exposure experiment has been used to demonstrate functional and methodological aspects of the biomonitoring tool. The components of the outlined system include: (1) spotted array, composed of both pollution-affected and constitutively expressed genes, the latter are used for normalization; (2) standard, repeatable labeling procedure of a reference transcript population; and (3) biomarker indices derived from the profile of expression ratio across the pollution-affected genes, between the field-sampled transcript populations and the reference