5,848 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic conditions during growth determine the magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial thin-films of La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_{3}

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    The suitability of a particular material for use in magnetic devices is determined by the process of magnetization reversal/relaxation, which in turn depends on the magnetic anisotropy. Therefore, designing new ways to control magnetic anisotropy in technologically important materials is highly desirable. Here we show that magnetic anisotropy of epitaxial thin-films of half-metallic ferromagnet La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_{3} (LSMO) is determined by the proximity to thermodynamic equilibrium conditions during growth. We performed a series of X-ray diffraction and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) experiments in two different sets of samples: the first corresponds to LSMO thin-films deposited under tensile strain on (001) SrTiO3_{3} by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD; far from thermodynamic equilibrium); the second were deposited by a slow Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) method, under quasi-equilibrium conditions. Thin films prepared by PLD show a in-plane cubic anisotropy with an overimposed uniaxial term. A large anisotropy constant perpendicular to the film plane was also observed in these films. However, the uniaxial anisotropy is completely suppressed in the CSD films. The out of plane anisotropy is also reduced, resulting in a much stronger in plane cubic anisotropy in the chemically synthesized films. This change is due to a different rotation pattern of MnO6_{6} octahedra to accomodate epitaxial strain, which depends not only on the amount of tensile stress imposed by the STO substrate, but also on the growth conditions. Our results demonstrate that the nature and magnitude of the magnetic anisotropy in LSMO can be tuned by the thermodynamic parameters during thin-film deposition.Comment: 6 pages, 8 Figure

    Astronomy in the Cloud: Using MapReduce for Image Coaddition

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    In the coming decade, astronomical surveys of the sky will generate tens of terabytes of images and detect hundreds of millions of sources every night. The study of these sources will involve computation challenges such as anomaly detection and classification, and moving object tracking. Since such studies benefit from the highest quality data, methods such as image coaddition (stacking) will be a critical preprocessing step prior to scientific investigation. With a requirement that these images be analyzed on a nightly basis to identify moving sources or transient objects, these data streams present many computational challenges. Given the quantity of data involved, the computational load of these problems can only be addressed by distributing the workload over a large number of nodes. However, the high data throughput demanded by these applications may present scalability challenges for certain storage architectures. One scalable data-processing method that has emerged in recent years is MapReduce, and in this paper we focus on its popular open-source implementation called Hadoop. In the Hadoop framework, the data is partitioned among storage attached directly to worker nodes, and the processing workload is scheduled in parallel on the nodes that contain the required input data. A further motivation for using Hadoop is that it allows us to exploit cloud computing resources, e.g., Amazon's EC2. We report on our experience implementing a scalable image-processing pipeline for the SDSS imaging database using Hadoop. This multi-terabyte imaging dataset provides a good testbed for algorithm development since its scope and structure approximate future surveys. First, we describe MapReduce and how we adapted image coaddition to the MapReduce framework. Then we describe a number of optimizations to our basic approach and report experimental results comparing their performance.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Influence of catalyst (Yeast) on the Biomethanization of Selected Organic Waste Materials

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    Yeast catalyzed the rate of biomethanization of waste materials and rate at which it alter the reaction rate has been determined. It was observed that addition of yeast improved the quality and quantity of biogas generated and also fastened the acid and methane forming stages during biomethanization. The volumes of biogas in the catalyzed process was found to be 6550 cm3 for cow dung, 5640 cm3 for millet husk, 3240 cm3 for rice husk ,1000 cm3 for saw dust and 800 cm3 for the paper waste, as against 5430 cm3, 5230 cm3, 2110 cm3, 950 cm3 and 590 cm3 respectively for the uncatalyzed biomethanization process

    Comparative Study of Biogas Production from Locally Sourced Substrate Materials

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    Comparative study of biogas production from Cow dung (CD), Millet husk (MH), Rice husk (RH), Saw dust (SD) and Paper waste (PW) was conducted. The biogas production potentials for the substrates were of the order: Cow dung (8772.50cm3) > Millet husk (6680 cm3) > Rice husk (1386.25 cm3) > Saw dust (973.75 cm3) > Paper waste (476.25 cm3). Physico - chemical analysis revealed decreasing pH in the spent slurry indicating acidification of the content. The ash content is higher in the spent slurry ranging from 16 – 24% for the raw substrate and between 18 and 29% for the spent slurry. Kinetic studies show the slurry concentration have a direct relationship to the volume of biogas produced from all the substrates. There was strong  correlation between slurry concentration and the volume of biogas generated

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pelajaran Ekonomi di Smak Abdi Wacana

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    : This research aims to determine the effect of family environment on learning outcomes of students of class XI IPS SMA Kristen Abdi Wacana Pontianak . The method used is descriptive method . These samples included 55 people with the study population . Based on the results obtained by t-test t calculate of 6.188 and t table amounted to -2.006 , this shows that t calculate > t table ( 6.188 > 2.006 ) so Ho refused and Ha is received. While the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable can be seen from the coefficient of determination , that is equal to 0.419, which means the influence of family environment on student learning outcomes by 41.9 % while the remaining 58.1 % is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. So it can be concluded that there is influence between family environment on student learning outcomes on economic subjects in class XI IPS SMA Kristen Abdi Wacana Pontiana

    Analisis Partisipasi Anggota Yang Aktif Pada Unit Toko Koperasi Pegawai Negeri Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak

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    The research started from the researcher interest on the buying and selling activities at KPN Untan less developed shop units and the number of members who actively participate in the meaning of shopping for basic needs is relatively small compared to the number of members registered in KPN Untan. Whereas at the beginning of the establishment of the unit store KPN Untan was a fairly developed shop units. The general problem in this research was "how active members participate in the unit of civil service cooperative shop". This research aimed to provide an overview of the participation of active members shop cooperatives unit. The method used in this research was descriptive method. The results showed that active participation of many members in shopping for secondary needs not on tertiary needs, then the average motivation of KPN Untan members in shopping of the store unit amounted to 41.18% but did not encourage them to continue to participate optimally, giving credit to members in shopping for basic needs expressed by members of 64.71%, shopping procedures set by the board and felt easily stated by members of 58.82%. Overall the percentage was in enough category

    Hubungan antara Perilaku Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Ekonomi dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMA

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    : "This study intend to dig up information about correlation between student learning behavior in the learning economy with learning outcomes at grade 10 SMAS taman Mulia at Kubu raya district. Population in this research aggregate 105 student with samples a total of 30 student were determined by random sampling technique. Collecting data using the technique of direct communication, indirect communication techniques and techniques of documentary studies with data collection tools such as observation sheets, interview, questionnaire and learning outcomes that come from school. Based on the analysis of product moment correlation, obtained, rhitungan < rtabel 0,138 dan rtabel < 0,361, pada db N = 30. Apparently the price r xy = 0.138 r smaller than the table ,This means giving the consequences of rejecting Ha , which reads : " There is a positive and significant relationship between behavioral study with the results of student learning in the learning economy in SMAs Taman Mulia Kubu Raya " and accept Ho , which reads : " There is a positive and significant relationship behavior learning with student learning outcomes in the learning economy in SMAs Taman Mulia Kubu Raya
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