640 research outputs found

    Phase shifts in nonresonant coherent excitation

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    Far-off-resonant pulsed laser fields produce negligible excitation between two atomic states but may induce considerable phase shifts. The acquired phases are usually calculated by using the adiabatic-elimination approximation. We analyze the accuracy of this approximation and derive the conditions for its applicability to the calculation of the phases. We account for various sources of imperfections, ranging from higher terms in the adiabatic-elimination expansion and irreversible population loss to couplings to additional states. We find that, as far as the phase shifts are concerned, the adiabatic elimination is accurate only for a very large detuning. We show that the adiabatic approximation is a far more accurate method for evaluating the phase shifts, with a vast domain of validity; the accuracy is further enhanced by superadiabatic corrections, which reduce the error well below 10410^{-4}. Moreover, owing to the effect of adiabatic population return, the adiabatic and superadiabatic approximations allow one to calculate the phase shifts even for a moderately large detuning, and even when the peak Rabi frequency is larger than the detuning; in these regimes the adiabatic elimination is completely inapplicable. We also derive several exact expressions for the phases using exactly soluble two-state and three-state analytical models.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Übersetzung der verletzungsbezogenen Kodes des XIX. Kapitels der ICD-10-GM 2008 in AIS 2005

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    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, die verletzungsbezogenen Kodes des XIX. Kapitels der ICD-10-GM 2008 in AIS-2005-Schlüsselnummern zu übersetzen. Die inhaltlich am besten passenden Kodes aus den beiden Klassifikationen wurden miteinander verknüpft und in einer Mapping-Tabelle aufgenommen. Deren Funktion sowie die Möglichkeit, Injury Severity Scores (ISS) nach Übersetzung der ICD-10-GM-Kodes in AIS-2005-Schlüsselnummern zu berechnen, wurde mittels 81 Beispielfälle geprüft. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das XIX. Kapitel der ICD-10-GM 2008 in die AIS 2005 generell übersetzbar ist und dass nach der Übersetzung der verletzungsbezogenen ICD-10-GM-Kodes die entsprechenden ISS berechnet werden können. Mit der Erstellung der Umrechnungstabelle ist es in der Zukunft möglich, von den in der Klinik standardmäßig erhobenen ICD-10-GM Schlüsselnummern, die AIS- und ISS-Kodes zu generieren und damit die behandelten Verletzungsschweren automatisch zu klassifizieren

    Receptor-Independent Interaction of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide with Lipid and Lymphocyte Membranes; the Role of Cholesterol

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major constituent of bacterial outer membranes where it makes up the bulk of the outer leaflet and plays a key role as determinant of bacterial interactions with the host. Membrane-free LPS is known to activate T-lymphocytes through interactions with Toll-like receptor 4 via multiprotein complexes. In the present study, we investigate the role of cholesterol and membrane heterogeneities as facilitators of receptor-independent LPS binding and insertion, which underpin bacterial interactions with the host in symbiosis, pathogenesis and cell invasion. We use fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate the interactions of membrane-free LPS from intestinal Gram-negative organisms with cholesterol-containing model membranes and with T-lymphocytes. LPS preparations from Klebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella enterica were found to bind preferentially to mixed lipid membranes by comparison to pure PC bilayers. The same was observed for LPS from the symbiote Escherichia coli but with an order of magnitude higher dissociation constant. Insertion of LPS into model membranes confirmed the preference for sphimgomyelin/cholesterol-containing systems. LPS insertion into Jurkat T-lymphocyte membranes reveals that they have a significantly greater LPS-binding capacity by comparison to methyl-β-cyclodextrin cholesterol-depleted lymphocyte membranes, albeit at slightly lower binding rates

    Interactions of lipopolysaccharide with lipid membranes, raft models — A solid state NMR study

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    AbstractLipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component of the external leaflet of bacterial outer membranes, key pro-inflammatory factor and an important mediator of host–pathogen interactions. In host cells it activates the complement along with a pro-inflammatory response via a TLR4-mediated signalling cascade and shows preference for cholesterol-containing membranes. Here, we use solid state 13C and 31P MAS NMR to investigate the interactions of LPS from three bacterial species, Brucella melitensis, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli, with mixed lipid membranes, raft models. All endotoxin types are found to be pyrophosphorylated and Klebsiellar LPS is phosphonylated, as well. Carbon-13 MAS NMR indicates an increase in lipid order in the presence of LPS. Longitudinal 31P relaxation, providing a direct probe of LPS molecular and segmental mobility, reveals a significant reduction in 31P T1 times and lower molecular mobility in the presence of ternary lipid mixtures. Along with the ordering effect on membrane lipid, this suggests a preferential partitioning of LPS into ordered bilayer sphingomyelin/cholesterol-rich domains. We hypothesise that this is an important evolutionary drive for the selection of GPI-anchored raft-associated LPS-binding proteins as a first line of response to membrane-associated LPS

    Recognition of membrane sterols by polyene antifungals amphotericin B and natamycin, a 13C MAS NMR Study

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    The molecular action of polyene macrolides with antifungal activity, amphotericin B and natamycin, involves recognition of sterols in membranes. Physicochemical and functional studies have contributed details to understanding the interactions between amphotericin B and ergosterol and, to a lesser extent, with cholesterol. Fewer molecular details are available on interactions between natamycin with sterols. We use solid state 13C MAS NMR to characterize the impact of amphotericin B and natamycin on mixed lipid membranes of DOPC/cholesterol or DOPC/ergosterol. In cholesterol-containing membranes, amphotericin B addition resulted in marked increase in both DOPC and cholesterol 13C MAS NMR linewidth, reflecting membrane insertion and cooperative perturbation of the bilayer. By contrast, natamycin affects little either DOPC or cholesterol linewidth but attenuates cholesterol resonance intensity preferentially for sterol core with lesser impact on the chain. Ergosterol resonances, attenuated by amphotericin B, reveal specific interactions in the sterol core and chain base. Natamycin addition selectively augmented ergosterol resonances from sterol core ring one and, at the same time, from the end of the chain. This puts forward an interaction model similar to the head-to-tail model for amphotericin B/ergosterol pairing but with docking on opposite sterol faces. Low toxicity of natamycin is attributed to selective, non-cooperative sterol engagement compared to cooperative membrane perturbation by amphotericin B

    Recognition of membrane sterols by polyene antifungals amphotericin B and natamycin, a 13C MAS NMR Study

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    The molecular action of polyene macrolides with antifungal activity, amphotericin B and natamycin, involves recognition of sterols in membranes. Physicochemical and functional studies have contributed details to understanding the interactions between amphotericin B and ergosterol and, to a lesser extent, with cholesterol. Fewer molecular details are available on interactions between natamycin with sterols. We use solid state 13C MAS NMR to characterize the impact of amphotericin B and natamycin on mixed lipid membranes of DOPC/cholesterol or DOPC/ergosterol. In cholesterol-containing membranes, amphotericin B addition resulted in marked increase in both DOPC and cholesterol 13C MAS NMR linewidth, reflecting membrane insertion and cooperative perturbation of the bilayer. By contrast, natamycin affects little either DOPC or cholesterol linewidth but attenuates cholesterol resonance intensity preferentially for sterol core with lesser impact on the chain. Ergosterol resonances, attenuated by amphotericin B, reveal specific interactions in the sterol core and chain base. Natamycin addition selectively augmented ergosterol resonances from sterol core ring one and, at the same time, from the end of the chain. This puts forward an interaction model similar to the head-to-tail model for amphotericin B/ergosterol pairing but with docking on opposite sterol faces. Low toxicity of natamycin is attributed to selective, non-cooperative sterol engagement compared to cooperative membrane perturbation by amphotericin B

    Membrane protein structure determination and characterisation by solution and solid-state nmr

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Biological membranes define the interface of life and its basic unit, the cell. Membrane proteins play key roles in membrane functions, yet their structure and mechanisms remain poorly understood. Breakthroughs in crystallography and electron microscopy have invigorated structural analysis while failing to characterise key functional interactions with lipids, small molecules and membrane modulators, as well as their conformational polymorphism and dynamics. NMR is uniquely suited to resolving atomic environments within complex molecular assemblies and reporting on membrane organisation, protein structure, lipid and polysaccharide composition, conformational variations and molecular interactions. The main challenge in membrane protein studies at the atomic level remains the need for a membrane environment to support their fold. NMR studies in membrane mimetics and membranes of increasing complexity offer close to native environments for structural and molecular studies of membrane proteins. Solution NMR inherits high resolution from small molecule analysis, providing insights from detergent solubilised proteins and small molecular assemblies. Solid-state NMR achieves high resolution in membrane samples through fast sample spinning or sample alignment. Recent developments in dynamic nuclear polarisation NMR allow signal enhancement by orders of magnitude opening new opportunities for expanding the applications of NMR to studies of native membranes and whole cells

    Selection for resistance to oseltamivir in seasonal and pandemic H1N1 influenza and widespread co-circulation of the lineages

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    Background: In Spring 2009, a novel reassortant strain of H1N1 influenza A emerged as a lineage distinct from seasonal H1N1. On June 11, the World Heath Organization declared a pandemic - the first since 1968. There are currently two main branches of H1N1 circulating in humans, a seasonal branch and a pandemic branch. The primary treatment method for pandemic and seasonal H1N1 is the antiviral drug Tamiflu® (oseltamivir). Although many seasonal H1N1 strains around the world are resistant to oseltamivir, initially, pandemic H1N1 strains have been susceptible to oseltamivir. As of February 3, 2010, there have been reports of resistance to oseltamivir in 225 cases of H1N1 pandemic influenza. The evolution of resistance to oseltamivir in pandemic H1N1 could be due to point mutations in the neuraminidase or a reassortment event between seasonal H1N1 and pandemic H1N1 viruses that provide a neuraminidase carrying an oseltamivir-resistant genotype to pandemic H1N1. Results: Using phylogenetic analysis of neuraminidase sequences, we show that both seasonal and pandemic lineages of H1N1 are evolving to direct selective pressure for resistance to oseltamivir. Moreover, seasonal lineages of H1N1 that are resistant to oseltamivir co-circulate with pandemic H1N1 throughout the globe. By combining phylogenetic and geographic data we have thus far identified 53 areas of co-circulation where reassortment can occur. At our website POINTMAP, http://pointmap.osu.edu webcite we make available a visualization and an application for updating these results as more data are released. Conclusions: As oseltamivir is a keystone of preparedness and treatment for pandemic H1N1, the potential for resistance to oseltamivir is an ongoing concern. Reassortment and, more likely, point mutation have the potential to create a strain of pandemic H1N1 against which we have a reduced number of treatment options