80 research outputs found

    The application of NAVSTAR Differential GPS to civil helicopter operations

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    Principles concerning the operation of the NAVSTAR Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are discussed. Selective availability issues concerning NAVSTAR GPS and differential GPS concepts are analyzed. Civil support and market potential for differential GPS are outlined. It is concluded that differential GPS provides a variation on the baseline GPS system, and gives an assured, uninterrupted level of accuracy for the civilian community

    Polarization Spectroscopy and Collisions in NaK

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    We report current work to study transfer of population and orientation in collisions of NaK molecules with argon and potassium atoms using polarization labeling (PL) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy. In the PL experiment, a circularly polarized pump laser excites a specific NaK A1Σ +(v=16, J) ← X1Σ +(v=0, J ± 1) transition, creating an orientation (non-uniform MJ level distribution) in both levels. The linear polarized probe laser is scanned over various 3 1Π(v=8, J 0 ± 1) ← A1Σ +(v=16, J 0 ) transitions. The probe laser passes through a crossed linear polarizer before detection, and signal is recorded if the probe laser polarization has been modified by the vapor (which occurs when it comes into resonance with an oriented level). In addition to strong direct transitions (J 0 = J), we also observe weak collisional satellite lines (J 0 = J ±n with n = 1, 2, 3, ...) indicating that orientation is transferred to adjacent rotational levels during a collision. An LIF experiment (with linear polarized pump and probe beams) gives information on the collisional transfer of population. From these data, cross sections for both processes can be determined. We experimentally distinguish collisions of NaK with argon atoms from collisions with alkali atoms

    Collisional Transfer of Population and Orientation in NaK

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    We report current work to study transfer of population and orientation in collisions of NaK molecules with argon and potassium atoms using polarization labeling (PL) and laser- induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy. In the PL experiment, a circularly polarized pump laser excites a specific NaK A1Σ +(v 0=16, J 0 ) ← X1Σ +(v 00=0, J 0 ± 1) transition, creating an orientation (non-uniform MJ0 level distribution) in both levels. The linearly polarized probe laser is scanned over various 31Π(v, J 0±1) ← A1Σ +(v 0=16, J 0 ) transitions. The probe laser passes through a crossed linear polarizer before detection, and signal is recorded if the probe laser polarization has been modified by the vapor (which occurs when it comes into resonance with an oriented level). Using both spectroscopic methods, analysis of weak collisional satellite lines adjacent to these directly populated lines, as a function of argon buffer gas pressure and cell temperature, allows us to discern separately the effects collisions with argon atoms and potassium atoms have on the population and orientation of the molecule. In addition, code has been written which provides a theoretical analysis of the process, through a solution of the density matrix equations of motion for the system

    A combined anatomical variation of inferior epigastric vessels

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    During the routine anatomical dissection of a male cadaver, a variation was observed both in the inferior epigastric artery (IEA) and inferior epiastric vein (IEV). Although the origin of the IEA from the right femoral artery (FA) is common variation in this case, the right IEA originated from the RFA, 13 mm inferior to inguinal ligament. The artery didn’t course anterior to the femoral vein (FV) as described in the variations of this vessel; instead, coursed on the lateral side of the variant IEV. Additionally, in this cadaver, the single right IEV drained to RFV 8 mm inferior to inguinal ligament. Both the variant artery and vein passed posterior to spermatic cord and their course in the rectus sheath were normal in every aspect. Due to its clinical importance, this combined anatomical variation must be remembered by the surgeons

    The Amateur Sky Survey Mark III Project

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    The Amateur Sky Survey (TASS) is a loose confederation of amateur and professional astronomers. We describe the design and construction of our Mark III system, a set of wide-field drift-scan CCD cameras which monitor the celestial equator down to thirteenth magnitude in several passbands. We explain the methods by which images are gathered, processed, and reduced into lists of stellar positions and magnitudes. Over the period October, 1996, to November, 1998, we compiled a large database of photometric measurements. One of our results is the "tenxcat" catalog, which contains measurements on the standard Johnson-Cousins system for 367,241 stars; it contains links to the light curves of these stars as well.Comment: 20 pages, including 4 figures; additional JPEG files for Figures 1, 2. Submitted to PAS

    Association between frontal sinus development and persistent metopic suture

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    Background: Frontal sinuses are 2 irregular cavities, placed between 2 lamina of frontal bone. Expansion continues during childhood and reaches full size after puberty. Persistent metopic suture is one of the factors that are related to abnormal frontal sinus development. In this study, we want to discuss about the coexistence of persistent metopic suture and abnormal frontal sinus development using radiological techniques.Materials and methods: In this retrospectively planned study, images of 631 patients were examined, 217 (34.4%) of them were men and 414 (65.6%) of them were women. Brain computed tomography and magnetic resonance images were retrieved from the electronic archive for analysis.Results: In this study, frontal sinus development is categorised as right side atrophy, left side atrophy, bilateral atrophy and bilaterally developed sinuses. The presence of metopic suture was accepted as persistent metopic suture. Frontal sinus atrophy was found in 22.7% and persistent metopic sutures were found in 9.7% of overall.Conclusions: In this study, no significant results were detected that were relatedto the frontal sinus agenesis or dismorphism associated with persistent metopicsuture. We conclude that, although publications propounding metopism thatleads to abnormal frontal sinus development are present in the literature, noreasonable explanation has been mentioned in these articles; and we believe thatthese findings are all incidental.

    Global analysis of data on the spin-orbit coupled A1Σu+A^{1}\Sigma_{u}^{+} and b3Πub^{3}\Pi_{u} states of Cs2

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    We present experimentally derived potential curves and spin-orbit interaction functions for the strongly perturbed A1Σu+A^{1}\Sigma_{u}^{+} and b3Πub^{3}\Pi_{u} states of the cesium dimer. The results are based on data from several sources. Laser-induced fluorescence Fourier transform spectroscopy (LIF FTS) was used some time ago in the Laboratoire Aim\'{e} Cotton primarily to study the X1Σg+X ^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+} state. More recent work at Tsinghua University provides information from moderate resolution spectroscopy on the lowest levels of the b3Π0u±b^{3}\Pi_{0u}^{\pm} states as well as additional high resolution data. From Innsbruck University, we have precision data obtained with cold Cs2_{2} molecules. Recent data from Temple University was obtained using the optical-optical double resonance polarization spectroscopy technique, and finally, a group at the University of Latvia has added additional LIF FTS data. In the Hamiltonian matrix, we have used analytic potentials (the Expanded Morse Oscillator form) with both finite-difference (FD) coupled-channels and discrete variable representation (DVR) calculations of the term values. Fitted diagonal and off-diagonal spin-orbit functions are obtained and compared with {\it ab initio} results from Temple and Moscow State universities

    Endoscopic treatment (endoscopic balloon dilation/self-expandable metal stent) vs surgical resection for the treatment of de novo stenosis in Crohn's disease (ENDOCIR study): an open-label, multicentre, randomized trial. 

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    Background: Stenosis is one of the most common complications in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD) is the treatment of choice for a short stenosis adjacent to the anastomosis from previous surgery. Self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) may be a suitable treatment option for longer stenoses. To date, however, there is no scientific evidence as to whether endoscopic (EBD/SEMS) or surgical treatment is the best approach for de novo or primary stenoses that are less than 10 cm in length. Methods/design: Exploratory study as "proof-of-concept", multicentre, open-label, randomized trial of the treatment of de novo stenosis in the CD; endoscopic treatment (EBD/SEMS) vs surgical resection (SR). The type of endoscopic treatment will initially be with EDB; if a therapeutic failure occurs, then a SEMS will be placed. We estimate 2 years of recruitment and 1 year of follow-up for the assessment of quality of life, costs, complications, and clinical recurrence. After the end of the study, patients will be followed up for 3 years to re-evaluate the variables over the long term. Forty patients with de novo stenosis in CD will be recruited from 15 hospitals in Spain and will be randomly assigned to the endoscopic or surgical treatment groups. The primary aim will be the evaluation of the patient quality of life at 1 year follow-up (% of patients with an increase of 30 points in the 32-item Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ-32). The secondary aim will be evaluation of the clinical recurrence rate, complications, and costs of both treatments at 1-year follow-up. Discussion: The ENDOCIR trial has been designed to determine whether an endoscopic or surgical approach is therapeutically superior in the treatment of de novo stenosis in CD