587 research outputs found


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    Analizar las “ejecuciones” es una manera de salir del tramposo énfasis en el que se cae comúnmente a la hora de estudiar los videojuegos, centrándose en los “efectos sobre la conducta” o en los “contenidos” de los mismos, por el contrario, una reflexión alrededor de las “ejecuciones” permite reconocer las formas de cognición situada y corporalizada que entraña el “videojugar”. Este artículo examina las formas del self y las orientaciones temporales en la actividad elocutiva de un niño que “videojuega”

    The Prognosis of Albuminuria With or Without Casts

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    The nuclear characteristics of the CETR are described. Core operating lifetime, control-rod worth, and powerdensity distribution are discussed in relation to maximizing the core operating life. Other objectives of nuclear design are to minimize the power-density variation and to assure control of the reactor. (J.R.D.

    Tree Buffers

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    In runtime verification, the central problem is to decide if a given program execution violates a given property. In online runtime verification, a monitor observes a program’s execution as it happens. If the program being observed has hard real-time constraints, then the monitor inherits them. In the presence of hard real-time constraints it becomes a challenge to maintain enough information to produce error traces, should a property violation be observed. In this paper we introduce a data structure, called tree buffer, that solves this problem in the context of automata-based monitors: If the monitor itself respects hard real-time constraints, then enriching it by tree buffers makes it possible to provide error traces, which are essential for diagnosing defects. We show that tree buffers are also useful in other application domains. For example, they can be used to implement functionality of capturing groups in regular expressions. We prove optimal asymptotic bounds for our data structure, and validate them using empirical data from two sources: regular expression searching through Wikipedia, and runtime verification of execution traces obtained from the DaCapo test suite

    Tube choledochoureterostomy: A simple method for bile diversion

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    A technique of bile diversion by tube choledochoureterostomy has been devised for the purpose of studying the role of bile in the intestinal absorption of drugs. This method was used in six dogs. No technical difficulties or major complications developed, as are inevitable with alternative methods, including external fistula. © 1990 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    LarvaStat: Monitoring of Statistical Properties

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    Monitoring Time Intervals

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    Run-time checking of timed properties requires to monitor events occurring within a specified time interval. In a distributed setting, working with intervals is complicated due to uncertainties about network delays and clock synchronization. Determining that an interval can be closed - i.e., that all events occurring within the interval have been observed - cannot be done without a delay. In this paper, we consider how an appropriate delay can be determined based on parameters of a monitoring setup, such as network delay, clock skew and clock rate. We then propose a generic scheme for monitoring time intervals, parameterized by the detection delay, and discuss the use of this monitoring scheme to check different timed specifications, including real-time temporal logics and rate calculations

    Formal methods and tools for the development of distributed and real time systems : Esprit Project 3096 (SPEC)

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    The Basic Research Action No. 3096, Formal Methods snd Tools for the Development of Distributed and Real Time Systems, is funded in the Area of Computer Science, under the ESPRIT Programme of the European Community. The coordinating institution is the Department of Computing Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, and the participating Institutions are the Institute of Computer Science of Crete. the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, the Programmimg Research Group of the University of Oxford, and the Computer Science Departments of the University of Manchester, Imperial College. Weizmann Institute of Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, IMAG Grenoble. Catholic University of Nijmegen, and the University of Liege. This document contains the synopsis. and part of the sections on objectives and area of advance, on baseline and rationale, on research goals, and on organisation of the action, as contained in the original proposal, submitted June, 198S. The section on the state of the art (18 pages) and the full list of references (21 pages) of the original proposal have been deleted because of limitation of available space
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