292 research outputs found


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    A significant increase in grain yield was observed following soil fertilization with nitrogen up to the level of 90 kg·ha-1, independently of foliar fertilization. Among the examined variants of foliar fertilization on average, the significantly highest grain yield was obtained in the objects in which nitrogen and magnesium were administered in parallel. Within the entire range of nitrogen doses administered to soil, a moderately significant increase was noted in total protein content, to the level of 90 kg N·ha-1 a moderately increased content of wet gluten, sedimentation ratio and bread volume were recorded and following application of 60 kg N·ha-1 an increase in water absorbability of flour was observed. Independently of the soil fertilization with nitrogen, the most favourable of the studied variants of foliar fertilization for principal parameters of baking value proved to be a parallel application of nitrogen and magnesium or administration of nitrogen only.Istotny wzrost plonu ziarna stwierdzono po zastosowaniu doglebowo dawki azotu do poziomu 90 kg·ha-1, niezależnie od nawożenia dolistnego. Spośród badanych wariantów nawożenia dolistnego średnio istotnie najwyższy plon ziarna uzyskano na obiektach, gdzie zastosowano łącznie azot i magnez. Stwierdzono, w całym zakresie zastosowanych doglebowo dawek azotu, średnio istotny wzrost zawartości białka ogólnego, do poziomu 90 kg N·ha-1 średnio istotny wzrost zawartości mokrego glutenu, wskaźnika sedymentacji i objętości pieczywa, a po zastosowaniu 60 kg N·ha- 1 wodochłonności mąki. Najkorzystniejszym spośród badanych wariantów nawożenia dolistnego, niezależnie od zastosowanego doglebowo nawożenia azotem, dla najważniejszych wyróżników wartości wypiekowej okazało się łączne zastosowanie azotu i magnezu lub tylko azotu

    A Dynamic Knowledge Management Framework for the High Value Manufacturing Industry

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    Dynamic Knowledge Management (KM) is a combination of cultural and technological factors, including the cultural factors of people and their motivations, technological factors of content and infrastructure and, where these both come together, interface factors. In this paper a Dynamic KM framework is described in the context of employees being motivated to create profit for their company through product development in high value manufacturing. It is reported how the framework was discussed during a meeting of the collaborating company’s (BAE Systems) project stakeholders. Participants agreed the framework would have most benefit at the start of the product lifecycle before key decisions were made. The framework has been designed to support organisational learning and to reward employees that improve the position of the company in the market place

    Long non-coding RNA-derived peptides are immunogenic and drive a potent anti-tumour response

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    Protein arginine methyltransferase (PRMT) 5 is over-expressed in a variety of cancers and the master transcription regulator E2F1 is an important methylation target. We have explored the role of PRMT5 and E2F1 in regulating the non-coding genome and report here a striking effect on long non-coding (lnc) RNA gene expression. Moreover, many MHC class I protein-associated peptides were derived from small open reading frames in the lncRNA genes. Pharmacological inhibition of PRMT5 or adjusting E2F1 levels qualitatively altered the repertoire of lncRNA-derived peptide antigens displayed by tumour cells. When presented to the immune system as either ex vivo-loaded dendritic cells or expressed from a viral vector, lncRNA-derived peptides drove a potent antigen-specific CD8 T lymphocyte response, which translated into a significant delay in tumour growth. Thus, lncRNA genes encode immunogenic peptides that can be deployed as a cancer vaccine

    RNA signatures allow rapid identification of pathogens and antibiotic susceptibilities

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    With rising rates of drug-resistant infections, there is a need for diagnostic methods that rapidly can detect the presence of pathogens and reveal their susceptibility to antibiotics. Here we propose an approach to diagnosing the presence and drug-susceptibility of infectious diseases based on direct detection of RNA from clinical samples. We demonstrate that species-specific RNA signatures can be used to identify a broad spectrum of infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites. Moreover, we show that the behavior of a small set of bacterial transcripts after a brief antibiotic pulse can rapidly differentiate drug-susceptible and -resistant organisms and that these measurements can be made directly from clinical materials. Thus, transcriptional signatures could form the basis of a uniform diagnostic platform applicable across a broad range of infectious agents

    Comments to the African Union Commission on the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan

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    The Africa Union Commission (AUC) drafted an African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan (AFSH) and a Soil Initiative for Africa (SIA) for launching at the Africa Fertilizer summit in June 2023. The AFSH is a ten-year (2023-2033) plan to provide guidance on integrated soil fertility maintenance, including the correct use of fertilizer to ensure soil health in Africa. The SIA is a practical initiative to develop an African system for soil management and to implement actions at the continental, sub-regional, and country levels. This document, submitted by AICCRA to the African Union, gives key recommendations based on a review of the draft AFSH. Key points include: support and promote local organic fertilizers and soil improvers from organic waste, reform subsidies and incentives, include climate-smart agriculture (CSA) innovations, include gender and youth to promote soil health, and manage risks associated with climate variability and climate change. Further, more specific recommendations were given in the draft document

    Abscisic Acid Insensitive 4 transcription factor is an important player in the response of Arabidopsis thaliana to two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) feeding.

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    Plants growing in constantly changeable environmental conditions are compelled to evolve regulatory mechanisms to cope with biotic and abiotic stresses. Effective defence to invaders is largely connected with phytohormone regulation, resulting in the production of numerous defensive proteins and specialized metabolites. In our work, we elucidated the role of the Abscisic Acid Insensitive 4 (ABI4) transcription factor in the plant response to the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM). This polyphagous mite is one of the most destructive herbivores, which sucks mesophyll cells of numerous crop and wild plants. Compared to the wild-type (Col-0) Arabidopsis thaliana plants, the abi4 mutant demonstrated increased susceptibility to TSSM, reflected as enhanced female fecundity and greater frequency of mite leaf damage after trypan blue staining. Because ABI4 is regarded as an important player in the plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signalling process, we investigated the plastid envelope membrane dynamics using stroma-associated fluorescent marker. Our results indicated a clear increase in the number of stroma-filled tubular structures deriving from the plastid membrane (stromules) in the close proximity of the site of mite leaf damage, highlighting the importance of chloroplast-derived signals in the response to TSSM feeding activity

    Long non-coding RNA-derived peptides are immunogenic and drive a potent anti-tumour response

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    Protein arginine methyltransferase (PRMT) 5 is over-expressed in a variety of cancers and the master transcription regulator E2F1 is an important methylation target. We have explored the role of PRMT5 and E2F1 in regulating the non-coding genome and report here a striking effect on long non-coding (lnc) RNA gene expression. Moreover, many MHC class I protein-associated peptides were derived from small open reading frames in the lncRNA genes. Pharmacological inhibition of PRMT5 or adjusting E2F1 levels qualitatively altered the repertoire of lncRNA-derived peptide antigens displayed by tumour cells. When presented to the immune system as either ex vivo-loaded dendritic cells or expressed from a viral vector, lncRNA-derived peptides drove a potent antigen-specific CD8 T lymphocyte response, which translated into a significant delay in tumour growth. Thus, lncRNA genes encode immunogenic peptides that can be deployed as a cancer vaccine

    Cross-platform expression profiling demonstrates that SV40 small tumor antigen activates Notch, Hedgehog, and Wnt signaling in human cells

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    BACKGROUND: We previously analyzed human embryonic kidney (HEK) cell lines for the effects that simian virus 40 (SV40) small tumor antigen (ST) has on gene expression using Affymetrix U133 GeneChips. To cross-validate and extend our initial findings, we sought to compare the expression profiles of these cell lines using an alternative microarray platform. METHODS: We have analyzed matched cell lines with and without expression of SV40 ST using an Applied Biosystems (AB) microarray platform that uses single 60-mer oligonucleotides and single-color quantitative chemiluminescence for detection. RESULTS: While we were able to previously identify only 456 genes affected by ST with the Affymetrix platform, we identified 1927 individual genes with the AB platform. Additional technical replicates increased the number of identified genes to 3478 genes and confirmed the changes in 278 (61%) of our original set of 456 genes. Among the 3200 genes newly identified as affected by SV40 ST, we confirmed 20 by QRTPCR including several components of the Wnt, Notch, and Hedgehog signaling pathways, consistent with SV40 ST activation of these developmental pathways. While inhibitors of Notch activation had no effect on cell survival, cyclopamine had a potent killing effect on cells expressing SV40 ST. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that SV40 ST expression alters cell survival pathways to sensitize cells to the killing effect of Hedgehog pathway inhibitors

    Exploring the key drivers behind the adoption of mobile banking services

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    This research examines the main drivers behind the adoption of mobile banking, a concept that has revolutionized the day-to-day activities of humans. A review of relevant literature on the topic, leads us toward testing the following key hypotheses: consumers are adopting mobile banking due to the perceived usefulness and benefits associated with the concept; and consumers are adopting mobile banking due to technological advances meaning increased access to the mobile phone devices. We published an online questionnaire on Amazon Mechanical Turk to obtain responses from Internet users. A dominating proportion of participants highlighted how mobile banking is a concept that they adopted between three and 5 years ago, showing just how recently mobile banking took off. The results also showed a number of links between the study’s research hypotheses and the adoption of mobile banking. The overall result of the study shows online banking as a concept that is influenced by a number of both internal and external factors. No single factor plays a dominating force in pushing retail bankers to adopt mobile banking, with it instead being a culmination of numerous different factors. The recent introduction of mobile banking is made seemingly apparent, as is the increasing susceptibility to change in the near future. Subsequently, countless opportunities for further academic research are likely to arise