841 research outputs found

    Конституційне право працівників на судовий захист своїх трудових прав

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    Бойко В. Б. Конституційне право працівників на судовий захист своїх трудових прав / Бойко В. Б. // Вісник Харківського національного університету ім. В. Н. Каразіна: № 1077: Серія: Право. - 2013. - Вип. 15. - С. 174-177.Стаття присвячена реалізації конституційного права працівників на судовий захист своїх трудових прав в умовах нових форм господарювання.The article is devoted realization of constitutional right for workers on judicial defence of the labour rights in the conditions of new forms of management.Статья посвящена реализации конституционного права работников на судебную защиту своих трудовых прав в условиях новых форм хозяйствования

    On the appearance of space temperature electric structures in hyperconductors under high magnetic fields

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    As part of the study of low temperature galvanomagnetic properties of high purity A1 in the Corbino geometry the voltage-current characteristics (IV) under external transverse magnetic field in the regime of given current revealed the effects of voltage stabilization. Here we attempt to ascribe these phenomena to appearance in the sample of bulk temperature structures characteristic of highly nonequilibrium systems. Joule’s heat of flowing electric current gives rise to disk warming. We also discuss the problems of the influence of warming in disks on the phenomena of electric transport with allowance for own magnetic fields being generated in disk

    Can Hall drag be observed in Coulomb coupled quantum wells in a magnetic field?

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    We study the transresistivity \tensor\rho_{21} (or equivalently, the drag rate) of two Coulomb-coupled quantum wells in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field, using semi-classical transport theory. Elementary arguments seem to preclude any possibility of observation of ``Hall drag'' (i.e., a non-zero off-diagonal component in \tensor\rho_{21}). We show that these arguments are specious, and in fact Hall drag can be observed at sufficiently high temperatures when the {\sl intra}layer transport time τ\tau has significant energy-dependence around the Fermi energy εF\varepsilon_F. The ratio of the Hall to longitudinal transresistivities goes as T2BsT^2 B s, where TT is the temperature, BB is the magnetic field, and s=[τ/ε](εF)s = [\partial\tau/ \partial\varepsilon] (\varepsilon_F).Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, 2 figures (to be published in Physica Scripta, Proc. of the 17th Nordic Semiconductor Conference

    Fuzzy Ensembles of Reinforcement Learning Policies for Robotic Systems with Varied Parameters

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is an emerging approach to control many dynamical systems for which classical control approaches are not applicable or insufficient. However, the resultant policies may not generalize to variations in the parameters that the system may exhibit. This paper presents a powerful yet simple algorithm in which collaboration is facilitated between RL agents that are trained independently to perform the same task but with different system parameters. The independency among agents allows the exploitation of multi-core processing to perform parallel training. Two examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique. The main demonstration is performed on a quadrotor with slung load tracking problem in a real-time experimental setup. It is shown that integrating the developed algorithm outperforms individual policies by reducing the RMSE tracking error. The robustness of the ensemble is also verified against wind disturbance.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2311.0501

    On Periodic Asymmetric Extrapolation

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    Бактеріологічним дослідженням кількісного та якісного складу мікрофлори секрету вимені від корів, хворих на субклінічні мастити, встановлено, що всі вони обумовлюються асоціаціями умовно-патогенних та патогенних мікроорганізмів, кожний із яких володіє властивою для нього резистентністю до антибактеріальних препаратів, без врахування яких лікування та санація молочної залози ускладнюється. Результати наших досліджень доводять, що бактеріологічний моніторинг секрету вимені корів, хворих на будь-яку форму маститу повинен проводитися на кожній молочнотоварній фермі.Бактериологическим исследованием количественного и качественного состава микрофлоры секрета вымени от коров, больных субклинические маститы, установлено, что все они усложняются ассоциациями условно-патогенных и патогенных микроорганизмов, каждый из которых обладает присущей ему резистентностью к антибактериальным препаратам, без учета которых лечение и санация осложняются. Результаты наших исследований показывают, что бактериологический мониторинг секрета вымени коров, больных маститом должен проводиться на каждой молочно-товарной ферме.We conducted bacteriological examinations of quantitative and qualitative composition milk samples’ microflora of cow’s suffering from subclinical mastitis. It was found that they are specified by complex associations of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. Each of them (microorganisms) is characterized by specific resistance to antibiotics, without which the treatment and rehabilitation is complicated. Our results showed that bacteriological milk monitoring of cows suffering from any form of mastitis should be implemented on each dairy farm

    Frictional drag between quantum wells mediated by fluctuating electromagnetic field

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    We use the theory of the fluctuating electromagnetic field to calculate the frictional drag between nearby two-and three dimensional electron systems. The frictional drag results from coupling via a fluctuating electromagnetic field, and can be considered as the dissipative part of the van der Waals interaction. In comparison with other similar calculations for semiconductor two-dimensional system we include retardation effects. We consider the dependence of the frictional drag force on the temperature TT, electron density and separation dd. We find, that retardation effects become dominating factor for high electron densities, corresponding thing metallic film, and suggest a new experiment to test the theory. The relation between friction and heat transfer is also briefly commented on.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure