339 research outputs found

    Trend Analysis of Teenage Pregnancy in Nigeria (1961-2013): How Effective is the Contraceptive Use Campaign

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    Teenage pregnancy (TP) is a recurrent global and public health problem. It poses both social and health challenges. Considering the massive campaign on the use of modern contraceptives to prevent TP in recent decades, we assessed trends in TP in Nigeria between 1961 and 2013. Pregnancy and contraception history of 70,811 women who were at least 20 years old when the Nigerian DHS was conducted in 1990, 2003, 2008, and 2013 respectively were used for the study, and descriptive statistics, time analysis techniques and multiple logistic regression were used to analyze the data at 5% significance level. The overall prevalence of TP between 1961 and 2013 was 49.5% which fluctuated insignificantly during the studied period. The TP prevalence among women who entered adulthood in 1961 was 39.2%; it peaked in 1978 at 58.9% before its unsteady decline to 39.6% in 2012, and then rose sharply to 55.6% in 2013. We predicted TP prevalence as 49.0%, 49.9% and 51.0% in 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. The odds of TP were over 4 times higher in the North East and 5 times higher in the North West than in the South West. Teenagers with no education had higher odds of TP and it was higher among teenagers from the poorest households (OR=5.64, 95% CI: 5.36-5.94). Rather than reducing with the worldwide acknowledged increase in contraceptive campaigns, TP increased over the years studied. As far as TP is concerned in Nigeria, the impact of the campaign on MC use is far from being effective. To achieve the objective of fewer TPs, fewer resources should be spent on access to contraception and instead diverted to areas more likely to achieve results such as improvements in educational achievement amongst girls


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    The study investigated the university life satisfaction among undergraduates. The study employed the survey design technique. The population consisted undergraduates of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. A total of four faculties out of the thirteen faculties in the school were selected using simple random sampling technique. From each faculty, 150 undergraduates were selected using convenience sampling technique. An adapted instrument titled “Students University Life Satisfaction Scale (SULSS)” was used to collect information from the students and the instrument yielded Spearman Brown Coefficients and Spearman Brown Split-half reliability tests values of 0.77 and 0.83 respectively at 0.05 level of significance. Percentage, rank order and t-test statistics were employed to analyse the data. The results showed that 342 (57%) of undergraduates were highly satisfied with the university life. It was revealed that the most factors that were responsible for the university life satisfaction among the undergraduates were academic activities 563 (94%), recreational activities 521 (87%) and spiritual programmes/activities 521 (88%). Also, the results showed that the problems of university life satisfaction were overcrowded lecture rooms 573 (96%), academic workload 548 (91%) and unstable academic calendar 538 (90%). Finally, the results showed that there was no significant difference between sex and university life satisfaction (t-test = -0.582, df.= 598, p > 0.05), but significant difference was found between place of residence and university life satisfaction (t-test = 0.012, df.= 598, p < 0.05), The study concluded that the students were highly satisfied with university life but depended much on factors such as academic activities, recreational activities and spiritual programmes/activities and physical facilities for their satisfaction.   Article visualizations

    Power Generation from Melon Seed Husk Biochar Using Fuel Cell

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    Melon seed husk (MSH) biochar was used in a single cell direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) as an alternative biofuel. The DCFCs belong to a generation of energy conversion devices that are characterised with higher efficiencies, lower emission of pollutants and MSH biochar as the fuel. Several analytical techniques (proximate, ultimate and thermo-chemical analysis) were employed to analyse the characteristics of the biomass fuel, their effects on the cell’s performance, and the electrochemical reactions between the fuel and the electrolyte in the system. High carbon content and calorific values are some of the parameters responsible for good performances. The performance of a lab-scale DCFC made of ceramic tubes using molten carbonate electrolyte was investigated. Binary carbonates mixture (Na2CO3-K2CO3, 38-62 mol.%) was used as electrolyte and the waste MSH carbonised at 450oC as biofuel. A practical evaluation of the fuel used in the DCFC system was conducted, for varying temperature of 100 - 800oC. The maximum open circuit voltage (OCV) was 0.71 V. With an applied load resistance and active surface area of 5.73 cm2 the maximum power density was 5.50 mWcm-2 and the current density was 29.67 mAcm-2 at 800oC


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    he antimicrobial activity of five brands (A, B, C, D and E) of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets commonly sold in Lagos Nigeria, were compared and assessed against susceptible clinical isolates (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serotypetyphi). Susceptibility test, minimum inhibitory concentration test and the bactericidal activity were determined. All sampled brands were within their shelf life. Most (60%) of the sampled brands were made in India while the remaining 40% were made in Nigeria. All the brands complied with the official specification in British Pharmacopeia (BP) for uniformity of weight as they show less than 5% deviation in weight. The mean antibacterial activities of the brands at 25”g/ml were found to be within the range of 38.0mm to 42.2mm zone of inhibition while the MICs range between 0.012”g/ml to 1.5”g/ml.All the sampled brands were effective against all the test organisms to varying degree with brands A and E been more potent while brand D was the least effective. The order of MICs (decreasing order of potency) was D>B>C>A>E for Staphylococcus aureus and D>C>B>E>A for Escherichia coli while that of Salmonella enterica serotypeTyphiwas D>B>C>A>E. The bactericidal activity of each ciprofloxacin brand D and E are concentration-dependent; with brand E more active at all tested concentrations.

    Aqueous Extracts of Anogeissus Leiocarpus (DC.) Guill. & Perr. and Terminalia Glaucescens Planch ex Benth. Inhibited Helicobacter Pylori

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    The inhibitory effects of methanol, dichloromethane and aqueous extracts of Anogeissus leiocarpus (DC.) Guill. & Perr. and Terminalia glaucescens Planch ex Benth. (family Combretaceae) reportedly used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases including stomach disorder and ulcer are investigated to ascertain and justify their use in traditional medicine. Nineteen (19) strains of Helicobacter pylori including 18 clinical isolates and Helicobacter pylori ATCC 43504 were used in this study. The susceptibility and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) testing were performed using the agar dilution procedure guidelines of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. bactericidal studies were performed using viable counting techniques. The MIC and MBC values for the susceptible strains ranged from 0.08 mg/mL to 1.25 mg/mL and 0.16 mg/mL - 2.5 mg/mL respectively Bactericidal study revealed a dose- and time-dependent decline in surviving population of H. pylori AB005 at concentrations equivalent to MIC, 2 x MIC and 4 x MIC (Figures 1-4). The aqueous extracts of Anogeissus leiocarpus stem bark and root gave a 100% kill at 6-hour exposure time with concentration equivalent to 4x MIC (i.e. 0.32mg/mL). The antimicrobial activities demonstrated by extracts of the plants on Helicobacter pylori revealed the presence of therapeutically potent antibacterial compounds and thus justify the use of these medicinal plants for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. Keywords: Anogeissus leiocarpus (DC.) Guill. & Perr.; Terminalia glaucescens Planch ex Benth.; Helicobacter pylori; peptic ulcer disease; bactericidal activit

    Effect of Methanol extract of Musca domestica larva on some Enzymes and Haematological parameters in Trypanosoma brucei brucei - infected rats

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    This study investigated the effect of methanol extract of Musca domestica (400mg/kg body weight) on some biomarker enzymes and haematological parameters in Trypanosoma brucei  brucei - infected rats. Twenty albino rats were intraperitoneally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei and were grouped into five (5) groups of four (4) rats each. Group1 was set up as infected not treated (0.2ml normal saline/kg body weight), group 2 was treated with diaminazene aceturate (standard drug), group 3 as prophylactic treated (treatment for 72 hours before inoculation of parasite), group 4 as early treatment with the extract (treatment commenced after the sight of parasite) and group 5 as the control (uninfected untreated) group. Results shows significant (p<0.05) decrease in liver AST and ALT activities with concomitant increase in serum activities of the infected untreated rats when compared with the early treated, prophylactic treated, standard treated and normal control. Serum ALP activity of the infected not treated group was significantly (p<0.05) higher when compared to the control group and other experimental groups. No significant (p>0.05) difference in the liver ALP activities of the extract treated infected groups with standard drug treated group However, serum and liver GGT activities of the uninfected untreated (control) was significantly lower (p<0.05) than all the other experimental groups. Haematological studies shows significant decrease (p<0.05) in packed cell volume (PCV) , haemoglobin concentration (Hb) and red blood cell count (RBC) of infected not treated when compared to infected prophylactic treated and infected early treated. There was likewise significant increase in white blood cell count (WBC) of infected not treated compared to infected prophylactic treated and infected early treated. Findings from this study showed that methanol extract of Musca domestica larva has trypanocidal properties thereby ameliorating the T. brucei induced biochemical changes in rats.Key words: Musca domestica larva, Haematology, Trypanosomiasis, Enzymes, Methanol, Extract

    Effect of Piper guineensees on physicochemical and organoleptic properties of watermelon (Citrulus lanatus) juice stored in refrigerator and ambient

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    Extracted juice from watermelon containing 0.01gPiper guineensesstored in refrigerator (6±2 oC) and on the shelf (28±1oC) usingpolyethylene bottles was evaluated for physicochemical and organoleptic changes. pH, total soluble sugars, titratable acidity and organolepticevaluation of the juice was carried out till deterioration sets in. Results showed that the sample stored in therefrigerator kept for 7 days while the sample on the shelf lasted for 3 days. pH value decreased from 5.40 to 4.80 and 5.70 for the samplestored in the refrigerator and on the shelf respectively while TSS increased from 0.064%Brix to 0.435% Brix and 0.578%Brix for sample stored in refrigerator and shelf respectively. Titratable acidity decreased from 2.90 % to 0.20% and 0.50% for samples for the juice stored in the refrigerator and on shelf respectively.All these changes were statistically significant (p<0.05).The sample stored on the shelf lost its organoleptic qualities on the third day with an average value less than 2 for taste, smell and colour. However, the juice stored in the fridge lost its organoleptic qualities at the 7th day with an average value of 3.0, 2.90 and 2.80 for taste, smell andcolour respectively.  From the results, juice extracted from water meloncannot be kept at ambient temperature beyond 3 days without proper refrigeration and an additive. This calls for alternative way of extending its shelf life in the absence of electricity supply using local spice like P. guineenses and to make it available during off season

    Co-administeration of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Moringa oleifera and Metformin Improves Glucose, Lipid and Protein Profiles of Diabetic Wistar rats

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    Herbs are often co-administered with orthodox drugs, raising the potential for herb-drug interactions. This study investigated the pharmacological interaction between ethanol extract of Moringa oleifera (MOE) leaves and metformin co administered to diabetic Wistar rats. Diabetes was induced in rats by administration of 150 mg alloxan/kg body weight intraperitoneally. A dose response study for MOE at doses of 100-2000 mg/kg body wt. was carried out. A plot of percentage glycaemic reduction at 4h post-treatment versus log dose was used to estimate the median effective dose (ED50). Nine (9) groups of rats were used for the interaction study. Groups I and II served as normoglycaemic and diabetic controls respectively and received 1ml Normal saline. Diabetic Groups III-V received 375, 750 and 1500 mg/kg MOE respectively. Groups VI-VIII also diabetic received the same doses of MOE respectively but co-administered with a fixed dose of metformin (150 mg/kg). Group IX received metformin (150 mg/kg) alone. Fasting blood sugar (FBS) was monitored weekly and blood samples collected on day 28 for protein and lipid profile assay. The MOE/metformin co administered groups showed greater antihyperglycaemic activity (p<0.001) than the MOE and metformin alone groups. Significant increases in serum levels of cholesterol, TG and LDLC with the decrease in HDLC levels in the alloxan induced diabetic rats were reversed in MOE (p<0.01) and MOE/metformin (p<0.001) administered groups. These findings indicate that MOE/Metformin co-administration produced additive anti-hyperglycaemic and hypolipidaemic effects compared to either MOE or Metformin alone and may be useful in the therapeutic management of diabetes mellitus that is associated with dyslipidaemia.Keywords: Diabetes, Hyperglycaemia, Pharmacological interaction, Moringa oleifera, Metformi

    Knowledge and awareness of orthodontics among Nigerian school children in selected private and public schools in Lagos

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    Objective: This study sought to assess the knowledge and awareness of Nigerian adolescents concerning orthodontics, to determine possible factors influencing their knowledge of orthodontics as well as to find out if socioeconomic status has any effect on their knowledge and awareness. Method: This cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire based study was conducted in two secondary schools (one private and one public) in Lagos State. Result: A total of 408 students, participated in the study of which only 98 (24.0%) had ever heard the term ‘orthodontics’, and of this number only 16 could correctly explain the meaning of the term orthodontics. Majority of the respondents with correct responses attended a private school. Significantly more of the private school students correctly identified that orthodontists are involved in rearranging the teeth (p=0.006) and not involved in cleaning the teeth (p=0.008). There was a significant difference in the knowledge of the students from the public and private school concerning the impact of malocclusion on speech (p=0.002) and appearance (p=0.000). The overall orthodontic knowledge is deficient. However knowledge was better among the children from the private school compared to those from the public school. The results obtained from this study, clearly show that there is need to provide oral health education especially to improve the orthodontic knowledge of these adolescents especially about malocclusion and its consequences. It is expected that this would improve their knowledge and consequently increase the demand for and the uptake of the available orthodontic services

    Evaluation of the cytotoxic potential of Securidaca longepedunculata on human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cells

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    The prevalence of cancer has increased interest in the role of complementary and alternative medicine, employing the use of plant products. Securidaca longepedunculata (SL) is an example of plant product which serves as a major component of anticancer decoctions in Nigeria. In other to scientifically ascertain this claim, this study was carried out to evaluates the cytotoxic potential of the crude extract and fractions of SL root bark against human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cell line. The root back of SL was pulverized and extracted with 80% methanol to yield a crude extract which was then submitted to liquid–liquid fractionation with dichloromethane (DCM) and butanol (BUT). The extract and fractions were subjected to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). MCF-7 cell line was treated with graded concentrations (9.77 – 5000 ÎŒg ml-1) of the aqueous methanol crude extract as well as the DCM and BUT fractions for 24 or 48 hours. Cell viability was thereafter measured by XTT proliferation assay. The inhibitory activities of the aqueous methanolic crude extract was found to be both dose-dependent and time independent with IC50 values of 2241 ÎŒg ml-1 and 1808 ÎŒg ml-1 after 24 and 48 hours respectively. The DCM and BUT fractions were significantly (p < 0.05) cytotoxic with IC50 values of 86.27 ÎŒg ml-1 and 12.08 ÎŒg ml-1 respectively after 48 hours of treatment. The study provide evidence that BUT fractions of SL has the highest potential to significantly show anticancer properties
