203 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Motor-Manual Cleaning Methods on the Norwegian West Coast

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    Time consumption, heart rate, sagittal load moments for the low back, perceived exertion, and tool preferences were measured during motor-manual cleaning with chain saws and cleaning saws in western Norway. While no difference was found in heart rate or perceived cardiovascular exertion, the chain saw was observed to have the lowest time consumption per ha of the two tools. Calculated sagittal load moments and local feeling of strain in the low back were significantly higher for the chain saw than the cleaning saw. The difference in time consumption between the two tools was greatest for the least experienced personnel in steep terrain. However, because of the higher risk for low back pain, the chain saw could only be recommended on relatively steep slopes. The cleaning saw was preferred most often by the most experienced forestry workers in stands of high removal density

    Inventory control of particulate processes

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    Abstract In this work we address the problem of designing model-based controllers for particulate processes described by population balance (PB) models. We focus on PB models that are solved by numerical discretization, for which many standard control methodologies are not suitable due to the high order of these models. We interpret discretized PB models as chemical reaction networks and suggest to combine inventory control with techniques of stability of chemical reaction networks to design the controller. Inventory control is based on the idea of manipulating process flows so that certain extensive variables defining the system, called inventories, follow their setpoints. The whole system is stabilized by controlling the dominant inventories. The discretized PB is exploited in all aspects of controller design, from determining the controlled inventories to the final implementation of the control law. The methodology is illustrated with an industrial leaching reactor, the Silgrain ® process. We show that the discretized PB model takes the form of a Feinberg-Horn-Jackson zero-deficiency network, allowing us to prove stabilization of the whole system. The performance of standard inventory control and robust inventory control are investigated by simulation, with satisfactory results even in the presence of modeling errors

    Overvåking av Kolbotnvannet med tilløpsbekker 2000

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    Årsliste 2001Vannkvaliteten i Kolbotnvannet er fortsatt dårlig når en sammenlikner med innsjøens opprinnelige, upåvirkede vannkvalitet og med andre innsjøer i regionen. Vannkvaliteten er også "Dårlig" ifølge det offisielle vurderingssystemet for vannkvalitet i Norge. Dette til tross for betydelig reduksjon i tilførslene av urenset avløpsvann fra bebyggelsen i nedbørfeltet. Fosforkonsentrasjonen i Kolbotnvannet er, til tross for markert lavere verdier enn tidlig på 1980-tallet, fortsatt så høy at en kan vente kraftige oppblomstringer av blågrønnalger, dårlig sikt og høyt oksygenforbruk i dypvannet. Dette gjelder spesielt i somre med lange, sammenhengende perioder med varmt vær. Vi anbefaler en fortsatt dosering av kalksalpeter til dypvannet i innsjøen, for å hindre utlekking av fosfor fra sedimentet under stagnasjonsperiodene. stagnasjonsperiodene. Deler av Kolbotnvannet er "Ikke egnet" til bading ut fra SFTs vurderingssystem. SFTs vurderingssystem. Det ble ikke påvist kvantifiserbare mengder av hverken PCB eller DDE i vannfasen i Kolbotnvannet i år 2000, og kun konsentrasjoner under grenseverdien i drikkevannsforskriftene av petoicider. Dette viser at forurensningene i sedimentene i liten grad lekker ut i vannfasen.Oppegård kommun

    Pathogenic Carboxyl Ester Lipase (CEL) Variants Interact with the Normal CEL Protein in Pancreatic Cells

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    Mutations in the gene encoding the digestive enzyme carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) are linked to pancreatic disease. The CEL variant denoted CEL-HYB predisposes to chronic pancreatitis, whereas the CEL-MODY variant causes MODY8, an inherited disorder of endocrine and exocrine pancreatic dysfunction. Both pathogenic variants exhibit altered biochemical and cellular properties compared with the normal CEL protein (CEL-WT, wild type). We here aimed to investigate effects of CEL variants on pancreatic acinar and ductal cell lines. Following extracellular exposure, CEL-HYB, CEL-MODY, and CEL-WT were endocytosed. The two pathogenic CEL proteins significantly reduced cell viability compared with CEL-WT. We also found evidence of CEL uptake in primary human pancreatic acinar cells and in native ductal tissue. Moreover, coexpression of CEL-HYB or CEL-MODY with CEL-WT affected secretion of the latter, as CEL-WT was observed to accumulate intracellularly to a higher degree in the presence of either pathogenic variant. Notably, in coendocytosis experiments, both pathogenic variants displayed a modest effect on cell viability when CEL-WT was present, indicating that the normal protein might diminish toxic effects conferred by CEL-HYB and CEL-MODY. Taken together, our findings provide valuable insight into how the pathogenic CEL variants predispose to pancreatic disease and why these disorders develop slowly over time.publishedVersio

    Two New Mutations in the CEL Gene Causing Diabetes and Hereditary Pancreatitis : How to Correctly Identify MODY8 Cases

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    Context Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 8 (MODY8) is associated with mutations in the CEL gene, which encodes the digestive enzyme carboxyl ester lipase. Several diabetes cases and families have in recent years been attributed to mutations in CEL without any functional or clinical evidence provided. Objective To facilitate correct MODY8 diagnostics, we screened 2 cohorts of diabetes patients and delineated the phenotype. Methods Young, lean Swedish and Finnish patients with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (352 cases, 406 controls) were screened for mutations in the CEL gene. We also screened 58 Czech MODY cases who had tested negative for common MODY genes. For CEL mutation-positive subjects, family history was recorded, and clinical investigations and pancreatic imaging performed. Results Two cases (1 Swedish and 1 Czech) with germline mutation in CEL were identified. Clinical and radiological investigations of these 2 probands and their families revealed dominantly inherited insulin-dependent diabetes, pancreatic exocrine dysfunction, and atrophic pancreas with lipomatosis and cysts. Notably, hereditary pancreatitis was the predominant phenotype in 1 pedigree. Both families carried single-base pair deletions in the proximal part of the CEL variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) region in exon 11. The mutations are predicted to lead to aberrant protein tails that make the CEL protein susceptible to aggregation. Conclusion The diagnosis of MODY8 requires a pancreatic exocrine phenotype and a deletion in the CEL VNTR in addition to dominantly inherited diabetes. CEL screening may be warranted also in families with hereditary pancreatitis of unknown genetic etiology.Peer reviewe

    HLA II class alleles in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with and without temporomandibular joint arthritis

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2016 Davidsone et al. Copyright: Copyright 2017 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Background: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis is seen very often (38-87 %) in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). With contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) we can detect more cases of TMJ arthritis than ever before. Previous studies show that HLA II class alleles may have protective or risk importance in JIA subtypes. Our objective is to identify HLA II class alleles of risk and protection in JIA patients with TMJ arthritis. Methods: During the period from 2010 to 2015 MRI for TMJ was performed in 85 JIA patients who were genotyped for HLA- DRB1; DQB1 and DQA1 using RT-PCR with sequence-specific primers. As a control group, data of 100 individuals were taken from the genetic bank of RSU Joint Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Immunogenetics. Associations of DRB1; DQB1; DQA1 alleles in patients were examined individually using the χ 2 test. P-value (<0.05) and odds ratio were calculated using EPI INFO 6.0 software. Results: Out of 85 JIA patients with mean age of 13.7 ± 3.0 years (range 6.9-17.9 years), 59 (69 %) were girls and 26 (31 %) were boys. The mean duration of the disease was 3.07 ± 2.35 years (range 0.2-11.0 year). JIA subtypes were as follows: seronegative polyarthritis 51 (60 %), seropositive polyarthritis 6(7 %), oligoarthritis extended 7(8 %), oligoarthritis persistent 2 (2 %) arthritis with enthesitis 14 (17 %), undifferentiated 3 (4 %) and 2 (2 %) systemic arthritis. Two groups where separated after TMJ MRI exam: first with at least two signs of active inflammation and/or any structural damage (n = 62); second with no pathologic signs or with slight contrast enhancement (n = 23). We discovered that there are risk alleles that are found in all JIA patient's groups (MRI positive and negative groups) versus controls such as DRB1*07:01, DQB1*03:03; DQB1*05:01. Also some protective alleles as DRB1*18:01, DQB1*06:02-8 were found in overall JIA group. Alleles DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01; DQA1*05:01 were found to be protective for TMJ arthrits. Conclusion: In our study there were no convincing risk alleles, but there are alleles that probably are protective for TMJ arthritis like DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01; DQA1*05:01.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    The mucinous domain of pancreatic carboxyl-ester lipase (CEL) contains core 1/core 2 O-glycans that can be modified by ABO blood group determinants

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2019-10-13Carboxyl-ester lipase (CEL) is a pancreatic fat-digesting enzyme associated with human disease. Rare mutations in the CEL gene cause a syndrome of pancreatic exocrine and endocrine dysfunction denoted MODY8, whereas a recombined CEL allele increases the risk for chronic pancreatitis. Moreover, CEL has been linked to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) through a postulated oncofetal CEL variant termed feto-acinar pancreatic protein (FAPP). The monoclonal antibody mAb16D10 was previously reported to detect a glycotope in the highly O-glycosylated, mucin-like C terminus of CEL/FAPP. We here assessed the expression of human CEL in malignant pancreatic lesions and cell lines. CEL was not detectably expressed in neoplastic cells, implying that FAPP is unlikely to be a glycoisoform of CEL in pancreatic cancer. Testing of the mAb16D10 antibody in glycan microarrays then demonstrated that it recognized structures containing terminal GalNAc- 1,3(Fuc- 1,2)Gal (blood group A antigen) and also repeated protein sequences containing GalNAc residues linked to Ser/Thr (Tn antigen), findings that were supported by immunostainings of human pancreatic tissue. To examine whether the CEL glycoprotein might be modified by blood group antigens, we used high-sensitivity MALDI-TOF MS to characterize the released O-glycan pool ofCELimmunoprecipitatedfromhumanpancreatic juice. We found that the O-glycome of CEL consisted mainly of core 1/core 2 structures with a composition depending on the subject’s FUT2 and ABO gene polymorphisms. Thus, among digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas,CELis a glycoprotein with some unique characteristics, supporting the view that it could serve additional biological functions to its cholesteryl esterase activity in the duodenum.publishedVersio