462 research outputs found

    Dry eye disease in mice activates adaptive corneal epithelial regeneration distinct from constitutive renewal in homeostasis

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    Many epithelial compartments undergo constitutive renewal in homeostasis but activate unique regenerative responses following injury. The clear corneal epithelium is crucial for vision and is renewed from limbal stem cells (LSCs). Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we profiled the mouse corneal epithelium in homeostasis, aging, diabetes, and dry eye disease (DED), where tear deficiency predisposes the cornea to recurrent injury. In homeostasis, we capture the transcriptional states that accomplish continuous tissue turnover. We leverage our dataset to identify candidate genes and gene networks that characterize key stages across homeostatic renewal, including markers for LSCs. In aging and diabetes, there were only mild changes with \u3c15 dysregulated genes. The constitutive cell types that accomplish homeostatic renewal were conserved in DED but were associated with activation of cell states that comprise adaptive regeneration. We provide global markers that distinguish cell types in homeostatic renewal vs. adaptive regeneration and markers that specifically define DED-elicited proliferating and differentiating cell types. We validate that expression of SPARC, a marker of adaptive regeneration, is also induced in corneal epithelial wound healing and accelerates wound closure in a corneal epithelial cell scratch assay. Finally, we propose a classification system for LSC markers based on their expression fidelity in homeostasis and disease. This transcriptional dissection uncovers the dramatically altered transcriptional landscape of the corneal epithelium in DED, providing a framework and atlas for future study of these ocular surface stem cells in health and disease

    Evidence for Factorization in Three-body B --> D(*) K- K0 Decays

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    Motivated by recent experimental results, we use a factorization approach to study the three-body B --> D(*) K- K0 decay modes. Two mechanisms are proposed for kaon pair production: current-produced (from vacuum) and transition (from B meson). The Bbar0 --> D(*)+ K- K0 decay is governed solely by the current-produced mechanism. As the kaon pair can be produced only by the vector current, the matrix element can be extracted from e+ e- --> K Kbar processes via isospin relations. The decay rates obtained this way are in good agreement with experiment. Both current-produced and transition processes contribute to B- --> D(*)0 K- K0 decays. By using QCD counting rules and the measured B- --> D(*)0 K- K0 decay rates, the measured decay spectra can be understood.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    A Computational Assay of Estrogen Receptor alpha Antagonists Reveals the Key Common Structural Traits of Drugs Effectively Fighting Refractory Breast Cancers

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    Somatic mutations of the Estrogen Receptor alpha (ER alpha) occur with an up to 40% incidence in ER sensitive breast cancer (BC) patients undergoing prolonged endocrine treatments. These polymorphisms are implicated in acquired resistance, disease relapse, and increased mortality rates, hence representing a current major clinical challenge. Here, multi-microseconds (12.5 mu s) molecular dynamics simulations revealed that recurrent ER alpha. polymorphisms (i.e. L536Q, Y5375, Y537N, D538G) (mER alpha) are constitutively active in their apo form and that they prompt the selection of an agonist (active)-like conformation even upon antagonists binding. Interestingly, our simulations rationalize, for thefirst time, the efficacy profile of (pre)clinically used Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators/Downregulators (SERMs/SERDs) against these variants, enlightening, at atomistic level of detail, the key common structural traits needed by drugs able to effectively fight refractory BC types. This knowledge represents a key advancement for mechanism-based therapeutics targeting resistant ER alpha isoforms, potentially allowing the community to move a step closer to 'precision medicine' calibrated on patients' genetic profiles and disease progression

    In vitro induction and proliferation of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) from leaf segments of Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson

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    An in vitro culture procedure was established to induce protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) from leaf segments of the Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson directly from epidermal cells without intervening callus on ½ strength modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) (in Physiol Plant 15:473–497, 1962) medium supplemented with 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA; 0, 0.1, 1 mg/l) and Thidiazuron (TDZ; 0, 0.1, 1, 3 mg/l). The best response was established at 3 mg/l TDZ which induced 78% of leaf segments to form a mean number of 14 PLBs per explant after 16 weeks of culture. No PLBs were found when leaf segments were cultured on ½ strength modified MS media supplemented with 0.1 and 1 mg/l NAA. The best induction percentage for auxin: cytokinin combination was at the combination of NAA and TDZ at 1.0 and 3.0 mg/l which gave 72% induction with 9 PLBs per explant. Semi-solid ½ strength MS and liquid Vacin and Went (VW) (in Bot Gaz 110:605–613, 1949) medium were used in order to find the highest survival and number of PLBs proliferation after 3 months in culture. Half strength MS showed an average of 9 PLBs in comparison with VW with an average of 5.3 PLBs per explants. Histological observations revealed that the regenerated PLBs were generally formed from the epidermal layers of the posterior regions of the leaf segments. Scanning electron micrograph of PLBs showed the origin of newly formed PLB from the peripheral region of leaf segments

    Robo2-Slit1 dependent cell-cell interactions mediate assembly of the trigeminal ganglion

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    Vertebrate cranial sensory ganglia, responsible for sensation of touch, taste and pain in the face and viscera, are composed of both ectodermal placode and neural crest cells. The cellular and molecular interactions allowing generation of complex ganglia remain unknown. Here, we show that proper formation of the trigeminal ganglion, the largest of the cranial ganglia, relies on reciprocal interactions between placode and neural crest cells in chick, as removal of either population resulted in severe defects. We demonstrate that ingressing placode cells express the Robo2 receptor and early migrating cranial neural crest cells express its cognate ligand Slit1. Perturbation of this receptor-ligand interaction by blocking Robo2 function or depleting either Robo2 or Slit1 using RNA interference disrupted proper ganglion formation. The resultant disorganization mimics the effects of neural crest ablation. Thus, our data reveal a novel and essential role for Robo2-Slit1 signaling in mediating neural crest–placode interactions during trigeminal gangliogenesis

    Modeling Signal Propagation Mechanisms and Ligand-Based Conformational Dynamics of the Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone Full-Length Dimer

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    Hsp90 is a molecular chaperone essential for protein folding and activation in normal homeostasis and stress response. ATP binding and hydrolysis facilitate Hsp90 conformational changes required for client activation. Hsp90 plays an important role in disease states, particularly in cancer, where chaperoning of the mutated and overexpressed oncoproteins is important for function. Recent studies have illuminated mechanisms related to the chaperone function. However, an atomic resolution view of Hsp90 conformational dynamics, determined by the presence of different binding partners, is critical to define communication pathways between remote residues in different domains intimately affecting the chaperone cycle. Here, we present a computational analysis of signal propagation and long-range communication pathways in Hsp90. We carried out molecular dynamics simulations of the full-length Hsp90 dimer, combined with essential dynamics, correlation analysis, and a signal propagation model. All-atom MD simulations with timescales of 70 ns have been performed for complexes with the natural substrates ATP and ADP and for the unliganded dimer. We elucidate the mechanisms of signal propagation and determine “hot spots” involved in interdomain communication pathways from the nucleotide-binding site to the C-terminal domain interface. A comprehensive computational analysis of the Hsp90 communication pathways and dynamics at atomic resolution has revealed the role of the nucleotide in effecting conformational changes, elucidating the mechanisms of signal propagation. Functionally important residues and secondary structure elements emerge as effective mediators of communication between the nucleotide-binding site and the C-terminal interface. Furthermore, we show that specific interdomain signal propagation pathways may be activated as a function of the ligand. Our results support a “conformational selection model” of the Hsp90 mechanism, whereby the protein may exist in a dynamic equilibrium between different conformational states available on the energy landscape and binding of a specific partner can bias the equilibrium toward functionally relevant complexes

    A bibliometric study of human–computer interaction research activity in the Nordic-Baltic Eight countries

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    Human–computer interaction (HCI) has become an important area for designers and developers worldwide, and research activities set in national cultural contexts addressing local challenges are often needed in industry and academia. This study explored HCI research in the Nordic-Baltic countries using bibliometric methods. The results show that the activity varies greatly across the region with activities dominated by Finland, Sweden, and Denmark, even when adjusting for differences in population size and GDP. Research output variations were larger for the top-tier conferences compared to entry-tier conferences and journals. Locally hosted conferences were associated with local increases in research activity. HCI research longevity appears to be an indicator of research maturity and quantity. HCI researchers typically collaborated either with colleagues within the same institution or with researchers from countries outside the Nordic-Baltic region such as US and the UK. There was less collaboration between national and Nordic-Baltic partners. Collaboration appeared especially prevalent for top-tier conference papers. Top-tier conference papers were also more frequently cited than regional-tier and entry-tier conferences, yet journal articles were cited the most. One implication of this study is that the HCI research activity gaps across the Nordic-Baltic countries should be narrowed by increasing the activity in countries with low research outputs. To achieve this, first-time authors could receive guidance through collaborations with experienced authors in the same institution or other labs around the world. More conferences could also be hosted locally. Furthermore, journals may be more effective than conferences if the goal is to accumulate citations.publishedVersio

    A quantitative mass spectrometry-based approach to monitor the dynamics of endogenous chromatin-associated protein complexes.

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    Understanding the dynamics of endogenous protein-protein interactions in complex networks is pivotal in deciphering disease mechanisms. To enable the in-depth analysis of protein interactions in chromatin-associated protein complexes, we have previously developed a method termed RIME (Rapid Immunoprecipitation Mass spectrometry of Endogenous proteins). Here, we present a quantitative multiplexed method (qPLEX-RIME), which integrates RIME with isobaric labelling and tribrid mass spectrometry for the study of protein interactome dynamics in a quantitative fashion with increased sensitivity. Using the qPLEX-RIME method, we delineate the temporal changes of the Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) interactome in breast cancer cells treated with 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Furthermore, we identify endogenous ERα-associated proteins in human Patient-Derived Xenograft tumours and in primary human breast cancer clinical tissue. Our results demonstrate that the combination of RIME with isobaric labelling offers a powerful tool for the in-depth and quantitative characterisation of protein interactome dynamics, which is applicable to clinical samples