5,955 research outputs found

    Modeling of radiation damage in silicon solar cells

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    One MeV electron irradiation produces preponderantly isolated vacancy interstitial pairs. If neither of these defects is mobile, the concentration of each grows linearly with fluence. Annealing of damage depends on the nature of the damage. Vacancy interstitial pairs which are bound by an interaction such that they mutually annihilate rather than dissociate are termed close pairs; close pair recovery usually occurs at a lower temperature than the temperature at which long distance defect migration occurs. Annealing of the remaining frozen in damage occurs when a temperature is reached where the vacancy or interstitial is mobile; usually the interstitial is more mobile than the vacancy. The recovery occurs in two regimes which may be resoluable

    Scientific basis for safely shutting in the Macondo Well after the April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout

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    As part of the government response to the Deepwater Horizon blowout, a Well Integrity Team evaluated the geologic hazards of shutting in the Macondo Well at the seafloor and determined the conditions under which it could safely be undertaken. Of particular concern was the possibility that, under the anticipated high shut-in pressures, oil could leak out of the well casing below the seafloor. Such a leak could lead to new geologic pathways for hydrocarbon release to the Gulf of Mexico. Evaluating this hazard required analyses of 2D and 3D seismic surveys, seafloor bathymetry, sediment properties, geophysical well logs, and drilling data to assess the geological, hydrological, and geomechanical conditions around the Macondo Well. After the well was successfully capped and shut in on July 15, 2010, a variety of monitoring activities were used to assess subsurface well integrity. These activities included acquisition of wellhead pressure data, marine multichannel seismic pro- files, seafloor and water-column sonar surveys, and wellhead visual/acoustic monitoring. These data showed that the Macondo Well was not leaking after shut in, and therefore, it could remain safely shut until reservoir pressures were suppressed (killed) with heavy drilling mud and the well was sealed with cement

    Vibration-based Health Monitoring of Earth Structures

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    Vibration-based health monitoring (VBHM) has successfully been used to assess the structural damage to bridges, buildings, aircraft, and rotating machinery. There is significant incentive to apply VBHM techniques to the damage detection and conditional assessment of earth structures (geostructures), e.g., foundations, dams, embankments, and tunnels, to improve design, construction, and performance. An experimental program was carried out to explore the efficacy of VBHM of earth structures. A vibratory roller compactor, instrumented with triaxial accelerometers to continuously measure drum and frame vibrations, was operated on a number of underlying material structures with varying properties. Time-domain and frequency-domain analyses of the coupled machine/earth structure response were performed to glean machine vibration features that reflect changes in underlying structural properties. Results illustrate that drum and frame acceleration amplitudes were fairly insensitive to changes in underlying media stiffness; however, drum acceleration frequency components (harmonics) were found to be sensitive to changes in underlying media and changes in soil properties during compaction. The strata underlying the soil undergoing compaction was found to strongly affect drum vibration characteristics.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    AFC-Enabled Vertical Tail System Integration Study

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    This document serves as the final report for the SMAAART AFC-Enabled Vertical Tail System Integration Study. Included are the ground rule assumptions which have gone into the study, layouts of the baseline and AFC-enabled configurations, critical sizing information, system requirements and architectures, and assumed system properties that result in an NPV assessment of the two candidate AFC technologies

    Ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, and climate change

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    This symposium was organized to study the unusual convergence of a number of observations, both short and long term that defy an integrated explanation. Of particular importance are surface temperature observations and observations of upper atmospheric temperatures, which have declined significantly in parts of the stratosphere. There has also been a dramatic decline in ozone concentration over Antarctica that was not predicted. Significant changes in precipitation that seem to be latitude dependent have occurred. There has been a threefold increase in methane in the last 100 years; this is a problem because a source does not appear to exist for methane of the right isotopic composition to explain the increase. These and other meteorological global climate changes are examined in detail

    The Phytogeography and Ecology of the Coastal Atacama and Peruvian Deserts

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    The Atacama and Peruvian Deserts form a continuous belt for more than 3500 km along the western escarpment of the Andes from northern Peru to northernmost Chile. These arid environments are due to a climatic regime dominated by the cool, north-flowing Humboldt (Peruvian) Current. Atmospheric conditions influenced by a stable, subtropical anticyclone result in a mild, uniform coastal climate nearly devoid of rain, but with the regular formation of thick stratus clouds below I 000 m during the winter months. Where coastal topography is low and flat, the clouds dissipate inward over broad areas with little biological impact. However, where isolated mountains or steep coastal slopes intercept the clouds, a fog-zone develops. This moisture allows the development of plant communities termed lomas formations. These floristic assemblages function as islands separated by hyperarid habitat devoid of plant life. Since growth is dependent upon available moisture, an understanding of climatic patterns is essential in efforts to interpret present-day plant distributions. Topography and substrate combine to influence patterns of moisture availability. The ecological requirements and tolerances of individual species ultimately determines community composition. Species endemism exceeds 40% and suggests that the lomas formations have evolved in isolation from their nearest geographic neighbors in the Andes. While the arid environment is continuous, there appears to be a significant barrier to dispersal between 18° and 22°S latitude in extreme northern Chile. Less than 7% of a total flora, estimated at nearly 1000 species, occur on both sides ofthis region. Viable hypotheses concerning the age and origins of these desert floras will require continued study of the ecology and biogeography of their component species

    Haemolysis and haem oxygenase-1 induction during persistent "asymptomatic" malaria infection in Burkinabé children

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    BACKGROUND: The haemolysis associated with clinical episodes of malaria results in the liberation of haem, which activates the enzyme haem oxygenase-1 (HO-1). HO-1 has been shown to reduce neutrophil function and increase susceptibility to invasive bacterial disease. However, the majority of community-associated malaria infections are subclinical, often termed "asymptomatic" and the consequences of low-grade haemolysis during subclinical malaria infection are unknown. STUDY DESIGN AND RESULTS: As part of an ongoing study of subclinical malaria in Burkina Faso, 23 children with subclinical Plasmodium falciparum infections (determined by qPCR) were compared with 21 village-matched uninfected control children. Infected children showed evidence of persistent haemolysis over 35 days, with raised plasma haem and HO-1 concentrations. Concentrations of IL-10, which can also directly activate HO-1, were also higher in infected children compared to uninfected children. Regression analysis revealed that HO-1 was associated with haemolysis, but not with parasite density, anaemia or IL-10 concentration. CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals that subclinical P. falciparum malaria infection is associated with sustained haemolysis and the induction of HO-1. Given the association between HO-1, neutrophil dysfunction and increased risk of Salmonella bacteraemia, prolonged HO-1 induction may explain epidemiological associations and geographic overlap between malaria and invasive bacterial disease. Further studies are needed to understand the consequences of persistent subclinical malaria infection, low-grade haemolysis and raised HO-1 on immune cell function and risk of comorbidities
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