1,611 research outputs found

    Topology-dependent density optima for efficient simultaneous network exploration

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    A random search process in a networked environment is governed by the time it takes to visit every node, termed the cover time. Often, a networked process does not proceed in isolation but competes with many instances of itself within the same environment. A key unanswered question is how to optimise this process: how many concurrent searchers can a topology support before the benefits of parallelism are outweighed by competition for space? Here, we introduce the searcher-averaged parallel cover time (APCT) to quantify these economies of scale. We show that the APCT of the networked symmetric exclusion process is optimised at a searcher density that is well predicted by the spectral gap. Furthermore, we find that non-equilibrium processes, realised through the addition of bias, can support significantly increased density optima. Our results suggest novel hybrid strategies of serial and parallel search for efficient information gathering in social interaction and biological transport networks.This work was supported by the EPSRC Systems Biology DTC Grant No. EP/G03706X/1 (D.B.W.), a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (R.E.B.), a Leverhulme Research Fellowship (R.E.B.), the BBSRC UK Multi-Scale Biology Network Grant No. BB/M025888/1 (R.E.B. and F.G.W.), and Trinity College, Cambridge (F.G.W.)

    Earthquake source parameters from GPS-measured static displacements with potential for real-time application

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    We describe a method for determining an optimal centroid–moment tensor solution of an earthquake from a set of static displacements measured using a network of Global Positioning System receivers. Using static displacements observed after the 4 April 2010, MW 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah, Mexico, earthquake, we perform an iterative inversion to obtain the source mechanism and location, which minimize the least-squares difference between data and synthetics. The efficiency of our algorithm for forward modeling static displacements in a layered elastic medium allows the inversion to be performed in real-time on a single processor without the need for precomputed libraries of excitation kernels; we present simulated real-time results for the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake. The only a priori information that our inversion scheme needs is a crustal model and approximate source location, so the method proposed here may represent an improvement on existing early warning approaches that rely on foreknowledge of fault locations and geometries

    A Comparative Study of Laplacians and Schroedinger-Lichnerowicz-Weitzenboeck Identities in Riemannian and Antisymplectic Geometry

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    We introduce an antisymplectic Dirac operator and antisymplectic gamma matrices. We explore similarities between, on one hand, the Schroedinger-Lichnerowicz formula for spinor bundles in Riemannian spin geometry, which contains a zeroth-order term proportional to the Levi-Civita scalar curvature, and, on the other hand, the nilpotent, Grassmann-odd, second-order \Delta operator in antisymplectic geometry, which in general has a zeroth-order term proportional to the odd scalar curvature of an arbitrary antisymplectic and torsionfree connection that is compatible with the measure density. Finally, we discuss the close relationship with the two-loop scalar curvature term in the quantum Hamiltonian for a particle in a curved Riemannian space.Comment: 55 pages, LaTeX. v2: Subsection 3.10 expanded. v3: Reference added. v4: Published versio

    Displacement of transport processes on networked topologies

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    Consider a particle whose position evolves along the edges of a network. One definition for the displacement of a particle is the length of the shortest path on the network between the current and initial positions of the particle. Such a definition fails to incorporate information of the actual path the particle traversed. In this work we consider another definition for the displacement of a particle on networked topologies. Using this definition, which we term the winding distance, we demonstrate that for Brownian particles, confinement to a network can induce a transition in the mean squared displacement from diffusive to ballistic behaviour, x2(t)t2\langle x^2(t) \rangle \propto t^2 for long times. A multiple scales approach is used to derive a macroscopic evolution equation for the displacement of a particle and uncover a topological condition for whether this transition in the mean squared displacement will occur. Furthermore, for networks satisfying this topological condition, we identify a prediction of the timescale upon which the displacement transitions to long-time behaviour. Finally, we extend the investigation of displacement on networks to a class of anomalously diffusive transport processes, where we find that the mean squared displacement at long times is affected by both network topology and the character of the transport process.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Quantized Nambu-Poisson Manifolds and n-Lie Algebras

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    We investigate the geometric interpretation of quantized Nambu-Poisson structures in terms of noncommutative geometries. We describe an extension of the usual axioms of quantization in which classical Nambu-Poisson structures are translated to n-Lie algebras at quantum level. We demonstrate that this generalized procedure matches an extension of Berezin-Toeplitz quantization yielding quantized spheres, hyperboloids, and superspheres. The extended Berezin quantization of spheres is closely related to a deformation quantization of n-Lie algebras, as well as the approach based on harmonic analysis. We find an interpretation of Nambu-Heisenberg n-Lie algebras in terms of foliations of R^n by fuzzy spheres, fuzzy hyperboloids, and noncommutative hyperplanes. Some applications to the quantum geometry of branes in M-theory are also briefly discussed.Comment: 43 pages, minor corrections, presentation improved, references adde

    Stochastic cycle selection in active flow networks

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    Active biological flow networks pervade nature and span a wide range of scales, from arterial blood vessels and bronchial mucus transport in humans to bacterial flow through porous media or plasmodial shuttle streaming in slime molds. Despite their ubiquity, little is known about the self-organization principles that govern flow statistics in such nonequilibrium networks. Here we connect concepts from lattice field theory, graph theory, and transition rate theory to understand how topology controls dynamics in a generic model for actively driven flow on a network. Our combined theoretical and numerical analysis identifies symmetry-based rules that make it possible to classify and predict the selection statistics of complex flow cycles from the network topology. The conceptual framework developed here is applicable to a broad class of biological and nonbiological far-from-equilibrium networks, including actively controlled information flows, and establishes a correspondence between active flow networks and generalized ice-type models. Keywords: networks; active transport; stochastic dynamics; topologyNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CBET-1510768

    Stochastic cycle selection in active flow networks.

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    Active biological flow networks pervade nature and span a wide range of scales, from arterial blood vessels and bronchial mucus transport in humans to bacterial flow through porous media or plasmodial shuttle streaming in slime molds. Despite their ubiquity, little is known about the self-organization principles that govern flow statistics in such nonequilibrium networks. Here we connect concepts from lattice field theory, graph theory, and transition rate theory to understand how topology controls dynamics in a generic model for actively driven flow on a network. Our combined theoretical and numerical analysis identifies symmetry-based rules that make it possible to classify and predict the selection statistics of complex flow cycles from the network topology. The conceptual framework developed here is applicable to a broad class of biological and nonbiological far-from-equilibrium networks, including actively controlled information flows, and establishes a correspondence between active flow networks and generalized ice-type models.This is the accepted manuscript. It is currently embargoed pending publication

    Finite-Difference Equations in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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    Relativistic Quantum Mechanics suffers from structural problems which are traced back to the lack of a position operator x^\hat{x}, satisfying [x^,p^]=i1^[\hat{x},\hat{p}]=i\hbar\hat{1} with the ordinary momentum operator p^\hat{p}, in the basic symmetry group -- the Poincar\'e group. In this paper we provide a finite-dimensional extension of the Poincar\'e group containing only one more (in 1+1D) generator π^\hat{\pi}, satisfying the commutation relation [k^,π^]=i1^[\hat{k},\hat{\pi}]=i\hbar\hat{1} with the ordinary boost generator k^\hat{k}. The unitary irreducible representations are calculated and the carrier space proves to be the set of Shapiro's wave functions. The generalized equations of motion constitute a simple example of exactly solvable finite-difference set of equations associated with infinite-order polarization equations.Comment: 10 LaTeX pages, final version, enlarged (2 more pages

    Twisted Self-Duality of Dimensionally Reduced Gravity and Vertex Operators

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    The Geroch group, isomorphic to the SL(2,R) affine Kac-Moody group, is an infinite dimensional solution generating group of Einstein's equations with two surface orthogonal commuting Killing vectors. We introduce another solution generating group for these equations, the dressing group, and discuss its connection with the Geroch group. We show that it acts transitively on a dense subset of moduli space. We use a new Lax pair expressing a twisted self-duality of this system and we study the dressing problem associated to it. We also describe how to use vertex operators to solve the reduced Einstein's equations. In particular this allows to find solutions by purely algebraic computations.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, Bonne Ann\'e