108 research outputs found

    Хвороби колосу у озимої пшениці лісостепу України

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    Наводяться результати вивчення видового складу збудників хвороб колосу і зерна озимої пшениці. В результаті мікологічного аналізу визначили, що мікофлора хворого колосся представлена такими видами грибів: Mucor mucedo, Penicilium viridicatum, P. expansum, Alternaria alternata, A. tenussima, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium sporotrichiella, F.oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F. culmorum, F. graminearum, F. gibbosum. Серед грибів роду Fusarium найбільш поширеним є F. graminearum. До даного захворювання виділені відносно стійкі сорти: Деметра, Ростиславна, Багіра, Сніжана.Приводятся результаты изучения видового состава возбудителей болезней колоса и семян озимой пшеницы. В результате микологического анализа определили, что микофлора больных колосьев представлена такими видами грибов: Mucor mucedo, Penicillium viridicatum, P. expansum, Alternaria alternata, A. tenussima, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium sporotrichiella, F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F culmorum, F. graminearum, F. gibbosum. Среди грибов рода Fusarium наиболее распространенным является F. graminearum. К даному заболеванию выделены относительно устойчивые сорта: Деметра, Ростиславна, Багира, Снижана.Results of studying specific composition of pathogens of winter wheat head and seeds are given. Resulted from mycological analyze it was determined that mycoflora of attacked ears consists of such fungi species as Mucor mucedo, Penicillium viridicatum, P. expansum, Alternaria alternata, A. tenussima, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium sporotrichiella, F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F. culmorum, F. graminearum, F. gibbosum. F. graminerum was the most widespread species among Fusarium genus. Comparatively resistant against these disease cultivars Demetra, Rostyslavna, Bagira, Snizhana were singled out

    Multimodal schedule design for synchromodal freight transport systems

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    Intermodal freight transport has been discussed for decades as an alternative to unimodal road transport. However, it still does not represent a significant portion of the total freight market. A new and promising possibility to improve the performance of freight systems is the synchromodal design of hinterland transport systems. A cornerstone for synchromodality is an integrated view in the design and operation of intermodal transport. A main benefit of this integrated view is an improved flexibility in mode choice in hinterland transport. This paper gives a detailed description of this integrated view for synchromodal freight transport. Based on this description, a mathematical model for designing service schedules for synchromodal freight transport systems is also presented. The benefits of providing integrated transport services compared to separately planned transport services are also discussed for a case in the hinterland network of the Port of Rotterdam

    From planning the port/city to planning the port-city : exploring the economic interface in European port cities

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    In last three decades, planning agencies of most ports have institutionally evolved into a (semi-) independent port authority. The rationale behind this process is that port authorities are able to react more quickly to changing logistical and spatial preferences of maritime firms, hence increasing the competitiveness of ports. Although these dedicated port authorities have proven to be largely successful, new economic, social, and environmental challenges are quickly catching up on these port governance models, and particularly leads to (spatial) policy ‘conflicts’ between port and city. This chapter starts by assessing this conflict and argue that the conflict is partly a result of dominant—often also academic—spatial representations of the port city as two separate entities. To escape this divisive conception of contemporary port cities, this chapter presents a relational visualisation method that is able to analyse the economic interface between port and city. Based on our results, we reflect back on our proposition and argue that the core challenge today for researchers and policy makers is acknowledging the bias of port/city, being arguably a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hence, we turn the idea of (planning the) port/city conflicts into planning the port-city’s strengths and weaknesses

    A review and analysis of the investment in, and cost structure of, intermodal rail terminals

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    The results presented in this article identify the role of costs in the scientific and grey freight terminal handling literature and analyses the handling costs of different terminal sizes. The literature review shows that handling costs only play a marginal role in the scientific research in intermodal rail freight terminals (IRT). This is remarkable given the large role costs occupy in decision-making in freight transport. Furthermore, the used cost levels show a wide range of proposed amounts and terminal sizes or handling technologies are seldom addressed. Finally, many of the scientific papers do not make it clear whether the average transhipment cost or market price is referred to. Next, the analysis of the investment in, and cost structure of, IRTs shows that IRT investments are very capital-intensive leading to relatively high average costs per handling. However, given the cost characteristics of IRTs, the average cost per handling represents the underlying cost structure and are – in this sense – representative. The cost analysis demonstrates that extra-large IRTs actually have the lowest average handling costs, followed by small IRTs.</p

    Spoilt - Ocean Cleanup: Alternative logistics chains to accommodate plastic waste recycling: An economic evaluation

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    Every year about 300 million tons of plastic is produced, resulting in more than five trillion plastic particles currently floating in the oceans five largest convergence zones. The Ocean Cleanup is testing a method to passively collect this floating plastic debris, transport, recycle, process and sell it. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate alternative logistics chains to accommodate ocean plastic waste recycling by connecting transport with data collection and data analytics. The scenarios are based on different geographical destinations, supply chain lengths and types, and offered local development opportunities. A new reverse logistics channel dedicated to the Ocean Cleanup is developed, as existing reverse logistics supply chains are not able to capture the specifics of the plastic waste collection. Performances of the different scenarios are assessed by collecting data (on plastic volumes collected from the Ocean, on usage of plastics as a resource, and on transport cost) and usage of a detailed integrated model which enables a performance comparison of different logistical structures on logistics costs and on plastics production outputs. The cheapest and most disappointing solution would be to do nothing. However, the analysis shows that more complicated logistic structures whereby the collected plastic waste is used to produce glasses, socks, and carpets can lead to sustainable business models for cleaning up the Oceans. If the focus would be only on cost, the best model would be to minimize the transport distance and focus on San Francisco as closest port for the selected gyre to be analyzed.</p

    Gevolgen nieuwe AAededingingswet voor commerciële samenwerking AAKB in de Nederlandse detailhandel

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    Gevolgen nieuwe AAededingingswet voor commerciële samenwerking AAKB in de Nederlandse detailhande

    The performance of intermodal inland waterway transport: Modeling conditions influencing its competitiveness

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    In Europe, numerous obstacles have been identified which prevent the (extensive) use of intermodal transport. A major motivation to promote intermodal transport is that its cost performance is often assumed better than road-only transport. Considering that the cost of transport services remains one of the most important criteria for the modal choice, the better cost performance of intermodal transport should be a major trigger to attract customers and to increase the market share of intermodal transport. However, despite that intermodal freight transport has developed into a mature industry over the last decades its market share is still modest. The relationship between costs and operations in the intermodal transport chain is often not well elaborated, leading to unclear results or even sometimes incorrect estimates. In this paper, we developed a model that is capable to calculate intermodal freight transport cost for any origin destination pair in Europe accessible by both intermodal inland waterway and road-only-mode road transport. Furthermore, we relate the level of transport cost to the effective transport operations (e.g. empty kilometers, capacity usage of terminals, etc.) in order to analyze the sensitivity of the respective transport cost elements for operations. By doing this it is possible to analyze to what extent intermodal freight transport is competitive with road-only transport in terms of transport cost and effective operations for any origin destination combination accessible by inland waterways and road.Transport & PlanningCivil Engineering and Geoscience