45 research outputs found

    Decision and Learning Style Sketch of Cultural Map of Student at University of Indonesia, Depok

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    Social environment influences human activities, which is formed by the relationship of the groups including its role set, which also affects human behavior. Human behavior within its social environment showed learning style and decision pattern. Group relationship included its individual role can be drawn into cultural map. The intention of this study is to explore the decision and learning style within the University of Indonesia in Depok. Data were collected through questionnaire distribution in three faculties of the University of Indonesia. The result showed a cultural map in decision with dominant egalitarian decision and another cultural map with logical learning style within the University of Indonesia, Depok.     Keywords: social environment, learning style, decision-making, cultural ma

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Situasional dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Komitmen dan Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin Muhammadiyah Tuban

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    Hospitals as one form of business services for the community-oriented services in the field of health care is not much different form other endeavors. Understanding of the hospital is an institution of health care professionals whose services are provided by doctors, nurses and other health experts. Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin Muhammadiyah Tuban located at Jalan Diponegoro No. 1 Tuban with type "C". This study aims to prove and analyze the theory of situational leadership styles and motivation as applied to Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin Muhammadiyah Tuban does have a significant relationship with commitment and job performance of employees Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin Muhammadiyah Tuban. The population of this study are employees of Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin Muhammadiyah Tuban. Sampling was conducted with a total sampling / census of the employees Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin Muhammadiyah Tuban, as many as 120 people and responded to as many as 114 pieces or 95% of the total workforce Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin Muhammadiyah Tuban. Data collected through questionnaires and then processed using the Stuctural Equation Modelling operated through the program insisted AMOS 16.0.Finally, this study provides recommendations to Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin Muhammadiyah Tuban evaluation materials and standards to regulate or manage the hospital employee with either through the application of situational leadership style, and compliance with the appropriate motivation. As well as for academics in order to make the study materials that will enrich the science, particularly related to the situational leadership style, work motivation, employee commitment, and job performance of employees


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas biodiesel hasil transesterifikasi minyak ikan lemuru yang diperoleh dari hasil samping industri pengalengan dan penepungan ikan. Pembuatan biodiesel dilakukan secara kalatilitik melalui tahapan esterifikasi, transesterifikasi, pencucian biodiesel dan pemanasan. Transesterifikasi dilakukan menggunakan metanol dengan perbandingan molar minyak ikan dengan metanol sebesar 1:3, 1:4 dan 1:5. Pengujian biodiesel menggunakan standard SNI 04-7182-2006. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa densitas biodiesel pada suhu 40oC dan titik nyala pada berbagai perlakuan menghasilkan nilai yang sama yaitu 0,87 g/ml, dan 166 0C. Kandungan air dan sedimen juga menunjukkan nilai yang sama yaitu <0,05 % v/v pada berbagai perlakuan. Bilangan saponifikasi pada perbandingan molar minyak dengan metanol 1:3, 1:4 dan 1:5 masing-masing sebesar 182,16; 182,16 dan 181,16 mg KOH/g, kandungan gliserol bebas masing-masing sebesar 0,0037; 0,0051 dan 0,0031% w/w, sedangkan bilangan asam total pada perlakuan yang sama menunjukkan nilai masing-masing sebesar 0,189; 0,188 dan 0,189 mg KOH/g. Kandungan gliserol total pada perbandingan molar minyak dengan metanol 1:3, 1:4 dan 1:5 masing-masing sebesar 0,135; 0,138 dan 0,121 % w/w dan kandungan ester masing-masing sebesar 98,50; 98,51 dan 98,68 % w. Semua parameter kualitas biodiesel tersebut sesuai dengan persyaratan kualitas biodiesel pada SNI 04-7182-200

    On The Implementation of ZFS (Zettabyte File System) Storage System

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    Digital data storage is very critical in computer systems. Storage devices used to store data may at any time suffer from damage caused by its lifetime, resource failure or factory defects. Such damage may lead to loss of important data. The risk of data loss in the event of device damage can be minimized by building a storage system that supports redundancy. The design of storage based on ZFS (Zettabyte File System) aims at building a storage system that supports redundancy and data integrity without requiring additional RAID controllers. When the system fails on one of its hard drive, the stored data remains secure and data integrity is kept assured. In addition to providing redundancy, the ZFS-based storage system also supports data compression for savings on storage space. The results show that the ZFS with LZ4 compression has the highest read and write speed. For real benchmark, there is no significant difference in reading speed for a variety of different variables, whereas a significant increase in speed occurs when writing compressible files on the ZFS system with compression configuration

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.) Dalam Pakan Terhadap Penampilan Produksi Itik Hibrida

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    This research was conducted to investigate the effect of noni fruit powder (Morinda citrifolia .L.) addition in feed on production performance of hybrid ducks such as feed consumption, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. Ninety six 14-days old hybrid ducks were used in this research. The hybrid duck was reared until 54-days old. The research method was experimental using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and six replications, each replication consisted of four hybrid ducks. The treatments consisted of P0 (Basal feed), P1 (Basal feed + 1% noni fruit powder), P2 (Basal feed + 2% noni fruit powder) and P3 (Basal feed + 3% noni fruit powder). The data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued by Duncan's multiple range test if there were significantly different results. The results showed that noni fruit powder did not give significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on production performance of hybrid ducks such as feed consumption, body weight gain and feed conversion rate. The research concluded that supplementation of noni fruit powder (Morinda citrifolia L.) in feed up to level 3% did not significantly increase production performance of hybrid ducks. However, the addition of noni fruit powder (Morinda citrifolia L.) at the level of 2% showed the best results on feed consumption (4508.79 ± 106.22), body weight gain (1006.29 ± 36.14) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) (4.49 ± 0.24)

    On Implementing Wireless Smart Egg-Laying Hens Coop Control System

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    Egg-laying hens are a type of chicken that are articularly vulnerable to the risk of stress impacting on reducing the amount of egg production. Proper feeding schedule and coop temperature are two important factors in reducing such a risk. A chicken farm usually has many coops and scattered over several places requiring a lot of labors for maintenance. Advances in science and technology, especially in computer and embedded systems offer various solutions to address such an issue by automating the coops of egg-laying hens, so that labors can be greatly reduced. This paper proposed a remote automation system that employs Arduino Mega 2560 board as the central control system, equipped with a Wi-Fi module ESP8266 for remote accessibility, an electromechanical relay for controlling heating bulbs on and off, servo motor as the actuator for food container’s lid. The system uses DHT11 sensor to read room temperature and HC-SR04 sensor to read distance that relates to the food availability in coops. The result of this research is the system capable of automating the coops that can be remotely controlled through the Blynk application on an Android device. Error measured from this system is ±2C in temperature readings and 0 cm in reading distance. The actuator of food container’s lid test shows a considerably linear result between open time and the amount of food being released

    Performance Comparisons of Web Server Load Balancing Algorithms on HAProxy and Heartbeat

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    Popular websites such as Google and Facebook are accessed by an extremely large clients and providing such clients only with a single web server is absolutely insufficient. To support service availability, two or more servers are required. This, however, needs a load balancing system. A load balancing server receives web traffic and distributes the requests to such multiple servers. Load balancing can be implemented with special hardware, software or a combination of both. The purpose of this research is to develop a load balancing system with HAProxy as a software-based load balancer and Heartbeat as failover software. The research also provides comparisons of the performance of several balancing algorithms on the system. The results show that without a load balancer, the load cannot equally be distributed. The system average failover time when an active server down is 10ms. The Leastconn algorithm, in general, outperformed the Round-Robin and Source algorithms in terms of connection rate, response time, throughput, and failed connection

    Kemampuan Isolataktinomisetes Menghasilkan Enzim yang Dapatmerusak Kulit Telur Nematoda Puru-Akar Meloidogyne Spp.

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    Soil microbes including actinomycetes are known to produce various hydrolytic enzymes and antibiotics that can be used as biological controlling agents nematode. Therefore, surveys conducted in several areas in Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java, to search for actinomycetes with chitinolytic, proteolytic, and chitino-proteolytic activity. Isolation of Actinomycetes produced 84 isolates, and most was obtained from shrimp head waste (26 isolates). After the selection based on their ability to hydrolyze chitines and protein in the medium, those whith the highest chitin and protein hydrolysis activity, are consecutive PSJ 27, TL 8, and TL 10 isolates. Test results of crude enzyme produced by selected isolates against root-knot nematode eggshell, showed that the isolates that have chitino-proteolytic activity (TL 10), is a highly effective isolate in damage eggshell. There are three types of damage to the nematode eggs. In the young eggs, crude enzyme preparation causing damage on vitelline and chitin layers. In the older eggs, preparation of crude enzyme cause premature hatching. Sebagian mikrobia tanah, termasuk aktinomisetes, diketahui mampu menghasilkan berbagai enzim hidrolitik dan antibiotik yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai agens pengendalian hayati nematoda. Oleh karena itu,survei dilakukan di beberapa daerah di Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur untuk mencari aktinomisetes yang mempunyai aktivitas kitinolitik, proteolitik dan kitino-proteolitik. Isolasi aktinomisetes menghasilkan 84 isolat, dan yang terbanyak diperoleh dari limbah kepala udang (26 isolat). Setelah dilakukan seleksi berdasarkan kemampuannya menghidrolisis kitin dan protein dalam medium, yang mempunyai aktivitas hidrolisis protein, kitin, protein dan kitin tertinggi berturut-turut adalah isolat PSJ 27, TL 8, dan TL 10. Hasil uji enzim kasar yang dihasilkan isolat terpilih terhadap Perusakan kulit telur nematoda puru-akar menunjukkan bahwa isolat yang memiliki aktivitas kitino-proteolitik (TL10) merupakan isolat yang sangat efektif dalam merusak kulit telur.Terdapat tiga tipe kerusakan pada telur nematoda. Sediaan enzim kasar menyebabkan kerusakan atau terkoyaknya lapisan vitelin dan lapisan kitin pada telur muda. Pada telur yang sudah tua, sedĂ­aan enzim kasar menyebabkan pecahnya lapisan kulit telur yang menyebabkan penetasan yang prematu